1,417 research outputs found

    Neural Machine Translation by Generating Multiple Linguistic Factors

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    Factored neural machine translation (FNMT) is founded on the idea of using the morphological and grammatical decomposition of the words (factors) at the output side of the neural network. This architecture addresses two well-known problems occurring in MT, namely the size of target language vocabulary and the number of unknown tokens produced in the translation. FNMT system is designed to manage larger vocabulary and reduce the training time (for systems with equivalent target language vocabulary size). Moreover, we can produce grammatically correct words that are not part of the vocabulary. FNMT model is evaluated on IWSLT'15 English to French task and compared to the baseline word-based and BPE-based NMT systems. Promising qualitative and quantitative results (in terms of BLEU and METEOR) are reported.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figues, SLSP conferenc

    Responsabilité et environnement : Questionner l’usage amateur des pesticides

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    Près de 10 000 tonnes de produits phytosanitaires (soit 8% de la consommation nationale) sont répandus chaque année dans les jardins des particuliers en France. Si de nombreuses recherches se sont intéressées (et s’intéressent encore) aux usages agricoles des pesticides et à leurs impacts sanitaires et environnementaux, il s’avère, important d’interroger les usages domestiques et notamment ceux des jardiniers amateurs pour plusieurs raisons: la faible superficie d’application, les types de surfaces traitées, et les pratiques et conditions d’utilisation génèrent des risques de pollution et des risques sanitaires au même titre que les usages agricoles. Par ailleurs, ces usages des pesticides pour l’entretien du jardin interpellent particulièrement dans un contexte marqué par une forte stigmatisation de ces substances et une conscientisation grandissante à l’égard des problèmes qu’elles soulèvent.Mais à qui incombe la responsabilité de prévenir ces risques intervenant dans la sphère privée? Aux pouvoirs publics qui devraient légiférer pour limiter voire interdire la vente et l’usage? Aux fabricants qui devraient mettre sur le marché des produits plus « doux »? Aux distributeurs qui devraient délivrer des conseils de qualité ou mettre sous clé les substances les plus préoccupantes? Aux jardiniers eux-mêmes qui devraient raisonner leurs utilisations et se soucier de leurs conséquences?En posant comme toile de fond de notre analyse, une société où l’individu occupe une place centrale et où l'injonction à une responsabilité individuelle semble de plus en plus marquée, notamment dans le domaine de l'environnement, notre communication s’attachera à discuter, à travers un objet de recherche original, cette notion de responsabilité et l’hypothèse de son usage nouveau par l'autorité publique qui donnerait à voir une façon nouvelle de gouverner, davantage orientée qu’auparavant vers une autorégulation individuelle des problèmes d’environnement.About 10000 tons of phytosanitary products (8 % of the national consumption) are spread every year in the gardens of the private individuals in France. If numerous researches were interested (and are still interested) in the agricultural manners of pesticides and in their sanitary and environmental impacts, it turns out important to question domestic uses in particular those of the amateur gardeners for several reasons: the weak surface of application, the types of treated surfaces, and the practices and the conditions of use, generate risks of pollution and sanitary risks in the same way as the agricultural manners. Besides, these manners of pesticides for the maintenance of the garden call particularly in a context marked by a strong stigmatization of these substances and a growing awareness towards the problems which they raise.But to whom falls the responsibility for preventing these risks occurring in the private sphere? To the authorities which should legislate to limit even to forbid the sale and the use? To the manufacturers who should launch on the market products more "soft"? To the distributors who should deliver quality advice or to put under key the most worrisome substances? To the gardeners who should reason with their uses and to care about their consequences?By resting as backcloth of our analysis, a society where the individual occupies a central place and where the order in an individual responsibility seems more and more marked, in particular in the environment domain, our communication will attempt to discuss, through an original research object, this notion of responsibility and the hypothesis of its new custom by the public authority which would give to see a new way of governing, more directed than previously to an individual autoregulation of the problems of environment

    Multimodal Grounding for Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Recognition

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    Humans are capable of processing speech by making use of multiple sensory modalities. For example, the environment where a conversation takes place generally provides semantic and/or acoustic context that helps us to resolve ambiguities or to recall named entities. Motivated by this, there have been many works studying the integration of visual information into the speech recognition pipeline. Specifically, in our previous work, we propose a multistep visual adaptive training approach which improves the accuracy of an audio-based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. This approach, however, is not end-to-end as it requires fine-tuning the whole model with an adaptation layer. In this paper, we propose novel end-to-end multimodal ASR systems and compare them to the adaptive approach by using a range of visual representations obtained from state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks. We show that adaptive training is effective for S2S models leading to an absolute improvement of 1.4% in word error rate. As for the end-to-end systems, although they perform better than baseline, the improvements are slightly less than adaptive training, 0.8 absolute WER reduction in single-best models. Using ensemble decoding, end-to-end models reach a WER of 15% which is the lowest score among all systems.Comment: ICASSP 201

    Antennes-relais, panneaux photovoltaïques, publicités lumineuses : quelle place pour une propriété en marge de la copropriété

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    Contribution issue des actes du colloque La copropriĂ©tĂ© Ă  la croisĂ©e de l'entre-soi et de l'individualisme organisĂ© le 20 juin 2014, dans le cadre des activitĂ©s de recherche du Centre de Recherche en Droit PrivĂ© (CRDP, EA 2116),  par la FacultĂ© de droit, d'Ă©conomie et de sciences sociales de Tours de l'UniversitĂ© François-Rabelais, en lien avec son Master 2 «Gestion et promotion de l'immeuble».International audienc

    Online and live regular poker players: Do they differ in impulsive sensation seeking and gambling practice?

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    Background and aims Online gambling appears to have special features, such as anonymity, speed of play and permanent availability, which may contribute to the facilitation and increase in gambling practice, potentially leading to problem gambling. The aims of this study were to assess sociodemographic characteristics, gambling practice and impulsive sensation seeking among a population of regular poker players with different levels of gambling intensity and to compare online and live players. Methods 245 regular poker players (180 online players and 65 live players) completed online self-report scales assessing sociodemographic data, pathological gambling (SOGS), gambling practice (poker questionnaire) and impulsive sensation seeking (ImpSS). We used SOGS scores to rank players according to the intensity of their gambling practice (non-pathological gamblers, problem gamblers and pathological gamblers). Results All poker players displayed a particular sociodemographic profile: they were more likely to be young men, executives or students, mostly single and working full-time. Online players played significantly more often whereas live players reported significantly longer gambling sessions. Sensation seeking was high across all groups, whereas impulsivity significantly distinguished players according to the intensity of gambling. Discussion Our results show the specific profile of poker players. Both impulsivity and sensation seeking seem to be involved in pathological gambling, but playing different roles. Sensation seeking may determine interest in poker whereas impulsivity may be involved in pathological gambling development and maintenance. Conclusions This study opens up new research perspectives and insights into preventive and treatment actions for pathological poker players

    LIUM Machine Translation Systems for WMT17 News Translation Task

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    This paper describes LIUM submissions to WMT17 News Translation Task for English-German, English-Turkish, English-Czech and English-Latvian language pairs. We train BPE-based attentive Neural Machine Translation systems with and without factored outputs using the open source nmtpy framework. Competitive scores were obtained by ensembling various systems and exploiting the availability of target monolingual corpora for back-translation. The impact of back-translation quantity and quality is also analyzed for English-Turkish where our post-deadline submission surpassed the best entry by +1.6 BLEU.Comment: News Translation Task System Description paper for WMT1

    NMTPY: A Flexible Toolkit for Advanced Neural Machine Translation Systems

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    In this paper, we present nmtpy, a flexible Python toolkit based on Theano for training Neural Machine Translation and other neural sequence-to-sequence architectures. nmtpy decouples the specification of a network from the training and inference utilities to simplify the addition of a new architecture and reduce the amount of boilerplate code to be written. nmtpy has been used for LIUM's top-ranked submissions to WMT Multimodal Machine Translation and News Translation tasks in 2016 and 2017.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Alissa J. Hartig, Connecting Language and Disciplinary Knowledge in English for Specific Purposes: Case studies in law

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    This book, which explores the relationship between linguistic and disciplinary knowledge, belongs to the “New Perspectives on Language and Education” series co-edited by two major professors of language-in-education, Viv Edwards, from the University of Reading, United Kingdom, and Phan Le Ha, from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States. Alissa Hartig’s study is truly international in scope: it examines the development of international students’ legal writing competence, builds on he..
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