34 research outputs found

    Hematološki parametri i proizvodne osobine novog romanov × hissar križne pasmine ovce prilagođene europskoj stepskoj klimi

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    The study presented some haematological parameters and production characteristics of novel crossbred Romanov × Hissar and purebred Romanov sheep. A number of biochemical and haematological tests were performed to assess the level of adaptation of F1 crossbred progeny to local rearing conditions and evaluate its potential economic benefits for industrial production. The newly created crossbreed demonstrated significant increase in carcass production characteristics, with pre-slaughter weight increased by 29.2%, slaughter weight - by 39.7%, cooled carcass weight - by 40.5% and total yield ‒ by 8.2% compared to Romanov purebreed. The meat quality was also increased: fat content remained at the same level (6.6-6.8%), carcasses of F1 crossbreed lambs had higher relative weight of muscle tissue (78.8% vs. 73.3%), increased content of the 1st grade meat (94.6% vs. 91.6%), and higher caloric value of the meat (by 8.7%) compared to the parent purebreeds. An increased erythrocyte (by 3.1%) and leukocyte (by 6.45%) count was noted in the F1 rams. Haemoglobin level in F1 lambs was increased by 4.2%. Protein metabolism parameters were improved: blood serum total protein level ‒ by 11.2%, albumin ‒ by 11.4%, globulin ‒ by 10.4%, suggesting intensified protein metabolism in F1 lambs; this was also evidenced by the increased activities of aspartate transaminase (by 3.9%) and alanine transaminase (by 16.6%) in F1 lambs over Romanov purebred animals. Blood serum of crossbred lambs had higher bactericidal (by 1.92%), lysozyme (by 3.53%), and phagocytic activity. The increased haematological and biochemical parameters and enhanced antibacterial properties of serum indicate the enhanced metabolic activity in F1 crossbreed sheep and underlay the improved meat production parameters. Obtained results demonstrate increased adaptation of the novel crossbred to industrial rearing conditions and local microclimate of steppe zone of Ukraine, which is undergoing gradual aridization.U studiju su predstavljeni neki hematološki parametri i proizvodne karakteristike nove križne pasmine romanov × hissar i čistokrvne romanov ovce. Obavljen je niz biokemijskih i hematoloških testiranja u svrhu procjene razine prilagodbe F1 potomaka križane pasmine lokalnim uvjetima uzgoja i procjene potencijalne ekonomske koristi za stočarsku proizvodnju. Novostvorena križana pasmina pokazala je znatno povećanje proizvodnih karakteristika trupla, s masom prije klanja većom za 29,2 %, masom za vrijeme klanja za 39,7 %, masom ohlađenog trupla za 40,5 % i ukupnim prinosom većim za 8,2 % u usporedbi s čistokrvnom romanov ovcom. Povećala se i kvaliteta mesa; udio masnoća ostao je na istoj razini (6,6-6,8 %), trupla F1 janjadi križane pasmine imala su veću relativnu masu mišićnog tkiva (78,8 % u usporedbi sa 73,3 %), povećani udio mesa 1. razreda (94,6 % u usporedbi s 91,6 %) i veću kalorijsku vrijednost mesa (za 8,7 %) u usporedbi s čistokrvnim roditeljima. Povećani broj eritrocita (za 3,1 %) i leukocita (za 6,45 %) uočen je kod F1 ovnova. Razina hemoglobina u F1 janjadi bila je povećana za 4,2 %. Parametri metabolizma bjelančevina bili su poboljšani, tako se poboljšala i ukupna razina bjelančevina u krvnom serumu za 11,2 %, albumina za 11,4 %, globulina za 10,4 %, što ukazuje na intenzivniji metabolizam bjelančevina u F1 janjadi, a na to je ukazala i povećana aktivnost aspartat aminotransferaze (za 3,9 %) i alanin aminotransferaze (za 16,6 %) u F1 janjadi u usporedbi s čistokrvnim romanov ovcama. Krvni serum janjadi križane pasmine imao je i veću baktericidnu (za 1,92 %) aktivnost, aktivnost lizozima (za 3,53 %) i fagocitnu aktivnost. Pojačani hematološki i biokemijski parametri i poboljšana antibakterijska svojstva seruma ukazuju na veću metaboličku aktivnost u F1 križane pasmine ovaca i podupiru bolje parametre proizvodnje mesa. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na veću prilagodljivost nove križane pasmine uvjetima stočarskog uzgoja i lokalnoj mikroklimi stepske zone u Ukrajini, a koja se postupno isušuje

