43 research outputs found

    Apoe phenotype expression and its modulation by chlorpyrifos: new insights into gene - toxic interactions

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    L'ús extensiu i l'abocament massiu de pesticides en el medi ambient ha portat a alguns autors a preguntar-se sobre la contribució d'aquestes substàncies al desenvolupament de trastorns neuropsiquiàtrics i metabòlics. Actualment, els organofosforats (OP) - i el clorpirifos (CPF) en particular - són els insecticides més emprats al món. Donada la diversitat de fonts d'exposició, la majoria de la població està exposada gairebé permanentment a CPF. Una gran quantitat d’estudis epidemiològics i experimentals han observat dèficits neuroconductuals després de l'exposició al pesticida, i evidències incipients suggereixen vincles entre l'exposició a OPs i el desenvolupament de trastorns metabòlics. Una de les claus consisteix a establir si existeixen subpoblacions particularment susceptibles als efectes perjudicials del CPF. S'ha demostrat que les diferents isoformes de l'apolipoproteïna E (apoE) humana confereixen diferents vulnerabilitats a desenvolupar malalties metabòliques i neurodegeneratives. El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi va ser avaluar els efectes comportamentals i metabòlics del genotip APOE i del CPF, així com determinar si la interacció entre ambdós factors va contribuir a l'aparició d'aquests efectes. Amb aquest propòsit, ratolins adults portadors de apoE2, apoE3 o apoE4 foren exposats subcrònicament a 2 mg/kg/dia o 3.75 mg/kg/dia de CPF en funció de la fase experimental. Després de l'exposició, els animals foren avaluats conductualment, mentre que els efectes metabòlics del CPF també foren avaluats en paral·lel. En general, el genotip APOE va influenciar el rendiment cognitiu. L'exposició a CPF va alterar el funcionament metabòlic, i va induir dèficits atencionals i motivacionals prolongats en el temps. Els ratolins apoE3 foren els més vulnerables als efectes metabòlics del tòxic, i van mostrar alteracions de la memòria després de l'exposició. A més, el pesticida va invertir el dèficit de control inhibitori característic dels ratolins apoE4. En conclusió, aquests resultats amplien la literatura existent sobre els efectes comportamentals i metabòlics del CPF, i proporcionen informació valuosa sobre interaccions gen - tòxic fins ara desconegudes.El uso extensivo y el vertido masivo de pesticidas en el medio ambiente ha llevado a algunos autores a preguntarse sobre la contribución de estas sustancias al desarrollo de trastornos neuropsiquiátricos y metabólicos. Actualmente, los organofosforados (OPs) - y el clorpirifos (CPF) en particular - son los insecticidas más utilizados en el mundo. Dada la diversidad de fuentes de exposición, la mayoría de la población está expuesta casi permanentemente a CPF. Una gran cantidad de estudios epidemiológicos y experimentales han observado déficits neuroconductuales tras la exposición al pesticida, y evidencias incipientes sugieren vínculos entre la exposición a OPs y el desarrollo de trastornos metabólicos. Una de las claves consiste en establecer si existen subpoblaciones particularmente susceptibles a los efectos perjudiciales del CPF. Se ha demostrado que las diferentes isoformas de la apolipoproteína E (apoE) humana confieren diferentes vulnerabilidades a desarrollar enfermedades metabólicas y neurodegenerativas. El principal objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar los efectos comportamentales y metabólicos del genotipo APOE y del CPF, así como determinar si la interacción entre ambos factores contribuyó a la aparición de estos efectos. Así, ratones adultos portadores de apoE2, apoE3 o apoE4 fueron expuestos subcrónicamente a 2 mg/kg/día o 3.75 mg/kg/día de CPF en función de la fase experimental. Tras la exposición, los animales fueron evaluados conductualmente, mientras que los efectos metabólicos del CPF también fueron estudiados en paralelo. En general, el genotipo APOE influenció el rendimiento cognitivo. La exposición a CPF alteró el funcionamiento metabólico, e indujo déficits atencionales y motivacionales prolongados en el tiempo. Los ratones apoE3 fueron los más vulnerables a los efectos metabólicos del tóxico, y mostraron alteraciones de la memoria tras la exposición. Además, el pesticida invirtió el déficit de control inhibitorio característico de los ratones apoE4. En conclusión, estos resultados amplían la literatura existente sobre los efectos comportamentales y metabólicos del CPF, y proporcionan información valiosa sobre interacciones gen - tóxico hasta ahora desconocidas.The extensive use and massive release of pesticides into the environment has led some authors wonder about the potential contribution of these substances on the emergence of neuropsychiatric and metabolic disorders. Currently, organophosphates (OP) – and chlorpyrifos (CPF) in particular - are the most widely used insecticides in the world. Given the heterogeneity of sources of exposure, most of the population is almost permanently exposed to CPF. Thus, a great body of epidemiological and experimental data have reported neurobehavioural deficits following exposure to the pesticide, and incipient evidence begins to suggest potential links between OPs and metabolic disorders. One of the critical issues is to establish whether there are subpopulations particularly susceptible to the detrimental effects of CPF. It has been proved that human apolipoprotein E (apoE) isoforms confer on their carriers varying vulnerabilities to metabolic diseases and neurodegeneration. The main objective of this thesis was to assess the behavioural and metabolic effects of both APOE genotype and CPF, as well as to determine whether the interaction between both factors contributed to these effects. To test this, adult mice expressing apoE2, apoE3 or apoE4 human isoforms were subchronically exposed to 2 mg/kg/day or 3.75 mg/kg/day CPF depending on the experimental phase. After exposure, animals were behaviourally tested, while the metabolic-disruptor role of CPF was also assessed in paralel. In general, APOE genotype influenced cognitive performance. The exposure to CPF altered metabolic functioning, and induced protracted attentional and motivational deficits. ApoE3 mice were the most vulnerable to the metabolic effects of CPF, and showed memory impairments after exposure. Furthermore, the pesticide reversed the lack of inhibitory control characteristic of apoE4 mice. Taken together, these results expand the existing literature on the behavioural and metabolic effects of CPF, and provide valuable information on gene – toxic interactions hitherto unknown

