525 research outputs found

    Захисні лісові насадження – важливий структурний елемент у формуванні національної екологічної мережі

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    Описано роль і значення захисних лісових насаджень як важливого структурного елементу при формуванні національної екологічної мережі.Описана роль и значение защитных лесных насаждений как важного структурного элемента при формировании национальной экологической сети.Role and meaning of forest protective stands as an important structural element for national ecological network formation is described

    The Need and Potential of Biosensors to Detect Dioxins and Dioxin-Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls along the Milk, Eggs and Meat Food Chain

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    Dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) are hazardous toxic, ubiquitous and persistent chemical compounds, which can enter the food chain and accumulate up to higher trophic levels. Their determination requires sophisticated methods, expensive facilities and instruments, well-trained personnel and expensive chemical reagents. Ideally, real-time monitoring using rapid detection methods should be applied to detect possible contamination along the food chain in order to prevent human exposure. Sensor technology may be promising in this respect. This review gives the state of the art for detecting possible contamination with dioxins and DL-PCBs along the food chain of animal-source foods. The main detection methods applied (i.e., high resolution gas-chromatography combined with high resolution mass-spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS) and the chemical activated luciferase gene expression method (CALUX bioassay)), each have their limitations. Biosensors for detecting dioxins and related compounds, although still under development, show potential to overcome these limitations. Immunosensors and biomimetic-based biosensors potentially offer increased selectivity and sensitivity for dioxin and DL-PCB detection, while whole cell-based biosensors present interpretable biological results. The main shortcoming of current biosensors, however, is their detection level: this may be insufficient as limits for dioxins and DL-PCBs for food and feedstuffs are in pg per gram level. In addition, these contaminants are normally present in fat, a difficult matrix for biosensor detection. Therefore, simple and efficient extraction and clean-up procedures are required which may enable biosensors to detect dioxins and DL-PCBs contamination along the food chain

    Deep sequencing of virus-infected cells reveals HIV-encoded small RNAs

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    Small virus-derived interfering RNAs (viRNAs) play an important role in antiviral defence in plants, insects and nematodes by triggering the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. The role of RNAi as an antiviral defence mechanism in mammalian cells has been obscure due to the lack of viRNA detection. Although viRNAs from different mammalian viruses have recently been identified, their functions and possible impact on viral replication remain unknown. To identify viRNAs derived from HIV-1, we used the extremely sensitive SOLiDTM 3 Plus System to analyse viRNA accumulation in HIV-1-infected T lymphocytes. We detected numerous small RNAs that correspond to the HIV-1 RNA genome. The majority of these sequences have a positive polarity (98.1%) and could be derived from miRNAs encoded by structured segments of the HIV-1 RNA genome (vmiRNAs). A small portion of the viRNAs is of negative polarity and most of them are encoded within the 3′-UTR, which may represent viral siRNAs (vsiRNAs). The identified vsiRNAs can potently repress HIV-1 production, whereas suppression of the vsiRNAs by antagomirs stimulate virus production. These results suggest that HIV-1 triggers the production of vsiRNAs and vmiRNAs to modulate cellular and/or viral gene expression

    Українська шляхта між польським та українським етносами

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    Appearance and existence of the Ukrainian gentry relates to the traditions of Polish political culture, so during the whole period of its life it was between the Ukrainian and the Polish ethnic groups. Polanisation of the Ukrainian gentry begins at the date when some of the Ukrainian territories become a part of Poland and strengthens after Cossack revolution in the middle and at the end of the 16th century. Especially this process becomes effective at the beginning of the 18th century when a great part of gentry from other Polish lands migrates to Pravoberezhia (right-banked Ukraine). Nevertheless, having captured upper class and partially middle class of the Ukrainian gentry, polanisation mainly influenced consciousness and less religion of the lower class of the Ukrainian gentry. As for ethnoculture and language local gentry was mostly Ukrainian and it assimilated numerous Polish gentlemen-immigrants

    Climate change induced socio-economic tipping points: review and stakeholder consultation for policy relevant research

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    Tipping points have become a key concept in research on climate change, indicating points of abrupt transition in biophysical systems as well as transformative changes in adaptation and mitigation strategies. However, the potential existence of tipping points in socio-economic systems has remained underexplored, whereas they might be highly policy relevant. This paper describes characteristics of climate change induced socio-economic tipping points (SETPs) to guide future research on SETPS to inform climate policy. We review existing literature to create a tipping point typology and to derive the following SETP definition: a climate change induced, abrupt change of a socio-economic system, into a new, fundamentally different state. Through stakeholder consultation, we identify 22 candidate SETP examples with policy relevance for Europe. Three of these are described in higher detail to identify their tipping point characteristics (stable states, mechanisms and abrupt change): the collapse of winter sports tourism, farmland abandonment and sea-level rise-induced migration. We find that stakeholder perceptions play an important role in describing SETPs. The role of climate drivers is difficult to isolate from other drivers because of complex interplays with socio-economic factors. In some cases, the rate of change rather than the magnitude of change causes a tipping point. The clearest SETPs are found on small system scales. On a national to continental scale, SETPs are less obvious because they are difficult to separate from their associated economic substitution effects and policy response. Some proposed adaptation measures are so transformative that their implementations can be considered an SETP in terms of 'response to climate change'. Future research can focus on identification and impact analysis of tipping points using stylized models, on the exceedance of stakeholder-defined critical thresholds in the RCP/SSP space and on the macro-economic impacts of new system states