    Spots structure and stratification of helium and silicon in the atmosphere of He-weak star HD 21699

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    The magnetic star HD 21699 possesses a unique magnetic field structure where the magnetic dipole is displaced from the centre by 0.4 +/- 0.1 of the stellar radius (perpendicularly to the magnetic axis), as a result, the magnetic poles are situated close to one another on the stellar surface with an angular separation of 55o^o and not 180o^o as seen in the case of a centred dipole. Respectively, the two magnetic poles form a large "magnetic spot". High-resolution spectra were obtained allowing He I and Si II abundance variations to be studied as a function of rotational phase. The results show that the helium abundance is concentrated in one hemisphere of the star, near the magnetic poles and it is comparatively weaker in another hemisphere, where magnetic field lines are horizontal with respect to the stellar surface. At the same time, the silicon abundance is greatest between longitudes of 180 - 320o^o, the same place where the helium abundance is the weakest. These abundance variations (with rotational phase) support predictions made by the theory of atomic diffusion in the presence of a magnetic field. Simultaneously, these result support the possibility of the formation of unusual structures in stellar magnetic fields. Analysis of vertical stratification of the silicon and helium abundances shows that the boundaries of an abundance jump (in the two step model) are similar for each element; τ5000\tau_{5000} = 0.8-1.2 for helium and 0.5-1.3 for silicon. The elemental abundances in the layers of effective formation of selected absorption lines for various phases are also correlated with the excitation energies of low transition levels: abundances are enhanced for higher excitation energy and higher optical depth within the applied model atmosphere.Comment: accepted by MN, 7 pagers, 10 figs, 3 table

    Peculiarities of the formation of silicon oxide films modified with metal nanoparticles

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction. Silicon oxide film coatings have unique properties and are widely used in various industries, including construction. This paper presents the results on the preparation of polyalkylhydroxysiloxane liquid film in the presence of nanoscale particles of metallic bismuth. Methods and materials. Laser ablation method of metallic bismuth in aqueous medium was used to obtain bismuth nanoparticles. The surface of the target was treated with a laser beam at the workstation of an ytterbium pulsed fiber laser are discussed. The particle size and electrokinetic properties of colloidal bismuth sols were determined method by dynamic light scattering. After drying, Bi powder was added to polyalkylhydroxysiloxane liquid. Thin films cured under different heat treatment modes are applied to glass substrates by dipping. The resulting films were characterized by SEM, X-ray phase analysis, and FTIR spectroscopy. Results. In this work, the electrokinetic properties of colloidal bismuth sols are discussed. Laser ablation of a bismuth substrate leads to an increase in electrical conductivity and the appearance of a double electric layer in colloidal sols. The effect of the curing temperature on the properties of the coating is shown. It was found that the content of bismuth nanoparticles in the polyalkylhydroxysiloxane coating (3 wt.%) does not lead to the formation of crystalline phases. At the same time, the composition of the film and the mode of heat treatment affect the short-range order of molecular bonds. Increasing the content of bismuth nanoparticles in the coating of more than 10 wt.% leads to the appearance of microcrystalline phases of bismuth silicates in the system. Conclusion. The results obtained in the course of the study supplement the information about the production of bismuth nanoparticles by laser ablation and are of great importance in the practice of creating composite film

    Визначення дисипативних властивостей матеріалу гнучкого трубопроводу під час розтягу в поперечному напрямку з урахуванням його структурних елементів