    Efficient strategies for controlled release of nanoencapsulated phytohormones to improve plant stress tolerance

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    Climate change due to diferent human activities is causing adverse environmental conditions and uncontrolled extreme weather events. These harsh conditions are directly afecting the crop areas, and consequently, their yield (both in quantity and quality) is often impaired. It is essential to seek new advanced technologies to allow plants to tolerate environmental stresses and maintain their normal growth and development. Treatments performed with exogenous phytohormones stand out because they mitigate the negative efects of stress and promote the growth rate of plants. However, the technical limitations in feld application, the putative side efects, and the difculty in determining the correct dose, limit their widespread use. Nanoencapsulated systems have attracted attention because they allow a controlled delivery of active compounds and for their protection with eco-friendly shell biomaterials. Encapsulation is in continuous evolution due to the development and improvement of new techniques economically afordable and environmentally friendly, as well as new biomaterials with high afnity to carry and coat bioactive compounds. Despite their potential as an efcient alternative to phytohormone treatments, encapsulation systems remain relatively unexplored to date. This review aims to emphasize the potential of phytohormone treatments as a means of enhancing plant stress tolerance, with a specifc focus on the benefts that can be gained through the improved exogenous application of these treatments using encapsulation techniques. Moreover, the main encapsulation techniques, shell materials and recent work on plants treated with encapsulated phytohormones have been compiled

    Improvement of salicylic acid biological effect through its encapsulation with silica or chitosan

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    Attacks of necrotrophic and biotrophic fungi affect a large number of crops worldwide and are difficult to control with fungicides due to their genetic plasticity. Encapsulation technology is a good alternative for controlling fungal diseases. In this work, encapsulated samples of salicylic acid (SA) with silica (Si:SA) or chitosan (Ch:SA) at three different ratios were prepared by spray drying, and morphological and physicochemical characterised. Therefore, size distribution, specific surface area, thermal stability, encapsulation efficiency, and in-vitro SA release were determined. Biological activity of encapsulated samples were tested against different fungi of agricultural interest at various concentrations (0–1000 µM). Treatments prepared with the lowest ratios for both capsules, were found to have the best antifungal effect in an in vitro system, inhibiting the mycelial growth of Alternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum and Geotrichum candidum. Similarly, treatments with the lowest ratios of both encapsulated samples reduced free SA toxicity on Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. In this system, plants treated with capsules had higher root and rosette development than those treated with free SA. In conclusion, a product with a great potential in agriculture that shows high antifungal capacity and low toxicity for plants have been developed through a controlled and industrially viable process.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Encapsulation Reduces the Deleterious Effects of Salicylic Acid Treatments on Root Growth and Gravitropic Response

