536 research outputs found

    The Places Where Community Is Practiced

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    In this open access publication, the social cohesion of urban neighborhoods and their residents is examined, which is often viewed as vulnerable since increased mobility, individualization, wider socio-economic and demographic changes have fundamentally altered the basis for everyday social interaction in urban neighborhoods. Anna Steigemann gives scholarly attention to the concrete places where neighborly interactions still take place and to how these interactions affect local community building. She illuminates and explores the ordinary everyday interactions and social practices in and around shops and gastronomic facilities on a shopping street in Berlin-Neukölln, revealing how these businesses are important places where community is practiced, but also why they are increasingly threatened by commercial and residential gentrification

    "Multi-culti“ vs. ”another cell phone store“ – Changing ethnic, social, and commercial diversities in Berlin-Neukölln.

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    Based on an extensive ethnography of the economic and social life in Berlin-Neukölln, the paper asks how a changing demographic and social structure affects the social life but also the urban renewal on two iconic but contested streets - “the Arab street” Sonnenallee and adjacent Karl-Marx-Straße. The effects of migration - and particularly of the more recent refugee migration - to Berlin are explored through the reshaping and diversification processes of the physical and social spaces of the two streets and their businesses. In detail, the paper illuminates the changing ordinary everyday interactions and social and spatial practices in and around local shops and gastronomic facilities and argues that it is the interactions in and around certain shops and businesses that contribute to the everyday practice of urban diversity. The paper further reveals that regardless of the place-and community-making of the local store owners and staff therein, the local urban renewal and regeneration actors have a very different understanding of these spaces and their operators and also aim for a different kind of new “diversity”. The paper thus concludes by also showing how these actors frame and depict the increasingly ethnically diverse businesses on the two streets in the course of urban renewal, including a critical discussion of their perceptions and concrete practices as in contrast to the ethnically diverse business peoples’ perceptions and placemaking practices that often also represent homemaking practices

    The Places Where Community Is Practiced

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    In this open access publication, the social cohesion of urban neighborhoods and their residents is examined, which is often viewed as vulnerable since increased mobility, individualization, wider socio-economic and demographic changes have fundamentally altered the basis for everyday social interaction in urban neighborhoods. Anna Steigemann gives scholarly attention to the concrete places where neighborly interactions still take place and to how these interactions affect local community building. She illuminates and explores the ordinary everyday interactions and social practices in and around shops and gastronomic facilities on a shopping street in Berlin-Neukölln, revealing how these businesses are important places where community is practiced, but also why they are increasingly threatened by commercial and residential gentrification

    Ligand binding cavity encoded as a local hydrophobicity deficiency

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    The above diagram illustrates the specific deviation from the theoretical distribution of hydrophobicity which is associated with the presence of a ligand binding cavity

    On the change of energy caused by crack propagation in 3-dimensional anisotropic solids

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    summary:Crack propagation in anisotropic materials is a persistent problem. A general concept to predict crack growth is the energy principle: A crack can only grow, if energy is released. We study the change of potential energy caused by a propagating crack in a fully three-dimensional solid consisting of an anisotropic material. Based on methods of asymptotic analysis (method of matched asymptotic expansions) we give a formula for the decrease in potential energy if a smooth inner crack grows along a small crack extension

    Recent developments in LIBXC — A comprehensive library of functionals for density functional theory

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    LIBXC is a library of exchange–correlation functionals for density-functional theory. We are concerned with semi-local functionals (or the semi-local part of hybrid functionals), namely local-density approximations, generalized-gradient approximations, and meta-generalized-gradient approximations. Currently we include around 400 functionals for the exchange, correlation, and the kinetic energy, spanning more than 50 years of research. Moreover, LIBXC is by now used by more than 20 codes, not only from the atomic, molecular, and solid-state physics, but also from the quantum chemistry communities. © 2017 The AuthorsPeer reviewe

