107 research outputs found

    Streptococcus pyogenes Pneumonia in Adults: Clinical Presentation and Molecular Characterization of Isolates 2006-2015

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    Introduction In the preantibiotic era Streptococcus pyogenes was a common cause of severe pneumonia but currently, except for postinfluenza complications, it is not considered a common cause of community-acquired pneumonia in adults. Aim and Material and Methods This study aimed to identify current clinical episodes of S. pyogenes pneumonia, its relationship with influenza virus circulation and the genotypes of the involved isolates during a decade in a Southern European region (Gipuzkoa, northern Spain). Molecular analysis of isolates included emm, multilocus-sequence typing, and superantigen profile determination. Results Forty episodes were detected (annual incidence 1.1 x 100,000 inhabitants, range 0.29-2.29). Thirty-seven episodes were community-acquired, 21 involved an invasive infection and 10 developed STSS. The associated mortality rate was 20%, with half of the patients dying within 24 hours after admission. Influenza coinfection was confirmed in four patients and suspected in another. The 52.5% of episodes occurred outside the influenza seasonal epidemic. The 67.5% of affected persons were elderly individuals and adults with severe comorbidities, although 13 patients had no comorbidities, 2 of them had a fatal outcome. Eleven clones were identified, the most prevalent being emm1/ST28 (43.6%) causing the most severe cases. Conclusions S. pyogenes pneumonia had a continuous presence frequently unrelated to influenza infection, being rapidly fatal even in previously healthy individuals.This work was supported in part by the Education Department of the Basque Country Government, UPV/EHU [grant number IT656-13] and Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria, Ministerio de Sanidad y Politica Social [grant PI08/0808]

    Fluoroquinolone and Macrolide Treatment Failure in Pneumococcal Pneumonia and Selection of Multidrug-Resistant Isolates

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3, isolated from a penicillin-allergic patient and initially susceptible to fluoroquinolones, macrolides, lincosamides, quinupristin-dalfopristin, and telithromycin, became resistant to all these drugs during treatment. Mutations in the parC and gyrA and in the 23S rRNA and the ribosomal protein L22 genes were detected in the resistant isolates

    Incidence, seasonality and serotypes of rotavirus in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country), Spain. A 14-year study

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    Over a 14-year period (1984–97) the presence of rotavirus in stool samples from children under 15 years with acute gastroenteritis was studied by enzymoimmunoanalysis. Serotyping (G1–G4) was performed using monoclonal antibodies. A total of 17348 children under 15 were investigated. Rotavirus was detected in 3637 (21·0%) specimens, 74·6% of which were from children younger than 2 years old. G1 and G4 were the most frequent serotypes. In 1991–7, the minimum incidence of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children under 4 years of age was 21·7 cases/1000 children/year. By the age of 5 years, at least 1 out of 11·3 children and probably 1 out of every 5–6 children in this area had experienced an episode of rotavirus gastroenteritis that required medical care. In the 1984–90 period a clear seasonality was not observed but in the second period of the study (1991–7), seasonality was marked, with peak activity in winter

    Human Bocavirus, a Respiratory and Enteric Virus

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    In Spain, human bocavirus (HBoV) was detected in 48 (9.1%) of 527 children with gastroenteritis at similar frequency as for children with respiratory illness (40/520, 7.7%). Fecal excretion adds new concern about the transmission of HBoV. To our knowledge, this report is the first to document HBoV in human feces

    Molecular characterization of Streptococcus pneumoniae invasive serotype 19A isolates from adults in two Spanish regions (1994-2009)

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    From 1994 to 2009, the incidence of invasive serotype 19A pneumococci isolated from adults in Barcelona and San Sebastian almost doubled every 4 years. Genotyping of the 167 invasive isolates studied showed serotype 19A to be highly heterogeneous, with 35 different sequence types (STs) and a different clonal structure in each region and time period. Multiresistance, defined as non-susceptibility to three or more antimicrobials, was found in 86 (51.5%) isolates. The most frequent ST was the multidrug-resistant ST276 (n = 28), which is a single-locus variant of the Denmark14-ST230 global clone. The ST276 clone, only present in San Sebastian before 2001, was successfully disseminated from 2002 in both cities and was the main contributor to the overall increase of serotype 19A infections

    Spread of streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 8-ST63 multidrug-resistant recombinant clone, Spain

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    Since 2004, a total of 131 isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae multidrug-resistant invasive serotype 8 have been detected in Spain. These isolates showed resistance to erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, and ciprofloxacin. All isolates were obtained from adult patients and shared a common genotype (sequence type [ST]63; penicillin-binding protein 1a [pbp1a], pbp2b, and pbp2x gene profiles; ermB and tetM genes; and a ParC-S79F change). Sixty-eight isolates that required a ciprofloxacin MIC ≥16 μg/mL had additional gyrA gene changes. Serotype 8-ST63 pbp2x sequences were identical with those of antimicrobial drug-susceptible serotype 8-ST53 isolates. Serotype 8-ST63 pbp2b sequences were identical with those of the multidrug-resistant Sweden 15A-ST63 clone. Recombination between the capsular locus and flanking regions of an ST53 isolate (donor) and an ST63 pneumococcus (recipient) generated the novel 15A-ST63 clone. One recombination point was upstream of pbp2x and another was within pbp1a. A serotype 8-ST63 clone was identified as a cause of invasive disease in Spain
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