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    This paper reports an experimental study that determines the dissipative properties of a pressure fire hose, the type of «T», whose inner diameter is 77 mm, under the static load conditions, taking into consideration the structural elements of the hose in the transverse direction. For this study, experimental samples were separated from the different sections of the hose. The study involved both the outer fabric reinforced frame and the internal waterproofing rubber layer of the pressure fire hose. A series of field experiments were carried out while stretching the samples under the conditions of static loading-unloading cycles. The tests included 7 cycles, which were carried out in a two-minute interval for the material of the hose. The study results showed that during the first two to three cycles, the materials manifest a short-term creep that stabilizes under modes 4‒7. The results from experimental research were approximated by polynomial trend lines. The deformation of samples demonstrated the curves that, under the conditions of cyclic loading and unloading, formed hysteresis loops. When analyzing the appropriate curves, it was found that, first, during the first two-three loading-unloading cycles the area of the hysteresis loops decreases, second, the inclination angle of hysteresis loops also decreased during each subsequent loading-unloading cycle. It was established that the dissipation coefficients of the hose material stretched in the transverse direction are significantly reduced under the first three test modes in the range from 0.49 to 0.37. At subsequent tests (cycles 4–7), dissipation coefficients stabilize at the level of 0.18 for the reinforced frame, and 0.316 for the rubber layerПредставлены экспериментальные исследования по определению диссипативных свойств напорного пожарного рукава типа «Т» с внутренним диаметром 77 мм в условиях статической нагрузки с учетом структурных элементов рукава в поперечном направлении. Для проведения соответствующих исследований экспериментальные образцы были отделены от различных частей рукава. Исследования были проведены как на внешнем тканевом армирующем каркасе, так и на внутреннем гидроизолирующем резиновом слое напорного пожарного рукава. Проведен ряд натурных экспериментов на растяжение с образцами в условиях статических циклов нагрузки-разгрузки. Испытания состояли из 7 циклов, которые проводились с двухминутным интервалом, для материала рукава. Результаты проведенных исследований показали, что при первых двух–трех циклах материалы демонстрируют проявление кратковременной ползучести, которая стабилизируется на 4–7 режимах. Результаты экспериментальных исследований были аппроксимированы полиномиальными линиями трендов. Во время деформирования образцов получены кривые, которые в условиях циклической нагрузки-разгрузки формировали петли гистерезиса. При анализе соответствующих кривых было установлено, что: во-первых, при первых двух трех циклах нагрузки-разгрузки уменьшается площадь петель гистерезиса. Во-вторых, угол наклон петель гистерезиса при каждом цикле нагрузки-разгрузки также уменьшался. Установлено, что коэффициенты диссипации материала рукава при растяжении в поперечном направлении при первых двух, трех режимах испытаний значительно уменьшается в диапазоне от 0,49 до 0,37. При последующих испытаниях (цикл 4–7) коэффициенты диссипации стабилизируются на уровне 0.18 для армирующего каркаса и 0.316 для резинового слояПредставлені експериментальні дослідження з визначення дисипативних властивостей напірного пожежного рукава типу «Т» із внутрішнім діаметром 77 мм в умовах статичного навантаження з урахуванням структурних елементів рукава в поперечному напрямку. Для проведення відповідних досліджень експериментальні зразки було відокремлено від різних частин рукава. Дослідження були проведенні як на зовнішньому тканинному армуючому каркасі, так і на внутрішньому гідроізолюючому гумовому шарі напірного пожежного рукава. Проведено низку натурних експериментів на розтяг зі зразками в умовах статичних циклів навантаження-розвантаження. Випробування складались з 7 циклів, які проводилися із двохвилинним інтервалом, для матеріалу рукава. Результати проведених досліджень показали, що при перших двох–трьох циклах матеріали демонструють прояв короткочасної повзучості, яка стабілізується на 4–7 режимах. Результати експериментальних досліджень були апроксимовані поліноміальними лініями трендів. Під час деформування зразків отримано криві, які в умовах циклічного навантаження-розвантаження формували петлі гістерезису. При аналізу відповідних кривих було встановлено, що: по-перше, при перших двох трьох циклах навантаження-розвантаження зменшується площа петель гістерезису. По-друге, кут нахил петель гістерезису при кожному наступному циклі навантаження-розвантаження також зменшувався. Встановлено, що коефіцієнти дисипації матеріалу рукава при розтягу у поперечному напрямку при перших трьох режимах випробувань значно зменшується в діапазоні від 0,49 до 0,37. При наступних випробуваннях (цикл 4–7) коефіцієнти дисипації стабілізуються на рівні 0.18 для армуючого каркасу та 0.316 для гумового шар

    A spectroscopic and proper motion search of Sloan Digital Sky Survey : red subdwarfs in binary systems

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    Red subdwarfs in binary systems are crucial for both model calibration and spectral classification. We search for red subdwarfs in binary systems from a sample of high proper motion objects with Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopy. We present here discoveries from this search, as well as highlight several additional objects of interest. We find 30 red subdwarfs in wide binary systems including: two with spectral type of esdM5.5, 6 companions to white dwarfs and 3 carbon-enhanced red subdwarfs with normal red subdwarf companions. 15 red subdwarfs in our sample are partially resolved close binary systems. With this binary sample, we estimate the low limit of the red subdwarf binary fraction of similar to 10 per cent. We find that the binary fraction goes down with decreasing masses and metallicities of red subdwarfs. A spectroscopic esdK7 subdwarf + white dwarf binary candidate is also reported. 30 new M subdwarfs have spectral type of >= M6 in our sample. We also derive relationships between spectral types and absolute magnitudes in the optical and near-infrared for M and L subdwarfs, and we present an M subdwarf sample with measured U, V, W space velocities.Peer reviewe

    Optical properties of ZnO deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on Si nanowires

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    International audienceIn this work, we report proof-of-concept results on the synthesis of Si core/ ZnO shell nanowires (SiNWs/ZnO) by combining nanosphere lithography (NSL), metal assisted chemical etching (MACE) and atomic layer deposition (ALD). The structural properties of the SiNWs/ZnO nanostructures prepared were investigated by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopies. The X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that all samples have a hexagonal wurtzite structure. The grain sizes are found to be in the range of 7-14 nm. The optical properties of the samples were investigated using reflectance and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The study of photoluminescence (PL) spectra of SiNWs/ZnO samples showed the domination of defect emission bands, pointing to deviations of the stoichiometry of the prepared 3D ZnO nanostructures. Reduction of the PL intensity of the SiNWs/ZnO with the increase of SiNWs etching time was observed, depicting an advanced light scattering with the increase of the nanowire length. These results open up new prospects for the design of electronic and sensing devices


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    Background. How to derive urine is stemmed from removal of the bladder and from the necessity of its disengaging from the process of urination. Most surgeons prefer to do incontinent urine derivation in elderly and senile patients.Subjects and methods. In 2007 to 2009, the Leningrad Regional Oncology Dispensary treated 103 patients with diseases requiring the bladder be removed. All these patients underwent cystectomy as an independent operation or one of the surgical stages, followed by incontinent urine derivation described by Bricker. The patients were divided into 2 groups: 1) Bricker-type end-to-side ureteroileal anastomosis; 2) Wallace-type one. Group 1 comprised 50 patients: 37 (74 %) women and 13 (26 %) men; Group 2 included 53 patients: 48 (90.6 %) women and 5 (9.6 %) men. These were elderly and senile patients aged 60 to 79 years (mean age 65 ± 3.71).Results. In Group 1, 36 (72 %) patients were preoperatively diagnosed as having hydroureteronephrosis (HUN). Of them, 23 (64%) patients underwent preoperative percutaneous puncture nephrostomy (PPN). In Group 2, HUN was diagnosed in 43 (81 %) patients; of them 27 (63 %) had PPN. Complications and resurgeries were more common in Group 1 (p < 0.001). In Group 2, there were a larger number of cases of incompetence of the ureteroileal anastomosis. This complication required no surgical correction, but a longer drainage standing.Conclusion. The Bricker operation is the safest urine derivation in elderly and senile patients after surgery involving cystectomy. Wallacetype ureteroileal anastomosis during the Bricker operation is accompanied by a considerable reduction in the number of early and late postoperative complications and resurgeries. Wallace-type ureteroileal anastomosis is considered the method of choice in cancer patients.Введение. После удаления мочевого пузыря (МП), а также при необходимости его «выключения» из процесса мочевыделения встает вопрос о способе деривации мочи. Пациентам пожилого и старческого возраста после цистэктомии большинство хирургов предпочитают выполнять инконтинентную деривацию мочи.Материалы и методы. В период с 2007 по 2009 г. в Ленинградском областном онкологическом диспансере находились на лечении 103 пациента с заболеваниями, требующими удаления МП. Всем этим пациентам выполнена цистэктомия как самостоятельная операция или как один из этапов операции с последующей инконтинентной деривацией мочи по Бриккеру. Пациенты были разделены на 2 группы. В 1-й группе уретероилеоанастомоз формировали классическим способом «конец в бок», описанным Брик-кером, во 2-й группе уретероилеоанастомоз выполняли по методике Wallace «общей площадкой». В 1-ю группу включено 50 пациентов: 37 (74 %) женщин и 13 (26 %)мужчин; во 2-ю — 53 пациента: 48 (90,6 %) женщин и 5 (9,6 %) мужчин. Все пациенты относились к категории пожилого и старческого возраста, от 60 до 79 лет. Средний возраст 65 ± 3,71 года.Результаты. У 36 (72 %) больных 1-й группы до операции был диагностирован гидроуретеронефроз (ГУН). Из них 23 (64 %) выполнена предоперационная чрескожная пункционная нефростомия (ЧПНС). Во 2-й группе ГУН диагностирован у 43 (81 %) пациентов, из них 27 (63 %) выполнена ЧПНС. Осложнения и повторные операции чаще встречались в 1-й группе пациентов (р < 0,001). Во 2-й группе отмечалось большее число случаев несостоятельности уретероилеоанастомоза. Это осложнение не требовало каких-либо хирургических коррекций, за исключением увеличения срока стояния дренажей.Выводы. Операция Бриккера — наиболее безопасный метод деривации мочи у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста после операций, включающих цистэктомию. Формирование уретероилеоанастомоза по Wallace при операции Бриккера сопровождается значимым уменьшением количества ранних и поздних послеоперационных осложнений и повторных операций. Формирование уретероилеоанастомоза по Wallace у онкологических больных считается методом выбора

