2,701 research outputs found

    Respuesta hidrológica y erosiva de un suelo forestal mediterráneo en recuperación de diferentes impactos

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    Land use changes, including land abandonment, and forest fires have been two key factors that have characterized the evolution of Mediterranean ecosystems. This work studies the evolution in the hydrologic characteristics and the erosive response of a Mediterranean forest soil, which has undergone during years changes in its forest use and the fire impact, are shown. This soil is in recovering stage since year 1996. The study has been carried out in the Experimental Station of Porta-Coeli in a system of four erosion plots (40 x 8 m) of closed type. The hydrologic behaviour and erosive parameters have been studied in each rain event during period 2006-2008. The temporal variability of soil moisture contents have been also studied through the characterization of its response curves regarding different episodes of rain, analyzing its relation with runoff generation.En las últimas décadas, dos de los factores más importantes que han caracterizado la evolución en los ecosistemas mediterráneos han sido los cambios de uso del suelo, incluyendo el abandono de cultivos, y los incendios forestales. En este trabajo se presenta la evolución de las características hidrológicas y de la respuesta erosiva de un suelo forestal mediterráneo que ha sufrido durante años cambios en su uso y el impacto de incendios forestales. Actualmente la zona de estudio se encuentra en recuperación desde el año 1996. El trabajo se ha desarrollado en la Estación Experimental de Porta-Coeli en un sistema de cuatro parcelas (40 x 8 m) de erosión de tipo cerrado. Se ha determinado su comportamiento hidrológico y sus parámetros erosivos en cada episodio de lluvia durante el período 2006-2008. También se ha estudiado la variabilidad temporal del contenido de humedad del suelo a través de la caracterización de sus curvas-respuesta en diferentes episodios de lluvia, y se analiza su relación con la generación de escorrentía

    Proteomic Characterization of Host-Pathogen Interactions during Bovine Trophoblast Cell Line Infection by

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    Despite the importance of bovine neosporosis, relevant knowledge gaps remain concerning the pathogenic mechanisms of . Infection of the placenta is a crucial event in the pathogenesis of the disease; however, very little is known about the relation of the parasite with this target organ. Recent studies have shown that isolates with important variations in virulence also show different interactions with the bovine trophoblast cell line F3 in terms of proliferative capacity and transcriptome host cell modulation. Herein, we used the same model of infection to study the interaction of with these target cells at the proteomic level using LC-MS/MS over the course of the parasite lytic cycle. We also analysed the proteome differences between high- (Nc-Spain7) and low-virulence (Nc-Spain1H) isolates. The results showed that mitochondrial processes and metabolism were the main points of -host interactions. Interestingly, Nc-Spain1H infection showed a higher level of influence on the host cell proteome than Nc-Spain7 infection

    Variation in the Extraction Efficiency of Estradiol and Progesterone in Moist and Lyophilized Feces of the Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra): Alternative Methods

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    Several fecal steroid extraction techniques have been developed to measure the ovary function in different species of mammals. However, regardless of the method of extraction and the sample type chosen, it has been observed that they can yield results with different percentages of recuperation. The objective of this study was to determine whether the type of substratum, solvent and extraction method used have any influence on the extraction efficiency in the feces of Alouatta pigra (black howler monkey). For this purpose we used two methods: agitation and ebullition. With each method, we utilized moist and lyophilized feces. The validation of radioimmunoassay method was accurate and precise for quantify estradiol and progesterone in lyophilized feces of A. pigra. To both of which ethanol and methanol, absolute and at 80%, were added, besides the hormones 125I-Estradiol and 125I-Progesterone. The extraction efficiency for 125I-Estradiol was from 87.72 ± 3.97 to 41.24 ± 2.67%, and for 125I-Progesterone from 71.15 ± 4.24 to 42.30 ± 1.19% when we used the agitation method. Whereas with the ebullition method, the extraction efficiency for 125I-Estradiol ranged from 86.89 ± 2.66 to 71.68 ± 3.02% and for 125I-Progesterone from 98.31 ± 1.26 to 85.40 ± 1.98%. Due to the differences found in these assays, which depend on the method used, the type of feces employed and the type of solvent added to them, we recommend the ebullition method and the lyophilized feces of A. pigra for extracting the hormones, since in moist feces there may exist variables which might interfere in the quantification of 125I-Estradiol and 125I-Progesterone

    Techno-economic feasibility of selective CO2 capture processes from biogas streams using ionic liquids as physical absorbents

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    Biogas from anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge is a renewable resource with high energy content, which is composed mainly of CH4 (40-75 vol %) and CO2 (15-60 vol %). Other components, such as water (H2O, 5-10 vol %) and trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide and siloxanes, can also be present. A CH4-rich stream can be produced by removing the CO2 and other impurities so that the upgraded biomethane can be injected into the natural gas grid or used as a vehicle fuel. The main objective of this paper is to assess the technical and economic performance of biogas upgrading processes using ionic liquids that physically absorb CO2. The simulation methodology is based on the COSMO-SAC model as implemented in Aspen Plus. Three different ionic liquids, namely, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylimide, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumbis(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylimide, and trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylimide, are considered for CO2 capture in a pressure-swing regenerative absorption process. The simulation software Aspen Plus and Aspen Process Economic Analyzer is used to account for mass and energy balances as well as equipment cost. In all cases, the biogas upgrading plant consists of a multistage compressor for biogas compression, a packed absorption column for CO2 absorption, a flash evaporator for solvent regeneration, a centrifugal pump for solvent recirculation, a preabsorber solvent cooler, and a gas turbine for electricity recovery. The evaluated processes are compared in terms of energy efficiency, capital investment, and biomethane production costs. The overall plant efficiency ranges from 71 to 86%, and the biomethane production cost ranges from 9.18-11.32 per GJ (LHV). A sensitivity analysis is also performed to determine how several technical and economic parameters affect the biomethane production costs. The results of this study show that the simulation methodology developed can predict plant efficiencies and production costs of large scale CO2 capture processes using ionic liquids without having to rely on gas solubility experimental data

    Self-Organized Branching Processes: A Mean-Field Theory for Avalanches

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    We discuss mean-field theories for self-organized criticality and the connection with the general theory of branching processes. We point out that the nature of the self-organization is not addressed properly by the previously proposed mean-field theories. We introduce a new mean-field model that explicitly takes the boundary conditions into account; in this way, the local dynamical rules are coupled to a global equation that drives the control parameter to its critical value. We study the model numerically, and analytically we compute the avalanche distributions.Comment: 4 pages + 4 ps figure

    Asteroseismology with the WIRE satellite. I. Combining Ground- and Space-based Photometry of the Delta Scuti Star Epsilon Cephei

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    We have analysed ground-based multi-colour Stromgren photometry and single-filter photometry from the star tracker on the WIRE satellite of the delta scuti star Epsilon Cephei. The ground-based data set consists of 16 nights of data collected over 164 days, while the satellite data are nearly continuous coverage of the star during 14 days. The spectral window and noise level of the satellite data are superior to the ground-based data and this data set is used to locate the frequencies. However, we can use the ground-based data to improve the accuracy of the frequencies due to the much longer time baseline. We detect 26 oscillation frequencies in the WIRE data set, but only some of these can be seen clearly in the ground-based data. We have used the multi-colour ground-based photometry to determine amplitude and phase differences in the Stromgren b-y colour and the y filter in an attempt to identify the radial degree of the oscillation frequencies. We conclude that the accuracies of the amplitudes and phases are not sufficient to constrain theoretical models of Epsilon Cephei. We find no evidence for rotational splitting or the large separation among the frequencies detected in the WIRE data set. To be able to identify oscillation frequencies in delta scuti stars with the method we have applied, it is crucial to obtain more complete coverage from multi-site campaigns with a long time baseline and in multiple filters. This is important when planning photometric and spectroscopic ground-based support for future satellite missions like COROT and KEPLER.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables. Fig. 4 reduced in quality. Accepted by A&

    A Bethe lattice representation for sandpiles

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    Avalanches in sandpiles are represented throughout a process of percolation in a Bethe lattice with a feedback mechanism. The results indicate that the frequency spectrum and probability distribution of avalanches resemble more to experimental results than other models using cellular automata simulations. Apparent discrepancies between experiments are reconciled. Critical behavior is here expressed troughout the critical properties of percolation phenomena.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Characterizing the phenotype and mode of inheritance of patients with inherited peripheral neuropathies carrying MME mutations

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    [EN] Background Mutations in the metalloendopeptidase (MME) gene were initially identified as a cause of autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 (CMT2). Subsequently, variants in MME were linked to other late-onset autosomal dominant polyneuropathies. Thus, our goal was to define the phenotype and mode of inheritance of patients carrying changes in MME. Methods We screened 197 index cases with a hereditary neuropathy of the CMT type or distal hereditary motor neuropathy (dHMN) and 10 probands with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS) using a custom panel of 119 genes. In addition to the index case subjects, we also studied other clinically and/or genetically affected and unaffected family members. Results We found 17 variants in MME in a total of 20 index cases, with biallelic MME mutations detected in 13 cases from nine families (three in homozygosis and six in compound heterozygosis) and heterozygous variants found in 11 families. All patients with biallelic variants had a similar phenotype, consistent with late-onset axonal neuropathy. Conversely, the phenotype of patients carrying heterozygous mutations was highly variable [CMT type 1 (CMT1), CMT2, dHMN and fALS] and mutations did not segregate with the disease. Conclusion MME mutations that segregate in an autosomal recessive pattern are associated with a late-onset CMT2 phenotype, yet we could not demonstrate that MME variants in heterozygosis cause neuropathy. Our data highlight the importance of establishing an accurate genetic diagnosis in patients carrying MME mutations, especially with a view to genetic counselling.The authors thank the patients and healthy relatives for having participated in this project. We are grateful to the Eurobiobank CIBERER and the Biobank La Fe for their participation in the collection and processing of patient samples. We also thank the technicians at the Department of Genomics and Translational Genetics (CIPF) who participated in the quality control and processing of DNA samples (Virginia Rejas and Laura Ramírez), and the Bachelor¿s thesis student Andrea Ballester who helped with some clinical data collection. This project was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), FEDER (Grants no. PI12/00946 and PI16/00403 to TS, PI15/00187 to CE). MF holds a grant funded by the IIS La Fe (Grant no. 2015/0085). AS-M holds a grant funded by the Fundació Per Amor a l'Art (FPAA). JFV-C holds a ' Rio Hortega' contract funded by the ISCIII.Lupo, V.; Frasquet, M.; Sánchez-Monteagudo, A.; Pelayo-Negro, A.; García-Sobrino, T.; Sedano, MJ.; Pardo, J.... (2018). Characterizing the phenotype and mode of inheritance of patients with inherited peripheral neuropathies carrying MME mutations. Journal of Medical Genetics. 55(12):814-823. https://doi.org/10.1136/jmedgenet-2018-105650814823551

    Desarrollo de API de consulta a fuentes de información en la web para sistemas de argumentación rebatible

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    Es cada vez más necesario automatizar los procesos que integran la información que se encuentra disponible en diferentes formatos, descentralizada, con orígenes heterogéneos y administraciones diferentes. Uno de los grandes desafíos al integrar fuentes de datos heterogénea, es poder manejar la inconsistencia informacional y la posible incompletitud que puede trasladarse de las fuentes locales. Los formalismos de Argumentación son adecuados para manejar este tipo de problemas. En particular, pensar en formalismos de argumentación rebatible (como DeLP) para la definición y automatización de la integración de fuentes de datos heterogéneas, inconsistentes entre sí e incompletas, es una opción aceptable. El trabajo de esta línea de investigación propone desarrollar interfaces para vincular DeLP con fuentes de datos en formatos web. En especial, fuentes de sitios web descriptas en HTML y en Servicios Web. La información obtenidas de estas fuentes, podrán ser utilizadas como hechos o presunciones en la base de conocimiento que utiliza el sistema argumentativo.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI