10 research outputs found

    2D-Codes Technology and Application

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    Investiranje u visoko obrazovanje: Republika Srbija u međunarodnom okruženju

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    Higher quality of higher education services, improved working conditions and economic situation are predominantly determined by the total amount of investments in higher education, in particular by state funds. On the other hand, the investment model for higher education, economic power and budgetary capacity of the state, determine the amount of public funds invested in higher education. The subject matter of this paper is the level of public investments in higher education in the Republic of Serbia, i.e. AP Vojvodina, as a European region, in comparison to selected European countries, which is analysed according to the quantitative indicator i.e. budgetary appropriations per student. The goal of this study is to determine changes in ranking of the Republic of Serbia, i.e. AP Vojvodina, through implementation of the new investment model for higher education, in comparison to selected European countries. Study results show significant decrease of public investments in higher education, in the Republic of Serbia, in comparison to selected European countries. The results also imply that implementation of the new investment model for higher education increases the volume of investments, as well as development of entrepreneurship in higher education.Veći kvalitet visokoobrazovnih usluga, bolji uslovi rada i materijalni položaj u presudnoj meri su determinisani ukupnim obimom investiranja u visoko obrazovanje, a posebno javnih sredstava od strane države. S druge strane, model investiranja u visoko obrazovanje, ekonomska snaga i budžetski kapacitet države opredeljuju iznos javnih sredstava koja se investiraju u visoko obrazovanje. Predmet istraživanja rada je visina javnog investiranja u visoko obrazovanje u Republici Srbiji, odnosno u AP Vojvodini, kao evropskoj regiji, u poređenju sa odabranim zemljama Evrope koja se analizira na osnovu kvantitativnog pokazatelja, iznosa investiranih budžetskih sredstava po studentu. Cilj istraživanja je da se primenom novog modela investiranja u visoko obrazovanje utvrde promene ranga Republike Srbije, odnosno AP Vojvodine, u odnosu na odabrane evropske zemlje. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se u Republici Srbiji, iz javnih izvora, investira značajno manje sredstava u visoko obrazovanje u odnosu na odabrane evropske zemlje i da primena novog modela investiranja povećava obim investiranja, ali i razvoj preduzetništva u visokom obrazovanju

    Valuing nature’s contributions to people: the IPBES approach

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    Nature is perceived and valued in starkly different and often conflicting ways. This paper presents the rationale for the inclusive valuation of nature’s contributions to people (NCP) in decision making, as well as broad methodological steps for doing so. While developed within the context of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), this approach is more widely applicable to initiatives at the knowledge–policy interface, which require a pluralistic approach to recognizing the diversity of values. We argue that transformative practices aiming at sustainable futures would benefit from embracing such diversity, which require recognizing and addressing power relationships across stakeholder groups that hold different values on human nature-relations and NCP

    The IPBES Conceptual Framework - connecting nature and people

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    The first public product of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is its Conceptual Framework. This conceptual and analytical tool, presented here in detail, will underpin all IPBES functions and provide structure and comparability to the syntheses that IPBES will produce at different spatial scales, on different themes, and in different regions. Salient innovative aspects of the IPBES Conceptual Framework are its transparent and participatory construction process and its explicit consideration of diverse scientific disciplines, stakeholders, and knowledge systems, including indigenous and local knowledge. Because the focus on co-construction of integrative knowledge is shared by an increasing number of initiatives worldwide, this framework should be useful beyond IPBES, for the wider research and knowledge-policy communities working on the links between nature and people, such as natural, social and engineering scientists, policy-makers at different levels, and decision-makers in different sectors of society

    Valuing nature's contributions to people: the IPBES approach

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    Nature is perceived and valued in starkly different and often conflicting ways. This paper presents the rationale for the inclusive valuation of nature's contributions to people (NCP) in decision making, as well as broad methodological steps for doing so. While developed within the context of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), this approach is more widely applicable to initiatives at the knowledge-policy interface, which require a pluralistic approach to recognizing the diversity of values. We argue that transformative practices aiming at sustainable futures would benefit from embracing such diversity, which require recognizing and addressing power relationships across stakeholder groups that hold different values on human naturerelations and NCP