151 research outputs found

    The ALHAMBRA survey: evolution of galaxy spectral segregation

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    We study the clustering of galaxies as a function of spectral type and redshift in the range 0.35<z<1.10.35 < z < 1.1 using data from the Advanced Large Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical (ALHAMBRA) survey. The data cover 2.381 deg2^2 in 7 fields, after applying a detailed angular selection mask, with accurate photometric redshifts [σz<0.014(1+z)\sigma_z < 0.014(1+z)] down to IAB<24I_{AB} < 24. From this catalog we draw five fixed number density, redshift-limited bins. We estimate the clustering evolution for two different spectral populations selected using the ALHAMBRA-based photometric templates: quiescent and star-forming galaxies. For each sample, we measure the real-space clustering using the projected correlation function. Our calculations are performed over the range [0.03,10.0]h1[0.03,10.0] h^{-1} Mpc, allowing us to find a steeper trend for rp0.2h1r_p \lesssim 0.2 h^{-1} Mpc, which is especially clear for star-forming galaxies. Our analysis also shows a clear early differentiation in the clustering properties of both populations: star-forming galaxies show weaker clustering with evolution in the correlation length over the analysed redshift range, while quiescent galaxies show stronger clustering already at high redshifts, and no appreciable evolution. We also perform the bias calculation where similar segregation is found, but now it is among the quiescent galaxies where a growing evolution with redshift is clearer. These findings clearly corroborate the well known colour-density relation, confirming that quiescent galaxies are mainly located in dark matter halos that are more massive than those typically populated by star-forming galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap

    The ALHAMBRA survey : Estimation of the clustering signal encoded in the cosmic variance

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    The relative cosmic variance (σv\sigma_v) is a fundamental source of uncertainty in pencil-beam surveys and, as a particular case of count-in-cell statistics, can be used to estimate the bias between galaxies and their underlying dark-matter distribution. Our goal is to test the significance of the clustering information encoded in the σv\sigma_v measured in the ALHAMBRA survey. We measure the cosmic variance of several galaxy populations selected with BB-band luminosity at 0.35z<1.050.35 \leq z < 1.05 as the intrinsic dispersion in the number density distribution derived from the 48 ALHAMBRA subfields. We compare the observational σv\sigma_v with the cosmic variance of the dark matter expected from the theory, σv,dm\sigma_{v,{\rm dm}}. This provides an estimation of the galaxy bias bb. The galaxy bias from the cosmic variance is in excellent agreement with the bias estimated by two-point correlation function analysis in ALHAMBRA. This holds for different redshift bins, for red and blue subsamples, and for several BB-band luminosity selections. We find that bb increases with the BB-band luminosity and the redshift, as expected from previous work. Moreover, red galaxies have a larger bias than blue galaxies, with a relative bias of brel=1.4±0.2b_{\rm rel} = 1.4 \pm 0.2. Our results demonstrate that the cosmic variance measured in ALHAMBRA is due to the clustering of galaxies and can be used to characterise the σv\sigma_v affecting pencil-beam surveys. In addition, it can also be used to estimate the galaxy bias bb from a method independent of correlation functions.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press. 9 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Galaxy clusters and groups in the ALHAMBRA Survey

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    We present a catalogue of 348 galaxy clusters and groups with 0.2<z<1.20.2<z<1.2 selected in the 2.78 deg2deg^2 ALHAMBRA Survey. The high precision of our photometric redshifts, close to 1%1\%, and the wide spread of the seven ALHAMBRA pointings ensure that this catalogue has better mass sensitivity and is less affected by cosmic variance than comparable samples. The detection has been carried out with the Bayesian Cluster Finder (BCF), whose performance has been checked in ALHAMBRA-like light-cone mock catalogues. Great care has been taken to ensure that the observable properties of the mocks photometry accurately correspond to those of real catalogues. From our simulations, we expect to detect galaxy clusters and groups with both 70%70\% completeness and purity down to dark matter halo masses of Mh3×1013MM_h\sim3\times10^{13}\rm M_{\odot} for z<0.85z<0.85. Cluster redshifts are expected to be recovered with 0.6%\sim0.6\% precision for z<1z<1. We also expect to measure cluster masses with σMhMCL0.250.35dex\sigma_{M_h|M^*_{CL}}\sim0.25-0.35\, dex precision down to 3×1013M\sim3\times10^{13}\rm M_{\odot}, masses which are 50%50\% smaller than those reached by similar work. We have compared these detections with previous optical, spectroscopic and X-rays work, finding an excellent agreement with the rates reported from the simulations. We have also explored the overall properties of these detections such as the presence of a colour-magnitude relation, the evolution of the photometric blue fraction and the clustering of these sources in the different ALHAMBRA fields. Despite the small numbers, we observe tentative evidence that, for a fixed stellar mass, the environment is playing a crucial role at lower redshifts (z<<0.5).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Catalogues and figures available online and under the following link: http://bascaso.net46.net/ALHAMBRA_clusters.htm

    The ALHAMBRA survey : BB-band luminosity function of quiescent and star-forming galaxies at 0.2z<10.2 \leq z < 1 by PDF analysis

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    Our goal is to study the evolution of the BB-band luminosity function (LF) since z=1z=1 using ALHAMBRA data. We used the photometric redshift and the II-band selection magnitude probability distribution functions (PDFs) of those ALHAMBRA galaxies with I24I\leq24 mag to compute the posterior LF. We statistically studied quiescent and star-forming galaxies using the template information encoded in the PDFs. The LF covariance matrix in redshift-magnitude-galaxy type space was computed, including the cosmic variance. That was estimated from the intrinsic dispersion of the LF measurements in the 48 ALHAMBRA sub-fields. The uncertainty due to the photometric redshift prior is also included in our analysis. We modelled the LF with a redshift-dependent Schechter function affected by the same selection effects than the data. The measured ALHAMBRA LF at 0.2z<10.2\leq z<1 and the evolving Schechter parameters both for quiescent and star-forming galaxies agree with previous results in the literature. The estimated redshift evolution of MBQzM_B^* \propto Qz is QSF=1.03±0.08Q_{\rm SF}=-1.03\pm0.08 and QQ=0.80±0.08Q_{\rm Q}=-0.80\pm0.08, and of logϕPz\log \phi^* \propto Pz is PSF=0.01±0.03P_{\rm SF}=-0.01\pm0.03 and PQ=0.41±0.05P_{\rm Q}=-0.41\pm0.05. The measured faint-end slopes are αSF=1.29±0.02\alpha_{\rm SF}=-1.29\pm0.02 and αQ=0.53±0.04\alpha_{\rm Q}=-0.53\pm0.04. We find a significant population of faint quiescent galaxies, modelled by a second Schechter function with slope β=1.31±0.11\beta=-1.31\pm0.11. We find a factor 2.55±0.142.55\pm0.14 decrease in the luminosity density jBj_B of star-forming galaxies, and a factor 1.25±0.161.25\pm0.16 increase in the jBj_B of quiescent ones since z=1z=1, confirming the continuous build-up of the quiescent population with cosmic time. The contribution of the faint quiescent population to jBj_B increases from 3% at z=1z=1 to 6% at z=0z=0. The developed methodology will be applied to future multi-filter surveys such as J-PAS.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 25 pages, 20 figures, 7 table

    A Ks-band-selected catalogue of objects in the ALHAMBRA survey

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    The original ALHAMBRA catalogue contained over 400,000 galaxies selected using a synthetic F814W image, to the magnitude limit AB(F814W)\approx24.5. Given the photometric redshift depth of the ALHAMBRA multiband data (=0.86) and the approximately II-band selection, there is a noticeable bias against red objects at moderate redshift. We avoid this bias by creating a new catalogue selected in the KsK_s band. This newly obtained catalogue is certainly shallower in terms of apparent magnitude, but deeper in terms of redshift, with a significant population of red objects at z>1z>1. We select objects using the KsK_s band images, which reach an approximate AB magnitude limit Ks22K_s \approx 22. We generate masks and derive completeness functions to characterize the sample. We have tested the quality of the photometry and photometric redshifts using both internal and external checks. Our final catalogue includes 95,000\approx 95,000 sources down to Ks22K_s \approx 22, with a significant tail towards high redshift. We have checked that there is a large sample of objects with spectral energy distributions that correspond to that of massive, passively evolving galaxies at z>1z > 1, reaching as far as z2.5z \approx 2.5. We have tested the possibility of combining our data with deep infrared observations at longer wavelengths, particularly Spitzer IRAC data

    The ALHAMBRA survey: evolution of galaxy clustering since z ~ 1

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    We study the clustering of galaxies as function of luminosity and redshift in the range 0.35 < z < 1.25 using data from the Advanced Large Homogeneous Area Medium-Band Redshift Astronomical (ALHAMBRA) survey. The ALHAMBRA data used in this work cover 2.38 deg2 in seven independent fields, after applying a detailed angular selection mask, with accurate photometric redshifts, σz ≲ 0.014(1 + z), down to IAB < 24. Given the depth of the survey, we select samples in B-band luminosity down to Lth ≃ 0.16L* at z = 0.9. We measure the real-space clustering using the projected correlation function, accounting for photometric redshifts uncertainties. We infer the galaxy bias, and study its evolution with luminosity. We study the effect of sample variance, and confirm earlier results that the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) and European Large Area ISO Survey North 1 (ELAIS-N1) fields are dominated by the presence of large structures. For the intermediate and bright samples, Lmed ≳ 0.6L*, we obtain a strong dependence of bias on luminosity, in agreement with previous results at similar redshift. We are able to extend this study to fainter luminosities, where we obtain an almost flat relation, similar to that observed at low redshift. Regarding the evolution of bias with redshift, our results suggest that the different galaxy populations studied reside in haloes covering a range in mass between log10[Mh/( h−1 M⊙)] ≳ 11.5 for samples with Lmed ≃ 0.3L* and log10[Mh/( h−1 M⊙)] ≳ 13.0 for samples with Lmed ≃ 2L*, with typical occupation numbers in the range of ∼1–3 galaxies per halo

    La secularización en Cataluña en los informes episcopales (1800-1867)

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    The process of secularization in Catalonia between 1800 and 1867 is reflected in the reports that the bishops of the various dioceses sent to Rome. They pointed out the increasing globalization and that the evangelic values were moving away in revolutionary periods, such as the increased of the religious indifference in the cities, the corruption in the liberal press, ungodly books movements and the decrease of religious practices (Sabbath and Easter compliance, fasting and abstinence). Hence, new doctrines derived from liberalism, as the Protestantism and Socialism, appeared as the true enemies of the Church.El proceso de secularización en Cataluña entre 1800 y 1867 se refleja en los informes que los obispos de las distintas diócesis envían a Roma. Remarcan el proceso creciente de mundanización y alejamiento de los valores evangélicos en los periodos revolucionarios: aumento de la indiferencia religiosa en las ciudades, corrupción de costumbres por la prensa liberal y circulación de libros impíos y disminución de las prácticas religiosas (cumplimiento dominical, pascual, ayuno y abstinencia). Las nuevas doctrinas, protestantismo y socialismo, derivadas del liberalismo, aparecen como los verdaderos enemigos de la Iglesia

    Quasi-free (p,2p) reactions in inverse kinematics for studying the fission yield dependence on temperature

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    Despite the recent experimental and theoretical progress in the investigation of the nuclear fission process, a complete description still represents a challenge in nuclear physics because it is a very complex dynamical process, whose description involves the coupling between intrinsic and collective degrees of freedom, as well as different quantum-mechanical phenomena. To improve on the existing data on nuclear fission,we produce fission reactions of heavy nuclei in inverse kinematics by using quasi-free (p,2p) scattering, which induce fission through particle-hole excitations that can range from few to ten\u27s of MeV. The measurement of the four-momenta of the two outgoing protons allows to reconstruct the excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus and therefore to study the evolution of the fission yields with temperature. The realization of this kind of experiment requires a complex experimental setup, providing full isotopic identification of both fission fragments and an accurate measurement of the momenta of the two outgoing protons. This was realized recently at the GSI/FAIR facility and here some preliminary results are presented

    Comprehensive investigation of fission yields by using spallation- and (p,2p)-induced fission reactions in inverse kinematics

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    In the last decades, measurements of spallation, fragmentation and Coulex induced fission reactions in inverse kinematics have provided valuable data to accurately investigate the fission dynamics and nuclear structure at large deformations of a large variety of stable and non-stable heavy nuclei. To go a step further, we propose now to induce fission by the use of quasi-free (p,2p) scattering reactions in inverse kinematics, which allows us to reconstruct the excitation energy of the compound fissioning system by using the four-momenta of the two outgoing protons. Therefore, this new approach might permit to correlate the excitation energy with the charge and mass distributions of the fission fragments and with the fission probabilities, given for the first time direct access to the simultaneous measurement of the fission yield dependence on temperature and fission barrier heights of exotic heavy nuclei, respectively. The first experiment based on this methodology was realized recently at the GSI/FAIR facility and a detailed description of the experimental setup is given here.Comment: 4 pages, 15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2022