475 research outputs found

    The Marginalization and Stereotyping of Asians in American Film

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    Asians in Hollywood films and the industry have been subjected to unfair stereotyping and under-representation since the twentieth century and up to the present. This thesis analyzes and dissects this marginalization and stereotyping of Asians in American films through text and film analysis and critical theory. Historically, if Asians are not portrayed in a stereotypical role, then they are given no role at all, rendered invisible by Hollywood and mass audiences. Their marginalization in the film industry has damaging effects on the perception of Asians in society. This study will explain what stereotypes have endured over the course of history, their origin and reasoning, and how films continue to portray them. Research will not only cover Asian stereotypes as a whole, but also gender stereotypes attributed to Asian men and women because of their race. This study will also dissect the societal consequences that arise from detrimental portrayals of Asians in Hollywood, including the negative impact of the “model minority” stereotype often attributed to Asian-Americans and the effects on Asians in the entertainment industry. By relating portrayals of Asian stereotypes in film to societal effects, this study emphasizes how fictitious portrayals can have damaging effects once taken outside the realm of film

    Rozwój przestrzenny wczesnośredniowiecznego Gdańska w świetle źródeł archeologicznych

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    Gdańsk is situated on Gdańsk Bay at the mouth of the Motława River at the confluence with the Vistula River, about 4.5 km from the Baltic Sea coast. Gdańsk Bay is protected from the open sea by the Hel Peninsula that stretches over 30 km, creating ideal conditions for operating a seaport. The oldest traces of early medieval settlement were recorded in the area of Długi Targ Street under the town hall of the main town. Dendrochronological analyses proved that the oldest wooden structures in this region can be dated to the 930s. In the 1060s, at the confluence of the Motława and the Vistula Rivers a stronghold was built, which was also the seat of the local duke. This stronghold, with a surface area of 2.25 hectares, was surrounded by earthen and wooden ramparts, about 14 meters wide at the base. The results of recent studies indicate that the collapse of this edifice should be dated to the turn of the 12th century or the beginning of the 13th century. Within the Old Town, in the areas of the streets of Podwale Staromiejskie, Oborniki Olejarna, Igielnicka and Tartaczna, compact built-up zones appeared about the mid-12th century. At that time numerous dwellings and craft workshops; mainly shoemaker, tanning and bone and antler production ones were erected. These were built using the log construction, post-and-plank construction methods and, less frequently, the wattle construction one. In the vicinity of the Wielki Młyn (the Great Mill), on the mill islet called Schild, three levels of wooden streets and the remains of houses dated to the years 1230–1301, while under this edifice traces of settlement from the 11th and the 13th centuries were recorded. Settlement from the 12th and the 13th centuries was also discovered in the area of Rajska Street and Heweliusza Street. Near St Nicholas’ church, at the large square, probably of a market place nature, settlements from the 10th century were recorded. Under the building of the Market Hall, the site of a former Dominican monastery, a settlement from the 10th century, a cemetery dated from the second half of the 10th century and the remains of two Romanesque churches were discovered. The older of the churches, 34.5 m long, with a semicircular apse, was built in the 1190s, while the younger one, 40 m long, with a rectangular choir was erected on the older remains in the 1220s. In the second half of the 13th century, the construction of the monastery began, the remains of which survivedunder the present Plac Dominikański (Dominican Square). There was one chamber with a quadripartite vault supported by a central pillar. This was renovated and currently ithouses a subterranean exhibition. In the Main Town, apart from a small settlement in the area of Długi Targ Street, more intense traces of an early medieval settlement were not recorded. In this system, the location of Lübeck town, founded about 1260, should be suspected in the areas of the Old Town.Artykuł jest próbą podsumowania dotychczasowego stanu badań archeologicznych w kontekście ustaleń dotyczących rozwoju przestrzennego wczesnośredniowiecznego Gdańska. W rozważaniach uwzględniono zarówno tezy oparte o rezultaty starszych badań, jak i efekty najnowszych prac wykopaliskowych, w tym nowe wyniki datowania grodu gdańskiego. W świetle dokonanych ustaleń Gdańsk wczesnośredniowieczny jawi się jako zespół osadniczy złożony z różnorodnych pod względem formy i funkcji elementów, które cechuje zarówno wieloczłonowość, jak i nieregularność układów przestrzennych.

