59 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad de las entidades bancarias ante el consumidor

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    Fil: Porthé, Luis Ignacio. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; ArgentinaEl presente trabajo ha obtenido el segundo premio en el V Concurso de Ensayos ?Dr. Ignacio Winizky? de Derecho Empresarial, organizado por Lecciones y Ensayos. El autor se ha hecho acreedor de 50 (cincuenta) horas en cursos a su elección del Departamento de Posgrado de nuestra casa, libros del fondo editorial del Departamento de Publicaciones y la publicación de estas página

    Estimación del efecto de la segregación ocupacional por género en el ingreso laboral

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    La idea de esta tesis es estimar el efecto de la segregación ocupacional por género en el ingreso laboral horario promedio en Argentina. Es decir, cómo se ve afectado el ingreso horario promedio de una ocupación a medida que aumenta la proporción de mujeres en la misma

    Occupational health of immigrant workers in Spain (ITSAL Project): key informants survey

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    Objetivo: Caracterizar colectivos de inmigrantes trabajadores en España y conocer sus condiciones de salud laboral mediante informantes clave. Método: Estudio cualitativo exploratorio-descriptivo con entrevistas en profundidad realizado en 2006. Se identificaron organizaciones, asociaciones y colectivos relacionados con la población inmigrante en Alicante, Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid y Valencia, y se seleccionaron los más accesibles y representativos. Se entrevistó a 43 informantes clave procedentes de 34 asociaciones u organismos. Se realizó un análisis narrativo del contenido. Resultados: Se señalan dificultades para el reconocimiento de los daños a la salud derivados del trabajo por las situaciones de irregularidad y precariedad, por resistencia por parte de los contratadores o las entidades aseguradoras, y por desconocimiento de los inmigrantes. Los informantes coinciden en que los riesgos laborales en los inmigrantes no difieren de los riesgos de los trabajadores autóctonos en similares circunstancias, pero los inmigrantes padecerían exposiciones más frecuentes e intensas por el acceso mayoritario a puestos menos cualificados y por la necesidad de prolongar las jornadas de trabajo. También se destaca su desconocimiento general en relación con los derechos de protección y de salud en el trabajo, aunque algunos informantes detectan un crecimiento de su actividad reivindicativa a través de los sindicatos. Conclusiones: Este primer acercamiento ha permitido definir algunos condicionantes generales que influirán en la salud laboral de los inmigrantes. La información obtenida servirá de base para profundizar, mediante técnicas adicionales de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo, en los problemas de salud laboral de los inmigrantes trabajadores en España dentro del marco del Proyecto Inmigración, Trabajo y Salud (ITSAL), actualmente en desarrollo.Objective: To describe the characteristics, working conditions, and occupational health situation of immigrant workers in Spain through key informants. Method: We performed a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study using indepth interviews carried out in 2006. Organizations and associations working with immigrant collectives in Alicante, Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia were identified and the most representative and accessible entities in each location were selected. Fortythree interviews were performed with key informants from 34 different organisms. A narrative content analysis was performed. Results: Informants described difficulties in having health problems recognized as workrelated, due to irregular and precarious employment, employers' and insurance companies' reluctance, and immigrants' lack of knowledge. Informants coincided in reporting that the occupational risks for immigrant workers did not differ from those affecting Spanish workers in the same occupations and circumstances. However, exposure to occupational risks was exacerbated in immigrants because of their greater presence in unqualified jobs and their economic need to prolong working hours. Immigrants had little knowledge of their occupational health and safetyrelated rights, although some informants detected an increase in empowerment in this area, mostly through greater participation in trade unions. Conclusions: This first step allowed us to identify some of the general factors influencing the health and safety of immigrant workers in Spain. This information will be used in a longterm, ongoing research project [Project Immigration, Work and Health (Proyecto Inmigración, Trabajo y Salud [ITSAL]), which aims to evaluate occupational health problems in inmigrants working in Spain through both qualitative and quantitative methods

    The perceived quality of Early Intervention Centers in Andalusia. A qualitative study

