98 research outputs found

    Diversidad y estructura de un robledal en la reserva biológica Cachalú, Encino (Santander­Colombia)

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    We analyzed diversity, structure and preliminary plant dynamics features (mortality and recruitment) of a one ha permanent plot in an oak forest, at the Reserva Biológica Cachalú, at an altitude of between 2100 and 2200 m. The plot was established in 2007, when all plant individuals with dbh 10 cm (irst category) were tagged, measured and plotted. All individuals 1 and 10 cm dbh (second category) were sampled in an area of 0.2 ha within the plot. In the last census (July 2009), we found 453 individuals, 23 families, 26 genera and 34 species from the irst Category and 624 individuals, 34 families, 60 genera and 80 species from the second. The species-area curve showed a value of R2= 0.97. According to the structure analysis, most of the individuals, mainly treelets, were accumulated in the irst diameter, showing an up-turned "J" distribution, which illustrates early forest stages. Between the plot establishment and the irst census (1.5 yr) the basal area of the irst category decreased 1.61% while the second increased 36.6%. The most important species according to IVI were Quercus humboldtii, Clusia schomburgkiana and Blakea cuatrecasii. Mortality and recruitment rates for the irst category were 0.96% y 1%, respectively and in the second category these values were 2.8% y 12.2% respectively. During 1.5 yr new gaps appeared within the plot, which is associated with the decrease in total basal area. Despite high similarity in species composition compared with other neotropical montane forests, the dynamics and structure of the community in the present study appear to be distinct.Se analiza la diversidad, la estructura y los aspectos relacionados con la dinámica (datos preliminares de mortalidad y de reclutamiento) de un robledal, provenientes de una parcela permanente de 1 ha, en la Reserva Biológica Cachalú, entre 2100 y 2200 m de altitud. Durante el establecimiento en el 2007 se marcaron, midieron y mapearon los individuos con DAP10 cm (primera categoría), y en 0.2 ha con 1 DAP 10 cm (segunda categoría). Durante el primer censo (julio de 2009) se encontraron 453 individuos, 34 especies, 26 géneros y 23 familias en la primera categoría y 624 individuos, 80 especies, 60 géneros y 34 familias en la segunda. La curva especies-área mostró un valor R2=0.97. En estructura, la distribución de diámetros tuvo una evidente acumulación de individuos en las primeras clases de tamaño que en su mayoría corresponden a arbolitos, mostrando una distribución de "J" invertida, lo cual evidencia los estados tempranos de crecimiento del bosque. Entre el establecimiento y el primer censo realizado (1.5 años) se encontró que el área basal disminuyó 1.61% (13.99 m2ha-1 a 13.76 m2ha-1) en la primera categoría y aumentó 36.96% (0.51 a 0.70 m2) en la segunda. Las especies más importantes de acuerdo al IVI fueron Quercus humboldtii, Clusia schomburgkiana y Blakea cuatrecasii. Las tasas de mortalidad y reclutamiento fueron de 0.96% y 1%, en la primera categoría y de 2.80% y 12.20% en la segunda. Durante este periodo de tiempo se presentaron nuevos claros en la parcela, lo cual se releja en la disminución del área basal total. A pesar de la similitud lorística del robledal estudiado con otros bosques montanos neotropicales, diieren algunas características estructura y de dinámica

    Importancia de la carga tributaria de las mipymes en el sector comercial comparado a Colombia y Chile

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    Bibliometric analysis of scientific production in environmental accounting

