303 research outputs found

    El efecto del cloruro de N-cetilpiridina sobre la absorción de un colorante reactivo sobre Leacril. Potencial zeta y termodinámica de absorción.

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    Se ha efectuado una investigación de tipo experimental sobre la absorción y potencial de flujo de Remazol Blue R (RBB-R) con fibras Leacril tratadas y sin tratar con 10^-3 M de cloruro de N-cetilpiridina (N-CP-CI). Los modelos de haces decapilares utilizados son los de Goring y Mason, Biefer y Mason, y Chang y Roberston. El comportamiento cualitativo del potencial zeta es similar en los tres modelos usados. El aumento observado del potencial zeta, en Leacril sin tratar, entre 10^-6 M y 10^-5 de RBB-R en solución se debe probablemente a las atracciones hidrofóbicas entre la fibra y la parte hidrofóbica del colorante. A concentraciones mayores a ca. 10^-5 de colorante, las reacciones químicas entre los grupos -NH2, y NH del colorante y el sulfato y los grupos de terminales de sulfato del Leacril podrían probablemente ser la causa de la disminución observada del potencial zeta en la gama de concentración mencionada. La cantidad de RBB-R absorbida en el Leacril sin tratar se ve favorecida por el aumento de la temperatura de adsorción. Se debe ello a los enlaces químicos implícitos en el proceso de absorción. Los valores del potencial zeta negativos, en fibra tratada, son más elevados que los valores del potencial zeta para fibras sin tratar en toda la gama de concentración ensayada en RBB-R. Este hecho viene a demostrar un aumento de la fortaleza de las interacciones entre la fibra de Leacril tratada y RBB-R. También se presentan datos sobre la cinética y termodinámica de absorción de Remazol Brillant Blue R, en fibras Leacril tratadas y sin tratar a diferentes temperaturas, habiéndose obtenido los valores de las constantes de velocidad de la reacción tiempo de media tintura y coeficientes de difusión del colorante en los mencionados procesos de absorción. De forma similar, se han obtenido los cambios de entalpia y entropía en relación con el proceso de tintura del Leacril. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la presencia de fuertes enlaces químicos entre los sistemas, tratados y no tratados, de Leacril/Remazol Brilliant Blue.An experimental investigation on the streaming potential and sorption of Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBB-R) on both wtreated and treated Leacril fibres with 10^-3 M of N-cetylpyridinium chloride (N-CP-CI) has been carried out. The models of bundle of capillaries employed in the determination of zeta potential of Leacril are the models of Goring and Mason, Biefer and Mason and Chang and Robertson. The qualitative behaviour of zeta potential is similar in the three models employed. The increasing of zeta potential observed, by untreated Leacril, between and 10^-5 M and ca. 10^-5 M of RBB-R in solution is probably due to the hydrophobic attractions between the fibre and the hydrophobic part of the dye. At concentrations higher than ca 10^-5 of dye, the chemical reactions between both -NH2, and the -NH groups of the dye and the sulphonate and sulfate end-groups of the Leacril, respectively, could possibly cause the observed decreasing in the zeta potential, at the mentioned concentration range. The amount of RBB-R absorbed on untreated Leacril is favoured by the increasing in adsorption temperature. This fact is due to the chemical bonds involved in the absorption process. The values of the negative zeta potential, by treated fibre, are higher than of zeta potential by untreated fibres in all the concentration range tested of RBB-R. This fact shows an increasing in the strength of the interactions between the treated Leacril fibre and the RBB-R. Data of the kinetics and thermodynamics of absorption of Remazol Brilliant Blue R on both untreated and treated Leacril at different temperatures are presented, obtaining both the values for the rate constant of the reaction, the half-dyeing time and the diffusion coefficients of the dye in the above processes of absorption. They have also been obtained the changes of enthalpy and entropy related to the process of dyeing of Leacril. Results reveal the presence of strong chemical bonds between both the untreated and treated Leacril/Remazol Brilliant Blue systems.Nous avons entrepis des recherches de type expérimentel sur l'absorption et le potentiel de flux de Remazol Blue R (RBB-R) avec des fibres Leacril traitées et non traitées avec 10^-3 M de chlorure de N-cétylpyridine (N-CP-CI). Les modèles de faisceaux capillaires utilisés sont ceux de Goring et Mason, Biefer et Mason, et Chang et Roberston. Le comportement qualitatif du potential zêta est similaire dans les trois modèles utilisés. L'augmentation observé du potentiel zêta, sur du Leacril non traité, entre 10^-6 M et 10^-5 de RBB-R en solution, est probablement dû aux attractions hydrophobiques entre la fibre et la partie hydrophobique du colorant. À des concentrations de colorant supérieures a 10^-5 ca, les reactions chimiques entre les groupes -NH, et NH du colorant et le sulfonate et les groupes terminaux de sulfate du Leacril pourraient probablement expliquer la diminution observée du potentiel zêta dans la gamme de concentration mentionnée. La quantité de RBB-R absorbée dans le leacril non traité est favorisée par l'augmentation de la température d'adsorption. Cela est dû aux liaisons chimiques implicites dans le processus d'absorption. Les valeurs négatives du potentiel zêta, pour la fibre traitée, sont supérieures aux valeurs du potentiel zêta pour des fibres non traitées dans toute la gamme de concentration testée en RBB-R. Ce fait démontre l'augmentation de la robustesse des interactions entre la fibre de Leacril traitée et RBB-R. Nous apportons aussi des données sur la cinétique et la thermodynamique d'absorption de Ramazol Brillant Blue R, sur des fibres Leacril traitées et non traitées, à différentes températures, puisque nous avons obtenu les valeurs des constantes de vitesse de la réaction temps de demi-teinture et des coefficients de diffusion du colorant dans les processus d'absorption cités. De même, nous avons obtenu les changements d'enthalpie et d'entropie par rapport au processus de teinture du Leacril. Les résultats mettent en évidence la présence de fortes liaisons chimiques entre les systèmes, traités et non traités, de Leacril/Remazol Brillant Blue.Peer Reviewe