    Syndecan, a heparan sulphate proteoglycan, is involved in myotube and axonal guidance in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Slit ist ein extrazellulĂ€res SignalmolekĂŒl, welches von Glia-Zellen der ventralen Mittellinie sezerniert als ein abstoßendes Signal wirkt, das Axone an einer Überquerung der Mittellinie hindert. ZusĂ€tzlich wirkt Slit als ein regulierender Faktor bei Migrationsprozessen von MuskelvorlĂ€uferzellen und ventralen Zweigen des Tracheensystems. Slit bindet an Rezeptoren der Robo-Familie. Syndecan ist ein Transmembranprotein, in dessen extrazellulĂ€rem Bereich Heparansulfat-Glykosaminoglykan-Ketten (HSGAG) kovalent gebunden sind. Heparansulfat-Proteoglykane spielen eine Rolle in der Regulation extrazellulĂ€rer Signalwege. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Funktion von Sdc wĂ€hrend gerichteter Migrationsprozesse in den Muskeln, im Nerven- und im Tracheensystem nĂ€her charakterisiert. sdc-Mutanten zeigen Ă€hnliche PhĂ€notypen, wie Mutanten in Genen des Slit/Robo-Signalwegs und Sdc kolokalisiert mit dem Robo-Rezeptor auf den longitudinalen Axonen des ZNS und an den Apodemen. Genetische Interaktionsstudien konnten Sdc als Teil des Slit/Robo-Signalwegs identifizieren: sdc-Allele zeigen genetische Interaktionen mit slit- sowie mit robo- und robo2-Allelen. In gewebespezifischen Normalisierungsexperimenten konnte ferner gezeigt werden, dass Sdc ausschließlich an den Slit-Rezipientenzellen notwendig ist. Eine eigenstĂ€ndige Rezeptorfunktion von Sdc mit einer Signalfunktion auf cytoplasmatische Faktoren ĂŒber die konservierte cytoplasmatische Region konnte ausgeschlossen werden, da eine carboxyterminal deletierte Form von Sdc volle Sdc-AktivitĂ€t im Slit/Robo-Signalweg bereitstellt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Syndecan ein Teil des Slit/Robo-Sigalwegs ist. Die Funktion von Syndecan auf den Slit-Rezipientenzellen besteht wahrscheinlich in der PrĂ€sentation membrangebundener HSGAG-Ketten, die die Interaktion des Slit-Liganden mit dem Robo-Rezeptor erleichtern.Slit, the ligand for the Roundabout (Robo) receptors is secreted from midline cells of the Drosophila central nervous system (CNS). It acts as a short-range repellent that controls midline crossing of axons and allows growth cones to select specific pathways along each side of the midline. In addition, Slit directs the migration of muscle precursors and of ventral branches of the tracheal system, showing that it provides long-range activity beyond the limit of the developing CNS . Biochemical studies on the mammalian homologues of Slit and Robo suggested that guidance activity requires cell-surface heparan sulphate to promote Slit/Robo-binding. The invertebrate homolog of Syndecan in the fly was identified in a screen for novel factors that are involved in myotube guidance. In this work I show that this heparan sulphate proteoglycan is required for proper Slit-signalling. Syndecan colocalizes with the Robo-Receptor at the longitudinal axon tracts and at the muscle attachment sites. Mutations of the Drosophila gene syndecan affect all aspects of Slit activity and cause robo-like phenotypes. sdc genetically interacts with robo and slit, and double mutations cause a synergistic strengthening of the single mutant phenotypes. Additionally, tissue specific rescue experiments show that Syndecan is required at the Slit-receiving cells. Rescue experiments with C-terminal truncated versions of Syndecan show that the highly conserved cytoplasmic domain of Syndecan is not important but an attachment of Syndecan to the cell membrane is important for the function of Syndecan in Slit/Robo-signaling. The results suggest that Syndecan is a necessary component of Slit/Robo-signaling. Syndecan is needed at the Slit-receiving cells and most likely acts to present membrane-bound heparan sulphate glycosaminoglycan sugar-chains to facilitate Slit/Robo-signaling

    The Places Where Community Is Practiced : How Store Owners and Their Businesses Build Neighborhood Social Life

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    In this open access publication, the social cohesion of urban neighborhoods and their residents is examined, which is often viewed as vulnerable since increased mobility, individualization, wider socio-economic and demographic changes have fundamentally altered the basis for everyday social interaction in urban neighborhoods. Anna Steigemann gives scholarly attention to the concrete places where neighborly interactions still take place and to how these interactions affect local community building. She illuminates and explores the ordinary everyday interactions and social practices in and around shops and gastronomic facilities on a shopping street in Berlin-Neukölln, revealing how these businesses are important places where community is practiced, but also why they are increasingly threatened by commercial and residential gentrification.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Vom Schrumpfen zur Integration? ThĂŒringens Willkommenskultur und die sozialrĂ€umliche Integration von FlĂŒchtlingen in Gera

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    Das Paradigma der schrumpfenden Stadt hat in ThĂŒringen wie in allen ostdeutschen BundeslĂ€ndern die Vorstellung von der Entwicklung der Stadt geprĂ€gt und dazu gefĂŒhrt, dass der demographische Wandel als entscheidender Faktor angesehen wird. Konsequenterweise ist dieser Prozess von zum Teil stark rĂŒckgebauten Infrastruktur- und Versorgungseinrichtungen geprĂ€gt.Seit der RegierungsĂŒbernahme durch die rot-rot-grĂŒne Koalition im Jahr 2014 wird durch die Propagierung einer »Willkommenskultur« als einer auf Integration setzenden Migrationspolitik ein anderes, leitendes Narrativ eingefĂŒhrt. Die FlĂŒchtlingsaufnahme wird dabei als Chance fĂŒr die lokale Entwicklung verstanden, beispielsweise als Kompensation eines weiteren Schrumpfungsprozesses und wachsenden FachkrĂ€ftemangels. Dies trifft in den Kommunen jedoch auf ein geteiltes Echo, sodass sich intensive Diskussionen ĂŒber die Aufnahme und den Umgang mit GeflĂŒchteten vor Ort finden lassen.In dem vorgeschlagenen Beitrag stellen die Autorinnen der Bauhaus-UniversitĂ€t Weimar ihre Forschungen aus dem Projekt »WillkommensstĂ€dte« sowie dem Projekt »Migration statt Schrumpfung« vor. Dabei wird anhand des Fallbeispiels der Stadt Gera aufgezeigt, inwieweit und in welcher Ausgestaltung sich einerseits Formen sozial-rĂ€umlicher Integration entwickeln und andererseits, was dieser jedoch in dem von Schrumpfung geprĂ€gten ostdeutschen Kontext entgegensteht.Gera als drittgrĂ¶ĂŸte Stadt ThĂŒringens ist dabei zwar keine Ausnahme und hatte bis vor wenigen Jahren kaum Erfahrungen mit (internationaler) Migration. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen im Alltag von GeflĂŒchteten dargestellt und somit AnsĂ€tze eines neuen Integrationsprozesses aufgezeigt. Dies umfasst die Betrachtung der darin beteiligten zivilgesellschaftlichen wie formal-administrativen Ebenen und Akteure. Nicht zuletzt wird die Beziehung zwischen Landes- und kommunaler Ebene in Bezug auf diesen Paradigmenwechsel beleuchtet.Der Beitrag beruht auf Interviews mit GeflĂŒchteten sowie ehren- und hauptamtlichen Menschen aus den Bereichen der Versorgung und Integration. Durch teilnehmende Beobachtungen in verschiedenen Alltagsorten der GeflĂŒchteten wird zudem ein Einblick in die Problemfelder aber auch SpielrĂ€ume innerhalb Geras in Bezug auf die sozialrĂ€umliche Integration von GeflĂŒchteten gegeben
