25 research outputs found

    Beta-cell mass adaptation to ileum nutrient flow. An experimental model

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    The population with obesity has increased at an alarming rate during this century. Bariatric surgery has been demonstrated to be a good method to control weight and, most importantly, associated comorbidities, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure. The reason why this happens even before losing significant weight remains unclear. Many authors believe that incretins play a main role, triggering special functions of the digestive tract. In reports, these hypotheses are known as foregut and hindgut theories. Initially, the theories were mutually exclusive; additionally, many other propositions have been analysed, according to different surgical techniques (e.g., bile acids and specific enterohormonal components). To elucidate the participation of the ileum, we developed a surgical technique to study the rapid response to nutrients in the ileum. Our goal was to study the stress functional test and histological changes in the pancreas that may explain the variations in glycaemic homeostasis in our rat model. After the oral glucose tolerance test, the experimental group presented an increased insulin release response with conserved glycaemia. We report an increasing beta-cell mass in the experimental group (+11.87 mg vs. +9.65 mg, respectively), while alpha-cell mass was not different. Based on transcription factors, the pathways that were increased were the proliferation process (as the number of PCNA-positive cells in the experimental group versus sham (+12.06 vs. +6.2 PCNA+ cells/mm2)) and transdifferentiation (ARX; +2.67 ARX+ cells/mm2 in the experimental group vs. +2.04 ARX+ cells/mm2 in the controls). We report the consequences of the rapid arrival of nonprocessed nutrients to the ileum on the endocrine cellular pancreas. The ileum could be a principal effector in the enterohormonal axis, which conditions endocrine pancreas cellularit

    Broadband Multi-wavelength Properties of M87 during the 2017 Event Horizon Telescope Campaign

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    Abstract: In 2017, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration succeeded in capturing the first direct image of the center of the M87 galaxy. The asymmetric ring morphology and size are consistent with theoretical expectations for a weakly accreting supermassive black hole of mass ∼6.5 × 109 M ⊙. The EHTC also partnered with several international facilities in space and on the ground, to arrange an extensive, quasi-simultaneous multi-wavelength campaign. This Letter presents the results and analysis of this campaign, as well as the multi-wavelength data as a legacy data repository. We captured M87 in a historically low state, and the core flux dominates over HST-1 at high energies, making it possible to combine core flux constraints with the more spatially precise very long baseline interferometry data. We present the most complete simultaneous multi-wavelength spectrum of the active nucleus to date, and discuss the complexity and caveats of combining data from different spatial scales into one broadband spectrum. We apply two heuristic, isotropic leptonic single-zone models to provide insight into the basic source properties, but conclude that a structured jet is necessary to explain M87’s spectrum. We can exclude that the simultaneous γ-ray emission is produced via inverse Compton emission in the same region producing the EHT mm-band emission, and further conclude that the γ-rays can only be produced in the inner jets (inward of HST-1) if there are strongly particle-dominated regions. Direct synchrotron emission from accelerated protons and secondaries cannot yet be excluded

    The Teaching of Surface Anatomy by Body Painting

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    The present project on learning surface anatomy through the body painting method was undertaken because anatomical knowledge supports medical practice. The appropriate anatomical training of the doctor depends on surface anatomy. We considered the renovation of teaching strategies and didactic resources to optimize the overall teaching-learning process. 189 first-year medical students, enrolled in the Trunk and Splanchnology course at the University of Cadiz (Spain) participated in this study. Students were divided into 5 groups each of 38-41 students. The students were asked to complete a satisfaction questionnaire supplied to each participant through an on-line platform. On the basis of the results, we recommend the body painting method as an alternative tool for learning surface and clinical anatomy

    Una nueva técnica quirúrgica focalizada en el estudio del íleon: la transposición preduodenal del íleon

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    Aims: Our main goal is to study the effects on the carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, we designed various experimental surgical models on healthy non-obese Wistar rats to reproduce several conditions. In this sense, we report a new experimental model. It is well known that bariatric surgery has important effects on the control of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The underlying reasons are yet unknown, although the different theories focused in the release of different hormones after the pass of the nutrients through the tract. These released hormones have opposite effects that come together in a balanced glycemic metabolism. Materials and methods: After bariatric surgical techniques, the modified anatomy resulted in an imbalance of the secreted hormones. Wistar rats were randomized in two groups Sham and surgical group. Our model consisted on the transposition of the terminal ileum right after the pylorus. Weight gain, food intake, and basal glycemia were measured weekly. Results: We did not obtain significant differences between both groups for these functional variables. Conclusions: This technique involved an early pass of the bolus through the ileum. The change on the luminal pH, along with the lack of enzymes to absorb the content, or the changes in the release of several hormones must be variables to the study. The mortality rate was assumable considering it was an experimental model on animals.Objetivo: Crear un nuevo modelo quirúrgico experimental en ratas Wistar sanas no obesas para estudiar los efectos del metabolismo glucídico. Es bien sabido que las técnicas de cirugía bariátrica tienen un efecto importante sobre la resolución de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se han invocado diferentes hipótesis, algunas centradas en el papel que tienen distintas hormonas secretadas por el propio tubo digestivo tras el paso de los nutrientes a su través, pero las razones últimas subyacentes permanecen desconocidas. El efecto contrapuesto de dichas hormonas consigue un efecto de control glucémico. El desequilibrio hormonal tras las alteraciones anatómicas de las cirugías bariátricas podría estar en la base de dicha mejora del metabolismo glucídico final. Material y métodos: Las ratas fueron operadas en dos grupos (control quirúrgico y experimental) y se procedió a disponerles el íleon anastomosado al antro pilórico, previo al esfínter pilórico. Medimos distintos parámetros funcionales (ganancia de peso, ingesta y glucemias semanales). Resultados: No obtuvimos diferencias significativas en la evolución de estos parámetros. Conclusiones: Este modelo será útil para nuestro propósito de estudiar el íleon, en su componente secretor de enterohormonas, cuando el paso de los nutrientes se produzca tempranamente. La mortalidad fue asumible, dada la innovación técnica realizada

    The Leading Role of Peptide Tyrosine Tyrosine in Glycemic Control After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in Rats.