    Generic adaptation pathways for coastal archetypes under uncertain sea-level rise

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    Adaptation to coastal flood risk is hampered by high uncertainty in the rate and magnitude of sea-level rise. Subsequently, adaptation decisions carry strong risks of under- or over-investment, and could lead to costly retrofitting or unnecessary high margins. To better allocate resources timely and effectively, and achieve long-term sustainability, planners could utilise adaptation pathways, revealing the path-dependencies of adaptation options. This helps to identify low-regret short-term decisions that preserve options in an uncertain future, while monitoring to detect signals to adapt. A major barrier to the application of adaptation pathways is limited experience. To facilitate this, here we generalize this pathways approach for six common coastal archetypes, resulting in generic pathways suitable to be adjusted to local conditions. This provides a much richer analysis of coastal adaptation than provided by any previous analysis, by assessing the solution space and options over time for a variety of coastal regions. Based on this analysis, we find that the number of adaptation options declines while sea-level rises. For some archetypes, it becomes clear that long-term thinking is needed now, about if, how and when to move to transformative options, such as planned retreat, which may presently not be considered or acceptable. Our analysis further shows that coastal adaptation needs to start earlier than anticipated, especially given time required for local debate and choice and to implement measures

    A flood damage allowance framework for coastal protection with deep uncertainty in sea-level rise

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    Future projections of Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) mass loss remain characterized by deep uncertainty (i.e., behavior is not well understood or widely agreed upon by experts). This complicates decisions on long-lived projects involving the height of coastal flood protection strategies that seek to reduce damages from rising sea levels. If a prescribed margin of safety does not properly account for sea-level rise and its uncertainties, the effectiveness of flood protection will decrease over time, potentially putting lives and property at greater risk. We develop a flood damage allowance framework for calculating the height of a flood protection strategy needed to ensure that a given level of financial risk is maintained (i.e., the average flood damage in a given year). The damage allowance framework considers decision-maker preferences such as planning horizons, preferred protection strategies (storm surge barrier, levee, elevation, and coastal retreat), and subjective views of AIS stability. We use Manhattan (New York City)\textemdash with the distribution of buildings, populations, and infrastructure fixed in time\textemdash as an example to show how our framework could be used to calculate a range of damage allowances based on multiple plausible AIS outcomes. Assumptions regarding future AIS stability more strongly influence damage allowances under high greenhouse gas emissions (Representative Concentration Pathway [RCP] 8.5) compared to those that assume strong emissions reductions (RCP2.6). Design tools that specify financial risk targets, such as the average flood damage in a given year, allow for the calculation of avoided flood damages (i.e., benefits) that can be combined with estimates of construction cost and then integrated into existing financial decision-making tools, like benefit-cost or cost-effectiveness analyses

    Effecten van clenbuterol bij vleesstieren : pilot study

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    Om inzicht te krijgen in de effecten van clenbuterol bij vleesstieren wat betreft dosering, residuen, histologische veranderingen en L/C ratio in de urine is een oriënterende dierproef gedaan met 4 vleesstieren. Twee stieren zijn behandeld met de curatieve dosering clenbuterol en twee met de dubbele hoeveelheid van de voor vleeskalveren als optimaal beschouwde groeibevorderende dosering. Voor vleesstieren zijn weinig proeven gedaan om de optimale dosering aan clenbuterol vast te stellen. In dit rapport worden de resultaten beschreven van de dierproef. Het betreft de zootechniek, het histologisch onderzoek, onderzoek met de gangbare screenings- en bevestigingsmethoden voor clenbuterol, lactaat- en creatinegehalten en de daaruit afgeleide L/C ratio

    Predicting procedure duration of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection at Western endoscopy centers

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    Background and study aims Overcoming logistical obstacles for the implementation of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) requires accurate prediction of procedure times. We aimed to evaluate existing and new prediction models for ESD duration.Patients and methods Records of all consecutive patients who underwent single, non-hybrid colorectal ESDs before 2020 at three Dutch centers were reviewed. The performance of an Eastern prediction model [GIE 2021;94(1):133–144] was assessed in the Dutch cohort. A prediction model for procedure duration was built using multivariable linear regression. The model’s performance was validated using internal validation by bootstrap resampling, internal-external cross-validation and external validation in an independent Swedish ESD cohort.Results A total of 435 colorectal ESDs were analyzed (92% en bloc resections, mean duration 139 minutes, mean tumor size 39 mm). The performance of current unstandardized time scheduling practice was suboptimal (explained variance: R2=27%). We successfully validated the Eastern prediction model for colorectal ESD duration <60 minutes (c-statistic 0.70, 95% CI 0.62–0.77), but this model was limited due to dichotomization of the outcome and a relatively low frequency (14%) of ESDs completed <60 minutes in the Dutch centers. The model was more useful with a dichotomization cut-off of 120 minutes (c-statistic: 0.75; 88% and 17% of “easy” and “very difficult” ESDs completed <120 minutes, respectively). To predict ESD duration as continuous outcome, we developed and validated the six-variable cESD-TIME formula (https://cesdtimeformula.shinyapps.io/calculator/; optimism-corrected R2=61%; R2=66% after recalibration of the slope).Conclusions We provided two useful tools for predicting colorectal ESD duration at Western centers. Further improvements and validations are encouraged with potential local adaptation to optimize time planning