11 research outputs found

    Efeito da carga de frutos e concentrações salinas no crescimento do meloeiro Cultivado em substrato Effect of fruit load and saline concentrations on the growth of melon cultivated under protected environment

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    O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do número de frutos por planta e de concentrações salinas em solução nutritiva recirculante, no crescimento do meloeiro cultivado em ambiente protegido e em substrato de casca de arroz crua, durante os meses de fevereiro a maio de 2003. Três números de frutos por planta (2, 3 e 4) e três concentrações salinas da solução nutritiva (1,9; 2,3 e 2,9 dS m-1) foram estudados. A partir dos dados da matéria seca (MS) e fresca (MF) e da área foliar, acumuladas aos 62 dias após o transplante, foi determinada a produção e a distribuição de biomassa entre as diferentes partes da planta. Os frutos compreenderam de 49 a 55% da MS aérea total produzida pela planta, demonstrando que estes são os órgãos drenos de assimilados mais potentes. O aumento do número de frutos reduziu o peso médio dos frutos, sem afetar a produção e a distribuição de MS total, vegetativa e generativa. Entretanto, aumentou levemente a produção de MF dos frutos e da parte aérea como um todo, favorecendo a distribuição de MF para os frutos. Portanto, o acúmulo de água nos frutos ocorreu em uma proporção diferente do acúmulo da MS. A menor concentração salina da solução nutritiva testada pode ser indicada para o cultivo do meloeiro em substrato de casca de arroz crua durante o outono, pois promove um crescimento da planta similar ao observado nas concentrações mais altas.<br>The effect of fruit load and of saline concentrations in nutrient solution recirculating, was evaluated on the growth of melon plants cultivated under protected cultivation and in raw rice husk, during the months February to May of 2003. Three numbers of fruits/plant (2, 3 and 4) and three saline concentrations of the nutrient solution (1,9; 2,3 and 2,9 dS m-1) were studied. From the data of dry and fresh matter (DM and FM), and of the leaf area accumulated at 62 days after setting, the biomass production and distribution among the different plant parts was established. The fruits comprised from 49 to 55% of the total above-ground DM production, which demonstrated that they are the strongest sinks for assimilates. Increasing the number of fruits reduced the fruit mean weight, with no effect on the production and distribution of total, vegetative and generative DM. However, it slightly increased the fruit and whole aerial plant parts, FM production and partitioning to the fruits. Therefore, the accumulation of water in fruits was not proportional to DM accumulation. The lower saline concentration in the nutrient solution can be indicated for melon cultivation in raw rice husk during the autumn crop-season, because it promotes a similar plant growth to the observed in the highest concentrations

    Quality of antenatal and delivery care before and after the implementation of a prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission programme in Côte d'Ivoire.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess whether implementation of a prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) programme in Côte d'Ivoire improved the quality of antenatal and delivery care services. METHODS: Quality of antenatal and delivery care services was assessed in five urban health facilities before (2002-2003) and after (2005) the implementation of a PMTCT programme through review of facility data; observation of antenatal consultations (n = 606 before; n = 591 after) and deliveries (n = 229 before; n = 231 after) and exit interviews of women; and interviews of health facility staff. RESULTS: HIV testing was never proposed at baseline and was proposed to 63% of women at the first ANC visit after PMTCT implementation. The overall testing rate was 42% and 83% of tested HIV-infected pregnant women received nevirapine. In addition, inter-personal communication and confidentiality significantly improved in all health facilities. In the maternity ward, quality of obstetrical care at admission, delivery and post-partum care globally improved in all facilities after the implementation of the programme although some indicators remained poor, such as filling in the partograph directly during labour. Episiotomy rates among primiparous women dropped from 64% to 25% (P < 0.001) after PMTCT implementation. Global scores for quality of antenatal and delivery care significantly improved in all facilities after the implementation of the programme. CONCLUSIONS: Introducing comprehensive PMTCT services can improve the quality of antenatal and delivery care in general

    Hematopoietic versus leukemic stem cell quiescence: Challenges and therapeutic opportunities

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