    Średniowieczne znaki pielgrzymie z Einsiedeln w zbiorach Muzeum Archeologicznego w Gdańsku

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    There are nine pilgrim signs from Einsiedeln (Switzerland) registered in the Collection of the Medieval Pilgrimage Souvenirs created by the author of this article among other collections in the Gdańsk Archaeological Museum. These artefacts were discovered during rescue excavations carried out systematically in Gdańsk since 1988 (Paner 1988, s. 11–88). Two of them come from the Granary Island, one of Long’s Gardens, two from Lastadia district, three from the Old Town and one of the Main Town. The badges presented in this paper commemorate the events and circumstances related to the consecration of the Benedictine monastery in Einsiedeln by Bishop Conrad of Constanta. On the night of from 13th to 14th, in 948, followed by the consecration of the chapel, Jesus Christ in person had consecrate the chapel accompanied by an angel, and the bishop after the arrival in the next day to the temple heard the words: „Do not do that – Brother – God himself consecrated the chapel!” In the literature, this type of signs is known as a „type of angel blessing” (Engelweihe) and often occurs in the form of castings on the church bells dated to the 15th century.At the end of the fourteenth century Einsiedeln was one of the most important pilgrimage centre in medieval Europe, where the first miracle observed in 1388. The popularity of this place can be evidenced by the number of pilgrim badges not less than 130 000, sold here in the year 1466 during the two weeks. Despite the seemingly large spread of these discoveries the signs found in Szafarnia (1), Granary Island (2) and Lastadia (2) are located in the major centre of the medieval port of Gdańsk. As for the contexts of finds they are the following: Granary Island: the yard and wooden granary (no residential development); Lastadia – the area of the port of the Old Motława River and the place of repair and ship construction (no residential development); Szafarnia: the new port area next to the canal of the New Motława River; Old Town: the relics of residential buildings from the late Middle Ages and early modern period, filling a small channel escaping to the river channel Radunia; Main City: relics of a residential building of the fifteenth century. Many residents of Gdańsk and Pomerania made pilgrimages to Einsiedeln but also many pilgrims were coming from other countries to Gdańsk, looking for convenient transport connections here. Perhaps the particular importance of Gdańsk as an important point on the medieval pilgrim routes of Europe, is next between several other reasons for such a large number of medieval pilgrim souvenirs from West-European Sanctuaries found here – including those from Einsiedeln.W zbiorach Muzeum Archeologicznego w Gdańsku znajduje się dziewięć pamiątek pielgrzymich pochodzących z Einsiedeln w Szwajcarii, przy czym wszystkie to znaki pielgrzymie wykonane metodą odlewu z cyno-ołowiu. Zostały one odkryte w trakcie ratowniczych badań wykopaliskowych prowadzonych systematycznie na terenie Gdańska od roku 1988 (Paner 1988, s. 11–88). Dwa z nich pochodzą z Wyspy Spichrzów, jeden z dzielnicy Długie Ogrody, dwa z Lastadii, trzy ze Starego Miasta oraz jeden z Głównego Miasta.Prezentowane w niniejszym artykule plakietki upamiętniają okoliczności związane z konsekracją klasztoru Benedyktynów w Einsiedeln przez biskupa Konrada z Konstancy.W noc z 13 na 14 września 948 roku, poprzedzającą konsekrację tej kaplicy miał ją wyświęcić sam Chrystus wraz z towarzyszącym mu aniołem, a biskup po przybyciu następnego dnia do świątyni usłyszał następujące słowa: „Odstąp bracie – bóg sam wyświęcił kaplicę”. W literaturze przedmiotu opisane wyżej znaki znane są jako „typ święcenia anioła” (niem. Engelweihe) i wielokrotnie występują w postaci odlewów na XV-wiecznych dzwonach kościelnych. W końcu XIV wieku Einsiedeln było jednym z ważniejszych ośrodków pielgrzymkowych, gdzie pierwszy cud zanotowano w roku 1388, a o popularności tego miejsca może świadczyć liczba sprzedawanych tu znaków pielgrzymich, których w 1466 roku w ciągu dwóch tygodni sprzedano nie mniej niż 130 000.Plakietki z Einsiedeln znalezione w Gdańsku pochodzą z różnych części miasta (Wyspa Spichrzów, Stare i Główne Miasto, Lastadia, ulica Szafarnia). Mimo ich pozornie dużego rozrzutu znaki z ulicy Szafarnia (1), Wyspy Spichrzów (2) oraz Lastadii (2) usytuowane są w samym sercu średniowiecznego portu gdańskiego, zaś ze Starego Miasta raczej na jego obrzeżach, z czego dwa znaleziono na terenach między zamkiem krzyżackim a północno-wschodnimi peryferiami tej dzielnicy. Znaleziska wydobyto z różnych kontekstów – na Wyspie Spichrzów z obrębu podwórka i drewnianego spichlerza (brak zabudowy mieszkalnej), w przypadku Lastadii – z rejon portu Przy Starej Motławie oraz miejsca naprawy i budowy statków (brak zabudowy mieszkalnej), z ulicy Szafarnia – z rejonu portu przy kanale Nowej Motławy. Na Starym Mieście były to relikty zabudowy mieszkalnej ze schyłku średniowiecza i początków okresu nowożytnego oraz wypełnisko niewielkiego kanału uchodzącego do rzeki Raduni, na Główny Mieście zaś pozostałości zabudowy mieszkalnej z XV wieku. Niestety, żaden z kontekstów znalezionych w Gdańsku znaków pielgrzymich z Einsiedeln nie dostarczył informacji niezbędnych do bardziej precyzyjnego datowania, niemniej wszystkie mieszczą się w przedziale chronologicznym przyjętym dla nich w literaturze – tj. od schyłku XIV po XV wiek.Wielu mieszkańców Gdańska i Pomorza pielgrzymowało do Einsiedeln, ale również wielu pielgrzymów przybywało do Gdańska z innych regionów Europy, wykorzystując dogodne połączenia transportowe. Być może to właśnie znaczenie Gdańska na transportowych szlakach Europy stanowi, obok kilku innych powodów, o tak wielkiej liczbie znajdowanych tu średniowiecznych pamiątek pielgrzymich z zachodnioeuropejskich sanktuariów, w tym także tych z Einsiedeln

