509 research outputs found

    European Works Councils: an experiment in workplace democracy which remains more relevant than ever

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    Many businesses operate across a number of different European countries, but the multinational nature of these businesses can make it difficult for workers to be adequately represented in company decision-making. As a way to alleviate this problem, so called European Works Councils have been created to enable workers’ representatives to play a role in managerial decisions at the European level. With 2016 marking the 20th anniversary of these bodies, Romuald Jagodziński assesses their legacy, arguing that current trends among multinational businesses make this form of representation increasingly vital for protecting the interests of European workers

    European works councils at a turning point

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    Romuald Jagodziński of the European Trade Union Institute is critical of a recent revamp of the legislative framework for European Works Councils. He argues that implementation of the new rules has ‘castrated’ the Directive’s potential to produce positive change and calls on the Commission to try agai

    Communial Dimension of Integrity of Man

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    Ks. dr hab. MAREK JAGODZIŃSKI – teolog dogmatyk, zatrudniony w latach 2001-2013 w Instytucie Teologicznym UKSW w Radomiu, obecnie w Katedrze Teologii Prawosławnej w Instytucie Teologii Dogmatycznej i Ekumenizmu na Wydziale Teologii KUL. Redaktor naukowy serii wydawniczych: „Radomska Biblioteka Teologiczna” (Wydawnictwo UKSW w Warszawie) i „Theologia Radomiensis” (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Radomskiej AVE). Specjalizuje się w teologii komunikacji i komunii. Ważniejsze publikacje: "Communio dzięki komunikacji. Teologiczny wymiar teorii komunikatywnego działania w eklezjologii Medarda Kehla SJ", Radom 2002; "Sakramenty w służbie communio. Studium teologiczno-komunikacyjne", Warszawa 2008; "Komunijna wizja Kościoła według Medarda Kehla SJ", Kraków 2009; I. Bokwa, M. Jagodziński (red.), "Wobec nowego ateizmu", Warszawa 2011; "Eklezjalne kształty komunii", Radom 2012; "Węzłowe zagadnienia chrystologii komunijnej", Radom 2013; "Misje: teologia – historia – rzeczywistość", Radom 2013.Personal integration of man is expressed in the unity of his body and soul. The body is “great-symbol” of spirituality and the spiritual nature is the basis of interpersonal communication and communion. Anthropological bipolarity (spirit – body, male – female, single individual – community) creates communional tension, in which communional importance has body and soul of man. Communional integrity of man is revealed most fully in christological context - in the hypostatic union and resurrection of Jesus Christ.Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski13/115917

    The role of the artist in the Maya society in the late classical period based on epigraphic analysis of the signatures of scribes and sculptors

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    The role of the artist in the Maya society in the late classical period based on epigraphic analysis of the signatures of scribes and sculptors &nbsp

    Involving European Works Councils in Transnational Negotiations - a Positive Functional Advance in their Operation or Trespassing?

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    "This paper aims at discussing some facets of the emerging European level of collective negotiations. The paper argues that in general the acquis communautaire and other international acts can already accommodate this new category of agreements. At the same time it finds out that lack of a specific legal framework may have negative implications for the binding force of the agreements in question and for their enforcement. The existence of those agreements beyond or parallel to law causes hence confusion in regard to roles that the social partners at the national and the European level should play. Thus, in order to put some structure into the debate, it is argued that a differentiation between, on the one hand, national collective bargaining and transnational collective agreements or negotiations, and, on the other hand, consultation and negotiation powers should be applied. Consequently, the author provides an answer to the title question by stating that even though the growing engagement of European Works Councils into transnational collective negotiations represents a functional development of their practice, it is an example of transgressing their information and consultation competences." (author's abstract)"Dieser Artikel setzt sich mit verschiedenen Facetten der entstehenden europäischen Ebene von Kollektivverhandlungen auseinander. Es wird argumentiert, dass der acquis communautaire im Allgemeinen dieser neuen Kategorie von Vereinbarungen bereits Rechnung trägt. Gleichzeitig wird festgestellt, dass der Mangel an einem spezifischen rechtlichen Rahmen negative Auswirkungen auf die Bindungskraft dieser Vereinbarungen und auf ihre rechtliche Durchsetzung haben kann. Die Existenz der Vereinbarungen in einer rechtlichen Grauzone bzw. parallel zum Rechtsrahmen sorgt für Verwirrung in Bezug auf die Rollen der sozialen Partner, sowohl auf der nationalen als auch auf der europäischen Ebene. Um die Debatte besser zu strukturieren, wird deshalb argumentiert, dass zwischen nationalen Tarifverhandlungen und grenzüberschreitenden Kollektivvereinbarungen bzw. -verhandlungen auf der einen Seite und zwischen Anhörungsrechten und Verhandlungskompetenzen auf der anderen Seite unterschieden werden sollte. Der Autor stellt abschließend fest, dass, obwohl die Einbeziehung der Europäischen Betriebsräte in grenzüberschreitende kollektive Verhandlungen eine funktionelle Weiterentwicklung ihrer Arbeitsweise darstellt, dies gleichzeitig ein Beispiel für die Überschreitung ihrer Informations- und Anhörungskompetenzen darstellt." (Autorenreferat

    European Arctic Initiatives Compendium

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    Julkaistu versi

    Rozwój morfologiczny i sprawności specjalnej 13 – letnich chłopców trenujących piłkę nożną w Klubie Sportowym „Pogoń” Łobżenica = Morphological and a special efficiency development 13-years old boys soccer summer training in a sports club "Chase" Łobżenica