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    No abundan las publicaciones sobre Centros de Atención Temprana y todavía menos las referentes a calidad percibida por sus usuarios y familias. La falta de consenso en la organización de estos servicios a nivel regional, nacional e internacional, así como el desconocimiento social de los mismos y su función, justificarían la necesidad de ahondar en este campo. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la calidad de servicio percibida por parte de las familias atendidas en Centros de Atención Temprana de Andalucía desde una perspectiva cualitativa, a través de entrevistas con familias mediante cuestionario escrito. Del análisis surgieron 2 categorías: lo que funciona (fortalezas) y lo que no funciona (debilidades) y 6 subcategorías relacionadas con: aspectos temporales, espaciales, estructurales, organizacionales, de recursos humanos y resultado de las terapias. Como conclusión se aprecia que la mayor debilidad identificada radica en elementos tangibles del servicio. Por contra, los aspectos relacionales son mejor valorados por las familias. Conocer la calidad en los servicios de Atención Temprana permite compatibilizar con éxito los objetivos tanto de usuarios como de los centros, introduciendo así una importante mejora en la valoración del impacto en la salud de las familias y niños atendidos en este tipo de centros.Publications are not abundant about Early Childhood Intervention Centers and even less with reference to the perceived quality of their users and families. The lack of consensus in the organization of these services at the regional, national and international levels, as well as the lack of its social recognition and its target population, can contribute partially to this lack of knowledge. The objective of this study was to explore the perceived quality of service by the families attended in the Early Intervention Centers in Andalusia from a qualitative perspective, using interviews with parents through written questionnaires. Two categories merged during the analysis: what works well (strengths) and not so well (weaknesses) that derived in 6 subcategories regarding the organization, allocation, timing, structure, human resources and therapies’ outcomes. As main conclusions, the weaknesses identified lied in tangible elements of the service while, professional-family relational aspects were better valued by families. To know the quality of Early Intervention Centers could allow us improving the population attention by matching the objectives of both users and institutions, thus introducing positive changes in the assessment of the impact on the families’ and children’s health

    A qualitative study about immigrant workers’ perceptions of their working conditions in Spain

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    Background: Spain has recently become an inward migration country. Little is known about the occupational health of immigrant workers. This study aimed to explore the perceptions that immigrant workers in Spain had of their working conditions. Methods: Qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study. Criterion sampling. Data collected between September 2006 and May 2007 through semi-structured focus groups and individual interviews, with a topic guide. One hundred and fifty-eight immigrant workers (90 men/68 women) from Colombia (n = 21), Morocco (n = 39), sub-Saharan Africa (n = 29), Romania (n = 44) and Ecuador (n = 25), who were authorised (documented) or unauthorised (undocumented) residents in five medium to large cities in Spain. Results: Participants described poor working conditions, low pay and health hazards. Perception of hazards appeared to be related to gender and job sector. Informants were highly segregated into jobs by sex, however, so this issue will need further exploration. Undocumented workers described poorer conditions than documented workers, which they attributed to their documentation status. Documented participants also felt vulnerable because of their immigrant status. Informants believed that deficient language skills, non-transferability of their education and training and, most of all, their immigrant status and economic need left them with little choice but to work under poor conditions. Conclusions: The occupational health needs of immigrant workers must be addressed at the job level, while improving the enforcement of existing health and safety regulations. The roles that documentation status and economic need played in these informants’ work experiences should be considered and how these may influence health outcomes.Garcia Garcia, Ana Maria, [email protected]

    ¿Ha cambiado la calidad de la atención a la población inmigrante durante la crisis económica en Cataluña (España)? Opinión de profesionales e inmigrantes

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    Objective: To analyse changes in health professionals’ and immigrant users’ perceptions of the quality of care provided to the immigrant population during the crisis. Methods: A qualitative descriptive-interpretative and exploratory study was conducted in two areas of Catalonia. Semi-structured individual interviews were used with a theoretical sample of medical (n = 24) and administrative (n = 10) professionals in primary care (PC) and secondary care (SC), and immigrant users (n = 20). Thematic analysis was conducted and the results were triangulated. Results: Problems related to technical and interpersonal quality emerged from the discourse of both professionals and immigrants. These problems were attributed to cutbacks during the economic crisis. Regarding technical quality, respondents reported an increase in erroneous or non-specific diagnoses, inappropriate use of diagnostic tests and non-specific treatments, due to reduction in consultation times as a result of cuts in human resources. With regard to interpersonal quality, professionals reported less empathy, and users also reported worse communication, due to changes in professionals’ working conditions and users’ attitudes. Finally, a reduction in the resolution capacity of the health services emerged: professionals described unnecessary repeated PC visits and limited responses in SC, while young immigrants reported an insufficient response to their health problems. Conclusion: The results indicate a deterioration in perceived technical and interpersonal quality during the economic crisis, due to cutbacks mainly in human resources. These changes affect the whole population, but especially immigrants.Objetivo: Analizar los cambios en la calidad percibida de la atención a la población inmigrante durante la crisis económica, desde la perspectiva de profesionales e inmigrantes. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo descriptivo-interpretativo y exploratorio en dos áreas de Cataluña, mediante entrevistas individuales semiestructuradas a una muestra teórica de médico/as (n = 24) y administrativas (n = 10) de atención primaria (AP) y secundaria (AS), e inmigrantes (n = 20). Se realizó un análisis temático de contenido y se triangularon los resultados. Resultados: Del discurso de profesionales e inmigrantes emergen problemas en la calidad técnica e interpersonal, que relacionan con la reducción de recursos durante la crisis. Respecto a la calidad técnica, los/las informantes describen un aumento de diagnósticos erróneos o inespecíficos, un uso inadecuado de pruebas y tratamientos inespecíficos, debido a la disminución del tiempo de consulta por la reducción de recursos humanos. Respecto a la calidad interpersonal, los/las profesionales señalaron menor empatía, mientras que los/las inmigrantes, además, una peor comunicación, que atribuyeron al cambio en las condiciones laborales de los/las profesionales y en la actitud de los/las inmigrantes. Finalmente, emergió la disminución de la capacidad resolutiva de los servicios: según los/las profesionales, por la repetición de consultas innecesarias en AP y limitadas en AS; según los/las inmigrantes jóvenes, por respuestas limitadas a sus problemas de salud. Conclusiones: Los resultados apuntan a un empeoramiento de la calidad técnica e interpersonal durante la crisis, por reducción de recursos, principalmente humanos, que afectan al conjunto de la población, pero en especial a las personas inmigrantes.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (PI13/00261)

