1,019 research outputs found
A cidade brasileira, historicamente, tem sido construída segundo os interesses das classes dominantes, resultando num tecido urbano heterogêneo, cujas partes têm acesso diferenciado à infra-estrutura urbana e à qualidade ambiental. No entanto, esse processo, na atualidade, vem assumindo novas formas. Adaptada para atender aos novos estilos de vida da burguesia, que prioriza cada vez mais o uso dos espaços fechados em detrimento dos espaços públicos abertos, e usa estratégias que promovem a segregação espacial segundo critérios sociais, a cidade se volta para a construção de espaços que buscam atender aos sonhos da pequena parcela da população que pode consumir. Dessa maneira, a preferência por espaços públicos fechados, o grau de isolamento dos diferentes grupos sociais e o nível de mobilidade da população estão subordinados ao seu padrão econômico, com sérias implicações sobre o uso e a qualidade dos espaços urbanos exteriores. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a relação entre esses padrões de comportamento e o uso dos espaços públicos exteriores. Para tal, usa como estudo de caso a cidade de Uberlândia, MG. Palavras-chave:forma urbana, uso do espaço público. SOCIAL STANDARDS AND THE USE OF PUBLIC SPACE Maria de Lourdes Pereira Fonseca The Brazilian city has been historically built according to the interests of the dominant classes, thus resulting in a heterogeneous human fabric, whose parts have differentiated access to the urban infrastructure and environmental quality. However, presently this process has assumed new shapes. Adapted to comply with the new life styles of the bourgeoisie, who gives priority to the use of closed spaces in detriment to the open public ones and to strategies that promote special segregation according to social criteria, the city turns itself to the construction of spaces that aims at making come true the dreams of a small parcel of the population that can afford to consume. Therefore, the option for public closed spaces, the degree of isolation from different social groups and the level of mobility of the population are subordinated to the economic standard, with serious implications for the use and quality of the external urban spaces This paper aims at analyzing the relationship between these standards of behavior and the use of external public spaces. For this purpose, it uses the city of Uberlândia, MG, as case study. Key words: urban shape, public space use. Normes Sociales Et Utilisation De L’espace Public Maria de Lourdes Pereira Fonseca Historiquement les villes brésiliennes ont été construites en fonction des intérêts des classes dominantes, aboutissant à la formation d’un tissu urbain hétérogène dont les parties accèdent à une infrastructure urbaine et à une qualité environnementale de manière différenciée.Cependant, ce processus prend actuellement de nouvelles formes. Ayant été adaptée pour pouvoir répondre au nouveau style de vie de la bourgeoisie qui, chaque fois plus, donne la priorité à l’utilisation d’espaces fermés au détriment d’espaces publics ouverts et utilise des stratégies qui font avancer la ségrégation spatiale selon des critères sociaux., la ville se tourne vers la construction d’espaces qui essayent de répondre aux rêves d’une partie minime de la population capable de consommer. C’est ainsi que l’on donne la préférence à des espaces publics fermés, le degré d’isolement des différents groupes sociaux et le niveau de mobilité de la population étant subordonnés à son niveau économique, avec de sérieuses implications à propos de l’utilisation et de la qualité des espaces urbains ouverts.Le présent travail a comme objectif d’analyser le rapport existant entre ces modèles de comportement et l’utilisation des espaces publics extérieurs. C’est la ville d’Uberlândia, dans l’Etat de Minas Gerais, qui a été choisie pour faire cette étude de cas. Mots-cles: forme urbaine, utilisation de l’espace public. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br
The Role of Cytometry for Male Fertility Assessment in Toxicology
Infertility is nowadays a major concern, affecting approximately 8–12% of the couples and the male factor accounts for about 50% of the cases. Occupational and/or environmental exposure to heavy metals and other pollutants is the main cause of male infertility. Lead, cadmium and chromium are heavy metals widely used in industry and quite persistent in the environment, raising major concerns over the possible effects on the reproductive health of workers and the general population. Sperm DNA integrity is essential for the accurate transmission of paternal genetic information, and normal sperm chromatin structure is important for sperm fertilizing ability. Flow cytometry can be to characterize multiple physical characteristics of the population of spermatozoa in the sperm, including sperm concentration, viability, mitochondrial mass and function, acrosome integrity, capacitation, membrane fluidity, DNA content and status, etc. This chapter elucidates the role of cytometry in the study of male fertility under toxicological insult by pollutants such as chromium, cadmium and lead. Some representative examples are presented using in vivo studies with rodents. In addition, complementary techniques to cytometry and future perspectives will be mentioned in an interdisciplinary point of view to gain knowledge on this subject
