89 research outputs found

    Dynamic studies of antibody-antigen interactions with an electrolyte-gated organic transistor

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    Affinity-based biosensors employing surface-bound biomolecules for analyte detection are important tools in clinical diagnostics and drug development. In this context, electrolyte-gated organic transistors (EGOTs) are emerging as ultrasensitive label-free biosensors. In this study, we present an EGOT sensor integrated within a microfluidic system. The sensor utilizes the cytomegalovirus (CMV) phosphoprotein 65 as a biorecognition element to detect the pathological biomarker human anti-cytomegalovirus antibody in solution. The biorecognition element is grafted onto the gate electrode by exploiting the polyhistidine-tag technology. Real-time monitoring of the EGOT response, coupled with a twocompartment kinetic model analysis, enables the determination of analyte concentration, binding kinetics, and thermodynamics of the interaction. The analysis of the relevant kinetic parameters of the binding process yields a reliable value for the thermodynamic equilibrium constant and suggests that the measured deviations from the Langmuir binding model arise from the co-existence of binding sites with different affinities toward the antibodies

    Экспериментальное изучение влияния глюкозамина гидрохлорида на развитие патоспермии стареющих крыс, вызванной доксорубицином

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    ГЛЮКОЗАМИНА ГИДРОХЛОРИДДОКСОРУБИЦИНПАТОСПЕРМИЯСТАРЕНИЕФАРМАКОЛОГИЯ КЛИНИЧЕСКАЯЛЕКАРСТВ ФИЗИОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ДЕЙСТВИЕРЕПРОДУКЦИЮ КОНТРОЛИРУЮЩИЕ СРЕДСТВАЭКСПЕРИМЕНТЫ НА ЖИВОТНЫХКРЫСЫЦель работы - исследование влияния глюкозамина гидрохлорида на развитие гипофункции семенников крыс, вызванной длительным введением доксорубицина на фоне старения животных

    Angle-Tunable Enhanced Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy via Grating-Coupled Surface Plasmon Resonance

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    Surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy is an attractive method for increasing the prominence of vibrational modes in infrared spectroscopy. To date, the majority of reports associated with SEIRA utilize localized surface plasmon resonance from metal nanoparticles to enhance electromagnetic fields in the region of analytes. Limited work has been performed using propagating surface plasmons as a method for SEIRA excitation. In this report, we demonstrate angle-tunable enhancement of vibrational stretching modes associated with a thin poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) film that is coupled to a silver-coated diffraction grating. Gratings are fabricated using laser interference lithography to achieve precise surface periodicities, which can be used to generate surface plasmons that overlap with specific vibrational modes in the polymer film. Infrared reflection absorption spectra are presented for both bare silver and PMMA-coated silver gratings at a range of angles and polarization states. In addition, spectra were obtained with the grating direction oriented perpendicular and parallel to the infrared source in order to isolate plasmon enhancement effects. Optical simulations using the rigorous coupled-wave analysis method were used to identify the origin of the plasmon-induced enhancement. Angle-dependent absorption measurements achieved signal enhancements of more than 10-times the signal in the absence of the plasmon.This article is from Analytical Chemistry86 (2014): 2610-2617, doi:10.1021/ac4038398. Posted with permission.</p

    Old and new oral anticoagulants : food, herbal medicines and drug interactions

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    The most commonly prescribed oral anticoagulants worldwide are the vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) such as warfarin. Factors affecting the pharmacokinetics of VKAs are important because deviations from their narrow therapeutic window can result in bleedings due to over-anticoagulation or thrombosis because of under-anticoagulation. In addition to pharmacodynamic interactions (e.g., augmented bleeding risk for concomitant use of NSAIDs), interactions with drugs, foods, herbs, and over-the-counter medications may affect the risk/benefit ratio of VKAs. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) including Factor Xa inhibitors (rivaroxaban, apixaban and edoxaban) and thrombin inhibitor (dabigatran) are poised to replace warfarin. Phase-3 studies and real-world evaluations have established that the safety profile of DOACs is superior to those of VKAs. However, some pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions are expected. Herein we present a critical review of VKAs and DOACs with focus on their potential for interactions with drugs, foods, herbs and over-the-counter medications


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    Protons are the dominant particles both in galactic cosmic rays and in solar particle events and, furthermore, proton irradiation becomes increasingly used in tumour treatment. It is believed that complex DNA damage is the determining factor for the consequent cellular response to radiation. DNA plasmid pBR322 was irradiated at U120-M cyclotron with 30 MeV protons and treated with two Escherichia coli base excision repair enzymes. The yields of SSBs and DSBs were analysed using agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA has been irradiated in the presence of hydroxyl radical scavenger (coumarin-3-carboxylic acid) in order to distinguish between direct and indirect damage of the biological target. Pure scavenger solution was used as a probe for measurement of induced OH center dot radical yields. Experimental OH center dot radical yield kinetics was compared with predictions computed by two theoretical models-RADAMOL and Geant4-DNA. Both approaches use Geant4-DNA for description of physical stages of radiation action, and then each of them applies a distinct model for description of the pre-chemical and chemical stage