69 research outputs found

    Influencia del incremento de la bioseguridad en pandemia sobre la satisfacción del paciente en un centro odontológico de Lima, 2020-2022

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la influencia del incremento de la bioseguridad durante la pandemia en la satisfacción de los pacientes al recibir un servicio odontológico en un centro odontológico de Lima, 2020 – 2022, Se utilizó un método cuantitativo de tipo básico, descriptivo de corte transversal, la población muestral fueron 80 pacientes, donde se utilizó un cuestionario como instrumento que fue validado con una confiabilidad de Alpha de Cronbach de 0,9 y 0,79 respectivamente. En los resultados de estadística inferencial de Rho de Spearman se obtuvo 0,533, es decir una correlación positiva considerable y una significancia de 0,000, aceptándose la hipótesis de la investigación. Se concluyó que las variables bioseguridad en pandemia y la satisfacción del paciente estaban significativamente correlacionadas de forma positiva, esto se traduce en que los pacientes que asistieron al centro odontológico estuvieron satisfechos con incremento de la bioseguridad en el contexto de Covid 19

    Histoire évolutive de la maladie carieuse : exemple des populations inuites

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    La maladie carieuse est une pathologie considérée comme le troisième fléau mondial par l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, puisqu’elle touche plus de 99 % des adultes. Historiquement, en Europe, la prévalence carieuse augmente progressivement depuis le Néolithique jusqu’à atteindre un pic au XXe siècle et ne commence à diminuer que depuis les 25 dernières années. Cependant, cette maladie n’a pas connu la même histoire évolutive dans toutes les populations humaines. Dans le cadre d’une thèse,..

    Histoire démographique des ancêtres de la population malgache actuelle à partir des données génétiques

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    Bien que situé à 400 km de l’Afrique, les habitants de Mada­gascar partagent des caractéristiques linguistiques, culturelles et génétiques avec des populations d’Indonésie et de la côte Est d’Afrique. Il a été montré que la population malgache est issue d’un mélange entre des populations bantu et austronésienne pendant le dernier millenium. Néanmoins, l’histoire du peuplement de l’île par les ancêtres de la population malgache actuelle reste encore incomplet et confus. Ici, nous cherchons à e..

    Microsome-associated proteome modifications of Arabidopsis seedlings grown on board the International Space Station reveal the possible effect on plants of space stresses other than microgravity

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    11p.-2 fig.-6 tab.Growing plants in space for using them in bioregenerative life support systems during long-term human spaceflights needs improvement of our knowledge in how plants can adapt to space growth conditions. In a previous study performed on board the International Space Station (GENARA A experiment STS-132) we evaluate the global changes that microgravity can exert on the membrane proteome of Arabidopsis seedlings. Here we report additional data from this space experiment, taking advantage of the availability in the EMCS of a centrifuge to evaluate the effects of cues other than microgravity on the relative distribution of membrane proteins. Among the 1484 membrane proteins quantified, 227 proteins displayed no abundance differences between µ g and 1 g in space, while their abundances significantly differed between 1 g in space and 1 g on ground. A majority of these proteins (176) were over-represented in space samples and mainly belong to families corresponding to protein synthesis, degradation, transport, lipid metabolism, or ribosomal proteins. In the remaining set of 51 proteins that were under-represented in membranes, aquaporins and chloroplastic proteins are majority. These sets of proteins clearly appear as indicators of plant physiological processes affected in space by stressful factors others than microgravity.The authors would like to thank the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) who successfully performed the spaceflight experiment; they also thank the astronauts for performing the required tasks on board the ISS. We acknowledge the Norwegian User Support and Operations Center team (NUSOC) for the ground and space preparation of the GENARA-A experiment and we thank the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (Astrium EADS) for the design and building of the hardware. We also thank the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales(CNES) for their scientific and financial support.Peer reviewe

    Smell and taste changes are early indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic and political decision effectiveness

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    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments have taken drastic measures to avoid an overflow of intensive care units. Accurate metrics of disease spread are critical for the reopening strategies. Here, we show that self-reports of smell/taste changes are more closely associated with hospital overload and are earlier markers of the spread of infection of SARS-CoV-2 than current governmental indicators. We also report a decrease in self-reports of new onset smell/taste changes as early as 5 days after lockdown enforcement. Cross-country comparisons demonstrate that countries that adopted the most stringent lockdown measures had faster declines in new reports of smell/taste changes following lockdown than a country that adopted less stringent lockdown measures. We propose that an increase in the incidence of sudden smell and taste change in the general population may be used as an indicator of COVID-19 spread in the population

    Contribution de l’anthropologie sensorielle à l’étude du COVID-19

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    En réponse à la pandémie COVID-19, de nombreux gouvernements ont pris des mesures sans précédent pour éviter un engorgement des unités de réanimation. En raison du lourd impact sociétal et économique de ces initiatives, des indicateurs épidémiologiques précis de la propagation de la maladie sont essentiels aux autorités de santé publique. Dans le même temps, la perturbation des perceptions des odeurs et du goût ont été identifiés comme l’un des symptômes les plus spécifiques de la maladie COV..

    Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 among individuals with recent respiratory symptoms

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    In a preregistered, cross-sectional study we investigated whether olfactory loss is a reliable predictor of COVID-19 using a crowdsourced questionnaire in 23 languages to assess symptoms in individuals self-reporting recent respiratory illness. We quantified changes in chemosensory abilities during the course of the respiratory illness using 0-100 visual analog scales (VAS) for participants reporting a positive (C19+; n=4148) or negative (C19-; n=546) COVID-19 laboratory test outcome. Logistic regression models identified univariate and multivariate predictors of COVID-19 status and post-COVID-19 olfactory recovery. Both C19+ and C19- groups exhibited smell loss, but it was significantly larger in C19+ participants (mean±SD, C19+: -82.5±27.2 points; C19-: -59.8±37.7). Smell loss during illness was the best predictor of COVID-19 in both univariate and multivariate models (ROC AUC=0.72). Additional variables provide negligible model improvement. VAS ratings of smell loss were more predictive than binary chemosensory yes/no-questions or other cardinal symptoms (e.g., fever). Olfactory recovery within 40 days of respiratory symptom onset was reported for ~50% of participants and was best predicted by time since respiratory symptom onset. We find that quantified smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 amongst those with symptoms of respiratory illness. To aid clinicians and contact tracers in identifying individuals with a high likelihood of having COVID-19, we propose a novel 0-10 scale to screen for recent olfactory loss, the ODoR-19. We find that numeric ratings ≤2 indicate high odds of symptomatic COVID-19 (4<10). Once independently validated, this tool could be deployed when viral lab tests are impractical or unavailable

    More than smell - COVID-19 is associated with severe impairment of smell, taste, and chemesthesis

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    Recent anecdotal and scientific reports have provided evidence of a link between COVID-19 and chemosensory impairments such as anosmia. However, these reports have downplayed or failed to distinguish potential effects on taste, ignored chemesthesis, generally lacked quantitative measurements, were mostly restricted to data from single countries. Here, we report the development, implementation and initial results of a multi-lingual, international questionnaire to assess self-reported quantity and quality of perception in three distinct chemosensory modalities (smell, taste, and chemesthesis) before and during COVID-19. In the first 11 days after questionnaire launch, 4039 participants (2913 women, 1118 men, 8 other, ages 19-79) reported a COVID-19 diagnosis either via laboratory tests or clinical assessment. Importantly, smell, taste and chemesthetic function were each significantly reduced compared to their status before the disease. Difference scores (maximum possible change+/-100) revealed a mean reduction of smell (-79.7+/- 28.7, mean+/- SD), taste (-69.0+/- 32.6), and chemesthetic (-37.3+/- 36.2) function during COVID-19. Qualitative changes in olfactory ability (parosmia and phantosmia) were relatively rare and correlated with smell loss. Importantly, perceived nasal obstruction did not account for smell loss. Furthermore, chemosensory impairments were similar between participants in the laboratory test and clinical assessment groups. These results show that COVID-19-associated chemosensory impairment is not limited to smell, but also affects taste and chemesthesis. The multimodal impact of COVID-19 and lack of perceived nasal obstruction suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection may disrupt sensory-neural mechanisms.Additional co-authors: Veronica Pereda-Loth, Shannon B Olsson, Richard C Gerkin, Paloma Rohlfs Domínguez, Javier Albayay, Michael C. Farruggia, Surabhi Bhutani, Alexander W Fjaeldstad, Ritesh Kumar, Anna Menini, Moustafa Bensafi, Mari Sandell, Iordanis Konstantinidis, Antonella Di Pizio, Federica Genovese, Lina Öztürk, Thierry Thomas-Danguin, Johannes Frasnelli, Sanne Boesveldt, Özlem Saatci, Luis R. Saraiva, Cailu Lin, Jérôme Golebiowski, Liang-Dar Hwang, Mehmet Hakan Ozdener, Maria Dolors Guàrdia, Christophe Laudamiel, Marina Ritchie, Jan Havlícek, Denis Pierron, Eugeni Roura, Marta Navarro, Alissa A. Nolden, Juyun Lim, KL Whitcroft, Lauren R. Colquitt, Camille Ferdenzi, Evelyn V. Brindha, Aytug Altundag, Alberto Macchi, Alexia Nunez-Parra, Zara M. Patel, Sébastien Fiorucci, Carl M. Philpott, Barry C. Smith, Johan N Lundström, Carla Mucignat, Jane K. Parker, Mirjam van den Brink, Michael Schmuker, Florian Ph.S Fischmeister, Thomas Heinbockel, Vonnie D.C. Shields, Farhoud Faraji, Enrique Enrique Santamaría, William E.A. Fredborg, Gabriella Morini, Jonas K. Olofsson, Maryam Jalessi, Noam Karni, Anna D'Errico, Rafieh Alizadeh, Robert Pellegrino, Pablo Meyer, Caroline Huart, Ben Chen, Graciela M. Soler, Mohammed K. Alwashahi, Olagunju Abdulrahman, Antje Welge-Lüssen, Pamela Dalton, Jessica Freiherr, Carol H. Yan, Jasper H. B. de Groot, Vera V. Voznessenskaya, Hadar Klein, Jingguo Chen, Masako Okamoto, Elizabeth A. Sell, Preet Bano Singh, Julie Walsh-Messinger, Nicholas S. Archer, Sachiko Koyama, Vincent Deary, Hüseyin Yanik, Samet Albayrak, Lenka Martinec Novákov, Ilja Croijmans, Patricia Portillo Mazal, Shima T. Moein, Eitan Margulis, Coralie Mignot, Sajidxa Mariño, Dejan Georgiev, Pavan K. Kaushik, Bettina Malnic, Hong Wang, Shima Seyed-Allaei, Nur Yoluk, Sara Razzaghi, Jeb M. Justice, Diego Restrepo, Julien W Hsieh, Danielle R. Reed, Thomas Hummel, Steven D Munger, John E Haye

    Contribution to the study of the phosphate transporter family in Poplar (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) and the ectomycorrhizal fungi Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P. D. Orton

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    La publication du premier séquençage d'un arbre - Le peuplier - et celle du champignon ectomycorhizien - Laccaria bicolor - a ouvert des nouvelles perspectives en biologie forestière. Les deux organismes constituent des modèles d'étude grâce à la connaissance de leur génome mais aussi de par leur importance économique, leur intérêt environnemental et leur capacité à s'associer de façon symbiotique. La symbiose mycorhizienne entre un champignon et une plante, améliore la nutrition minérale de la plante, et particulièrement sa nutrition phosphatée. La gestion de la forêt nécessite une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes qui servent à faire face à une faible fertilité en Pi dans le sol. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé la caractérisation des familles multigéniques des transporteurs de Pi de type PHT1 des deux organismes. Nous avons réussi à élucider les subtiles régulations de la famille de transporteurs de Pi entre ces deux partenaires, lors de différents états physiologiques de la plante et du champignon. Notre étude a mis en évidence l'effet positif observé sur la croissance des plantes lors de la mycorhization, celui-ci pouvant être étroitement lié à la régulation des certains transporteurs de Pi des deux partenaires (LbPht1;5 chez L.bicolor ; PtrPht1;9 et PtrPht1;12 chez le peuplier associé à L.bicolor et PtrPht1;10 associé à G.intraradices). D'autres transporteurs ont montré des réponses spécifiques à des stimuli comme la sénescence de feuilles (PtrPht1;1, PtrPht1;5, PtrPht1;6, PtrPht1;9 et PtrPht1;12), la carence en Pi (PtrPht1;9, PtrPht1;12 chez le peuplier, LbPht1;4 chez L. bicolor) et enfin nous avons pu observé les différents niveaux d'expression de chaque transporteur de Pi dans les différents compartiments tissulaires de chacun des partenaires. Cette mosaïque de réponses des membres de la famille PHT1 de ces deux organismes correspond à une première base de connaissances solide qui nous permettra de mieux comprendre les mécanismes du transport du Pi dans le sol des deux partenaires, par voie directe et symbiotique.The publication of the first genome sequence of a tree - the poplar - and of an ectomycorrhizal fungus - Laccaria bicolor – has opened new prospects in forestry. Because their genomes are now known, and these species are important both economically and ecologically,Poplar and L. bicolor comprise an important model of plant : fungal interactions,. The mycorrhizal symbiosis, occurring between a fungus and a plant, improves plant mineral nutrition, especially for phosphorus. Forest management requires a better understanding of the mechanisms utilized by plants growing in low phosphorus soils. To increase our understanding of these processes, we characterized the multigenic families of Pi transporters (PHT1 type) of both organisms. We elucidated the subtle regulation of these transporters, from both partners, in various physiological states. Plants grew faster when mycorrhizal and this effect might be explained by the regulation of certain of the Pi transporters : LbPht1;5 in L.bicolor; PtrPht1;9 and PtrPht1;12 in poplar associated with L.bicolor, and PtrPht1;10 associated with G.intraradices. Other Pi transporters responded specifically to stimuli such as leaf senescence (PtrPht1;1, PtrPht1;5, PtrPht1;6, PtrPht1;9 and PtrPht1;12) or Pi starvation (PtrPht1;9, PtrPht1;12 in poplar, LbPht1;4 in L. bicolor). In addition, we observed different levels of expression of each Pi transporter in different tissues of each partner. This mosaic of responses of PHT1 family members provides an initial understanding of how mycorrhization affects Pi uptake from the fungus and plant. From this solid base of knowledge, the mechanisms by which each partner takes up Pi, either directly from soil, or indirectly via their symbiont, can be further expored