Comparative Cr, As and CCA induced Cytostaticity in mice kidney: a contribution to assess CCA toxicity
CCA (Chromium Copper Arsenate) treated wood, widely used in outdoor residential structures and playgrounds, poses considerable dangers of leaching of its components to the environment. In this study, mouse kidney samples were used to evaluate the effects of CCA, chromium trioxide (CrO3) and arsenic pentoxide (As2O5) on cell pathophysiology by flow cytometry. Samples were collected after 14, 24, 48 and 96 h of animal exposure. While Cr had no statistically significant cytostatic effects, As2O5 induced a S-phase delay in animals exposed for 24 h, and over time a G0/G1 phase blockage. The effects of CCA in S-phase were similar, but more severe than those of As2O5. Since environmental and public health hazards due to the long durability of CCA-treated wood products, these data confirm that CCA has profoundly toxic effects on cell cycle, distinct from the compounds themselves. These cytostatic effects support cell cycle dynamics as a valuable endpoint to assess the toxicity of remaining CCA-treated infrastructures, and the expected increased waste stream over the coming decades.publishe
Caracterização físico-química do leite cru comercializado no município de Lavras –MG
Apesar da proibição do consumo de leite cru no Brasil, em muitas regiões ainda persiste a comercialização deste tipo de produto. Na cidade de Lavras, MG, é comum a sua comercialização em diversos estabelecimentos, sendo que a sua qualidade é duvidosa por não haver um controle por parte dos produtores e muito menos por parte dos comerciantes. Sendo assim, este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar as características físico-químicas, possíveis fraudes e padrão enzimático de leites crus comercializados e consumidos no município de Lavras. Foram analisadas 10 amostras de leites colhidos em diferentes pontos de venda, sendo realizadas 3 repetições para cada uma. Em cada uma foram realizadas as seguintes análises: acidez titulável, densidade a 15ºC, teores de gordura, extrato seco total e extrato seco desengordurado, pesquisa de peróxido de hidrogênio, amido, formol, cloretos e sacarose, determinação do volume, índice crioscópico, proteína, peroxidase e fosfatase alcalina. Na análise do Índice Crioscópico, (20%) apresentaram valores médios fora do padrão. Quanto ao teor de gordura, observou-se que 10% estavam abaixo do mínimo aceitável para leite cru integral. Para todas as amostras, os valores médios de densidade apresentaramse dentro dos limites recomendados. Para o Extrato Seco Desengordurado, (20%) apresentaram-se abaixo dos padrões regulamentares e (30%) apresentaram acidez média fora da faixa. Quanto à presença de amido, peróxido de hidrogênio, cloretos, sacarose e formol, todas as amostras analisadas foram negativas. Reforça-se então o risco do consumo deste tipo de produto, pois não há uma legislação e fiscalização constante, facilitando assim possíveis fraudes com produtos prejudiciais à saúde e que não garantem a integridade do leite. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados por intermédio de estatística descritiva e comparados aos padrões oficiais estabelecidos pela legislação
Livro Verde dos Montados
O Livro Verde dos Montados apresenta diversos objectivos que se interligam:
Em primeiro lugar, o Livro Verde pretende reunir e sistematizar, de uma forma simples e acessível ao público, o conhecimento produzido em Portugal pelos investigadores e técnicos de várias instituições de investigação ou de gestão que estudam o Montado. Assume-se como uma oportunidade de caracterizar o sistema tendo em conta as suas várias dimensões, identificando as principais ameaças à sua preservação assim como os caminhos que podem ajudar à sua sustentabilidade. Não sendo um documento científico, baseia-se no conhecimento científico e pretende constituir a base para uma plataforma de organização, tanto dos investigadores como do conhecimento científico actualmente produzido em Portugal sobre o Montado.Em segundo lugar, o Livro Verde deverá contribuir para um entendimento partilhado do que é o Montado, por parte do público, de técnicos e de especialistas, conduzindo a uma classificação mais clara do que pode ser considerado Montado e de quais os tipos distintos de Montados que podem ser identificados.
Em terceiro lugar, o Livro Verde estabelece as bases para uma estratégia coordenada de disponibilização de informação sobre o sistema Montado, visando o seu conhecimento, apreciação e valorização pela sociedade portuguesa no seu conjunto. Deste modo, o Livro Verde poderá constituir um instrumento congregador e inspirador para a realização de acções de sensibilização e informação sobre o Montado.
Em quarto lugar, pretende-se que o Livro Verde contribua para um maior reconhecimento e valorização do Montado como sistema, a nível do desenho das políticas nacionais por parte dos vários sectores envolvidos.Finalmente, o Livro Verde constituirá um documento parceiro do Livro Verde das Dehesas, produzido em Espanha em 2010, de forma a reforçar o reconhecimento e a devida valorização destes sistemas silvo-pastoris no desenho das estratégias e políticas relevantes pelas instituições europeias.
Em suma, os autores pretendem que o Livro Verde dos Montados se afirme como o primeiro passo para uma efectiva definição e implementação de uma estratégia nacional para os Montados
Em torno da mesa do rei: artefatos, convivialidade e celebração no Rio de Janeiro joanino
Este artigo aborda um aspecto relevante do ritual das refeições na corte de D. João VI, no Rio de Janeiro: a prataria de mesa. Isto é, objetos de luxo destinados a servir e a consumir os alimentos. Com base em um inventário de bens de mesa enviados do Rio de Janeiro para Lisboa junto com o monarca em seu retorno a Portugal, em 1821, este artigo procura refletir sobre as funções e possíveis usos desses objetos, assim como sobre a importância desse universo material para o funcionamento, representação e celebração da Casa Real portuguesa na sua nova sede. O artigo argumenta que a presença e o uso de baixelas de prata de serviço, mas também de grande aparato, nas refeições públicas da família real pode contribuir para se repensar a imagem de uma corte pobre e sem brilho recorrentemente reforçada na historiografia do período joanino.This article discusses a specific issue of the royal dinner's rituals at the Court of Rio de Janeiro: the silver service: some luxury artifacts of different forms specially made to serve and consume food. Based on a inventory of these silver objects and also on a stock of table linen which were shipped to Lisbon, along with the royal family in 1821, The article intend to explore the functions and utilities of those objects at the table, as well as, analyze the importance of this material universe for the functioning, representation and celebration of the Portuguese Royal House in its new headquarters.The article argues that the use and even the exhibition of the banquet silver in public ceremonies may contribute to change a rather depreciative image of poverty the royal court in Brazil, which has being explored by the historiography for more than a hundred years
Concepts for the Development of Person-Centered, Digitally Enabled, Artificial Intelligence–Assisted ARIA Care Pathways (ARIA 2024)
Funding Information: This work has received funding from ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact of Asthma); CATALYSE (Climate Action To Advance HeaLthY Societies in Europe), the European Union\u2019s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101057131; FRAUNHOFER Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (ITMP), Immunology and Allergology, Berlin, Germany; University of Porto, Portugal; and MASK-air, which has been supported by EU grants (Impact of air Pollution on Asthma and Rhinitis [POLLAR] project of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology Health; Structural and Development Funds, R\u00E9gion Languedoc Roussillon and Provence-Alpes-C\u00F4te d\u2019Azur; Twinning, European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, DG Sant\u00E9 and DG Connect); educational grants from Mylan-Viatris, Allergologisk Laboratorium K\u00F8benhavn, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Stallerg\u00E8nes-Greer, and Noucor; and funding from Breathing Together Onlus Association (Associazione Respiriamo Insieme Onlus), Italy; Esp\u00EDritu Santo University, Samborond\u00F3n, Ecuador; Finnish Anti-Tuberculosis Association Foundation and Tampere Tuberculosis Foundation; GA 2 LEN; German Allergy Society AeDA (\u00C4rzteverband Deutscher Allergologen); IPOKRaTES (International Postgraduate Organization for Knowledge transfer, Research and Teaching Excellent Students) Lithuania Fund; Polish Society of Allergology (POLSKIE TOWARZYSTWO ALLERGOLOGICZNE); and University of Li\u00E8ge, Belgium. Funding Information: Conflicts of interest: J. Bousquet reports personal fees from Cipla, Menarini, Mylan, Novartis, Purina, Sanofi-Aventis, Teva, Noucor, other from KYomed-Innov, and other from Mask-air-SAS, outside the submitted work. M. Blaiss reports personal fees from Sanofi, personal fees from Regeneron, personal fees from ALK, personal fees from Merck, personal fees from AstraZeneca, personal fees from GSK, personal fees from Prollergy, personal fees from Lanier Biotherapeutics, and nonfinancial support from Bryn Phama, outside the submitted work. J. Lity\u0144ska reports personal fees from Evidence Prime Sp. z o.o., outside the submitted work. T. Iinuma reports grants from Sanofi, outside the submitted work. P. Tantilipikorn reports grants from Abbott, other from GSK, and other from Sanofi Aventis, outside the submitted work. T. Haahtela reports personal fees from Orion Pharma, outside the submitted work. Publisher Copyright: © 2024 The AuthorsThe traditional healthcare model is focused on diseases (medicine and natural science) and does not acknowledge patients’ resources and abilities to be experts in their own lives based on their lived experiences. Improving healthcare safety, quality, and coordination, as well as quality of life, is an important aim in the care of patients with chronic conditions. Person-centered care needs to ensure that people's values and preferences guide clinical decisions. This paper reviews current knowledge to develop (1) digital care pathways for rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity and (2) digitally enabled, person-centered care.1 It combines all relevant research evidence, including the so-called real-world evidence, with the ultimate goal to develop digitally enabled, patient-centered care. The paper includes (1) Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA), a 2-decade journey, (2) Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE), the evidence-based model of guidelines in airway diseases, (3) mHealth impact on airway diseases, (4) From guidelines to digital care pathways, (5) Embedding Planetary Health, (6) Novel classification of rhinitis and asthma, (7) Embedding real-life data with population-based studies, (8) The ARIA-EAACI (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) strategy for the management of airway diseases using digital biomarkers, (9) Artificial intelligence, (10) The development of digitally enabled, ARIA person-centered care, and (11) The political agenda. The ultimate goal is to propose ARIA 2024 guidelines centered around the patient to make them more applicable and sustainable.proofinpres
Nrf2-interacting nutrients and COVID-19 : time for research to develop adaptation strategies
There are large between- and within-country variations in COVID-19 death rates. Some very low death rate settings such as Eastern Asia, Central Europe, the Balkans and Africa have a common feature of eating large quantities of fermented foods whose intake is associated with the activation of the Nrf2 (Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2) anti-oxidant transcription factor. There are many Nrf2-interacting nutrients (berberine, curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate, genistein, quercetin, resveratrol, sulforaphane) that all act similarly to reduce insulin resistance, endothelial damage, lung injury and cytokine storm. They also act on the same mechanisms (mTOR: Mammalian target of rapamycin, PPAR gamma:Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, NF kappa B: Nuclear factor kappa B, ERK: Extracellular signal-regulated kinases and eIF2 alpha:Elongation initiation factor 2 alpha). They may as a result be important in mitigating the severity of COVID-19, acting through the endoplasmic reticulum stress or ACE-Angiotensin-II-AT(1)R axis (AT(1)R) pathway. Many Nrf2-interacting nutrients are also interacting with TRPA1 and/or TRPV1. Interestingly, geographical areas with very low COVID-19 mortality are those with the lowest prevalence of obesity (Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia). It is tempting to propose that Nrf2-interacting foods and nutrients can re-balance insulin resistance and have a significant effect on COVID-19 severity. It is therefore possible that the intake of these foods may restore an optimal natural balance for the Nrf2 pathway and may be of interest in the mitigation of COVID-19 severity
Cabbage and fermented vegetables : From death rate heterogeneity in countries to candidates for mitigation strategies of severe COVID-19
Large differences in COVID-19 death rates exist between countries and between regions of the same country. Some very low death rate countries such as Eastern Asia, Central Europe, or the Balkans have a common feature of eating large quantities of fermented foods. Although biases exist when examining ecological studies, fermented vegetables or cabbage have been associated with low death rates in European countries. SARS-CoV-2 binds to its receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). As a result of SARS-CoV-2 binding, ACE2 downregulation enhances the angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT(1)R) axis associated with oxidative stress. This leads to insulin resistance as well as lung and endothelial damage, two severe outcomes of COVID-19. The nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) is the most potent antioxidant in humans and can block in particular the AT(1)R axis. Cabbage contains precursors of sulforaphane, the most active natural activator of Nrf2. Fermented vegetables contain many lactobacilli, which are also potent Nrf2 activators. Three examples are: kimchi in Korea, westernized foods, and the slum paradox. It is proposed that fermented cabbage is a proof-of-concept of dietary manipulations that may enhance Nrf2-associated antioxidant effects, helpful in mitigating COVID-19 severity.Peer reviewe
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