    Nanodisperse metalloorganosiloksanovy fillers of polymers

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    Synthesis of the highly dispersed hydrophobic metaloligomers that are compatible with polymers in order to obtain high performance homogeneous radiation protective polymer composites with the given properties is still of importance. The most perspective way is to use reactive organosiloxanes and to produce metal oligomers based on them. The method of synthesis of nanodispersed oligomer of lead polyalkylsiliconates by a chemical deposition of water solutions of lead ions according to zol-gel process that runs with participation of sodium alkylsiliconates has been developed. Interaction reaction between sodium ethylsiliconate and lead ions in aqueous solution proceeds as the mechanism of replacement of sodium ions in silanol group Si–ONa of sodium alkylsiliconate with lead ion. Finally there is a formation of ring structures, and cross-linking of oligomer molecules takes place while to the number of the siloxane ties is increasing. The microstructure of hydrophobic lead polyethylsiliconate that has amorphous and crystal nature with dense packaging of metal oligomer molecular chains is considered. There is a polyreaction between hydroxyl ОН-groups of metal oligomer and lead oxyhydroxide, i.e. lead oxyhydroxide serves as an adsorbent on which the metal oligomer is chemically absorbed thus giving hydrophobic properties to the product. An opportunity to carry out directional modification of an excipient in the course of collateral synthesis of metal oligomer and a lead excipient, i.e. to receive hydrophobic filled metaloligomer in the homogeneous environment is as a result reached. High deficiency of lead polyethylsilica is caused by steric effects because of the larger sizes of hydrocarbon ethyl (C2H5) radicals. The molecular mass of the unit of oligomer is about 600. Oligomer has a chain structure which siloxane chain may contain silanol groups (≡Si–OH). The partial structure and a molecular mass of the synthesized metal oligomer are given in the table. Bulk weight of lead polyethylsiliconate is 2250 kg/m3, and the maximal density at consolidation reaches 5950 kg/m3

    Nanotubularchrysotile fillers for radiationand protective constructional composites

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    Strengthening of manifestation of quantum-dimensional effect in nanoparticles will make considerable impact on absorption of photon radiation. Therefore, application of ultradisperse systems will promote high-quality strengthening of radiation protective properties of material and will allow creation of more compact material with improved protective characteristics. The unique combination of properties of chrysotile allows creation of the materials on its basis which possess high mechanical and thermal strength, radiation resistance. The presence of the combined water in its structure favours appearance of radiation protective properties by neutron radiation in such materials. In this connection the authors offered to fill chrysotile nanotubes with nanodispersed compounds that make it possible to raise its radiation protective characteristics. As a result, these compounds have to possess higher extinction coefficient of γ-radiation, and respectively possess high density and content of heavy elements. Nanocrystal plumbous tungstate of PbWO4 is offered to use as compound for intercalation. The authors developed a method to produce nanotubular filler of radiation protective composite materials by filling hydrosilicate nanotubes of chrysotile structure with refractory slightly soluble compound on the basis of PbWO4 and serial processing of material with solutions of reagents. The best result has been achieved when chrysotile was treated consistently in K2WO4 and Pb(СН3СОО)2 solutions, at the same time mass content of PbWO4 in an end product reaches 30%. The introduced K2WO4 filled nanotubes not only in the internal channel, but also in interlayered space, and localization of PbWO4 happens both in internal channels of nanotubes and on their surface. In spite of the fact that the developed technology does not allow us to modify chrysotile so that all injected PbWO4 could be contained only in internal canals of nanotubes, the obtained product gets the improved radiation protective characteristics keeping other performance properties of chrysotile