196 research outputs found

    Torture survivors’ symptom load compared to chronic pain and psychiatric in-patients

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    Before their entry into the rehabilitation program at the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (‘RCT’) in Copenhagen, the degree of symptoms of a group of resettled traumatized refugees was assessed by means of two rating scales: the Disability Rating Index (DRI) (n=197), measuring pain-related functional disability, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) (n=147). The results obtained were compared with other patient populations, which included (1) a large Swedish mixed pain group and (2) various groups of pain patients previously investigated in the validation study of the DRI scale. The DRI scores of the refugee group were comparable to, or higher than, those of the pain groups, except for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. The degree of anxiety and depression was found to be considerably greater in the refugee group than in the pain groups. Another recently published Danish study comparing traumatized refugees with psychiatric in-patients in terms of Health of Nation Outcome Scores (HoNOS) documented a higher degree of psychiatric disability for refugees. Based on the hypothesis that the observed differences in this study were underestimated due to the exclusion of refugees with psychotic symptoms and substance abuse, a partial re-analysis of the data was carried out by calculating effect sizes with and without the items measuring these symptoms. Controlling for the exclusion of the critical items resulted in a more pronounced difference between the refugees and psychiatric inpatients. Based on the data compared in this study, traumatized refugees are shown to suffer from multiple problems, including chronic pain, at a high symptom-level. This challenges prior clinical assumptions that single factors like PTSD can explain all symptoms

    Education as Treatment for Chronic Pain in Survivors of Trauma in Cambodia: Results of a Randomized Controlled Outcome Trial

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    Based on the hypothesis that pain is a stand-alone problem, not just a symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the effect of group psycho-education (“pain school”) for survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime with pain-PTSD comorbidity was tested in Cambodia in 2015. After baseline assessment comprising pain-related measures (Brief Pain Inventory, Disability Rating Index) and measures for PTSD, anxiety, depression, and distress, 113 subjects were randomized to a waitlist control group (CG, n = 58) and a treatment group (TG, n = 55). After treatment TG improved significantly, with clinically relevant effect size. Effect size was, however, substantially lower than in two prior pilot trials, and the improvement was not maintained at six-month follow-up. The main reason for this is hypothesized to be that the intervention had been delivered in too condensed a format. It is concluded that treatment addressing pain can also ameliorate mental health problems, implying that more attention should be paid to pain treatment for subjects suffering from pain/PTSD comorbidity

    Testimonial Therapy: Impact on social participation and emotional wellbeing among Indian survivors of torture and organized violence

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    Introduction: Traumatizing events, such as torture, cause considerable impairments in psycho-social functioning. In developing countries, where torture is often perpetrated, few resources exist for the provision of therapeutic or rehabilitating interventions. The current study investigated the effectiveness of Testimonial Therapy (TT) as a brief psycho-social intervention to ameliorate the distress of Indian survivors of torture and related violence. Method: Three outcome measures (the WHO-5 Well-Being Scale, Social Participation-Scale and Pain and Anger Analogue) were compared before and after receiving TT, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with survivors who had previously received TT. Findings: Participants showed significant improvements in emotional well-being, social participation, and self-perceived pain and anger. Furthermore, three qualitative interviewswith survivors indicated that TT had a positive impact at the community level. Discussion: Although the study was conducted without a control group for comparison, TT appeared to be an effective method for improving well-being and ameliorating distress among survivors of torture. Furthermore, TT can potentially promote community empowerment. However, more research on this aspect is needed

    The complex care of a torture survivor in the United States: The case of “Joshua”

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    Introduction: Torture is an assault on the physical and mental health of an individual, impacting the lives of survivors and their families.The survivor’s interpersonal relationships, social life, and vocational functioning may be affected, and spiritual and other existential questions may intrude. Cultural and historical context will shape the meaning of torture experiences and the aftermath. To effectively treat torture survivors, providers must understand and address these factors. The Complex Care Model (CCM) aims to transform daily care for those with chronic illnesses and improve health outcomes through effective team care. Methods: We conduct a literature review of the CCM and present an adapted Complex Care Approach (CCA) that draws on the Harvard Program in RefugeeTrauma’s five-domain model covering the Trauma Story, Bio-medical, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual domains.We apply the CCA to the case of “Joshua,” a former tortured child soldier, and discuss the diagnosis and treatment across the five domains of care. Findings: The CCA is described as an effective approach for working with torture survivors. We articulate how a CCA can be adapted to the unique historical and cultural contexts experienced by torture survivors and how its five domains serve to integrate the approach to diagnosis and treatment. The benefits of communication and coordination of care among treatment providers is emphasized. Discussion / Conclusions: Torture survivors’ needs are well suited to the application of a CCA delivered by a team of providers who effectively communicate and integrate care holistically across all domains of the survivor’s life

    Frequency and Interrelations of Risk Factors for Chronic Low Back Pain in a Primary Care Setting

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    INTRODUCTION: Many risk factors have been identified for chronic low back pain (cLBP), but only one study evaluated their interrelations. We aimed to investigate the frequency of cLBP risk factors and their interrelations in patients consulting their general practitioners (GPs) for cLBP. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive, national survey was performed. 3000 GPs randomly selected were asked to include at least one patient consulting for cLBP. Demographic, clinical characteristics and the presence of cLBP risk factors were recorded. The frequency of each cLBP risk factor was calculated and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was performed to study their interrelations. RESULTS: A total of 2068 GPs (68.9%) included at least 1 patient, for 4522 questionnaires analyzed. In the whole sample of patients, the 2 risk factors most commonly observed were history of recurrent LBP (72.1%) and initial limitation of activities of daily living (66.4%). For working patients, common professional risk factors were beliefs, that LBP was due to maintaining a specific posture at work (79.0%) and frequent heavy lifting at work (65.5%). On MCA, we identified 3 risk-factor dimensions (axes) for working and nonworking patients. The main dimension for working patients involved professional risk factors and among these factors, patients' job satisfaction and job recognition largely contribute to this dimension. DISCUSSION: Our results shed in light for the first time the interrelation and the respective contribution of several previously identified cLBP risk factors. They suggest that risk factors representing a "work-related" dimension are the most important cLBP risk factors in the working population

    On deciding to have a lobotomy:either lobotomies were justified or decisions under risk should not always seek to maximise expected utility

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    In the 1940s and 1950s thousands of lobotomies were performed on people with mental disorders. These operations were known to be dangerous, but thought to offer great hope. Nowadays, the lobotomies of the 1940s and 1950s are widely condemned. The consensus is that the practitioners who employed them were, at best, misguided enthusiasts, or, at worst, evil. In this paper I employ standard decision theory to understand and assess shifts in the evaluation of lobotomy. Textbooks of medical decision making generally recommend that decisions under risk are made so as to maximise expected utility (MEU) I show that using this procedure suggests that the 1940s and 1950s practice of psychosurgery was justifiable. In making sense of this finding we have a choice: Either we can accept that psychosurgery was justified, in which case condemnation of the lobotomists is misplaced. Or, we can conclude that the use of formal decision procedures, such as MEU, is problematic