    El tapial de las murallas de Granada

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    Español: En este trabajo se establecen las características del material empleado en las construcciones de los distintos recintos amurallados de la ciudad de Granada, que se conocen históricamente como "Alcazabas de Granada" y arrabales, distinguiendo entre material de interior de muro y revestimientos. Como objetivo final, este estudio nos ha permitido establecer conclusiones más precisas sobre la metodología constructiva utilizada en estos recintos amurallados, y la evolución de ésta a lo largo de las distintas épocas. Inglés: This paper deals with a general analysis of the materials used in the city walls, commonly known as Alcazabas, of Granada. The study concentrates in the material of the inner walls as well as the exterior. This has allowed for a deeper insight in the construction methods used for city walls during different ages

    Improving the monitoring of corn phenology in large agricultural areas using remote sensing data series

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    Aim of study: Mexico's large irrigation areas demand non-structural actions to improve the irrigation service, such as monitoring crop phenology; however, its application has been limited by the large volumes of field information generated, diversity of crop management and climatic variability. The objective of this study was to generate and validate a methodology to monitor corn (Zea mays L.) phenology from the historical relationship of the vegetation indexes (VIs), EVI and NDVI, with the phenological development (PD) of corn grown in large irrigation zones.Area of study: Irrigation District (ID) 075 “Valle del Fuerte”, northern Sinaloa, Mexico.Material and methods: We used a database of 20 years of climate, field crop growth and crop phenology data, and Landsat satellite images. A methodology was proposed on a large scale supported with GIS and remote sensing data series.Main results: The methodology was validated in 19 plots with an acceptable correlation between observed PD and estimated PD for the two VIs, with slightly better values for EVI than for NDVI. NDVI and EVI models agreed with experimental PD observations in 92.1% of the farms used to validate the methodology, in 2.5% only the NDVI model coincided with the real, in 3.1% only the EVI model coincided, and in 2.3% both models disagreed with observation, generated a stage out of phase with respect to the real phenological stage.Research highlights: is possible to generalize the methodology applied to large irrigation zones with remote sensing data and GIS

    A shared pottery-making tradition? Early Roman Ware 1 from Cartagena and Elche (Spain)

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    The so-called Early Roman Ware 1, identified by P. Reynolds in the Alicante region, was widely distributed in the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The presence of this ware in Elche (Alicante) and Valencia opened the possibility that it was widely distributed across the region. Indeed, it has been considered as a possible regional product of the area of Valencia. In Cartagena (ancient Carthago Nova), where our study concentrated originally, ERW1 is relatively common in 2nd and 3rd century CE contexts and has been considered as a local product. The question here is whether the ERW1 detected in Cartagena is the same as known in the Elche and Valencia re- gions? Were they the product of the same workshop or production center and subsequently distributed across the region? Or do we have several production centers, sharing a technological tradition but operating in different areas? To explore this problem, we have initially characterized 29 samples from this Early Roman Ware 1 found in Cartagena (Murcia) and Elche (Alicante), using a combination of analytical techniques. WD-XRF was used for the chemical characterization, XRD for the mineralogical characterization, and, finally, optical microscopy of thin- sections was applied to investigate the petrographic features. The results of the petrographic characterization indicate the existence of a major petrographic fabric group sharing compositional features. Chemistry reveals a slightly more complex picture. One sample originates in an area of metamorphic geology, possibly in Cartagena, while the other samples, although their provenance is still unknown, most probably originated elsewhere, exploiting kaolinitic clay

