258 research outputs found

    Life cycle assessment and eco-innovations: What kind of convergence is possible?

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    Generation of goods and services are highly dependent on the use of natural resources. Until very recently, there was an implicit belief that the physical expansion of the economic system could be unlimited, as if the planet would have conditions and time enough to recover and continue to supply resources. This belief implies a confidence in an economic system that would provide whatever is necessary for a continuous growing production and consumption. Even believing that technology alone is not enough to solve the current environmental problems, it is certain that it can collaborate to mitigate climate change and to adaptation to changes in the environment. By bringing environmental aspects into discussions, eco-innovations can affect and transform the innovation system in order to create sustainable processes. However, the main challenge towards the transition to a more sustainable, cleaner and more equitable society is to set innovation in a new context, as until very recently it only considered the economic variables. This change means to value the social and environmental dimension of the innovation. In addition to eco-innovation, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is spreading in the industrial environment, offering promising perspectives. LCA is considered a valuable methodology in the environmental sustainability of industry. In this context, the present study addresses LCA and its relationship with the generation of eco-innovations. Drawing on contributions from literature on eco-innovation and LCA, the paper analyses available evidence on this relationship in a context of the transition towards sustainable development. To structure the debate, the paper offers a conceptual approach and an illustrative case on international researchers' and practitioners’ perceptions on the potentially positive relationship between eco-innovation and LCA. The study gathers data in the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection and in Scopus, in order to provide a picture of the distribution of documents retrieved from these databases, dealing with both eco-innovation and LCA topics. The paper concludes that the convergence of the eco-innovation and LCA studies is quite plausible, but at least in its initial phase, the literature that unites both themes is scarcely found in publications in the area of innovation, being more frequent in the area of engineering and management that usually addresses LCA studies

    Book of Abstracts of SPE 2021

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    Book of Abstracts of SPE 202

    Sempre alerta para servir: a importância das tecnologias na dinâmica do escutismo

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    Numa era em que a tecnologia está tão presente na vida das pessoas, o movimento escutista não é excepção. Ainda que o método escutista possa não fomentar a utilização frequente da tecnologia, os destinatários do método, crianças e jovens, são hoje nativos digitais que convivem diariamente com as TIC e social media. Deste modo, importa perceber qual o papel das tecnologias na dinâmica do escutismo em dois níveis: na aproximação dos jovens ao método escutista e na sua utilização para rentabilizar o tempo disponível para a preparação e realização das actividades. Para tal, a investigação levada a cabo, composta por duas fases, exploratória e inferencial, permitiu a recolha de dados, com recurso à aplicação de um questionário, a 264 participantes. Os dados recolhidos permitiram concluir que se reconhece a importância e utilização das TIC e social media, contudo não são o meio preferencial para por em prática as actividades e transmitir a informação, nomeadamente ao nível do sistema de progresso. A utilização das TIC e social media por parte do movimento escutista, poderá facilitar a aplicação do método escutista, sem descuidar a sua essência, não se trata de substituir as actvidades escutistas por tecnologia, mas utilizar a tecnologia em prol das actividades que são essenciais ao desenvolvimento dos jovens, que são os adultos do futuro. Trata-se de melhorar as condições em que estamos "Alerta", para Servir melhor.In an age where technology is so present in people's lives, the scout movement is no exception. Although the scout method may not encourage frequent use of technology, the method's target, children and young people, are today digital natives that coexist daily with ICT and social media. In this way, it is important to understand the role of technologies in the dynamics of scouting at two levels: the approach of young people to the scout method and its use to monetize the time available to prepare and make the activities. To do so, the investigation, which consisted of two phases, exploratory and inferential, allowed the data collection, through a questionnaire, with 264 participants. The data collected allowed to conclude that the importance and use of ICTs and social media are recognized, but they are not the preferred means of putting the activities into practice and transmitting information, especially at the level of the progress system. The use of ICT and social media by the scout movement, may facilitate the application of the scout method, without neglecting its essence, it is not a matter of replacing the scouts activities by technology, but using technology in favor of the activities that are essential to the young people, who are the adults of the future. It is about improving the conditions in which we are "alert" to better serve

    A parallel metaheuristic for large mixed-integer dynamic optimization problems, with applications in computational biology

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    [Abstract] Background: We consider a general class of global optimization problems dealing with nonlinear dynamic models. Although this class is relevant to many areas of science and engineering, here we are interested in applying this framework to the reverse engineering problem in computational systems biology, which yields very large mixed-integer dynamic optimization (MIDO) problems. In particular, we consider the framework of logic-based ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Methods: We present saCeSS2, a parallel method for the solution of this class of problems. This method is based on an parallel cooperative scatter search metaheuristic, with new mechanisms of self-adaptation and specific extensions to handle large mixed-integer problems. We have paid special attention to the avoidance of convergence stagnation using adaptive cooperation strategies tailored to this class of problems. Results: We illustrate its performance with a set of three very challenging case studies from the domain of dynamic modelling of cell signaling. The simpler case study considers a synthetic signaling pathway and has 84 continuous and 34 binary decision variables. A second case study considers the dynamic modeling of signaling in liver cancer using high-throughput data, and has 135 continuous and 109 binaries decision variables. The third case study is an extremely difficult problem related with breast cancer, involving 690 continuous and 138 binary decision variables. We report computational results obtained in different infrastructures, including a local cluster, a large supercomputer and a public cloud platform. Interestingly, the results show how the cooperation of individual parallel searches modifies the systemic properties of the sequential algorithm, achieving superlinear speedups compared to an individual search (e.g. speedups of 15 with 10 cores), and significantly improving (above a 60%) the performance with respect to a non-cooperative parallel scheme. The scalability of the method is also good (tests were performed using up to 300 cores). Conclusions: These results demonstrate that saCeSS2 can be used to successfully reverse engineer large dynamic models of complex biological pathways. Further, these results open up new possibilities for other MIDO-based large-scale applications in the life sciences such as metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, drug scheduling.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; DPI2014-55276-C5-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad; TIN2016-75845-PGalicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; R2016/045Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; GRC2013/05

    Intersetorialidade e potenciais conflitos de interesse entre governos e setor privado comercial no âmbito das ações de alimentação e nutrição para o enfrentamento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis | Intersectoriality and potential conflicts of interest between governments and private, commercial sector within the context of food and nutrition actions to deal with chronic non-communicable diseases

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    Neste artigo foram analisados os potenciais conflitos entre interesses governamentais e privados de caráter comercial em torno das ações de alimentação e nutrição (AN) no âmbito de propostas intersetoriais de enfrentamento das DCNT no Brasil. Para tal, foram identificados artigos acadêmicos e documentos institucionais publicados a partir de 2000 que abordassem as ações de AN em políticas de DCNT pautadas pela intersetorialidade. Foram priorizados elementos que contribuíssem para a compreensão dos potenciais conflitos de interesse entre governos e o setor privado comercial no âmbito de estratégias intersetoriais de enfrentamento de DCNT. Concluiu-se que o princípio da intersetorialidade, desassociado de um processo político que problematize os critérios de eleição e as práticas institucionais dos setores que respondem pelo conjunto de ações que compõe as políticas governamentais, pode servir como facilitador do favorecimento de interesses comerciais. A participação no processo decisório de setores de interesse comercial cujas práticas ferem objetivos e princípios das políticas públicas, movidos pela expansão da demanda por seus produtos e pela concentração progressiva de poder, pode retardar, atenuar ou impedir ações efetivas na redução de DCNT. Esta possibilidade é particularmente relevante no âmbito de atribuições que são próprias aos entes Estatais, especialmente as estratégias regulatórias. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article analyzed the potential conflicts of interest between government and private commercial sectors in the area of food and nutrition (FN) activities within the context of intersectoral proposals for dealing with chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD) in Brazil. To this end, academic articles and institutional documents published after 2000 were identified that addressed FN actions in CNCD policies guided by intersectoriality. Elements that contributed to understanding the potential conflicts of interest between governments and the private, commercial sector within the context of intersectoral strategies to deal with CNCD were prioritized. It was concluded that the principle of intersectoriality disassociated from a political process that complicates the eligibility criteria and institutional practices of the sectors responsible for the set of actions that comprise government policies may serve as facilitators for favoring commercial interests. Participation in the decision-making process of the sectors of commercial interest whose practices, driven by increased demand for their products and the progressive concentration of power, contradict the purposes and principles of public policy, may delay, reduce, or prevent effective actions to reduce CNCD. This possibility is particularly relevant in the context of attributions that are specific to government entities, especially regulatory strategies

    Climate change and impact on renewable energies in the Azores strategic visions for sustainability

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    The energy sector is the largest contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, but could also be seriously affected by climate change, calling into question society’s current consumption patterns. In this communication, climate projections based on a set of numerical models of global circulation are used to simulate the climate until the end of the century and keep in mind the alternative scenarios of pollutant emissions. Apart from solar energy, the results for the Azores region show a negative impact on the production and consumption of renewable energies. In the regional context, this issue assumes special relevance, given the geographical constraints, such as territorial discontinuity and insularity. Based on these assumptions, measures and recommendations are pointed out for the sectors that most penalize greenhouse gas emissions, considering the energy sustainability in the Azores and the commitments and goals assumed under international agreements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intersetorialidade e potenciais conflitos de interesse entre governos e setor privado comercial no âmbito das ações de alimentação e nutrição para o enfrentamento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis

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    This article analyzed the potential conflicts of interest between government and private commercial sectors in the area of food and nutrition (FN) activities within the context of intersectoral proposals for dealing with chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD) in Brazil. To this end, academic articles and institutional documents published after 2000 were identified that addressed FN actions in CNCD policies guided by intersectoriality. Elements that contributed to understanding the potential conflicts of interest between governments and the private, commercial sector within the context of intersectoral strategies to deal with CNCD were prioritized. It was concluded that the principle of intersectoriality disassociated from a political process that complicates the eligibility criteria and institutional practices of the sectors responsible for the set of actions that comprise government policies may serve as facilitators for favoring commercial interests. Participation in the decision-making process of the sectors of commercial interest whose practices, driven by increased demand for their products and the progressive concentration of power, contradict the purposes and principles of public policy, may delay, reduce, or prevent effective actions to reduce CNCD. This possibility is particularly relevant in the context of attributions that are specific to government entities, especially regulatory strategies.Neste artigo foram analisados os potenciais conflitos entre interesses governamentais e privados de caráter comercial em torno das ações de alimentação e nutrição (AN) no âmbito de propostas intersetoriais de enfrentamento das DCNT no Brasil. Para tal, foram identificados artigos acadêmicos e documentos institucionais publicados a partir de 2000 que abordassem as ações de AN em políticas de DCNT pautadas pela intersetorialidade. Foram priorizados elementos que contribuíssem para a compreensão dos potenciais conflitos de interesse entre governos e o setor privado comercial no âmbito de estratégias intersetoriais de enfrentamento de DCNT. Concluiu-se que o princípio da intersetorialidade, desassociado de um processo político que problematize os critérios de eleição e as práticas institucionais dos setores que respondem pelo conjunto de ações que compõe as políticas governamentais, pode servir como facilitador do favorecimento de interesses comerciais. A participação no processo decisório de setores de interesse comercial cujas práticas ferem objetivos e princípios das políticas públicas, movidos pela expansão da demanda por seus produtos e pela concentração progressiva de poder, pode retardar, atenuar ou impedir ações efetivas na redução de DCNT. Esta possibilidade é particularmente relevante no âmbito de atribuições que são próprias aos entes Estatais, especialmente as estratégias regulatórias

    Reliability and validity of the geriatric depression scale in a sample of portuguese older adults with mild-to-moderate cognitive impairment

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    Although the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is a well-established instrument for the assessment of depressive symptoms in older adults, this has not been validated specifically for Portuguese older adults with cognitive impairment. The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of two Portuguese versions of the GDS (GDS-27 and GDS-15) in a sample of Portuguese older adults with mild-to-moderate cognitive impairment. Clinicians assessed for major depressive disorder and cognitive functioning in 117 participants with mild-to-moderate cognitive decline (76.9% female, Mage = 83.66 years). The internal consistency of GDS-27 and GDS-15 were 0.874 and 0.812, respectively. There was a significant correlation between GDS-27 and GDS- 15 with the Beck Depression Inventory-II (GDS-27: rho = 0.738, p < 0.001; GDS-15: rho = 0.760, p < 0.001), suggesting good validity. A cutoff point of 15/16 in GDS-27 and 8/9 in GDS-15 resulted in the identification of persons with depression (GDS-27: sensitivity 100%, specificity 63%; GDS-15: sensitivity 90%, specificity 62%). Overall, the GDS-27 and GDS-15 are reliable and valid instruments for the assessment of depression in Portuguese-speaking older adults with cognitive impairmentS

    Percepção de agentes operadores do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar a percepção de agentes operadores sobre o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal e quali-quantitativo desenvolvido em amostra não probabilística e selecionada por conveniência em um evento promovido pelo Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação em 2015 no Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados com o auxílio de um questionário cujas questões se relacionavam a categorias pré-definidas relacionadas ao Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. O questionário foi respondido por 43 nutricionistas, 41 membros do Conselho de Alimentação Escolar e 16 gestores da alimentação escolar de 38 municípios do Rio de Janeiro. A análise das narrativas foi baseada em referenciais de análise cognitiva de políticas públicas. A associação entre as variáveis foi investigada com o teste qui-quadrado, sendo calculado o poder do teste das associações. RESULTADOS: A percepção da execução do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar foi caracterizada por alguns desafios: 1) baixo quantitativo de nutricionistas para atender à demanda das escolas; 2) baixa adesão à chamada pública para compra de produtos da agricultura familiar por dificuldades burocráticas e insuficiência de produção local de alimentos; 3) reduzida abrangência das ações de educação alimentar e nutricional pela restrição dos recursos humanos, materiais e financeiros; e 4) limitação na atuação do Conselho de Alimentação Escolar por oferta insuficiente de capacitação e de transporte para as visitas regulares. A adequação do quantitativo de nutricionistas mostrou associação estatisticamente significante com a compra de produtos da agricultura familiar (p = 0,002; poder = 99%) e com as atividades de educação alimentar e nutricional (p = 0,021; poder = 79%).OBJECTIVE: Identify the perception operating agents have on the Brazilian National School Feeding Program METHODS: This is an observational, cross-sectional and quali-quantitative study developed in non-probability and convenience sampling selected in an event promoted by the National Fund for Educational Development in 2015 in Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected through questions related to pre-defined categories concerning the National School Feeding Program. The questionnaire was answered by 43 nutritionists, 41 members of the School Feeding Board, and 16 school feeding administrators from 38 cities of Rio de Janeiro. The narrative analysis was based on benchmarks of cognitive analysis of public policies. The association among variables was investigated with chi-square test, being calculated the power for association testing. RESULTS: The perception of the implementation of the National School Feeding Program has been characterized by some challenges: 1) low number of nutritionists to meet the demand from schools; 2) low adhesion to the public call for the purchase of family farming products due to bureaucratic difficulties and insufficient local food production; 3) reduced coverage of food and nutritional measures due to the restriction of human, material and financial resources; and 4) limitation of the participation of the School Feeding Board due to insufficient training and transport for regular visits. The adequacy of the number of nutritionists showed statistically significant association with the purchase of family farming products (p = 0.002; power = 99%) and with the food and nutritional education activities (p = 0.021; power = 79%). CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate the need for employment of nutritionist in sufficient numbers to meet the demands of the National School Feeding Program, investment in educational activities of healthy eating in schools, training of the School Feeding Board, greater availability of vehicles for school visits and assistance to family farmers in order to facilitate their participation in programs of institutional purchases and encourage the diversification of production