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    The role of salicylic acid (SA) on plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses is well documented. However, the mechanism by which exogenous SA protects plants and its interactions with other phytohormones remains elusive. SA effect, both free and encapsulated (using silica and chitosan capsules), on Arabidopsis thaliana development was studied. The effect of SA on roots and rosettes was analysed, determining plant morphological characteristics and hormone endogenous levels. Free SA treatment affected length, growth rate, gravitropic response of roots and rosette size in a dose-dependent manner. This damage was due to the increase of root endogenous SA concentration that led to a reduction in auxin levels. The encapsulation process reduced the deleterious effects of free SA on root and rosette growth and in the gravitropic response. Encapsulation allowed for a controlled release of the SA, reducing the amount of hormone available and the uptake by the plant, mitigating the deleterious effects of the free SA treatment. Although both capsules are suitable as SA carrier matrices, slightly better results were found with chitosan. Encapsulation appears as an attractive technology to deliver phytohormones when crops are cultivated under adverse conditions. Moreover, it can be a good tool to perform basic experiments on phytohormone interactions

    Effect of exogenous treatments with encapsulated salicylic acid on Arabidopsis thaliana development

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    Póster presentado en el XVI Simposio de Fitohormonas: Metabolismo y modo de acción, 19-21 de abril de 2023, Segovia (Spain)Environmental stresses are the main consequences derived from climate change that affect crop production and plants development. In response to these unfavorable conditions, plants undergo changes at morphological, physiological and biochemical level, improving their tolerance mechanisms to stress. Salicylic acid (SA) participates in plants acclimation and its role on plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses is well documented. However, the mechanism by which exogenous SA protects plants and its interactions with other phytohormones remains elusive. SA effect, both free and encapsulated (using silica and chitosan capsules), on Arabidopsis thaliana development was studied. The effect of SA on roots and rosettes was analysed, determining plant morphological characteristics and hormone endogenous levels

    Sex and Exposure to Postnatal Chlorpyrifos Influence the Epigenetics of Feeding-Related Genes in a Transgenic APOE Mouse Model:Long-Term Implications on Body Weight after a High-Fat Diet

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    Developmental exposure to toxicants and diet can interact with an individual's genetics and produce long-lasting metabolic adaptations. The different isoforms of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) are an important source of variability in metabolic disorders and influence the response to the pesticide chlorpyrifos (CPF). We aimed to study the epigenetic regulation on feeding control genes and the influence of postnatal CPF exposure, APOE genotype, and sex, and how these modifications impact on the metabolic response to a high-fat diet (HFD). Both male and female apoE3- and apoE4-TR mice were exposed to CPF on postnatal days 10-15. The DNA methylation pattern of proopiomelanocortin, neuropeptide Y, leptin receptor, and insulin-like growth factor 2 was studied in the hypothalamus. At adulthood, the mice were given a HFD for eight weeks. The results highlight the importance of sex in the epigenetic regulation and the implication of CPF treatment and APOE genotype. The body weight progression exhibited sex-dimorphic differences, apoE4-TR males being the most susceptible to the effects induced by CPF and HFD. Overall, these results underscore the pivotal role of sex, APOE genotype, and developmental exposure to CPF on subsequent metabolic disturbances later in life and show that sex is a key variable in epigenetic regulation

    Sex and Exposure to Postnatal Chlorpyrifos Influence the Epigenetics of Feeding-Related Genes in a Transgenic APOE Mouse Model: Long-Term Implications on Body Weight after a High-Fat Diet

