60 research outputs found

    Rapid longitudinal migrations of the filament front off Namibia (SE Atlantic) during the past 70 kyr

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    Although productivity variations in coastal upwelling areas are mostly attributed to changes in wind strength, productivity dynamics in the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) is less straightforward due to its complex atmospheric and hydrographic settings. In view of these settings, past productivity variations in the BUS can be better investigated with downcore sediments representing different productivity regimes. In this study, two sediment cores retrieved at ca. 25°–26°S in the BUS and representing different productivity regimes were studied. By using micropaleontological, geochemical and temperature proxies measured on core MD96-2098, recovered at 2910 m water depth in the bathypelagic zone at 26°S off Namibia, variations of filament front location, productivity and temperature in the central BUS over the past 70 kyr were reconstructed. The comparison with newly-generated alkenone-based sea-surface temperature (SST) and previously obtained data at site GeoB3606-1 (~ 25°S; ca. 50 km shoreward from MD96-2098) allowed the recognition of four main phases: (1) upwelling front above the mid slope (70 kyr–44 kyr), (2) seaward displacement of the upwelling front beyond the mid slope (44 kyr–31 kyr), (3) main upwelling front over the hemipelagial (31 kyr–19 kyr), and (4) shoreward contraction of the upwelling filament, and decreased upwelling strength over most of the uppermost bathypelagic (19 kyr–6 kyr). The latitudinal migration of the Southern Hemisphere westerlies and the consequent contractions and expansions of the subpolar gyre played a significant role in millennial and submillennial variability of SST off Namibia. The strength of the southeasterly trade winds, rapid sea-level variations and the equatorward leakage of Antarctic silicate might have acted as amplifiers. Although late Quaternary variations of productivity and upwelling intensity in eastern boundary current systems are thought to be primarily linked to the variability in wind stress, this multi-parameter reconstruction shows that interplaying mechanisms defined the temporal variation pattern of the filament front migrations and the diatom production off Namibia during the past 70 kyr

    The Importance of Riverine Nutrient Supply for the Marine Silica Pump of Arctic Shelves: Evidence From the Laptev Sea

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    Arctic shelves receive a large load of nutrients from Arctic rivers, which play a major role in the biogeochemical cycles of the Arctic Ocean. In this study, we present measurements of dissolved silicon isotopes (δ30Si(OH)4) around the Laptev Sea and surface waters of the Eurasian shelves collected in October 2018 to document terrestrial silicon modifications on shelves and their contribution to the Arctic basin. Nitrogen was found to be depleted in surface waters and the limiting nutrient to primary production in the Laptev Sea, allowing excess silicon export to the central Arctic Ocean. Heavy δ30Si(OH)4 in the water column was linked to the strong biological removal of DSi on shelves, enabled by vigorous N recycling. From isotopically constrained processes, we estimate that >50% of the silicon from riverine inputs is removed within the Lena River delta and on the Laptev Sea shelf. Extrapolating this to major Siberian rivers, this leads to an export of 2.5 ± 0.8 kmol/s of riverine silicon through the Transpolar Drift. An updated isotopic budget of the Arctic Ocean reproduces the observed δ30Si(OH)4 signatures out of the Arctic Ocean and underlines the importance of biological processes in modulating silicon export. Given that opal burial fluxes on Artic shelves are controlled by denitrification and N-limitation, these processes are sensitive to ongoing climate change. As a consequence of higher riverine DSi inputs and shelf denitrification responding to productivity, it is inferred that silicon export from the Arctic Ocean could increase in the future, accompanied by lighter δ30Si(OH)4 signatures

    Silica burial enhanced by iron limitation in oceanic upwelling margins

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    In large swaths of the ocean, primary production by diatoms may be limited by the availability of silica, which in turn limits the biological uptake of carbon dioxide. The burial of biogenic silica in the form of opal is the main sink of marine silicon. Opal burial occurs in equal parts in iron-limited open-ocean provinces and upwelling margins, especially the eastern Pacific upwelling zone. However, it is unclear why opal burial is so efficient in this margin. Here we measure fluxes of biogenic material, concentrations of diatom-bound iron and silicon isotope ratios using sediment traps and a sediment core from the Gulf of California upwelling margin. In the sediment trap material, we find that periods of intense upwelling are associated with transient iron limitation that results in a high export of silica relative to organic carbon. A similar correlation between enhanced silica burial and iron limitation is evident in the sediment core, which spans the past 26,000 years. A global compilation also indicates that hotspots of silicon burial in the ocean are all characterized by high silica to organic carbon export ratios, a diagnostic trait for diatoms growing under iron stress. We therefore propose that prevailing conditions of silica limitation in the ocean are largely caused by iron deficiency imposing an indirect constraint on oceanic carbon uptake

    Enhanced carbon pump inferred from relaxation of nutrient limitation in the glacial ocean

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    The modern Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) Ocean is a large oceanic source of carbon to the atmosphere. Primary productivity over large areas of the EEP is limited by silicic acid and iron availability, and because of this constraint the organic carbon export to the deep ocean is unable to compensate for the outgassing of carbon dioxide that occurs through upwelling of deep waters. It has been suggested that the delivery of dust-borne iron to the glacial ocean, could have increased primary productivity and enhanced deep-sea carbon export in this region, lowering atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations during glacial periods. Such a role for the EEP is supported by higher organic carbon burial rates documented in underlying glacial sediments but lower opal accumulation rates cast doubts on the importance of the EEP as an oceanic region for significant glacial carbon dioxide drawdown. Here we present a new silicon isotope record that suggests the paradoxical decline in opal accumulation rate in the glacial EEP results from a decrease in the silicon to carbon uptake ratio of diatoms under conditions of increased iron availability from enhanced dust input. Consequently, our study supports the idea of an invigorated biological pump in this region during the last glacial period that could have contributed to glacial carbon dioxide drawdown. Additionally, using evidence from silicon and nitrogen isotope changes, we infer that, in contrast to the modern situation, the biological productivity in this region is not constrained by the availability of iron, silicon and nitrogen during the glacial period. We hypothesize that an invigorated biological carbon dioxide pump constrained perhaps only by phosphorus limitation was a more common occurrence in low-latitude areas of the glacial ocean
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