26 research outputs found

    A nearby super-luminous supernova with a long pre-maximum & "plateau" and strong C II features

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    Context. Super-luminous supernovae (SLSNe) are rare events defined as being significantly more luminous than normal terminal stellar explosions. The source of the additional power needed to achieve such luminosities is still unclear. Discoveries in the local Universe (i.e. z < 0.1) are scarce, but afford dense multi-wavelength observations. Additional low-redshift objects are therefore extremely valuable. Aims. We present early-time observations of the type I SLSN ASASSN-18km/SN 2018bsz. These data are used to characterise the event and compare to literature SLSNe and spectral models. Host galaxy properties are also analysed. Methods. Optical and near-IR photometry and spectroscopy were analysed. Early-time ATLAS photometry was used to constrain the rising light curve. We identified a number of spectral features in optical-wavelength spectra and track their time evolution. Finally, we used archival host galaxy photometry together with H II region spectra to constrain the host environment. Results. ASASSN-18km/SN 2018bsz is found to be a type I SLSN in a galaxy at a redshift of 0.0267 (111 Mpc), making it the lowest-redshift event discovered to date. Strong C II lines are identified in the spectra. Spectral models produced by exploding a Wolf-Rayet progenitor and injecting a magnetar power source are shown to be qualitatively similar to ASASSN-18km/SN 2018bsz, contrary to most SLSNe-I that display weak or non-existent C II lines. ASASSN-18km/SN 2018bsz displays a long, slowly rising, red “plateau” of >26 days, before a steeper, faster rise to maximum. The host has an absolute magnitude of –19.8 mag (r), a mass of M⋆ = 1.5−0.33+0.08 × 109 M⊙, and a star formation rate of = 0.50−0.19+2.22 M⊙ yr −1. A nearby H II region has an oxygen abundance (O3N2) of 8.31 ± 0.01 dex

    Minutes-duration optical flares with supernova luminosities

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    In recent years, certain luminous extragalactic optical transients have been observed to last only a few days1. Their short observed duration implies a different powering mechanism from the most common luminous extragalactic transients (supernovae), whose timescale is weeks2. Some short-duration transients, most notably AT2018cow (ref. 3), show blue optical colours and bright radio and X-ray emission4. Several AT2018cow-like transients have shown hints of a long-lived embedded energy source5, such as X-ray variability6,7, prolonged ultraviolet emission8, a tentative X-ray quasiperiodic oscillation9,10 and large energies coupled to fast (but subrelativistic) radio-emitting ejecta11,12. Here we report observations of minutes-duration optical flares in the aftermath of an AT2018cow-like transient, AT2022tsd (the ‘Tasmanian Devil’). The flares occur over a period of months, are highly energetic and are probably nonthermal, implying that they arise from a near-relativistic outflow or jet. Our observations confirm that, in some AT2018cow-like transients, the embedded energy source is a compact object, either a magnetar or an accreting black hole