    Plakietka św. Brygidy z Gdańska i inne archeologiczne świadectwa kultu świętej Brygidy w znaleziskach europejskich

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    Zarys treści. Pośród ponad 1200 średniowiecznych pamiątek pielgrzymich odnalezionych w podczas badań wykopaliskowych w Gdańsku, pochodzących z ponad 40 europejskich sanktuariów, znaleziono również plakietkę z przedstawieniem świętej Brygidy. Kult tej świętej był powszechny na Pomorzu już w czasach jej współczesnych. Przyczyniło się do tego eksponowanie ciała św. Brygidy w kościele Mariackim oraz w kaplicy pokutnic w Gdańsku. Miało to miejsce w roku 1374, w trakcie transportowania jej zwłok z Rzymu do Vadsteny. Plakietka z Gdańska jest pierwszym znaleziskiem znaku pielgrzymiego z Vadsteny spoza obszaru Skandynawii.

    Antenatal Exercise Program Using Motion-based Games: A Pilot Study Among Expectant Mothers in Selected Rural Areas in the Philippines

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    A structured exercise programme was designed that incorporates motion-based video games to decrease anxiety and depression among pregnant women. A pilot study determined its viability. Methods: A 2-group pre- post-test experiment was done on 16 pregnant women who met study criteria. Eight underwent the structured exercise programme twice a week for a month (intervention), and eight did not (control). The State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were adapted and used to determine participants’ anxiety and depression scores, respectively. Results: Significant improvement in the participants’ mean anxiety (48.50 to 42.88, p=0.029) and depression (11.50 to 7.63, p=0.022) scores were found after the exercise programme. No changes were noted in the control group, HADS (p=0.196) and STAI (p=0.714) confirming the strength of the scores of the experimental group. Conclusion: The results suggest the exercise programme can be a valid approach to decrease anxiety and depression among pregnant women. We recommend replication of this study to other geographical areas with more samples to establish generalizability

    Melflufen for relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma

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    Introduction: The overall survival of patients with multiple myeloma has improved with the advent of novel agents; however, multiple myeloma remains incurable. Combinations of standard-of-care agents such as immunomodulators, proteasome inhibitors, and anti-CD38 monoclonal antibodies are increasingly used in earlier lines of therapy. Patients with disease that is refractory to multiple novel agents represent a population with high unmet medical need and for whom therapies with new mechanisms of action could be beneficial. Melphalan flufenamide (melflufen) has demonstrated encouraging activity in patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. Areas covered: This review provides an overview of the mechanism of action of melflufen, a first-in-class peptide-drug conjugate that targets aminopeptidases and rapidly delivers alkylating agents into tumor cells. It reviews key Phase I and II clinical trial data for melflufen in combination with dexamethasone as well as in triplet combinations with daratumumab or bortezomib. The safety profile of melflufen, which is characterized primarily by clinically manageable hematologic adverse events, is described. Expert opinion: Melflufen has potential to fill a gap in the myeloma treatment landscape by providing a new mechanism of action with clinically meaningful efficacy and a favorable safety profile in patients refractory to multiple novel agents

    Phase 1 study of the protein deubiquitinase inhibitor VLX1570 in patients with relapsed and/or refractory multiple myeloma

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    This phase 1 study sought to characterize the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetic behavior of VLX1570, a small molecule inhibitor of the deubiquitinases (DUBs) that remove sterically bulky ubiquitin chains from proteins during processing in the19S regulatory subunit of the proteasome, in patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (MM). Fourteen patients were treated with escalating doses of VLX1570 ranging from 0.05 to 1.2 mg/kg as a brief intravenous (IV) infusion on Days 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, and 16 of a 28-day cycle. Due to its poor aqueous solubility, VLX1570 was formulated in polyethylene glycol, polyoxyethylated castor oil, and polysorbate 80 and administered as a brief intravenous (IV) infusion via a central venous catheter. Anti-myeloma effects were noted at doses at or above 0.6 mg/kg, however, two patients treated at the 1.2 mg/kg dose level experienced severe, abrupt, and progressive respiratory insufficiency, which was associated with diffuse pulmonary infiltrates on imaging studies, similar to those rarely noted with bortezomib and other inhibitors of the 20S proteasome, culminating in death. Although the contribution of VLX1570's formulation to the pulmonary toxicity could not be ruled out, the severity and precipitous nature of the toxicity and the steep relationship between dose and toxicity, the study was discontinued. Despite the severe pulmonary toxicity noted with VLX1570, efforts directed at identifying DUB inhibitors with greater therapeutic indices appear warranted based on the unique mechanism of action, robustness of preclinical antitumor activity, and activity of the DUB inhibitors in MM resistant to PIs targeting the 20S proteasome subunit.Peer reviewe

    The initial step of DNA hairpin folding: a kinetic analysis using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

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    Conformational fluctuations of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) oligonucleotides were studied in aqueous solution by monitoring contact-induced fluorescence quenching of the oxazine fluorophore MR121 by intrinsic guanosine residues (dG). We applied fluorescence correlation spectroscopy as well as steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to analyze kinetics of DNA hairpin folding. We first characterized the reporter system by investigating bimolecular quenching interactions between MR121 and guanosine monophosphate in aqueous solution estimating rate constants, efficiency and stability for formation of quenched complexes. We then studied the kinetics of complex formation between MR121 and dG residues site-specifically incorporated in DNA hairpins. To uncover the initial steps of DNA hairpin folding we investigated complex formation in ssDNA carrying one or two complementary base pairs (dC–dG pairs) that could hybridize to form a short stem. Our data show that incorporation of a single dC–dG pair leads to non-exponential decays for opening and closing kinetics and reduces rate constants by one to two orders of magnitude. We found positive activation enthalpies independent of the number of dC–dG pairs. These results imply that the rate limiting step of DNA hairpin folding is not determined by loop dynamics, or by mismatches in the stem, but rather by interactions between stem and loop nucleotides