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    La literatura académica tiene décadas de abordar el concepto y contexto que engloba la contabilidad ambiental, con lo cual, exige un monitoreo riguroso y continuo de su evidencia científica. El objetivo del manuscrito fue analizar la producción científica mundial relacionada con la contabilidad medioambiental a fin de evaluar el contexto y el comportamiento de sus contribuciones, viabilizando así la planificación y ejecución de futuras investigaciones. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica utilizando la base de datos de Web of Science. Se identificaron un total de 299 documentos publicados, la modalidad de publicación, los países mayormente productivos, las revistas científicas, las instituciones más productivas e indicadores de citación e impacto. Se encontró que Australia ocupa el primer lugar con 50 documentos publicados. A su vez, se identifica a Victoria University Wellington como la institución que presenta mayor liderazgo respecto al número de publicaciones. El número total de citas de todas las publicaciones fue de 11.411. Se puede concluir que existe un crecimiento exponencial de la producción científica, siendo la última década la de mayor producción, destacando países como Australia, Estados Unidos e Inglaterra, donde las publicaciones tuvieron un impacto relativamente alto al estar alojados en revistas de cuartil (Q1 y Q2) del Scimago Journal Rank.Academic literature has decades of addressing the concept and context that encompasses environmental accounting, thus requiring rigorous and continuous monitoring of its scientific evidence. The aim of the manuscript was to analyze the global scientific production related to environmental accounting in order to assess the context and behavior of its contributions, thus enabling the planning and execution of future research. A literature search was conducted using the Web of Science database. A total of 299 published documents were identified, as well as the publication modality, the most productive countries, the scientific journals, the most productive institutions, and citation and impact indicators. Australia was found to occupy the first place with 50 published papers. In turn, Victoria University Wellington was identified as the institution with the highest number of publications. The total number of citations of all publications was 11,411. It can be concluded that there is an exponential growth of scientific production, being the last decade the one with the highest production, highlighting countries such as Australia, the United States and England, where publications had a relatively high impact as they are housed in quartile journals (Q1 and Q2) of the Scimago Journal Rank.A literatura acadêmica tem décadas para abordar o conceito e o contexto que engloba a contabilidade ambiental, exigindo assim um rigoroso e contínuo monitoramento de suas evidências científicas. O objetivo do manuscrito era analisar a produção científica global relacionada à contabilidade ambiental a fim de avaliar o contexto e o desempenho de suas contribuições, possibilitando assim o planejamento e a execução de pesquisas futuras. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica utilizando o banco de dados da Web of Science. Foram identificados 299 artigos publicados, o modo de publicação, os países mais produtivos, as revistas mais produtivas, as instituições mais produtivas e os indicadores de citação e impacto. A Austrália ficou em primeiro lugar com 50 artigos publicados. Por sua vez, a Victoria University Wellington foi identificada como a instituição líder em termos de número de publicações. O número total de citações de todas as publicações foi de 11.411. Pode-se concluir que há um crescimento exponencial na produção científica, sendo a última década a de maior produção, destacando-se países como Austrália, Estados Unidos e Inglaterra, onde as publicações tiveram um impacto relativamente alto por estarem alojadas em periódicos quartis (Q1 e Q2) do Scimago Journal Rank

    Effectiveness of online psychological and psychoeducational interventions to prevent depression:Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Although evidence exists for the efficacy of interventions to prevent depression, little is known about its prevention through online interventions. We aim to assess the effectiveness of online psychological and psychoeducational interventions to prevent depression in heterogeneous populations. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was conducted based on literature searches in eight electronic data bases and other sources from inception to 22 July 2019. Of the 4181 abstracts reviewed, 501 were selected for full-text review, and 21 RCTs met the inclusion criteria, representing 10,134 participants from 11 countries and four continents. The pooled SMD was −0·26 (95%CI: −0·36 to −0·16; p < 0.001) and sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of this result. We did not find publication bias but there was substantial heterogeneity (I2 = 72%; 95%CI, 57% to 82%). A meta-regression including three variables explained 81% of the heterogeneity. Indicated prevention and interactive website delivery were statistically associated with higher effectiveness, and no association was observed with risk of bias. Online psychological and psychoeducational interventions have a small effect in reducing depressive symptoms in non-depressed and varied populations, and the quality of evidence is moderate. Given that these types of interventions are very accessible and can be applied on a wide scale, they should be further developed and implemented. Registration details: Registration number (PROSPERO): CRD42014014804

    Online psycho-education to the treatment of bipolar disorder: protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Bipolar disorder patients frequently present recurrent episodes and often experience subsyndromal symptoms, cognitive impairment and difficulties in functioning, with a low quality of life, illness relapses and recurrent hospitalization. Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention may play a role in preventing neuroprogression in this disorder. New technologies represent an opportunity to develop standardized psychological treatments using internet-based tools that overcome some of the limitations of face-to-face treatments, in that they are readily accessible and the timing of therapy can be tailored to user needs and availability. However, although many psychological programs are offered through the web and mobile devices for bipolar disorder, there is a lack of high quality evidence concerning their efficacy and effectiveness due to the great variability in measures and methodology used. Methods: This clinical trial is a simple-blind randomized trial within a European project to compare an internet-based intervention with treatment as usual. Bipolar disorder patients are to be included and randomly assigned to one of two groups: 1) the experimental group (tele-care support) and 2) the control group. Participants in both groups will be evaluated at baseline (pre-treatment) and post-treatment. Discussion: This study describes the design of a clinical trial based on psychoeducation intervention that may have a significant impact on both prognosis and treatment in bipolar disorder. Specifically, bringing different services together (service aggregation), it is hoped that the approach proposed will significantly increase the impact of information and communication technologies on access and adherence to treatment, quality of the service, patient safety, patient and professional satisfaction, and quality of life of patients.This study has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 604691

    Effectiveness of a universal personalized intervention for the prevention of anxiety disorders: Protocol of a randomized controlled trial (the prevANS project)

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    Background: To date, all preventive anxiety disorders interventions are one-fit-all and none of them are based on individual level and risk profile. The aim of this project is to design, develop and evaluate an online personalized intervention based on a risk algorithm for the universal prevention of anxiety disorders in the general population. Methods: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) with two parallel arms (prevANS vs usual care) and 1-year follow- up including 2000 participants without anxiety disorders from Spain and Portugal will be conducted. The prevANS intervention will be self-guided and can be implemented from the prevANS web or from the participants' Smartphone (through an App). The prevANS intervention will have different intensities depending on the risk level of the population, evaluated from the risk algorithm for anxiety: predictA. Both low and moderate-high risk participants will receive information on their level and profile (risk factors) of anxiety disorders, will have access to stress management tools and psychoeducational information periodically. In addition, participants with a moderate-high risk of anxiety disorders will also have access to cognitive-behavioral training (problem-solving, decision-making, communication skills, and working with thoughts). The control group will not receive any intervention, but they will fill out the same questionnaires as the intervention group. Assessments will be completed at baseline, 6 and 12-month follow-up. The primary outcome is the cumulative incidence of anxiety disorders. Secondary outcomes include depressive and anxiety symptoms, risk probability of anxiety disorders (predictA algorithm) and depression (predictD algorithm), improvement in physical and mental quality of life, and acceptability and satisfaction with the intervention. In addition, cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses will also be carried out from two perspectives, societal and health system, and analyses of mediators and moderators will also be performedSpanish Ministry of Health, the Institute of Health Carlos III, co-funded by the European Social Fund “Investing in your future” (grant references: CP19/00056), and the Chronicity, Primary Care and Health Promotion Research Network ‘RICAPPS’ (RD21/0016/0012); and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Investigation Agency (PID2020-119652RA-l00). These funding sources had no role in the design of this study and will not have any role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data, or decision to submit resultsS

    Exploiting oxidative phosphorylation to promote the stem and immunoevasive properties of pancreatic cancer stem cells

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    © The Author(s) 2020Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the fourth leading cause of cancer death, has a 5-year survival rate of approximately 7–9%. The ineffectiveness of anti-PDAC therapies is believed to be due to the existence of a subpopulation of tumor cells known as cancer stem cells (CSCs), which are functionally plastic, and have exclusive tumorigenic, chemoresistant and metastatic capacities. Herein, we describe a 2D in vitro system for long-term enrichment of pancreatic CSCs that is amenable to biological and CSC-specific studies. By changing the carbon source from glucose to galactose in vitro, we force PDAC cells to utilize OXPHOS, resulting in enrichment of CSCs defined by increased CSC biomarker and pluripotency gene expression, greater tumorigenic potential, induced but reversible quiescence, increased OXPHOS activity, enhanced invasiveness, and upregulated immune evasion properties. This CSC enrichment method can facilitate the discovery of new CSC-specific hallmarks for future development into targets for PDAC-based therapies.We acknowledge and thank Dr. Nuria Malats and Jaime Villarreal from the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) for RNA sequencing and analysis, funded by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) grant PI18/01347. We thank Patricia Sánchez-Tomero and Marina Ochando-Garmendia for technical assistance and support and Dr. Raúl Sánchez Lanzas for assistance with autophagy experiments. We want to particularly acknowledge the patients and the BioBank Hospital Ramón y Cajal-IRYCIS (PT13/0010/0002) integrated in the Spanish National Biobanks Network for its collaboration and, in particular, Adrián Povo Retana for macrophage isolation. We would also like to thank the Transmission Electron Microscopy Unit Laboratory, part of the UAM Interdepartmental Investigation Service (SIdI); Coral Pedrero for exceptional help with in vivo experiments; and the laboratories of Dr. Amparo Cano and Dr. José González Castaño for reagents and helpful discussions. S.V. was a recipient of an Ayuda de Movilidad del Personal Investigador del IRYCIS, a mobility grant from the Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria (IRYCIS), Madrid, Spain, and a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Comunidad de Madrid, Ayudas Para La Contratación De Investigadores Predoctorales Y Posdoctorales (PEJD-2017-PRE/BMD-5062), Madrid, Spain. This study was supported by a Rámon y Cajal Merit Award (RYC-2012-12104) from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (to B.S.); funding from la Beca Carmen Delgado/Miguel Pérez-Mateo from AESPANC-ACANPAN Spain (to B.S.); a Conquer Cancer Now Grant from the Concern Foundation (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (to B.S.); a Coordinated grant (GC16173694BARB) from the Fundación Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) (to B.S.); FIS grants PI18/00757 (to B.S.), PI16/00789 (to M.A.F.-M.), PI18/00267 (to L.G.-B.; co-financed through Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) “Una manera de hacer Europa”); a Miguel Servet award (CP16/00121) (to P.S.); a Max Eder Fellowship of the German Cancer Aid (111746) (to P.C.H.); and the German Research Foundation (DFG, CRC 1279 “Exploiting the human peptidome for Novel Antimicrobial and Anticancer Agents”; to P.C.H.)

