6,815 research outputs found

    Human Prion Disease and Relative Risk Associated with Chronic Wasting Disease

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    Colorado death certificate data from 1979 through 2001 show that the risk for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease did not increase for residents of counties where chronic wasting disease is endemic among deer and elk

    Regional grey matter volume and concentration in at-risk adolescents: Untangling associations with callous-unemotional traits and conduct disorder symptoms

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    Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies have reported volume reductions in several brain regions implicated in social cognition and emotion recognition in juvenile antisocial populations. However, it is unclear whether these structural abnormalities are specifically related to antisocial features, or to co-occurring callous-unemotional (CU) traits. The present study employed voxel-based morphometry to assess both grey matter volume (GMV) and grey matter concentration (GMC) in a large representative at-risk sample of adolescents (n=134; mean age 17.7 yr), characterized by a broad range of CU trait and conduct disorder (CD) symptom scores. There was a significant interaction between CD symptom and CU trait scores in the prediction of GMV in the anterior insula, with a significant positive association between CU traits and GMV in youth low on CD symptoms only. In addition, we found a significant unique positive association between CD symptoms and GMC in the amygdala, and unique negative associations between CU traits and GMC in the amygdala and insula. These findings are in line with accumulating evidence of distinct associations of CD symptoms and CU traits with amygdala and insula GMC in juvenile antisocial populations

    Testing for Network and Spatial Autocorrelation

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    Testing for dependence has been a well-established component of spatial statistical analyses for decades. In particular, several popular test statistics have desirable properties for testing for the presence of spatial autocorrelation in continuous variables. In this paper we propose two contributions to the literature on tests for autocorrelation. First, we propose a new test for autocorrelation in categorical variables. While some methods currently exist for assessing spatial autocorrelation in categorical variables, the most popular method is unwieldy, somewhat ad hoc, and fails to provide grounds for a single omnibus test. Second, we discuss the importance of testing for autocorrelation in network, rather than spatial, data, motivated by applications in social network data. We demonstrate that existing tests for autocorrelation in spatial data for continuous variables and our new test for categorical variables can both be used in the network setting

    Biophysical Parameters Can Induce Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Phenotypic and Genotypic Changes in HT-29 Cells: A Preliminary Study

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    Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in cancer is the process described where cancer epithelial cells acquire mesenchymal properties which can lead to enhanced invasiveness. Three-dimensional cancer models often lack the relevant and biomimetic microenvironment parameters appropriate to the native tumour microenvironment thought to drive EMT. In this study, HT-29 epithelial colorectal cells were cultivated in different oxygen and collagen concentrations to investigate how these biophysical parameters influenced invasion patterns and EMT. Colorectal HT-29 cells were grown in physiological hypoxia (5% O2) and normoxia (21% O2) in 2D, 3D soft (60 Pa), and 3D stiff (4 kPa) collagen matrices. Physiological hypoxia was sufficient to trigger expression of markers of EMT in the HT-29 cells in 2D by day 7. This is in contrast to a control breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231, which expresses a mesenchymal phenotype regardless of the oxygen concentration. In 3D, HT-29 cells invaded more extensively in a stiff matrix environment with corresponding increases in the invasive genes MMP2 and RAE1. This demonstrates that the physiological environment can directly impact HT-29 cells in terms of EMT marker expression and invasion, compared to an established cell line, MDA-MB-231, which has already undergone EMT. This study highlights the importance of the biophysical microenvironment to cancer epithelial cells and how these factors can direct cell behaviour. In particular, that stiffness of the 3D matrix drives greater invasion in HT-29 cells regardless of hypoxia. It is also pertinent that some cell lines (already having undergone EMT) are not as sensitive to the biophysical features of their microenvironment

    Development and feasibility of a telemedicine tool for patients with recurrent urinary tract infection:myRUTIcoach

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    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Patients with recurrent urinary tract infection (rUTI) have limited knowledge of preventive strategies to lower the risk of UTI. We aimed to develop and test the feasibility of an eHealth system for women with rUTI, named myRUTIcoach, and explored the facilitators and barriers related to its adoption.METHODS: We developed myRUTIcoach in a structured iterative process and tested its feasibility among 25 women with rUTI over 2 months. Subsequent questionnaires covered satisfaction, accessibility, and experiences with myRUTIcoach. A random selection of participants and relevant stakeholders took part in semi-structured interviews to explore adoption. Data were analyzed and elaborated using inductive and deductive approaches using the Non-adoption, Abandonment, Spread, Scale-up, and Sustainability (NASSS) framework.RESULTS: MyRUTIcoach was not only widely accepted but also facilitated communication with health care professionals (HCPs) and contributed to greater knowledge of rUTI. Women graded the system a mean of 8.0 (±0.6) out of 10, with 89% stating that they would recommend it to others. Patients indicated that self-management skills were the major facilitators and barriers related to adoption, whereas HCPs stated that the disconnect between myRUTIcoach and electronic health care records (EHRs) was the major barrier.CONCLUSIONS: This research describes the development and testing of myRUTIcoach for women with rUTI. Patients and HCPs reported high satisfaction and compliance with myRUTIcoach. However, adoption by the intended users is complex and influenced by all examined domains of the NASSS framework. We have already improved linkage to EHRs, but further optimization to meet patient needs may improve the effectiveness of this self-management tool for rUTI.</p

