470 research outputs found

    The shape of the CMB power spectrum

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    The recent WMAP data represents a milestone in cosmology and helps constrain cosmological parameters with unprecedented accuracy. In this work we combine the WMAP data with previous CMB anisotropy measurements at smaller angular scales to characterize the shape of the CMB anisotropy power spectrum. We carry out a phenomenological analysis of the data. By allowing non-physical shapes of the power spectrum we analyse high and low frequency experiments separately and together. We find that WMAP dramatically constrains the power spectrum up to l \~ 700. On smaller scales, the data show discrepancies that can be associated with experimental systematics. If we combine all types of experiments, the observable features in the power spectrum are in excellent agreement with the WMAP cosmological parameter estimation. This work illustrates the advantages of a model-independent approach to understanding experimental systematics that might affect CMB observations.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in New Astronomy Reviews, Proceedings of the CMBNET Meeting, 20-21 February 2003, Oxford, U

    Distribution of label spacings for genome mapping in nanochannels

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    In genome mapping experiments, long DNA molecules are stretched by confining them to very narrow channels, so that the locations of sequence-specific fluorescent labels along the channel axis provide large-scale genomic information. It is difficult, however, to make the channels narrow enough so that the DNA molecule is fully stretched. In practice its conformations may form hairpins that change the spacings between internal segments of the DNA molecule, and thus the label locations along the channel axis. Here we describe a theory for the distribution of label spacings that explains the heavy tails observed in distributions of label spacings in genome mapping experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Att straffbelägga det omöjliga - Om straffansvar för otjänliga försök enligt 23 kap. 1 § BrB

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    Genom att utgå från rättsdogmatisk metod ämnar uppsatsen till att undersöka hur otjänliga försök behandlas i svensk gällande rätt. Utformningen av försöksbestämmelsen i 23 kap. 1 § första stycket innebär att straffansvar kan inträda vid samtliga försök som innebär fara för brottets fullbordan, men även vissa försök där faran varit utesluten, s.k. otjänliga försök. Detta om faran för brottets fullbordan varit utesluten på grund av tillfälliga omständigheter. Syftet med lagtextens utformning är att straffansvar ska följa på sådana försök som är värda att tas på allvar. Problematiskt är emellertid att lagtextens utformning inte ger någon vägledning för bedömandet av vad som är att betrakta som tillfälliga omständigheter. I doktrin har olika uppfattningar gjorts gällande angående bedömningen av otjänliga försök. Domstolarna förefaller emellertid inte ha anslutit sig till någon av dessa uppfattningar. Målsättningen med uppsatsen är att försöka belysa problematiken kring behandlingen av otjänliga försök och bedömningen av huruvida fara för brottets fullbordan varit utesluten endast på grund av tillfälliga omständigheter. Den bedömning som tillämpats av Högsta domstolen är slutligen inte helt lämplig. Resonemanget som tillämpats kan i teorin leda till en långtgående kriminalisering och tillgodoser inte heller lagtextens krav på att omständigheterna ska ha varit av tillfällig natur. För att tillgodose de principer som gör sig gällande i straffrätten hade det i framtiden varit önskvärt att bedömningen av tillfälliga omständigheter kompletterades med ytterligare en bedömning som tar utgångspunkt i lagtextens krav på att omständigheterna ska ha varit av just tillfällig natur.By using legal dogmatic method, this thesis intends to examine the criminal liability of harmless attempted crimes in relation to Chapter 23 Article 1 in the Swedish Penal Code. The article criminalises all attempts that mean a danger that the act would lead to the completion of the crime, but also some attempts where such danger is precluded, namely if such danger is precluded due to fortuitous circumstances. According to legislative history, the purpose of this formulation is to penalise attempted crimes that are worth to take seriously. The text of the law does not provide any further guidance of what is to be considered as fortuitous circumstances, which is problematic. Different opinions on the subject have been expressed in doctrine. Although, none of these opinions seem to have been fully embraced by the courts. The objective of this thesis has been to illustrate the difficulties that are associated with harmless attempted crimes and the assessment of the necessary prerequisite that is the preclusion of the danger due to fortuitous circumstances. Furthermore, the assessment of the necessary prerequisite used by the supreme court is not to be considered as suitable. The reasoning used by the court could theoretically lead to an extensive criminalisation. Additionally, it is uncertain whether the reasoning is in accordance with the text of the law. For the assessment to be in accordance with the principles of Swedish penal law, it would be adequate that the current assessment of the necessary prerequisite is complemented with an additional assessment, which takes its starting point in the text of the law and the fact that the circumstances are to be of fortuitous nature