    Body mass index interacts with a genetic-risk score for depression increasing the risk of the disease in high-susceptibility individuals

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    Depression is strongly associated with obesity among other chronic physical diseases. The latest mega- and meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies have identified multiple risk loci robustly associated with depression. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether a genetic-risk score (GRS) combining multiple depression risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) might have utility in the prediction of this disorder in individuals with obesity. A total of 30 depression-associated SNPs were included in a GRS to predict the risk of depression in a large case-control sample from the Spanish PredictD-CCRT study, a national multicentre, randomized controlled trial, which included 104 cases of depression and 1546 controls. An unweighted GRS was calculated as a summation of the number of risk alleles for depression and incorporated into several logistic regression models with depression status as the main outcome. Constructed models were trained and evaluated in the whole recruited sample. Non-genetic-risk factors were combined with the GRS in several ways across the five predictive models in order to improve predictive ability. An enrichment functional analysis was finally conducted with the aim of providing a general understanding of the biological pathways mapped by analyzed SNPs. We found that an unweighted GRS based on 30 risk loci was significantly associated with a higher risk of depression. Although the GRS itself explained a small amount of variance of depression, we found a significant improvement in the prediction of depression after including some non-genetic-risk factors into the models. The highest predictive ability for depression was achieved when the model included an interaction term between the GRS and the body mass index (BMI), apart from the inclusion of classical demographic information as marginal terms (AUC = 0.71, 95% CI = [0.65, 0.76]). Functional analyses on the 30 SNPs composing the GRS revealed an over-representation of the mapped genes in signaling pathways involved in processes such as extracellular remodeling, proinflammatory regulatory mechanisms, and circadian rhythm alterations. Although the GRS on its own explained a small amount of variance of depression, a significant novel feature of this study is that including non-genetic-risk factors such as BMI together with a GRS came close to the conventional threshold for clinical utility used in ROC analysis and improves the prediction of depression. In this study, the highest predictive ability was achieved by the model combining the GRS and the BMI under an interaction term. Particularly, BMI was identified as a trigger-like risk factor for depression acting in a concerted way with the GRS component. This is an interesting finding since it suggests the existence of a risk overlap between both diseases, and the need for individual depression genetics-risk evaluation in subjects with obesity. This research has therefore potential clinical implications and set the basis for future research directions in exploring the link between depression and obesity-associated disorders. While it is likely that future genome-wide studies with large samples will detect novel genetic variants associated with depression, it seems clear that a combination of genetics and non-genetic information (such is the case of obesity status and other depression comorbidities) will still be needed for the optimization prediction of depression in high-susceptibility individuals

    Políticas públicas, autonomía y participación docente en contextos de transformación y cambio

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    Son muy escasos los organismos internacionales que se preocupan por la situación de los docentes: en América Latina la Red Estrado es uno de los contados colectivos que realiza estudios, investigaciones y propuestas por mejorar la condición humana y profesional de los educadores. En el Ecuador, en sus pocos años de funcionamiento, la Red Estrado ha tenido una presencia muy poco activa para denunciar los problemas y dificultades que afectan a los docentes, dar a conocer las fortalezas y cualidades de quienes educan a los ecuatorianos del presente y del futuro y proponer acciones concretas que aseguren el desarrollo de los integrantes del magisterio. Esta organización de la sociedad civil está integrada por un selecto grupo de académicos pertenecientes a varias universidades, quienes con una actitud totalmente desinteresada y altruista, con el apoyo de sus respectivos centros de educación superior, han organizado algunos eventos nacionales, han publicado varios libros sobre la situación docente y, de manera excepcional, han colocado este tema en el imaginario nacional, a fin de dar a conocer los aspectos relacionados con la formación inicial, el ejercicio de la carrera, las condiciones de salud y trabajo, la formación permanente, los problemas salariales, la evaluación y los demás asuntos que se relacionan con la trayectoria profesional de los educadores. El libro políticas públicas, autonomía y participación docente en contextos de transformación y cambio, que se pone a consideración de los lectores, contiene varios estudios e investigaciones llevados a cabo en estos años por algunos docentes de centros educativos ecuatorianos y otros países de América Latina