47 research outputs found
The antibody-mediated targeted delivery of interleukin-10 inhibits endometriosis in a syngeneic mouse model
BACKGROUND Endometriosis is still a highly underdiagnosed disease, and the current medical and surgical treatment of endometriosis is associated with a high recurrence rate. This study investigates the use of derivatives of the human antibody F8, specific to the alternatively spliced extra-domain A of fibronectin (Fn), for the imaging and treatment of endometriosis. METHODS Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence was used to evaluate antigen expression in endometriotic tissue of human endometriosis and of a syngeneic mouse model of the disease. The in vivo targeting performance of a fluorescent derivative of the F8 antibody was assessed by imaging mice with endometriosis using a near-infrared fluorescence imager, 24 h following i.v. injection of the antibody conjugate. Furthermore, the mouse model was used for therapy experiments using two recombinant F8-based immunocytokines [F8-interleukin-10 (IL10) and F8-IL2] or saline for the treatment groups. RESULTS A very strong vascular expression of splice isoforms of Fn and of tenascin-C was observed in human endometriotic lesions by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence techniques. After i.v. administration, a selective accumulation of the F8 antibody in endometriotic lesions could be observed in a syngeneic mouse model. These targeting data were used as a basis for therapy experiments with a pro-inflammatory (F8-IL2) and an anti-inflammatory (F8-IL10) cytokine fusion protein of the F8 antibody. The average lesion size in the F8-IL10 treatment group was clearly reduced compared with the saline control group and with the F8-IL2 group, for which no therapeutic effects were observed. CONCLUSIONS The F8 antibody targets endometriotic lesions in vivo in a mouse model of endometriosis and may be used for the non-invasive imaging of the disease and for the pharmacodelivery of anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL1
Determination of habitat requirements of the glacial relict Nuphar pumila as basis for successful (re-)introductions
Nuphar pumila is a glacial relict, which is nowadays rare throughout Europe and red-listed in most European regions. In Switzerland only three autochthonous populations and one population of the hybrid with N. lutea (N. Ă—spenneriana) have survived to date, one of them in the canton of Zurich. To protect this species regionally, the canton of Zurich has commissioned the ex situ propagation of speci-mens, which then had been introduced to 37 water bodies in protected areas, including one known former site. Since only about 10% of these introductions had been successful, there was a wish to identify causes of this lack of success. To this end, we compared the vegetation and physical-chemical parameters of the four natural sites in Switzerland with the successful and unsuccessful introduction sites. Additionally, for a subset of sites, we assessed diatom genus composition as a proxy of water quality. Moreover, we derived vegetation plots of N. pumila and N. lutea from across Europe from the European Vegetation Archive (EVA) to compare their site conditions, using mean ecological indicator values and bioclimatic variables of the localities. We found that inside Switzerland the main differences were between the natural sites and all introduction sites, while successful and unsuccessful introduction sites hardly differed in the determined parameters. Natural sites had cooler water with lower magnesi-um content, and according to mean ecological indicator values, also lower nutrient status. The diatom data, though limited in amount, point into the same direction. The EVA data demonstrate that stands of N. pumila are mainly more oligotrophic, but also cooler and more acidic than those of N. lutea. We could not find any factor that explains the success vs. lack of success of plantations of N. pumila in multiple sites in the canton of Zurich, but our results rather indicate that due to the relatively warm climate, the high atmogenic nitrogen input and the predominantly base-rich bedrock, the sites in the canton are generally not particularly well suited for N. pumila. We consider it therefore more promising to protect and possibly (re-)introduce N. pumila in other cantons with higher elevation, base-poor bedrock and lower atmogenic nitrogen input
The impact of tumor metabolic activity assessed by F-FET amino acid PET imaging in particle radiotherapy of high-grade glioma patients
Selective uptake of (18)F-fluoro-ethyl-tyrosine (F-FET) is used in high-grade glioma (HGG) to assess tumor metabolic activity via positron emission tomography (PET). We aim to investigate its value for target volume definition, as a prognosticator, and associations with whole-blood transcriptome liquid biopsy (WBT lbx) for which we recently reported feasibility to mirror tumor characteristics and response to particle irradiation in recurrent HGG (rHGG)
Selecting teachers and prospective teachers : a meta-analysis
The purpose of this review article was to examine the methods used for the selection of teachers for employment and prospective teachers entering initial teacher education (ITE) programs, and to assess the predictive validity of these methods. We reviewed 32 studies reporting selection methods administered in high-stakes conditions and that included an external (not self-reported) teacher effectiveness outcome measure. The overall effect size was small but significant (r = 0.12, p <.001). Moderator analyses showed that academic and non-academic predictors were both significantly associated with teacher effectiveness measures and that effect sizes were small (but significant) for selection into employment and ITE. We conclude the review by proposing a research agenda that has the potential to enhance educational outcomes by improving the selection of prospective teachers
Bewertung und Management gef\ue4hrdeter Feuchtwiesen im Lafnitztal
Im Zuge eines Wiesenr\ufcckf\ufchrungsprojektes erfolgte im Sommer 2010 eine Vegetationskartierung der Feuchtwiesen-, Forst- und Waldgesellschaften in den Gemeinden Unterrohr und W\uf6rth an der Lafnitz (Hartberg) im Bereich der Lungitzbachm\ufcndung.Die Kartierungen erstreckten sich von Mitte Mai bis Mitte August, mit dem Ziel eine m\uf6glichst genaue und fl\ue4chendeckende Erhebung des Ist-Zustandes der Vegetation in diesem Teil des Europaschutzgebietes (ESG 27 ? Lafnitztal und Neudauer Teiche) zu erhalten. Die Aufnahmefl\ue4chen wurden mittels GPS verortet und stehen somit f\ufcr zuk\ufcnftige Arbeiten zur Verf\ufcgung. Die Einteilung und Charakterisierung der Gesellschaften erfolgte sowohl hinsichtlich pflanzensoziologischer Einheiten als auch des Biotoptypen-Kataloges f\ufcr
6sterreich. Dabei konnten f\ufcr die geh\uf6lzfreie Vegetation Gesellschaften der Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea und Gesellschaften der Molinio-Arrhenatheretea verzeichnet werden. F\ufcr die Wald- und Forstvegetation wurden Gesellschaften aus den Franguletea, den Alnetea glutinosae und der Querco-Fagetea gefunden.Der Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit \ue4lteren Vegetationsbeschreibungen aus dem Gebiet l\ue4sst sowohl positive als auch negative Entwicklungen erkennen. Einerseits sind ehemalige Ackerfl\ue4chen wieder in Wiesen umgewandelt worden, andererseits sind Wiesentypen wie etwa Kohldistel-Wiesen oder Kleinseggen-Riede verschwunden.Die Pflanzengesellschaften wurden hinsichtlich ihres naturschutzfachlichen Wertes beurteilt. Demnach sind drei viertel der Wiesen-Gesellschaften von besonderer Bedeutung. Geringwertige Fl\ue4chen machen f\ufcr das gesamte Untersuchungsgebiet etwa 40 % aus. Weiters wurden Ma
fnahmenempfehlungen f\ufcr die bestehenden Wiesenfl\ue4chen und f\ufcr die (nach Rodung) neu geschaffenen Fl\ue4chen gemacht.Zur \ufcbersichtlichen Darstellung wurde eine fl\ue4chendeckende Vegetationskarte (1:3 500) sowie ein kartographischer Managementplan (1:4 500) erstellt und beigelegt. Schlagworte: Lafnitz, Feuchtwiesen, Wiesenr\ufcckf\ufchrung, NaturschutzIn the course of a restoration project of wet grassland in the summer of 2010, a vegetation mapping for wet meadows and forest communities occurs in the municipalities Unterrohr and W\uf6rth an der Lafnitz (Hartberg) in the area of the Lungitzbachm\ufcndung.The mapping ranged from the middle of May to the middle of August, with the aim to obtain an accurate and comprehensive survey of the actual state of the vegetation in this part of the European Protected Area (ESG 27 ? Lafnitztal und Neudauer Teiche). The study plots were located using GPS and are thus available for further work.The classification and characterisation of the plant communities were both in terms of phytosociological units and habitat types of the catalog for Austria. For the open landscape plant communities from the Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea and the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea were listed. For the forest vegetation, plant communities from the Franguletea, the Alnetea glutinosae and the Querco-Fagetea were found.A comparison of the results in this study with earlier descriptions of the vegetation in this area show both positive and negative developments. On the one hand, former farmland has been converted back into wet grassland. On the other hand meadow types, such as Kohldistel-Wiesen, Kleinseggen Riede completely disappeared. The plant communities were assessed for their nature conservation value. Accordingly, three quarters of the meadow types are of particular importance. Low-value areas for the entiere investigation area form about 40 %.Further measures have been proposed for the existing grassland and for the (after clearing) newly created meadows.For clear presentation an area-wide vegetation map (1:3 500), and a cartographic management plan (1: 4 500) were created and added.Key words: Lafnitz, wet grassland, meadow restoration, nature conservationeingereicht von Patrick SchwagerZsfassung in engl. SpracheGraz, Univ., Masterarb., 201
Applicability of Standard Photovoltaic Modules for an Increased Share of Renewable Energies on Board Cruise Ships Applicability of Standard Photovoltaic Modules for an Increased Share of Renewable Energies on Board Cruise Ships
The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential of using standard photovoltaic (PV) modules on board of cruise ships to increase the share of renewable energies in the total energy demand. Due to the limited space available, also partial shaded areas must be considered for installation. As a large part of the ship hull is covered by cabin balconies, this area is of particular interest. An analysis for a clear sky scenario will be carried out based on a simulation, which reflects the solar irradiation on these areas during a representative cruise
Yield Calculations of a PV System Integrated in Cruise Ships: A Case Study in the Waters of the Caribbean
Facing the problem of air and marine pollution, the shipping industry has shown a rising interest in developing low-emission vessels. Passenger cruise ships i.e. make a particular contribution to the deterioration of air quality, not only in port areas but also in open waters. The implementation of renewable technologies is considered as an important solution. In this study a method is reported which allows yield calculations of a photovoltaic system integrated in cruise ship balconies. Geographic, atmospheric and structural aspects are considered in the simulation. The latter also involves the very variable shading due to the ships movement. On the basis of a conceptual PV system, first results for a 14-day cruise in the Caribbean Sea are presented. These indicate a solar energy yield in the GWh range, considering a cruiser with more than 2000 cabin balconies
Review of local in situ probing techniques for the interfaces of lithium-ion and lithium-oxygen batteries
Electrodes in lithium-ion and post-lithium-ion batteries are made of composite materials exposing a variety of different surfaces towards the electrolyte. This causes a distribution of current densities and consequently locally different changes of interfaces and bulk materials that might be critical for the performance and durability of secondary batteries. The optimization of local structures of battery materials is hindered by a lack of local techniques that provide in situ reactivity information from such hidden interfaces. A variety of new electrochemical scanning probe techniques are currently adapted to the investigation of battery materials under near-realistic environmental conditions. The review provides a critical assessment of this development with a particular emphasis on the assessment of the passivating properties of solid–electrolyte interphases, the extension of the concepts to lithium–oxygen cells, and attempts to image ion intercalation reactions