    Myxoid fibroblastic tumor of the maxillary sinus in a 21-month-old child: an unusual diagnosis

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    Myxoid tumors of the soft tissue are a heterogeneous group of lesions with significant differences in behavior, from being totally harmless to malignant tumors with metastasizing potential. We describe the unusual case of a 21-month-old boy who developed a paranasal low-grade myxoid neoplasm with recurrent potential. The histological findings showed a proliferation of spindle cells within a vascular and myxoid background. The immunohistochemistry had the features of myofibroblasts and fibroblasts with strong Vimentin and light Smooth Muscle Actin reactivity. Close collaboration between clinician and pathologist is necessary to deal with these unusual lesions to predict their local aggressiveness and long-term behavior. Most of these cellular myxomas have been described in adults, involving primarily the limbs, but this case shows that any localization is possibl

    Ventilation i häststall

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    Dagens sporthäst lever idag under människans ansvar i stallar. I stallarna förekommer luftföroreningar, den med störst påverkan på hästen är luftburna partiklar som huvudsakligen härrör från strö och stråfoder. Föroreningarna kan orsaka skada i respirationsorganen, vilket medför att hästen får en minskad prestationsförmåga och de kan leda till allvarlig sjukdom. För att bli av med föroreningarna i stallet behövs en väl fungerande ventilation, med tillräckligt flöde, som kontinuerligt kan byta ut luften i stallet. Förståelsen för problematiken med partikulära föroreningar i stalluften är dålig, bland annat för att även starkt förorenad luft kan upplevas som frisk. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att sprida information om vikten av en god luftmiljö samt att kunna visa en användbar metod att mäta luftomsättningen i naturligt ventilerade stall. Studien gjordes i ett stall med åtta hästar med en frånluftsfläkt i ena änden och tilluftsöppningar i alla boxar. Rökpatroner användes för att sprida partiklar i stallet och en handhållen partikelräknare registrerade den avtagande koncentrationen av respirabla partiklar. Utifrån partikelräknarens resultat beräknades en halveringstid som användes för att beräkna antalet luftbyten per timme i stallet. Det beräknade antalet luftbyten i försöksstallet gav ett medelvärde på 4,0 luftbyten per timme vilket är endast 0,3 luftbyten från referensvärdet, som fastställdes genom att mäta lufthastigheten i frånluftstrumman. Utefter resultat från denna studie bedöms metoden vara användbar i naturligt ventilerade stallar

    Östra Sallerups kyrka i Frosta härad, Skåne: kolonisation och kulturella kontakter

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    Title: Östra Sallerup Church in the Frosta hundred, Scania: colonisation and cultural contactsThe chronology of the Scanian churches and the dating of their murals has been a popular subject for art historians and archaeologists since the 19th century. An important but often overlooked factor is that large parts of the landscape were not colonised until the second half of the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th century. This article deals with Östra Sallerup Church in the Frosta hundred – the district “between the forest and the plough” – in Ringsjöbygden, at the centre of Danish Scania. The geographical, demographic and political conditions behind the establishment of the church, the motifs and Byzantine origins of its paintings are studied. Special attention is paid to the mural painting with the Biblical motif “Christ and the Samaritan woman at Sychar’s well” (John 4:1–42) and its possible models in the Mediterranean area, especially the mosaic with the same motif in the Cathedral of Monreale, erected by William II of Norman Sicily

    Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av förebyggandeomvårdnadsåtgärder mot trycksår och undernäring: - En litteraturöversikt

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    Background: There is an established correlation between malnutrition and development of pressure ulcers. The incidence of malnutrition among patients has increased in recent years despite that risk assessment instruments exist in the organisations. Pressure ulcers remain one of the most common adverse event with a negative impact on the patients’ quality of life and lack of patient-safety. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses’ work on preventive measures against pressure ulcers and malnutrition. Method: The study was conducted as a literature review including 19 articles, published between 2008-2018, with quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods approaches. Searches were made in the PubMed and CINAHL databases. The articles were quality-reviewed, analyzed and compiled into a result. Results: Nurses appear to have positive attitudes to preventive measures towards pressure ulcers and malnutrition while the level of knowledge was generally low. Nurses valued their own clinical judgement high and felt that lack of time, high workload and severely ill patients constituted obstacles to adequate application of preventive measures. Organisational shortcomings emerged for the adequate use and implementation of risk assessment instruments. Lack of guidelines and work routines for preventive work could result in a deficient patient safety. Conclusion: The results show that the majority of nurses value nutrition in the preventive work but the level of knowledge and the application of measures were generally low. Introduction of guidelines could lead to increased knowledge and implementation of pressure ulcers and nutritional treatment in clinical work

    Генеалогія влади та повсякденності: досвід підрадянських дисидентів

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    У статті розглядається взаємозв’язок тематизацій «влада» та «повсякденність». Він підкреслюється прикладом історичної повсякденності. У висновку дослідження автор доходить висновку, що влада як силове відношення реалізується у суперечливому прагненні, водночас спрямованому як на подолання повсякденності, так і на розчинення у ній.В статье рассматривается взаимосвязь тематизаций «власть» и «повседневность». Она подчеркивается примером исторической повседневности. В результате исследования автор приходит к выводу, что власть как силовое отношение реализуется в противоречивом стремлении, одновременно направленном как на преодоление повседневности, так и на растворение в ней.In the presented article the interrelation themes «the power» and «the routine» is considered. It is underlined by an example of historical routine. As a result of research the author comes to conclusion, that the power as the power relation is realized in inconsistent aspiration simultaneously directed both on the routine overcoming, and on dissolution in it

    Anchorage effectiveness of orthodontic miniscrews compared to headgear and transpalatal arches:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Anchorage in orthodontics can be provided through several extra- and intra-oral sources including headgear, teeth, cortical bone and soft tissue. Objective: The aim of this review was to systematically review the effectiveness of miniscrews in reinforcing anchorage during en-masse retraction of anterior teeth in comparison to conventional anchorage appliances. Search method: Comprehensive searching of the electronic databases was undertaken up to March 2018 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic review, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE via PubMed and Scopus databases. Additional searching for on-going and unpublished data and hand search of relevant journals were also undertaken, authors were contacted, and reference lists screened. Eligibility criteria: Searches were restricted to randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published in English, which compared anchorage reinforcement using mechanically-retained miniscrews (diameter of 2 mm or less) to conventional anchorage appliances during en-masse retraction of anterior teeth in participants of any age treated with fixed appliances combined with extraction of maxillary premolars. Data collection and analysis: Blind and induplicate study selection, data extraction and risk of bias assessment were undertaken. The primary outcome was the amount of mesial movement of the upper first permanent molar (anchorage loss) while secondary outcomes included treatment duration, number of visits, adverse effects and patient-centered outcomes. The risk of bias was assessed using Cochrane risk of bias tool. A random-effects model with its corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) were generated for comparable outcomes. Statistical heterogeneity across the studies were assessed using the I2 and Chi2 test. Additional sensitivity tests were implemented. Results: Seven RCTs met the inclusion criteria, however, data of 241 participants from 6 RCTs (250 miniscrews and 134 conventional anchorage appliances) were meta-analyzed. Qualities of the included RCTs varied from low to high. The standardized mean difference (SMD) of the anchrage loss between the two intervention groups was 2.07 mm ((95% CI (–3.05) to (–1.08), p I2 = 88%, 6 RCTs)) in favour of miniscrews, which was also preserved after excluding the high risk of bias studies (SMD 1.94 mm, 95% CI (–2.46) to (–0.42) p I2 = 93%, 3 RCTs)). Information on overall treatment duration, space closure duration, quality of treatment, patient-reported outcomes, adverse effects and number of visit were limited. Conclusion: The result of the meta-analysis suggested that there is moderate quality of evidence that miniscrews are clinically and statistically more effective in preserving orthodontic anchorage than conventional appliances. However, this conclusion is supported by a small number of studies with variable qualities. High-quality RCTs would give a better understanding of miniscrews effectiveness in providing orthodontic anchorage.</p

    Cosmic acceleration and extra dimensions: constraints on modifications of the Friedmann equation

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    An alternative to dark energy as an explanation for the present phase of accelerated expansion of the Universe is that the Friedmann equation is modified, e.g. by extra dimensional gravity, on large scales. We explore a natural parametrization of a general modified Friedmann equation, and find that the present supernova type Ia and cosmic microwave background data prefer a correction of the form 1/H over a cosmological constant. We also explore the constraints that can be expected in the future, and find that there are good prospects for distinguishing this model from the standard cosmological constant to very high significance if one combines supernova data with a precise measurement of the matter density.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure