88 research outputs found

    Dibujo análisis e ideación gráfica 2 : Iniciación Proyectos Arquitectónicos. Memoria del curso 2012

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    Programación, enunciados y resultados del curso de Dibujo Análisis e Ideación Gráfica Arquitectónica-2 (DAI-2) asignatura que se encarga de la iniciación a Proyectos Arquitectónicos, a través de distintas herramientas . En la progamación se tiene en cuenta la necesidad de aproximar las experiencias de los estudiantes a los procesos productivo/creativos de la arquitectura. Se aplica una didáctica dialógica: arte/arquitectura/lugar/construcción/pensamiento. Un método pedagógico articulado en tres Bloques: Bloque1 Introducción: idear/construir/proyectar. Bloque 2: proyectar/planificar. Bloque 3: proyectar/ investiga

    Dibujo análisis e ideación gráfica : 1. Memoria del curso 2010

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    Programación, enunciados y resultados del curso de Dibujo Análisis e Ideación Gráfica Arquitectónica-1 (DAI-1) asignatura que se encarga de los fundamentos del dibujo, mediado por “procesos gráficos creativos”. En la progamación se tiene en cuenta la necesidad de aproximar las experiencias de los estudiante a los procesos productivo/creativos de la arquitectura

    Analysis of nonharmonic oscillations in Schottky diodes

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    [EN]We investigate damped nonharmonic oscillations at terahertz frequencies observed in the current response of Schottky diodes simulated with the Monte Carlo method under applied signals of a few hundred GHz. From Monte Carlo simulations of different diode structures, two kinds of nonharmonic oscillations have been identified. The first kind of oscillations is due to the coupling of the nonlinear performance of the Schottky junction with the inertial motion of the carriers in the non-depleted region of the epilayer. The second kind of oscillations is due to the modulation of the n+–n junction when high electric fields are induced in the non-depleted region of the epilayer. These oscillations constitute a promising mechanism for THz signal generation.ROOTHz (FP7-243845

    Analysis of noise spectra in GaAs and GaN Schottky barrier diodes

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    The Monte Carlo method is applied in this paper to characterize the noise spectra of GaAs and GaN Schottky barrier diodes operating under static and time varying conditions. We show the influence of the structure of the diode and working regimes on the noise spectrum of the diodes. Besides, the paper evaluates the capabilities of published analytical models to describe the noise spectra in Schottky diodes under time varying conditions. This is a further step towards the development of a design tool that integrates both the electrical response and the intrinsic noise generated in the devices.ROOTHz (FP7-243845

    Pre- and post-natal melatonin administration partially regulates brain oxidative stress but does not improve cognitive or histological alterations in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome

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    Melatonin administered during adulthood induces beneficial effects on cognition and neuroprotection in the Ts65Dn (TS) mouse model of Down syndrome. Here, we investigated the effects of pre- and post-natal melatonin treatment on behavioral and cognitive abnormalities and on several neuromorphological alterations (hypocellularity, neurogenesis impairment and increased oxidative stress) that appear during the early developmental stages in TS mice. Pregnant TS females were orally treated with melatonin or vehicle from the time of conception until the weaning of the offspring, and the pups continued to receive the treatment from weaning until the age of 5 months. Melatonin administered during the pre- and post-natal periods did not improve the cognitive impairment of TS mice as measured by the Morris Water maze or fear conditioning tests. Histological alterations, such as decreased proliferation (Ki67+ cells) and hippocampal hypocellularity (DAPI+ cells), which are typical in TS mice, were not prevented by melatonin. However, melatonin partially regulated brain oxidative stress by modulating the activity of the primary antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase in the cortex and catalase in the cortex and hippocampus) and slightly decreasing the levels of lipid peroxidation in the hippocampus of TS mice. These results show the inability of melatonin to prevent cognitive impairment in TS mice when it is administered at pre- and post-natal stages. Additionally, our findings suggest that to induce pro-cognitive effects in TS mice during the early stages of development, in addition to attenuating oxidative stress, therapies should aim to improve other altered processes, such as hippocampal neurogenesis and/or hypocellularity.This work was supported by the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2016-76194-R) and by a grant from CNPq/Brazil (proc. 2606/14-13)

    Lessons learnt from a norovirus outbreak caused by bottled mineral water

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessió 1. Pòster 1

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia en Bogotá (Colombia) y Turín (Italia)

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    En el presente documento se evidencia el desarrollo de los cinco puntos del trabajo final del Diplomado, se encuentra el análisis Relatos de violencia y Esperanza, Relato 4: Ana Ligia, los fragmentos que más llamó la atención en Ana ligia tener que vivir y aprender a ser resiliente en medio de la violencia que azota a su pueblo, se encuentran los impactos psicosociales como limitaciones funcionales a nivel físico y emocional, también se logra identificar las voces en un posicionamiento desde el lugar como víctima y sobreviviente, cuando decide estudiar en salud mental y ayudar a mujeres pasando por la misma experiencia dolorosa pero al florecer fortaleza en ella sale adelante, para aportar a su comunidad llena de sufrimiento, dolor, separación, muerte, duelo, desesperanza, angustia. Se reconoce la emancipación discursiva frente a las imágenes de horror de la violencia en Ana Ligia, su historia de dolor y horror afectando su vida emocional con las relaciones del entorno sistémico, ser resiliente a su situación como sobreviviente y su capacidad de servicio y donación sobre todo a otras mujeres que han vivido experiencias similares. Seguidamente se encuentra la formulación de preguntas estratégicas, circulares y reflexivas para Ana ligia que generan cambios en determinadas situaciones, analizar perspectivas diferentes, sus relaciones, acciones, percepción, sentimiento y creencias que le ayuda a la comprensión de hechos en colocarse en el lugar del otro, con la intención de promover y fortalecer habilidades que la motiven y animen a salir adelante con nuevas posibilidades y oportunidades de mejoras en su calidad de vida. Posteriormente se encuentra un análisis y presentación de estrategias de abordaje psicosocial del caso Pandurí que aporta acciones y mejora en su calidad con el objetivo de motivar a todas las familias de la comunidad que han pasado por experiencias de violencia. Por último se encuentra el informe analítico y reflexivo de la experiencia foto voz y su respectivo link del blog que expresa detalladamente lo significativo que es la foto voz para el psicólogo y quien ha experimentado estos hechos de violencia.In this document the event of the 5 points of the ultimate work of the certification is proved , there's the analysis of “Relatos de violencia y Esperanza, Relato 4”: Ana Ligia, shows the fragments that almost all attracted attention in the main character, Ana Ligia, in the situations where she have to measure and learn to being resilient within the thick of the violence that plagues her village , also psychosocial impacts are found joint by functional limitations at a physical and emotional level, it's additionally exposed the spot voices in an exceedingly position from the place as a victim and survivor once she decides to receive a certain knowledge of mental health in order to assist girls through the constant painful expertise by the violence issue in their community. However, when strength prospers in her, she goes ahead, to contribute to her community choked with suffering, pain, separation, death, grief, despair, anguish. Discursive release is recognized within the face of the horror pictures of violence in Ana Ligia, her story of pain and horror touching her emotional life with the relationships of the general surroundings, being resilient to her scenario as a survivor and her capability to serve and give on all to alternative girls who have had similar experiences. Then there's the formulation of strategic, circular and reflective queries for Ana Ligia that generate changes in sure things, the first is analyze completely different views, their relationships, actions, perception, feeling and beliefs that facilitate her to know facts in putting herself within the place of the another, with the intention of promoting and strengthening skills that inspire and encourage her to induce ahead with new prospects and opportunities to boost her quality of life. Secondly, there’s associate analysis and presentation of methods for the psychosocial approach of the Pandurí case that has actions and improves its quality with the aim of motivating all the families within the community who have competent experiences of violence. Finally, there is the analytical and reflective report of the photovoice expertise and its several journal link that expresses thoroughly however vital the photovoice is for the scientist and who has older these acts of violence

    Mucosal immunization with Shigella flexneri outer membrane vesicles induced protection in mice

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    Vaccination appears to be the only rational prophylactic approach to control shigellosis. Unfortunately, there is still no safe and efficacious vaccine available. We investigated the protection conferred by a new vaccine containing outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) from Shigella flexneri with an adjuvant based on nanoparticles in an experimental model of shigellosis in mice. OMVs were encapsulated in poly(anhydride) nanoparticles prepared by a solvent displacement method with the copolymer PMV/MA. OMVs loaded into NPs (NP-OMVs) were homogeneous and spherical in shape, with a size of 197 nm (PdI = 0.06). BALB/c mice (females, 9-week-old, 20 ± 1 g) were immunized by intradermal, nasal, ocular (20 μg) or oral route (100 μg) with free or encapsulated OMV. Thirty-five days after administration, mice were infected intranasally with a lethal dose of S. flexneri (1 × 107 CFU). The new vaccine was able to protect fully against infection when it was administered via mucosa. By intradermal route the NP-OMVs formulation increased the protection from 20%, obtained with free extract, to 100%. Interestingly, both OMVs and OMV-NP induced full protection when administered by the nasal and conjuntival route. A strong association between the ratio of IL-12p40/IL-10 and protection was found. Moreover, low levels of IFN-γ correlate with protection. Under the experimental conditions used, the adjuvant did not induce any adverse effects. These results place OMVs among promising candidates to be used for vaccination against Shigellosis

    Plan de reposicionamiento del destino turístico de San Luis, Argentina

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    Nowadays, many countries worldwide are known by their advances and technology developments. Owing to this fact and the relevance it means today, this project is about taking advantages from all the benefits of technologies (music and cinematographic tourism, among others), in order to create a new kind of tourism that help us make possible the main object of this work: the repositioning of San Luis, an interesting central region of Argentina. A sequence of short, medium and long term strategies were devised, which could be determined as a result of the previous analysis, studies and evaluation of the condition of the province and the new product to exploit.Hoy en día existen muchos países que se reconocen a nivel mundial por sus avances y desarrollos tecnológicos. Por esto y por su importancia actual, este proyecto intenta sacarle provecho a todas las bondades de la tecnología (turismo cinematográfico y música, entre otros) creando así una nueva modalidad de turismo que nos ayude a cumplir el objetivo principal de este trabajo que es posicionar el destino San Luis, ubicado en la región centro de Argentina. Se elaboraron una serie de estrategias a corto, medio y largo plazo, las cuales pudimos determinar gracias al análisis, estudio y evaluación previos realizados de la situación con que contaba la provincia y del nuevo producto a explotar. Dada la importancia e impacto que tiene la marca a la hora de promocionar un destino, fue fundamental crear una para San Luis con el fin de alcanzar nuestro objetivo principal de posicionar esta provincia y darla a conocer

    Women in limnology: From a historical perspective to a present-day evaluation

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    Research in limnology is nurtured by the work of many fascinating and passionate women, who have contributed enormously to our understanding of inland waters. Female limnologists have promoted and established the bases of our knowledge about inland waters and fostered the need of protecting the values of those ecosystems. However, on numerous occasions, their contribution to the advancement of limnology has not been duly recognized. Here, we review the presence of women in limnology through the history of the discipline: from the pioneers who contributed to the origins to present day' developments. We aim at visibilizing those scientists and establish them as role models. We also analyze in a simple and illustrative way the current situation of women in limnology, the scientific barriers they must deal with, and their future prospects. Multiple aspects fostering the visibility of a scientist, such as their presence in conferences, awards, or representation in societal or editorial boards show a significant gap, with none of those aspects showing a similar visibility of women and men in limnology. This article raises awareness of the obstacles that women in limnology faced and still face, and encourages to embrace models of leadership, scientific management, and assessment of research performance far from those commonly established.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio