1 research outputs found
- Author
- Afuah
- Ahmed
- Allard-Poesi
- Alshawi
- Alvesson
- Ames
- Amit
- Argyris
- Athey
- Ayas
- Baker
- Baleicher
- Barber
- Barley
- Barney
- Barrett
- Barrett
- Barrett
- Barthorpe
- Bates
- Baumard
- Becher
- Bhatt
- Bilderbeek
- Blackler
- Blackler
- Bollinger
- Bontis
- Boström
- Breakwell
- Brown
- Burgelman
- Carrillo
- Carter
- Chaharbaghi
- Chase
- Chaston
- Chaston
- Chua
- Churchill
- Civil Engineering Research Foundation (CERF)
- Clarke
- Clippinger
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Coleman
- Collins
- Collis
- Construction Industry Council (CIC)
- Cunningham
- Das
- Davenport
- Davenport
- Day
- De Long
- Denzin
- Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
- Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
- Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
- Despres
- Dougherty
- Drucker
- Drucker
- Eden
- Egan
- Egbu
- Empson
- Fairclough
- Fiol
- Fontana
- Forss
- Freeman
- Gann
- Gann
- Gann
- Gann
- Ghemawat
- Glückler
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Green
- Grönroos
- Gupta
- Gurran
- Hadjimanolis
- Harty
- Henderson
- Hendry
- Hildreth
- Hill
- Holmqvist
- Hussey
- Håkanson
- Ibarra
- Imai
- Itami
- Jick
- Kandampully
- Keegan
- Knapp
- Knock
- Knott
- Kotler
- Kotler
- Kotler
- Kululanga
- Landry
- Latham
- Lee
- Leedy
- Leonard-Barton
- Leonard-Barton
- Loosemore
- Lu
- Luhmann
- Løwendahl
- MacDuffie
- Maister
- Mansfield
- March
- March
- Miles
- Miles
- Miozzo
- Morris
- Mukherjee
- Muller
- Nanda
- Neilson
- Nonaka
- Nonaka
- Nonaka
- Nooteboom
- Nordhaug
- Oppenheim
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Orr
- Penrose
- Peters
- Polanyi
- Polanyi
- Porter
- Porter
- Porter
- Prenciple
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Rabey
- Raich
- Richards
- Robertson
- Rogers
- Rothwell
- Rothwell
- Rothwell
- Royer
- Schneider
- Scott
- Sexton
- Sexton
- Sexton
- Sexton
- Shapero
- Shelton
- Simon
- Simon
- Slaughter
- Stake
- Stalk
- Starbuck
- Stewart
- Storey
- Sundbo
- Sundbo
- Susman
- Sveiby
- Synder
- Takeuchi
- Tampoe
- Tapscott
- Teece
- The Society of British Aerospace Companies (SBAC)
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Turner
- van de Ven
- Vogt
- von Hippel
- Vyakarnam
- Walsh
- Warglien
- Wasko
- Weber
- Wheatley
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winch
- Woiceshyn
- Wood
- Wood
- Yin
- Yin
- Yli-Renko
- Young
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study