    Public health practitioners’ perspectives of migrant health in an English region

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    Objectives: Migration is a complex and contested topic of public debate. Professionals working in public health must negotiate this politicised complexity, yet few studies examine the perspectives and practices of public health professionals in relation to migrant health. This study seeks to redress this by exploring how migrant health is conceptualised and addressed by public health professionals after a key transitional point in the reorganisation of public health in England and the public vote for the UK to leave the EU. Study design: Qualitative in-depth exploratory study Methods: Ten interviews and one focus group were conducted with 14 public health professionals’ working at Public Health England (PHE) or local authorities in an English region. Recordings were transcribed and thematic analysis was conducted. Results: Professionals viewed migrant health mainly through a health inequalities lens; migrants were considered vulnerable and their health often determined by wider social issues. This influenced public health professionals’ perceived ability to affect change. Public health professionals were greatly influenced by the societal, policy and institutional, post-Brexit vote context in England, describing a nervousness around addressing migrant health. At an institutional level, public health professionals described a sense that migrant health was not prioritised. It was considered ‘too hard’ and complex, especially with shrinking resources and highly politicised social narratives. Consequently, migrant health was often not directly addressed in current practice. The gaps identified by public health professionals were: lack of knowledge of health needs and cultural difference; lack of access to appropriate training; lack of cultural diversity within the public health workforce; and concerns about meaningful community engagement. Conclusions: These findings raise concerns about public health professionals’ ability to address the health needs of migrants living in England. The gaps highlighted require further and deeper examination across relevant organisations including the broader public health infrastructure in the UK

    The effect of perceived discrimination on the health of immigrant workers in Spain

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    Background: Discrimination is an important determinant of health inequalities, and immigrants may be more vulnerable to certain types of discrimination than the native-born. This study analyses the relationship between immigrants' perceived discrimination and various self-reported health indicators. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted (2008) amongst a non-random sample of 2434 immigrants from Ecuador, Morocco, Romania and Colombia in four Spanish cities: Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia. A factorial analysis of variables revealed three dimensions of perceived discrimination (due to immigrant status, due to physical appearance, and workplace-related). The association of these dimensions with self-rated health, mental health (GHQ-12), change in self-rated health between origin and host country, and other self-reported health outcomes was analysed. Logistic regression was used adjusting for potential confounders (aOR-95%CI). Subjects with worsening self-reported health status potentially attributable to perceived discrimination was estimated (population attributable proportion, PAP %). Results: 73.3% of men and 69.3% of women immigrants reported discrimination due to immigrant status. Moroccans showed the highest prevalence of perceived discrimination. Immigrants reporting discrimination were at significantly higher risk of reporting health problems than those not reporting discrimination. Workplace-related discrimination was associated with poor mental health (aOR 2.97 95%CI 2.45-3.60), and the worsening of self-rated health (aOR 2.20 95%CI 1.73- 2.80). 40% (95% CI 24-53) PAP of those reporting worse self-rated health could be attributable to discrimination due to immigrant status. Conclusions: Discrimination may constitute a risk factor for health in immigrant workers in Spain and could explain some health inequalities among immigrant populations in Spanish society.This work was supported by the following sources: Carolina Foundation (Spain), Healthcare Research Fund of the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumption (references PI050497, PI052202, PI052334, PI061701, and PI0790470