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    Klimczyk Mariusz, Jagodziński Krzysztof. Rozwój morfologiczny i sprawności specjalnej 13 – letnich chłopców trenujących piłkę nożną w Klubie Sportowym „Pogoń” Łobżenica = Morphological and a special efficiency development 13-years old boys soccer summer training in a sports club "Chase" Łobżenica. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(7):252-265. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.57575http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3692   The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 15.06.2016. Revised 09.07.2016. Accepted: 09.07.2016.  Rozwój morfologiczny i sprawności specjalnej 13 – letnich chłopców trenujących piłkę nożną w Klubie Sportowym „Pogoń” Łobżenica Morphological and a special efficiency development 13-years old boys soccer summer training in a sports club "Chase" Łobżenica Mariusz Klimczyk, Krzysztof Jagodziński Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w BydgoszczyE-mail: [email protected]  Streszczenie       Celem pracy było określenie rozwoju morfologicznego i sprawności specjalnej 13 – letnich chłopców trenujących piłkę nożną w KS „Pogoń” Łobżenica. Badana grupa składała się z 17 zawodników, którzy uczęszczali na zajęcia treningowe trzy razy w tygodniu (jednostka treningowa wynosiła 60 minut). Ponadto uczestniczyli cztery razy w tygodniu w zajęciach wychowania fizycznego w szkole. Badania odbyły się w dwóch terminach: pierwszy w sierpniu 2015 roku oraz drugi w kwietniu 2016 roku. Zmierzono masę i wysokość ciała oraz został przeprowadzony „Test sprawności technicznej dla chłopców w wieku 10-14 lat” Jerzego Talagi. Wystąpił progres i duże zróżnicowanie badanych cech. Korelacja między warunkami morfologicznymi, a uzyskanymi punktami w teście sprawności specjalnej ukazała  umiarkowaną zależność pomiędzy tymi cechami. Praca wykazuje, że gdy młody zawodnik nie uczęszcza regularnie na treningi, nie notuje progresji swoich umiejętności. Dlatego konieczne jest systematyczne kontrolowanie przez trenera poziomu umiejętności podopiecznych, oraz nanoszenie korekt w planie treningowym by w przyszłości łatwiej wyeliminować to zjawisko. Słowa kluczowe: test, sprawność fizyczna, sprawność specjalna, piłka nożna, rozwój morfologiczny. AbstractThe aim of the work was to identify the morphological development and efficiency of a special 13-years old boys soccer summer training in "Chasing" Łobżenica. The test group consisted of 17 players who attended training classes three times a week (training unit was 60 minutes). In addition, participated four times a week in physical education classes in school. The study took place in two periods: the first in August 2015, and the second in April 2016. Measured weight and height of the body and was carried out "technical performance for boys aged 10-14 years old," George Talaga. There was progress and large diversity of subjects. Correlation between morphological features, and obtained points in the test performance special was released to moderate the relationship between these characteristics. The work shows that when the young player does not attend regularly for training, no progression of their skills. It is therefore necessary to systematic monitoring by the skill level of students, and applying adjustments in the training plan to in the future make it easier to eliminate this phenomenon.Keywords: test, physical fitness, the efficiency of the special, football, morphological development

    Lexical borrowings and calques from African American slang in Polish youth slang – A study based on a selected internet forum

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    The aim of the article is to present a very preliminary chunk of a wider study of Polish slang, whose aim is to pinpoint lexical influence of American English in broad terms and the usage and understanding among Polish youngsters of various types of borrowings. More specifically, the authors have concentrated on the borrowings of words, phrases and meanings from a sociolect known as African American English to the language of Polish youngsters. To this end, the largest Polish hardcore punk Internet forum has been scrutinized. The conducted analysis points to a discernible, albeit not significant lexical influence of the sociolect on the Polish youth slang, which calls for a more nuanced, survey-based analysis the authors wish to undertake as part of their research project

    Effect of Trichostatin A on CD4 surface density in peripheral blood T cells.

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    Acetylation level of chromatin histones is maintained by histone acetylases (HATs) and deacetylases (HDACs) and correlates with transcriptional activity of genes. Trichostatin A (TSA) is HDAC inhibitor that causes various effects in cells, including immunomodulation. The CD4 antigen is a key coreceptor involved in activation of T helper cells. Using quantitative real-time PCR (RQ-PCR) and flow cytometry techniques, we estimated CD4 transcript level and density of CD4 antigen on the surface of TSA-treated stimulated and unstimulated peripheral T cells. We observed a dose dependent decrease in CD4 mRNA level and antigen density on surface of TSA-treated stimulated T cells. However, we did not observe any significant TSA effect on CD4 mRNA and protein expression in unstimulated T cells. Our data suggest that TSA may induce biosynthesis of factors responsible for negative regulation of CD4 antigen expression in stimulated T cells. Our investigation may support previous observation that this drug has immunosuppresive effect on primary T cells and may be useful in treatment of certain autoimmune disorders

    Activity Types and Genres

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    This chapter critically compares how the concepts of activity type and genre tend to be used within the field of pragmatics. Both concepts are broadly concerned with the way in which we categorize our experiences, and develop thereby expectations about communicative behaviour within a given context. In spite of these similarities, they have very different conceptual histories. Activity types were introduced into pragmatics by Levinson (1979), having been inspired by Wittgenstein’s (1958) notion of language games. Genres can be traced back to ancient Greek literature, and have since been applied within multiple disciplines, including art and art criticism, literary studies, rhetoric, sociology, linguistics and, more specifically, pragmatics (Bazerman, 1997; Mayes, 2003). The focus of the chapter is on mapping the development and usage of these terms within the pragmatics (or a concomitant) discipline. We also comment upon concepts that seem to share “a considerable family resemblance” (Linell, 2010: 42) with activity types and/or genres. They include footing, frames (and framing), speech events, speech activities, schemas, scripts, and prototypes