    A low-energy explosion yields the underluminous Type IIP SN 2020cxd

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    International audienceContext. We present our observations and analysis of SN 2020cxd, a low-luminosity (LL), long-lived Type IIP supernova (SN). This object is a clear outlier in the magnitude-limited SN sample recently presented by the Zwicky Transient Facility’s (ZTF) Bright Transient Survey.Aims. We demonstrate that SN 2020cxd is an additional member of the group of LL SNe and we discuss the rarity of LL SNe in the context of the ZTF survey. We consider how further studies of these faintest members of the core-collapse (CC) SN family might help improve the general understanding of the underlying initial mass function for stars that explode.Methods. We used optical light curves (LCs) from the ZTF in the gri bands and several epochs of ultraviolet data from the Neil Gehrels Swift observatory as well as a sequence of optical spectra. We constructed the colour curves and a bolometric LC. Then we compared the evolution of the ejecta velocity and black-body temperature for LL SNe as well as for typical Type II SNe. Furthermore, we adopted a Monte Carlo code that fits semi-analytic models to the LC of SN 2020cxd, which allows for the estimation of the physical parameters. Using our late-time nebular spectra, we also make a comparison against SN II spectral synthesis models from the literature to constrain the progenitor properties of SN 2020cxd.Results. The LCs of SN 2020cxd show a great similarity with those of LL SNe IIP in terms of luminosity, timescale, and colours. Also, the spectral evolution of SN 2020cxd is that of a Type IIP SN. The spectra show prominent and narrow P-Cygni lines, indicating low expansion velocities. This is one of the faintest LL SNe observed, with an absolute plateau magnitude of Mr = −14.5 mag and also one with the longest plateau lengths, with a duration of 118 days. Finally, the velocities measured from the nebular emission lines are among the lowest ever seen in a SN, with an intrinsic full width at half maximum value of 478 km s−1. The underluminous late-time exponential LC tail indicates that the mass of 56Ni ejected during the explosion is much smaller than the average of normal SNe IIP, we estimate M56Ni = 0.003 M⊙. The Monte Carlo fitting of the bolometric LC suggests that the progenitor of SN 2020cxd had a radius of R0 = 1.3 × 1013 cm, kinetic energy of Ekin = 4.3 × 1050 erg, and ejecta mass of Mej = 9.5 M⊙. From the bolometric LC, we estimated the total radiated energy Erad = 1.52 × 1048 erg. Using our late-time nebular spectra, we compared these results against SN II spectral synthesis models to constrain the progenitor zero-age main sequence mass and found that it is likely to be â‰Č15 M⊙.Conclusions. SN 2020cxd is a LL Type IIP SN. The inferred progenitor parameters and the features observed in the nebular spectrum favour a low-energy, Ni-poor, iron CC SN from a low-mass (∌12 M⊙) red supergiant.Key words: supernovae: general / galaxies: individual: NGC 6395⋆ Photometry is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/655/A9

    Supernova siblings and their parent galaxies in the Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey

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    International audienceSupernova (SN) siblings – two or more SNe in the same parent galaxy – are useful tools for exploring progenitor stellar populations as well as properties of the host galaxies such as distance, star-formation rate, dust extinction, and metallicity. Since the average SN rate for a Milky Way-type galaxy is just one per century, a large imaging survey is required to discover an appreciable sample of SN siblings. From the wide-field Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) Bright Transient Survey (which aims for spectroscopic completeness for all transients which peak brighter than r < 18.5 mag) we present 10 SN siblings in five parent galaxies. For each of these families, we analyse the SN’s location within the host and its underlying stellar population, finding agreement with expectations that SNe from more massive progenitors are found nearer to their host core and in regions of more active star formation. We also present an analysis of the relative rates of core collapse and thermonuclear SN siblings, finding a significantly lower ratio than past SN sibling samples due to the unbiased nature of the ZTF

    The type Icn SN 2021csp: implications for the origins of the fastest supernovae and the fates of Wolf–Rayet stars

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    We present observations of SN 2021csp, the second example of a newly identified type of supernova (SN) hallmarked by strong, narrow, P Cygni carbon features at early times (Type Icn). The SN appears as a fast and luminous blue transient at early times, reaching a peak absolute magnitude of −20 within 3 days due to strong interaction between fast SN ejecta (v ≈ 30,000 km s−1) and a massive, dense, fast-moving C/O wind shed by the WC-like progenitor months before explosion. The narrow-line features disappear from the spectrum 10–20 days after explosion and are replaced by a blue continuum dominated by broad Fe features, reminiscent of Type Ibn and IIn supernovae and indicative of weaker interaction with more extended H/He-poor material. The transient then abruptly fades ∌60 days post-explosion when interaction ceases. Deep limits at later phases suggest minimal heavy-element nucleosynthesis, a low ejecta mass, or both, and imply an origin distinct from that of classical Type Ic SNe. We place SN 2021csp in context with other fast-evolving interacting transients, and discuss various progenitor scenarios: an ultrastripped progenitor star, a pulsational pair-instability eruption, or a jet-driven fallback SN from a Wolf–Rayet (W-R) star. The fallback scenario would naturally explain the similarity between these events and radio-loud fast transients, and suggests a picture in which most stars massive enough to undergo a W-R phase collapse directly to black holes at the end of their live