15 research outputs found

    The fundamental right to just administrative action: judicial review of administrative action in the democratic South Africa

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    For most of its existence South African administrative law has been shaped by the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty – the heart of the constitutional order from 1910 to 1994 – and a racist political system that favoured the white minority at the expense of the black majority. In these circumstances, the rules of administrative law were of limited use in protecting the individual from exercises of administrative power that infringed fundamental human rights, often on a grand scale. On 27 April 1994, however, a new political and constitutional order came into existence that swept away the very foundations of the old order: parliamentary sovereignty was replaced by constitutional supremacy and the racial exclusivity of the old order was replaced by a commitment to equality, freedom and dignity in a democratic state. A justiciable Bill of Rights was at centre stage in this new order. That Bill of Rights includes a fundamental right to just administrative action. It is both the new constitutional order and this rather unusual fundamental right that have changed the nature of South African administrative law. This thesis examines the effect of the fundamental right to just administrative action on the law and practice of the judicial review of administrative action. It does so principally by examining the legal position before and after 27 April 1994 with particular reference to: what is meant by administrative action; the exercise of administrative power by private bodies regulated by the rules of administrative law, on the one hand, and exercises of private power regulated by rules of private law, on the other; the rules of standing, the notion of justiciability and the constitutionality of rules that seek to limit the right of the individual to approach a court to review administrative action; the meaning and scope of the right to lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair administrative action, in terms of the common law, the Constitution and the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000; the meaning, scope and efficacy of the rights to reasons for administrative actions and of access to information; the procedure of judicial review and remedies that may be granted for the infringement of a person’s right to just administrative action; and conclusions and recommendations with regard to progress made in the construction of South Africa’s new, democratically based, administrative law

    The regulation of road transportation in South Africa.

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    Master of Laws. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1986.No abstract provided

    Long term photometric monitoring with the Mercator telescope. Frequencies and mode identification of variable O-B stars

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    Aims. We selected a large sample of O-B stars that were considered as (candidate) slowly pulsating B, beta Cep, and Maia stars after the analysis of their hipparcos data. We analysed our new seven passband geneva data collected for these stars during the first three years of scientific operations of the mercator telescope. We performed a frequency analysis for 28 targets with more than 50 high-quality measurements to improve their variability classification. For the pulsating stars, we tried both to identify the modes and to search for rotationally split modes. Methods: We searched for frequencies in all the geneva passbands and colours by using two independent frequency analysis methods and we applied a 3.6 S/N-level criterion to locate the significant peaks in the periodograms. The modes were identified by applying the method of photometric amplitudes for which we calculated a large, homogeneous grid of equilibrium models to perform a pulsational stability analysis. When both the radius and the projected rotational velocity of an object are known, we determined a lower limit for the rotation frequency to estimate the expected frequency spacings in rotationally split pulsation modes. Results: We detected 61 frequencies, among which 33 are new. We classified 21 objects as pulsating variables (7 new confirmed pulsating stars, including 2 hybrid beta Cep/SPB stars), 6 as non-pulsating variables (binaries or spotted stars), and 1 as photometrically constant. All the Maia candidates were reclassified into other variability classes. We performed mode identification for the pulsating variables for the first time. The most probable l value is 0, 1, 2, and 4 for 1, 31, 9, and 5 modes, respectively, including only 4 unambiguous identifications. For 7 stars we cannot rule out that some of the observed frequencies belong to the same rotationally split mode. For 4 targets we may begin to resolve close frequency multiplets. Based on observations collected with the p7 photometer attached to the Flemish 1.2-m mercator telescope situated at the Roque de los Muchachos observatory on La Palma (Spain). Section [see full textsee full text], including Figs. is only available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.org, and Tables 2 and 3 are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/463/243Peer reviewe


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    In the 20 years that have passed since the Langa Massacre on 21 March 1985, the South African legal system and the constitutional system that underpins it have changed in most fundamental ways. This paper examines the constitutional structures of 1985, and of 2005, and traces South Africa’s progress from autocratic rule to democratic governance, from a system in which fundamental rights were routinely violated to one in which they are constitutionally protected. It examines a selection of issues that defined the pre-democratic legal order and looks at how those issues have been dealt with in the new dispensation. It concludes that “whatwe have achieved so far in creating a society that respects human rights and freedoms stands as an enduring monument – albeit one continually in the process of being built – to all those, such as the victims of the Langa Massacre, who lost their lives in the quest for a better future”

    Driving Spray Drying towards Better Yield: Tackling a Problem That Sticks Around

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    Powder deposition and accumulation on walls of spray drying chamber has been known to impact spray drying processes, resulting in lower yield, frequent shutdowns, and downtimes. Critical factors that impact the extent and rate of wall deposition have been studied extensively in the chemical and food industry. In this paper, we present an atypical process yield issue wherein acceptable yield is obtained during the first batch of spray drying but undergoes significant yield loss in consecutive batches. Through understanding the interplay of the process, material properties, and equipment, we identify key mechanisms that are playing a role in causing the process yield issue. These mechanisms include surface roughness of the inner wall of the spray dryer, variation in gas flow due to the introduction of process analytical technology, start-up and shutdown operating parameters that expose the wall deposited powder from the prior batch to temperatures close to the onset of glass transition temperature and cause depression of its glass transition temperature. These factors result in more wall accumulation and impact the yield in subsequent batches. By correcting for most of these factors, the yield reduction issue was mitigated, and processing efficiency was improved