2 research outputs found

    A influência do firm-generated content na decisão de compra do consumidor

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisA Web 2.0 trouxe o advento das redes sociais e, com elas, novas ferramentas para as marcas utilizarem de forma a persuadir atuais ou potenciais clientes a comprar os seus produtos. O Firm-Generated Content (FGC) é a forma como as empresas utilizam os vários tipos de conteúdo, completamente controlado por elas, de apresentar aos consumidores conteúdo informativo, comentável e partilhável. As empresas têm apostado cada vez mais neste tipo de conteúdos, em conjunto com o User-Generated Content, de forma a melhorar o seu posicionamento no universo online. Este estudo quantitativo tem como objetivo perceber se o FGC influencia a decisão de compra através do Capital de Marca e do Brand Attitude e se a Aptidão Tecnológica tem influência a decisão de compra. Para averiguar estas hipóteses, foi desenvolvido um modelo concetual composto por cinco construtos: FGC, Capital de Marca, Brand Attitude, Decisão de Compra e Aptidão Tecnológica. O modelo foi baseado em 2 estudos recentes e num questionário, do qual resultaram 144 respostas válidas. Para avaliar os resultados, foi usado o método PLS-SEM e, após a devida análise dos resultados obtidos, foi averiguado que o FGC não tem influência no Brand Attitude nem no Capital de Marca, logo não influencia a decisão de compra dos consumidores, mas a Aptidão Tecnológica influencia.Web 2.0 brought the advent of social media and, with it, new tools that brands can use to persuade their current and potential customers to buy their products. Firm-Generated Content (FGC) can be described as the way brands make use of the various types of content at their ~disposal, that is completely controlled by them, in order to show consumers sharable, informative and comment-worthy content. Brands have been betting more and more on this type of content, along with User-Generated Content, in order to improve the positioning in the online universe. This quantitative study has the objective of understanding if FGC influences the ~Portuguese market buying decisions, through a brand’s Brand Equity and Brand Attitude and if tech-savviness has any influence on consumers’ buying decisions. To investigate this hypothesis, a conceptual model was developed, which was composed of 5 constructs: FGC, Brand Equity, Brand Attitude, Buying Decisions and Tech Savviness. This model was based on 2 recent studies and on a survey that was answered by 144 valid respondents. After analyzing the results, the verdict was that the FGC has no influence on Brand Attitude or on Brand Equity, therefore determining that there’s no influence on consumers’ buying decisions, but Tech Savviness does indeed influence these decisions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved