278 research outputs found

    The impact of species and cell type on the nanosafety profile of iron oxide nanoparticles in neural cells

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    Background: While nanotechnology is advancing rapidly, nanosafety tends to lag behind since general mechanistic insights into cell-nanoparticle (NP) interactions remain rare. To tackle this issue, standardization of nanosafety assessment is imperative. In this regard, we believe that the cell type selection should not be overlooked since the applicability of cell lines could be questioned given their altered phenotype. Hence, we evaluated the impact of the cell type on in vitro nanosafety evaluations in a human and murine neuroblastoma cell line, neural progenitor cell line and in neural stem cells. Acute toxicity was evaluated for gold, silver and iron oxide (IO) NPs, and the latter were additionally subjected to a multiparametric analysis to assess sublethal effects. Results: The stem cells and murine neuroblastoma cell line respectively showed most and least acute cytotoxicity. Using high content imaging, we observed cell type-and species-specific responses to the IONPs on the level of reactive oxygen species production, calcium homeostasis, mitochondrial integrity and cell morphology, indicating that cellular homeostasis is impaired in distinct ways. Conclusions: Our data reveal cell type-specific toxicity profiles and demonstrate that a single cell line or toxicity end point will not provide sufficient information on in vitro nanosafety. We propose to identify a set of standard cell lines for screening purposes and to select cell types for detailed nanosafety studies based on the intended application and/or expected exposure

    The curious case of thin-body Ge crystallization

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    The authors investigate the templated crystallization of thin-body Ge fin structures with high aspect ratios. Experimental variables include fin thickness and thermal treatments, with fin structures oriented in the direction. Transmission electron microscopy determined that various crystal defects form during crystallization of amorphous Ge regions, most notably (111) stacking faults, twin boundaries, and small crystallites. In all cases, the nature of the defects is dependent on the fin thickness and thermal treatments applied. Using a standard 600 degrees C rapid-thermal-anneal, Ge structures with high aspect ratios crystallize with better crystal quality and fewer uncured defects than the equivalent Si case, which is a cause for optimism for thin-film Ge devices. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. (doi:10.1063/1.3643160

    Nanoparticles engineered to bind cellular motors for efficient delivery

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    Background: Dynein is a cytoskeletal molecular motor protein that transports cellular cargoes along microtubules. Biomimetic synthetic peptides designed to bind dynein have been shown to acquire dynamic properties such as cell accumulation and active intra- and inter-cellular motion through cell-to-cell contacts and projections to distant cells. On the basis of these properties dynein-binding peptides could be used to functionalize nanoparticles for drug delivery applications. Results: Here, we show that gold nanoparticles modified with dynein-binding delivery sequences become mobile, powered by molecular motor proteins. Modified nanoparticles showed dynamic properties, such as travelling the cytosol, crossing intracellular barriers and shuttling the nuclear membrane. Furthermore, nanoparticles were transported from one cell to another through cell-to-cell contacts and quickly spread to distant cells through cell projections. Conclusions: The capacity of these motor-bound nanoparticles to spread to many cells and increasing cellular retention, thus avoiding losses and allowing lower dosage, could make them candidate carriers for drug delivery

    Variations in Biodistribution and Acute Response of Differently Shaped Titania Nanoparticles in Healthy Rodents

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    Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO NPs) are one of the main sources of the nanoparticulate matter exposure to humans. Although several studies have demonstrated their potential toxic effects, the real nature of the correlation between NP properties and their interaction with biological targets is still far from being fully elucidated. Here, engineered TiO NPs with various geometries (bipyramids, plates, and rods) have been prepared, characterized and intravenously administered in healthy mice. Parameters such as biodistribution, accumulation, and toxicity have been assessed in the lungs and liver. Our data show that the organ accumulation of TiO NPs, measured by ICP-MS, is quite low, and this is only partially and transiently affected by the NP geometries. The long-lasting permanence is exclusively restricted to the lungs. Here, bipyramids and plates show a higher accumulation, and interestingly, rod-shaped NPs are the most toxic, leading to histopathological pulmonary alterations. In addition, they are also able to induce a transient increase in serum markers related to hepatocellular injury. These results indicate that rods, more than bipyramidal and spherical geometries, lead to a stronger and more severe biological effect. Overall, small physico-chemical differences can dramatically modify both accumulation and safety

    In depth characterisation of the biomolecular coronas of polymer coated inorganic nanoparticles with differential centrifugal sedimentation

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    Advances in nanofabrication methods have enabled the tailoring of new strategies towards the controlled production of nanoparticles with attractive applications in healthcare. In many cases, their characterisation remains a big challenge, particularly for small-sized functional nanoparticles of 5 nm diameter or smaller, where current particle sizing techniques struggle to provide the required sensitivity and accuracy. There is a clear need for the development of new reliable characterisation approaches for the physico-chemical characterisation of nanoparticles with significant accuracy, particularly for the analysis of the particles in the presence of complex biological fluids. Herein, we show that the Differential Centrifugal Sedimentation can be utilised as a high-precision tool for the reliable characterisation of functional nanoparticles of different materials. We report a method to correlate the sedimentation shift with the polymer and biomolecule adsorption on the nanoparticle surface, validating the developed core–shell model. We also highlight its limit when measuring nanoparticles of smaller size and the need to use several complementary methods when characterising nanoparticle corona complexes

    Tumour homing and therapeutic effect of colloidal nanoparticles depend on the number of attached antibodies

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    Active targeting of nanoparticles to tumours can be achieved by conjugation with specific antibodies. Specific active targeting of the HER2 receptor is demonstrated in vitro and in vivo with a subcutaneous MCF-7 breast cancer mouse model with trastuzumab-functionalized gold nanoparticles. The number of attached antibodies per nanoparticle was precisely controlled in a way that each nanoparticle was conjugated with either exactly one or exactly two antibodies. As expected, in vitro we found a moderate increase in targeting efficiency of nanoparticles with two instead of just one antibody attached per nanoparticle. However, the in vivo data demonstrate that best effect is obtained for nanoparticles with only exactly one antibody. There is indication that this is based on a size-related effect. These results highlight the importance of precisely controlling the ligand density on the nanoparticle surface for optimizing active targeting, and that less antibodies can exhibit more effect

    Gold nanoprisms as a hybrid in vivo cancer theranostic platform for in situ photoacoustic imaging, angiography, and localized hyperthermia

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    The development of high-resolution nanosized photoacoustic contrast agents is an exciting yet challenging technological advance. Herein, antibody (breast cancer-associated antigen 1 (Brcaa1) monoclonal antibody)- and peptide (RGD)-functionalized gold nanoprisms (AuNprs) were used as a combinatorial methodology for in situ photoacoustic imaging, angiography, and localized hyperthermia using orthotopic and subcutaneous murine gastric carcinoma models. RGD-conjugated PEGylated AuNprs are available for tumor angiography, and Brcaa1 monoclonal antibody-conjugated PEGylated AuNprs are used for targeting and for in situ imaging of gastric carcinoma in orthotopic tumor models. In situ photoacoustic imaging allowed for anatomical and functional imaging at the tumor site. In vivo tumor angiography imaging showed enhancement of the photoacoustic signal in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, photoacoustic imaging demonstrated that tumor vessels were clearly damaged after localized hyperthermia. This is the first proof-of-concept using two AuNprs probes as highly sensitive contrasts and therapeutic agents for in situ tumor detection and inhibition. These smart antibody/peptide AuNprs can be used as an efficient nanotheranostic platform for in vivo tumor detection with high sensitivity, as well as for tumor targeting therapy, which, with a single-dose injection, results in tumor size reduction and increases mice survival after localized hyperthermia treatment.National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2015CB931802)National Natural Science Foundation (China) (Nos. 81225010, 81327002, 31170961, 20771075, and 20803040)National High-Tech R&D Plan of China (No. 2014AA020700)Shanghai Science and Technology Fund (Nos. 13NM1401500 and 15DZ2252000

    Application of isothermal titration calorimetry in evaluation of protein–nanoparticle interactions

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    Nanoparticles (NPs) offer a number of advantages over small organic molecules for controlling protein behaviour inside the cell. Protein binding to the surface of NPs depends on their surface characteristics, composition and method of preparation (Mandal et al. in J Hazard Mater 248–249:238–245, 2013). It is important to understand the binding affinities, stoichiometries and thermodynamical parameters of NP–protein interactions in order to see which interaction will have toxic and hazardous consequences and thus to prevent it. On the other side, because proteins are on the brink of stability, they may experience interactions with some types of NPs that are strong enough to cause denaturation or significantly change their conformations with concomitant loss of their biological function. Structural changes in the protein may cause exposure of new antigenic sites, “cryptic” peptide epitopes, potentially triggering an immune response which can promote autoimmune disease (Treuel et al. in ACS Nano 8(1):503–513, 2014). Mechanistic details of protein structural changes at NP surface have still remained elusive. Understanding the formation and persistence of the protein corona is critical issue; however, there are no many analytical methods which could provide detailed information about the NP–protein interaction characteristics and about protein structural changes caused by interactions with nanoparticles. The article reviews recent studies in NP–protein interactions research and application of isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in this research. The study of protein structural changes upon adsorption on nanoparticle surface and application of ITC in these studies is emphasized. The data illustrate that ITC is a versatile tool for evaluation of interactions between NPs and proteins. When coupled with other analytical methods, it is important analytical tool for monitoring conformational changes in proteins

    Factors associated with preservation of facial nerve function after surgical resection of vestibular schwannoma

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    Avoidance of facial nerve palsy is one of the major goals of vestibular schwannoma (VS) microsurgery. In this study, we examined the significance of previously implicated prognostic factors (age, tumor size, the extent of resection and the surgical approach) on post-operative facial nerve function. We selected all VS patients from prospectively collected database (1984–2009) who underwent microsurgical resection as their initial treatment for histopathologically confirmed VS. The effect of variables such as surgical approach, tumor size, patient age and extent of resection on rates facial nerve dysfunction after surgery, were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression. Patients with preoperative facial nerve dysfunction (House-Brackman [HB] score 3 or higher) were excluded, and HB grade of 1 or 2 at the last follow-up visit was defined as “facial nerve preservation.” A total of 624 VS patients were included in this study. Multivariate logistic regression analysis found that only pre-operative tumor size significantly predicted poorer facial nerve outcome for patients followed-up for ≥6 and ≥12 months (OR 1.27, 95% CI 1.09–1.49, p < 0.01; OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.10–1.67, P < 0.01, respectively). We found no significant relationship between facial nerve function and age, extent of resection, surgical approach, or tumor size (when extent of resection and surgical approach were included in the regression analysis). Because facial nerve palsy is a debilitating and psychologically devastating condition for the patient, we suggest altering surgical aggressiveness in patients with unfavorable tumor anatomy, particularly in cases with large tumors where overaggressive resection might subject the patient to unwarranted risk. Residual disease can be followed and controlled with radiosurgery if interval growth is noted

    Antagonistic Roles of SEPALLATA3, FT and FLC Genes as Targets of the Polycomb Group Gene CURLY LEAF

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    In Arabidopsis, mutations in the Pc-G gene CURLY LEAF (CLF) give early flowering plants with curled leaves. This phenotype is caused by mis-expression of the floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG) in leaves, so that ag mutations largely suppress the clf phenotype. Here, we identify three mutations that suppress clf despite maintaining high AG expression. We show that the suppressors correspond to mutations in FPA and FT, two genes promoting flowering, and in SEPALLATA3 (SEP3) which encodes a co-factor for AG protein. The suppression of the clf phenotype is correlated with low SEP3 expression in all case and reveals that SEP3 has a role in promoting flowering in addition to its role in controlling floral organ identity. Genetic analysis of clf ft mutants indicates that CLF promotes flowering by reducing expression of FLC, a repressor of flowering. We conclude that SEP3 is the key target mediating the clf phenotype, and that the antagonistic effects of CLF target genes masks a role for CLF in promoting flowering