8 research outputs found
Renewal of airport runway friction measurement system
Vsa priznana mednarodna letališča morajo za brezhibno delovanje izpolniti vse točno določene standarde, če želijo opravljati svojo dejavnost v celoti. Ob neizpolnjevanju standardov in priporočil se delovanje letališča omeji. Za vsak varen vzlet ali pristanek letala je potrebno pilotu letala podati informacije o stanju na vzletno pristajalni stezi, ki zajemajo podatke o morebitnih atmosferskih usedlinah, višini le teh in vrednosti koeficienta drsnosti.
Vodja zimske izmene je zadolžen, da s pomočjo merilnega sistema, vgrajenega v vozilo, izmeri vrednost koeficienta drsnosti in poda oceno o stanju na manevrskih površinah, ter sočasno koordinira potek odstranjevanja snežne odeje z vzletno pristajalne steze in ostalih manevrskih površin.
Problem, ki ga obravnavamo, je v posredovanju pridobljenih podatkov letališkim službam, ki jih potrebujejo za varno delovanje letališča.
Izmerjene podatke, ki jih pridobimo z merilnim sistemom za merjenje koeficienta drsnosti vgrajenega v vozilo SAAB 900 in podatke o stanju nanosa na manevrskih površinah je potrebno ročno vpisati v točno določen obrazec, imenovan Snowtam in ga dostaviti v posamezne letališke službe.
Ker je potrebno obrazec fizično dostaviti, se moramo za vsako oddajo obrazca s steze vračati do potniškega terminala, kar nam vzame določen čas in odsotnost z manevrskih površin. S tem se zmanjša učinkovitost čiščenja in poveča tveganje incidentov na manevrskih površinah.
S prenovo sistema za merjenje koeficienta drsnosti in s pomočjo informacijske tehnologije vgrajene v novo vozilo Škoda Octavia, obrazec Snowtam pošiljamo preko elektronske pošte letališkim službam in s tem prihranimo čas, ter povečamo učinkovitost opravljanja delovnih nalog.
Vse zahtevane podatke in opazovanja vnesemo v elektronski obrazec in ga preko elektronske pošte iz vozila pošljemo službam, katere jih posredujejo pilotom letal. Delo zimske službe tako poteka bolj učinkovito in nadzorovano, s čimer zmanjšamo možnosti incidentov in še povečamo varnost pristankov in vzletov.All international airports must comply specific standards to get permission for operate. If not all standards are complied, then the working procedures are limited. For every landing or take-off, pilot gets specific information from airport tower (ground control). In winter time pilot gets information about weather conditions, runway status, height of possible deposit on runway and friction value of braking action.
Chef of winter service shift do all the runway measurements, using proper measure system installed in a car and give all the necessary data of runway conditions to the tower. At the same time he should coordinate cleaning procedure on the runway and manoeuvring area.
The problem that we deal with, is a loss of time and control, by giving forms to airport services which are in control for safe air traffic.
With measure system installed in a car SAAB 900, we collect friction value of braking action. We must fill in form named Snowtam with collected data, and all data of surface condition and possible amount, and deliver it to the designated airport services.
We have to deliver the form to the services placed in a passenger terminal, that’s why we have to leave manoeuvring area. With that action we waste time and increase possible incidents on manoeuvring area.
With the purchase of new measure system installed in new car Škoda Octavia, we can create and send e-Snowtam out of a car. That’s how we save time and increase work efficiency.
We fill all observed data in a computer form and send them with measure results by email. Data are sent to all airport services, which among other information, are given to the pilots. Using new measure system, work of winter service is more controlled and efficient and we decrease possibility of incidents. That’s how we make landings and take-offs safer and more reliable
Increased CDA Expression/Activity in Males Contributes to Decreased Cytidine Analog Half-Life and Likely Contributes to Worse Outcomes with 5-Azacytidine or Decitabine Therapy
PURPOSE: The cytidine analogues 5-azacytidine and decitabine, used to treat myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), produce a molecular epigenetic effect, depletion of DNA-methyltransferase (DNMT1). This action is S-phase dependent. Hence, genetic factors that decrease the half-lives of these drugs could impact efficacy. Documentation of such impact, and elucidation of underlying mechanisms, could lead to improved clinical application. DESIGN: Cytidine deaminase (CDA) rapidly inactivates 5-azacytidine/decitabine. The effect of CDA SNP A79C and gender on CDA expression, enzyme activity and drug pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics was examined in mice and humans, and the impact on overall survival (OS) was evaluated in 5-azacytidine/decitabine-treated MDS patients (n=90) and cytarabine-treated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients (n=76). RESULTS: By HPLC, plasma CDA activity was decreased as expected in individuals with the SNP A79C. Interestingly and significantly, there was an even larger decrease in females compared to males. Explaining this decrease, liver CDA expression was significantly lower in female versus male mice. As expected, decitabine plasma levels, measured by mass-spectrometry, were significantly higher in females. In mathematical modeling, the detrimental impact of shorter drug half-life (e.g., in males) was greater in low compared to high S-phase fraction disease (e.g., MDS versus AML), since in high S-phase fraction disease, even a short exposure treats a major portion of cells. Accordingly, in multivariate analysis, OS was significantly worse in male versus female MDS patients treated with 5-azacytidine/decitabine. CONCLUSIONS: Increased CDA expression/activity in males contributes to decreased cytidine analogue half-life and likely contributes to worse outcomes with 5-azacytidine or decitabine therapy