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    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is one of the most effective surgical therapies for the rapid resolution of type 2 diabetes. However, the mechanisms underlying the entero-hormonal response after surgery and the role of peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY) in the restoration of normoglycemia are still not clear. We reproduced the RYGB technique in Wistar and Goto-Kakizaki rats and performed serum hormonal, histological, and hormonal-infusion test. Using the diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat model, we demonstrated that PYY plasma levels showed a remarkable peak approximately 30 min earlier than GLP-1 or GIP after mixed-meal administration in RYGB-operated rats with PYY. The GLP-1 and GIP areas under the curve (AUCs) increased after RYGB in GK rats. Additionally, the findings suggested that PYY (3-36) infusion led to increased GLP-1 and GIP plasma levels close to those obtained after a meal. Finally, the number of GLP-1-positive cells appeared to increase in the three segments of the small intestine in GK-RYGB-operated rats beyond the early presence of nutrient stimulation in the ileum. Nevertheless, PYY-positive cell numbers appeared to increase only in the ileum. At least in rats, these data demonstrate an earlier essential role for PYY in gut hormone regulation after RYGB. We understand that PYY contributes to GLP-1 and GIP release and there must be the existence of enteroendocrine communication routes between the distal and proximal small intestine

    The Controversial Participation of GLP-1 in the Physiological Mechanisms Unchained After Bariatric Surgery

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    Numerous hypotheses are invoked to explain the beneficial effect on glucose metabolism after bariatric surgery. Some authors advocate for the secretion and release of various substances with endocrine functions (enterohormones). One of the substances most marked as effector, with contrasting effects but controversial data, is Glucagon-like peptide-1 GLP-1. Our study was performed in healthy male Wistar rats, to avoid the absence of confounding factors such as DMT2 and obesity. In order to know the map of adaptation to GLP-1 secretion after surgery, five groups were designated: Two control groups (fasting and surgical stress); and three surgical groups (vertical sleeve gastrectomy, 50 % midgut resection and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass). After three months, the GLP-1 synthesis pattern was studied by immunohistochemical techniques in the different portions of the small digestive tract. The expression of membrane receptors in pancreatic islet cells was also studied. There was a significant increase in the number of secretory cells in ileum, duodenum and jejunum in mixed surgical (RYGB) and malabsorptive (RI50) groups. An elevation of pancreatic receptors was also observed in the same techniques against controls. Our data indicated that intestinal secretion of GLP-1 and its sensitivity to the pancreatic level were increased, both to an adaptive effect to the mechanical aggression of the digestive tube and to the alteration of nutrient flow after surgery

    Bariatric surgery influences β-Cell turnover in non obese rats

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    Background. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between the different bariatric surgeries and pancreatic β-cell turnover. Material and Methods. We used healthy adult male Wistar rats to undergo the different techniques. Three surgical techniques were developed (malabsorptive, Sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-Y Gastric Bypass-), together with two control groups (Sham and fasting control). Pancreatic β-cell mass was measured, as well as apoptosis, proliferation and neogenesis related to cellular turnover. Otherwise, we measured the functional issues to elucidate the physiological role that these surgical techniques trigger in the carbohydrate metabolism (e.g. food intake, weight gain, intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, and basal glycaemia). Results included the differences in phenotypes of the rat after the surgery. The rats did not show important differences in glycaemic parameters between the surgical groups. The β-cell mass presented modifications related with proliferation processes. A significant increase of β-cell mass in the malabsorptive technique was reported. On the other hand, the peripheral resistance to insulin tended to be reduced in rats which underwent malabsorptive and mixed techniques. Conclusion. This work showed an increase in β-cell mass after the resection of an important portion of small bowel. The Roux-Y Gastric Bypass produced a non-significant increase in β-cell mass. We considered that these implications of surgery over the endocrine pancreas must be one of the mechanisms related to the improvement of type 2 Diabetes mellitus following bariatric surgery

    Pancreas is a preeminent source of ghrelin after sleeve gastrectomy in Wistar rats

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    Many surgical techniques are employed in the treatment of severe obesity. A main consequence of these techniques is the improvement of type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Ghrelin is a gut hormone released in the gastric fundus and corpus, which has been related to diabetic improvement as mentioned in these papers. Sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass are surgical techniques broadly employed in humans; both severely reduce the gastric surface. Paradoxically, the serum level of ghrelin in patients is preserved. We hypothesized about the role of embryonic pancreatic epsilon cells, which have the capacity to release ghrelin. We studied the changes in the epsilon cells and differentiation markers with immunostaining and ghrelin serum level and after surgery. We employed euglycemic male Wistar rats: two surgical groups (Sleeve gastrectomy and Roux- en Y Gastric Bypass) and two control groups. We reported a significant increase of ghrelin epsilon-cells in the pancreas and basal serum after Sleeve gastrectomy versus the control groups. The epsilon cellular increment was related to neogenesis, as the neurogenin-3 marker revealed. The Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass showed neither epsilon cell increase nor basal serum changes in ghrelin release. As a conclusion, we reported that the severe suppression of the fundus gastric produced the recovery of ghrelin released by the epsilon cells, which was indicative of an ontogenic embryonic pancreatic functio