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    Developmental exposure to toxicants and diet can interact with an individual’s genetics and produce long-lasting metabolic adaptations. The different isoforms of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) are an important source of variability in metabolic disorders and influence the response to the pesticide chlorpyrifos (CPF). We aimed to study the epigenetic regulation on feeding control genes and the influence of postnatal CPF exposure, APOE genotype, and sex, and how these modifications impact on the metabolic response to a high-fat diet (HFD). Both male and female apoE3- and apoE4-TR mice were exposed to CPF on postnatal days 10–15. The DNA methylation pattern of proopiomelanocortin, neuropeptide Y, leptin receptor, and insulin-like growth factor 2 was studied in the hypothalamus. At adulthood, the mice were given a HFD for eight weeks. The results highlight the importance of sex in the epigenetic regulation and the implication of CPF treatment and APOE genotype. The body weight progression exhibited sex-dimorphic differences, apoE4-TR males being the most susceptible to the effects induced by CPF and HFD. Overall, these results underscore the pivotal role of sex, APOE genotype, and developmental exposure to CPF on subsequent metabolic disturbances later in life and show that sex is a key variable in epigenetic regulation

    Anti-tumour necrosis factor discontinuation in inflammatory bowel disease patients in remission: study protocol of a prospective, multicentre, randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease who achieve remission with anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) drugs may have treatment withdrawn due to safety concerns and cost considerations, but there is a lack of prospective, controlled data investigating this strategy. The primary study aim is to compare the rates of clinical remission at 1?year in patients who discontinue anti-TNF treatment versus those who continue treatment. Methods: This is an ongoing, prospective, double-blind, multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled study in patients with Crohn?s disease or ulcerative colitis who have achieved clinical remission for ?6?months with an anti-TNF treatment and an immunosuppressant. Patients are being randomized 1:1 to discontinue anti-TNF therapy or continue therapy. Randomization stratifies patients by the type of inflammatory bowel disease and drug (infliximab versus adalimumab) at study inclusion. The primary endpoint of the study is sustained clinical remission at 1?year. Other endpoints include endoscopic and radiological activity, patient-reported outcomes (quality of life, work productivity), safety and predictive factors for relapse. The required sample size is 194 patients. In addition to the main analysis (discontinuation versus continuation), subanalyses will include stratification by type of inflammatory bowel disease, phenotype and previous treatment. Biological samples will be obtained to identify factors predictive of relapse after treatment withdrawal. Results: Enrolment began in 2016, and the study is expected to end in 2020. Conclusions: This study will contribute prospective, controlled data on outcomes and predictors of relapse in patients with inflammatory bowel disease after withdrawal of anti-TNF agents following achievement of clinical remission. Clinical trial reference number: EudraCT 2015-001410-1

    Autonomous cortisol secretion in patients with primary aldosteronism: prevalence and implications on cardiometabolic profile and on surgical outcomes

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of autonomous cortisol secretion (ACS) in patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) and its implications on cardiometabolic and surgical outcomes. Methods: This is a retrospective multicenter study of PA patients who underwent 1 mg dexamethasone-suppression test (DST) during diagnostic workup in 21 Spanish tertiary hospitals. ACS was defined as a cortisol post-DST >1.8 μg/dL (confirmed ACS if >5 μg/dL and possible ACS if 1.8–5 μg/dL) in the absence of spe cific clinical features of hypercortisolism. The cardiometabolic profile was compared with a control group with ACS without PA (ACS group) matched for age and DST levels. Results: The prevalence of ACS in the global cohort of patients with PA (n = 176) was 29% (ACS–PA; n = 51). Ten patients had confirmed ACS and 41 possible ACS. The cardiometabolic profile of ACS–PA and PA-only patients was simil ar, except for older age and larger tumor size of the adrenal lesion in the ACS–PA group. When comparing the ACS–PA group (n = 51) and the ACS group (n = 78), the prevalence of hypertension (OR 7.7 (2.64–22.32)) and cardiovascular events (OR 5.0 (2.29–11.07)) was higher in ACS–PA patients than in ACS patients. The coexistence of ACS in patien ts with PA did not affect the surgical outcomes, the proportion of biochemical cure and clinical cure being similar between ACS–PA and PA-only groups. Conclusion: Co-secretion of cortisol and aldosterone affects almost one-thi rd of patients with PA. Its occurrence is more frequent in patients with larger tumors and advanced age. However, the cardiometabolic and surgical outcomes of patients with ACS–PA and PA-only are similar