    From Teamchef Arminius to Hermann Junior: glocalised discourse about a national foundation myth

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    If for much of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the ‘Battle of the Teutoburg Forest’, fought in 9 CE between Roman armies and Germanic tribes, was predominantly a reference point for nationalist and chauvinist discourses in Germany, the first decade of the twenty-first century has seen attempts to link public remembrance with local/regional identities on the one hand and international/intercultural contact on the other. In the run up to and during the ‘anniversary year’ of 2009, German media, sports institutions and various other official institutions articulating tourist, economic and political interests attempted to create a new ‘glocalised’ version of the public memory of the Teutoburg battle. Combining methods of Cognitive Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis, the paper analyses the narrative and argumentative topoi employed in this re-orientation of public memory, with a special emphasis on hybrid, post-national identity-construction. Das zweitausendjährige Gedenkjahr der „Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald“ im Jahr 2009 bot eine günstige Gelegenheit, die bis in die zweite Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts dominante Tradition nationalistisch–chauvinistischer Deutungen des Sieges von germanischen Stämmen über drei römische Legionen zu korrigieren und zu überwinden. Der Aufsatz analysiert mit Hilfe diskurslinguistischer Methoden die Anstrengungen regionaler Institutionen und Medien, die nationale Vereinnahmung des historischen Gedenkens kritisch zu thematisieren sowie neue, zum eine lokal situierte, zum andern international orientierte Identifikationsangebote anzubieten. Die Analyse zeigt, dass solche „de-nationalisierten“ Identifikationsangebote zwar teilweise auch früher verwendet wurden, aber heutzutage rekontextualisiert und auf innovative Weise in den Vordergrund gestellt werden

    Gas hydrate dissociation off Svalbard induced by isostatic rebound rather than global warming

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    Methane seepage from the upper continental slopes of Western Svalbard has previously been attributed to gas hydrate dissociation induced by anthropogenic warming of ambient bottom waters. Here we show that sediment cores drilled off Prins Karls Foreland contain freshwater from dissociating hydrates. However, our modeling indicates that the observed pore water freshening began around 8 ka BP when the rate of isostatic uplift outpaced eustatic sea-level rise. The resultant local shallowing and lowering of hydrostatic pressure forced gas hydrate dissociation and dissolved chloride depletions consistent with our geochemical analysis. Hence, we propose that hydrate dissociation was triggered by postglacial isostatic rebound rather than anthropogenic warming. Furthermore, we show that methane fluxes from dissociating hydrates were considerably smaller than present methane seepage rates implying that gas hydrates were not a major source of methane to the oceans, but rather acted as a dynamic seal, regulating methane release from deep geological reservoirspublishersversionPeer reviewe

    Early and efficient detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum by microscopic observation of broth cultures.

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    Early, efficient and inexpensive methods for the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis are urgently needed for effective patient management as well as to interrupt transmission. These methods to detect M. tuberculosis in a timely and affordable way are not yet widely available in resource-limited settings. In a developing-country setting, we prospectively evaluated two methods for culturing and detecting M. tuberculosis in sputum. Sputum samples were cultured in liquid assay (micro broth culture) in microplate wells and growth was detected by microscopic observation, or in Löwenstein-Jensen (LJ) solid media where growth was detected by visual inspection for colonies. Sputum samples were collected from 321 tuberculosis (TB) suspects attending Bugando Medical Centre, in Mwanza, Tanzania, and were cultured in parallel. Pulmonary tuberculosis cases were diagnosed using the American Thoracic Society diagnostic standards. There were a total of 200 (62.3%) pulmonary tuberculosis cases. Liquid assay with microscopic detection detected a significantly higher proportion of cases than LJ solid culture: 89.0% (95% confidence interval [CI], 84.7% to 93.3%) versus 77.0% (95% CI, 71.2% to 82.8%) (p = 0.0007). The median turn around time to diagnose tuberculosis was significantly shorter for micro broth culture than for the LJ solid culture, 9 days (interquartile range [IQR] 7-13), versus 21 days (IQR 14-28) (p<0.0001). The cost for micro broth culture (labor inclusive) in our study was US 4.56persample,versusUS4.56 per sample, versus US 11.35 per sample for the LJ solid culture. The liquid assay (micro broth culture) is an early, feasible, and inexpensive method for detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in resource limited settings
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