    Contribution to the study of the phosphate transporter family in Poplar (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) and the ectomycorrhizal fungi Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P. D. Orton

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    La publication du premier séquençage d'un arbre - Le peuplier - et celle du champignon ectomycorhizien - Laccaria bicolor - a ouvert des nouvelles perspectives en biologie forestière. Les deux organismes constituent des modèles d'étude grâce à la connaissance de leur génome mais aussi de par leur importance économique, leur intérêt environnemental et leur capacité à s'associer de façon symbiotique. La symbiose mycorhizienne entre un champignon et une plante, améliore la nutrition minérale de la plante, et particulièrement sa nutrition phosphatée. La gestion de la forêt nécessite une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes qui servent à faire face à une faible fertilité en Pi dans le sol. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé la caractérisation des familles multigéniques des transporteurs de Pi de type PHT1 des deux organismes. Nous avons réussi à élucider les subtiles régulations de la famille de transporteurs de Pi entre ces deux partenaires, lors de différents états physiologiques de la plante et du champignon. Notre étude a mis en évidence l'effet positif observé sur la croissance des plantes lors de la mycorhization, celui-ci pouvant être étroitement lié à la régulation des certains transporteurs de Pi des deux partenaires (LbPht1;5 chez L.bicolor ; PtrPht1;9 et PtrPht1;12 chez le peuplier associé à L.bicolor et PtrPht1;10 associé à G.intraradices). D'autres transporteurs ont montré des réponses spécifiques à des stimuli comme la sénescence de feuilles (PtrPht1;1, PtrPht1;5, PtrPht1;6, PtrPht1;9 et PtrPht1;12), la carence en Pi (PtrPht1;9, PtrPht1;12 chez le peuplier, LbPht1;4 chez L. bicolor) et enfin nous avons pu observé les différents niveaux d'expression de chaque transporteur de Pi dans les différents compartiments tissulaires de chacun des partenaires. Cette mosaïque de réponses des membres de la famille PHT1 de ces deux organismes correspond à une première base de connaissances solide qui nous permettra de mieux comprendre les mécanismes du transport du Pi dans le sol des deux partenaires, par voie directe et symbiotique.The publication of the first genome sequence of a tree - the poplar - and of an ectomycorrhizal fungus - Laccaria bicolor – has opened new prospects in forestry. Because their genomes are now known, and these species are important both economically and ecologically,Poplar and L. bicolor comprise an important model of plant : fungal interactions,. The mycorrhizal symbiosis, occurring between a fungus and a plant, improves plant mineral nutrition, especially for phosphorus. Forest management requires a better understanding of the mechanisms utilized by plants growing in low phosphorus soils. To increase our understanding of these processes, we characterized the multigenic families of Pi transporters (PHT1 type) of both organisms. We elucidated the subtle regulation of these transporters, from both partners, in various physiological states. Plants grew faster when mycorrhizal and this effect might be explained by the regulation of certain of the Pi transporters : LbPht1;5 in L.bicolor; PtrPht1;9 and PtrPht1;12 in poplar associated with L.bicolor, and PtrPht1;10 associated with G.intraradices. Other Pi transporters responded specifically to stimuli such as leaf senescence (PtrPht1;1, PtrPht1;5, PtrPht1;6, PtrPht1;9 and PtrPht1;12) or Pi starvation (PtrPht1;9, PtrPht1;12 in poplar, LbPht1;4 in L. bicolor). In addition, we observed different levels of expression of each Pi transporter in different tissues of each partner. This mosaic of responses of PHT1 family members provides an initial understanding of how mycorrhization affects Pi uptake from the fungus and plant. From this solid base of knowledge, the mechanisms by which each partner takes up Pi, either directly from soil, or indirectly via their symbiont, can be further expored