108 research outputs found

    A New Seismic-Geotechnical Strong Motion Approach

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    We have developed a new approach to estimate site-specific strong motion due to earthquakes on specific faults or source zones. It combines seismologic and geotechnical studies. It entails obtaining records of small earthquakes at the site, both at the surface and downhole in bedrock, as well as performing geotechnical dynamic site characterization. This new approach has the dual result of providing an optimized definition of the dynamic geotechnical site properties and providing calculated free-field, strong motion estimates. The procedure is demonstrated at the Painter Street Bridge site in Rio Dell, CA, for which we provide a range of surface motions corresponding to an earthquake of magnitude 7 on the subducting plate underlying this region. These calculated motions bracket the records of the Petrolia event (M = 7) measured near the site

    Space exploration by dendritic cells requires maintenance of myosin II activity by IP3 receptor 1

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) patrol the interstitial space of peripheral tissues. The mechanisms that regulate their migration in such constrained environment remain unknown. We here investigated the role of calcium in immature DCs migrating in confinement. We found that they displayed calcium oscillations that were independent of extracellular calcium and more frequently observed in DCs undergoing strong speed fluctuations. In these cells, calcium spikes were associated with fast motility phases. IP3 receptors (IP(3)Rs) channels, which allow calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum, were identified as required for immature DCs to migrate at fast speed. The IP(3)R1 isoform was further shown to specifically regulate the locomotion persistence of immature DCs, that is, their capacity to maintain directional migration. This function of IP(3)R1 results from its ability to control the phosphorylation levels of myosin II regulatory light chain (MLC) and the back/front polarization of the motor protein. We propose that by upholding myosin II activity, constitutive calcium release from the ER through IP(3)R1 maintains DC polarity during migration in confinement, facilitating the exploration of their environment

    Confinement and Low Adhesion Induce Fast Amoeboid Migration of Slow Mesenchymal Cells

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    The mesenchymal-amoeboid transition (MAT) was proposed as a mechanism for cancer cells to adapt their migration mode to their environment. While the molecular pathways involved in this transition are well documented, the role of the microenvironment in the MAT is still poorly understood. Here, we investigated how confinement and adhesion affect this transition. We report that, in the absence of focal adhesions and under conditions of confinement, mesenchymal cells can spontaneously switch to a fast amoeboid migration phenotype. We identified two main types of fast migration-one involving a local protrusion and a second involving a myosin-II-dependent mechanical instability of the cell cortex that leads to a global cortical flow. Interestingly, transformed cells are more prone to adopt this fast migration mode. Finally, we propose a generic model that explains migration transitions and predicts a phase diagram of migration phenotypes based on three main control parameters: confinement, adhesion, and contractility

    Cell migration and antigen capture are antagonistic processes coupled by myosin II in dendritic cells

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    The immune response relies on the migration of leukocytes and on their ability to stop in precise anatomical locations to fulfil their task. How leukocyte migration and function are coordinated is unknown. Here we show that in immature dendritic cells, which patrol their environment by engulfing extracellular material, cell migration and antigen capture are antagonistic. This antagonism results from transient enrichment of myosin IIA at the cell front, which disrupts the back-to-front gradient of the motor protein, slowing down locomotion but promoting antigen capture. We further highlight that myosin IIA enrichment at the cell front requires the MHC class II-associated invariant chain (Ii). Thus, by controlling myosin IIA localization, Ii imposes on dendritic cells an intermittent antigen capture behaviour that might facilitate environment patrolling. We propose that the requirement for myosin II in both cell migration and specific cell functions may provide a general mechanism for their coordination in time and space

    Return of the Maud Rise polynya: climate litmus or sea ice anomaly? [in “State of the Climate in 2017”]

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    The Maud Rise polynya is a persistent area of open waterwithin the sea ice cover of the Southern Ocean, which overliesan area of elevated topography called Maud Rise (66°S, 3°E)located in the eastern sector of the Weddell Sea (Fig. SB6.1a).It is termed a “Weddell polynya” if it grows and migrates westwardinto the central Weddell Sea. This larger sized polynyawas first observed in satellite data in 1974 and recurred for eachof the two subsequent austral winters (Zwally and Gloersen1977; Carsey 1980). Its large size, ~300 000 km2, meant thatit could contribute strongly to the transfer of heat from theocean to the atmosphere in winter and, hence, instigate densewater production and the renewal of deep ocean waters in theWeddell Sea (Gordon 1978). The amount of deep water formedvia this route was estimated at 1–3 Sverdrups (Martinson etal. 1981). The 1974–76 polynya may have been responsible forup to 34% of observed warming of the deep Southern Ocean(Zanowski et al. 2015). Smaller features, perhaps associatedwith topographically driven upwelling of warm waters, havebeen observed subsequently (Comiso and Gordon 1987), buta large polynya had not re-appeared until recently and unexpectedlyduring austral winters 2016 and 2017

    Scaling of fracture systems in geological media

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