    Caractérisation électrocinétique et thermodynamique de l'interface polypropylène/acides humiques

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    El presente trabajo muestra resultados acerca del comportamiento de las propiedades eléctricas y de la energía libre superficial en los procesos de adsorción de ácidos húmicos (AH) y diferentes electrolitos sobre las fibras de polipropileno. El propósito de este trabajo es conocer las propiedades de la superficie del polipropileno (PP) y los cambios que éstas experimentan cuando las fibras están en contacto con diferentes concentraciones de ácido húmico y diferentes cationes que son comunes en los suelos. Estos resultados son de gran interés para las aplicaciones del PP como geotextil. Los resultados muestran que el potencial zeta del sistema PP/AH decrece con la concentración de AH en disolución. Este hecho puede ser atribuido a la presencia de grupos carboxílicos COO- y hidroxilfenolicos presentes en la molécula de AH. Por otro lado, el pH de las disoluciones de ácido húmico tiene gran efecto en el potencial electrocinético del PP, debido probablemente a la presencia de los grupos de AH adsorbidos sobre la superficie del polipropileno. El análisis de la energía libre superficial de los sistemas PP/AH/electrolitos nos lleva a la conclusión de que el polipropileno es un material monopolar. Los valores bajos de la componente electrón donante, γ - , de la energía libre superficial nos llevan a la conclusión de que el material es fuertemente hidrófobo y que este carácter se incrementa con la adsorción de ácido húmico sobre las fibras.We present results about the electrokinetic properties and the behaviour of the surface free energy in the adsorption process of humic acid and different electrolytes onto polypropylene fibres. The aim of this investigation is to know the surface properties of polypropylene and the changes in these properties when these fibres are in contact with different concentrations of humic acid and different cations which are present in the ground for the application of the polypropylene fibres as geotextiles. The negative zeta potential of the Polypropylene / humic acid system decreases with the concentration of humic acid in solution. This fact can be attributed to the presence of both carboxyl COO- and phenolic hydroxyl groups in the macromolecule of humic acid. On the other hand, the pH of the humic acid solution greatly affects the electrokinetic potential of polypropylene fibres. The above groups of humic acid are responsible for the variation in the zeta potential of the polypropylene fibre with the pH of the liquid phase. The analysis of the surface free energy of the polypropylene/humic acid/electrolytes systems, leads to the conclusion that the polypropylene fibres it is presented as a monopolar material. The low values of the electrondonor component, γ - , of the surface free energy in the adsorption processes of humic acid and different electrolyte lead to the conclusion that this material is strongly hydrophobic and this character is increased by the adsorption of the humic acid onto the fibre.Le présent travail montre des résultats sur le comportement des propriétés électriques et de l'énergie libre superficielle dans les processus d'adsorption d'acides humiques (AC) et différents électrolytes sur les fibres de polypropylène. Le but de ce travail est de connaître les propriétés de la surface du polypropylène (PP) et les changements que celles-ci expérimentent quand les fibres sont en contact avec de différentes concentrations d'acide humique et de différents cations qui sont communs dans les sols. Ces résultats sont de grand intérêt pour les applications du PP comme géotextile Les résultats montrent que le potentiel zêta du système PP/AH diminue avec la concentration d'AH en dissolution. Ce fait peut être attribué à la présence de groupes carboxiliques COO- et hidroxilfenoliques présents dans la molécule d'AH. D'autre part, le pH des dissolutions d'acide humique a un grand effet dans le potentiel électrocinétic du PP, dû probablement à la présence des groupes d'AH adsorbés sur la surface du polypropylène. L'analyse de l'énergie libre superficielle des systèmes PP/AH/électrolytes nous apporte à la conclusion que le polypropylène est un matériel monopolaire. Les valeurs basses de la composante électron donneuse, de l'énergie libre superficielle nous apportent à la conclusion que le matériel est hydrophobe de façon forte et que ce caractère est augmenté avec l'adsorption d'acide humique sur les fibres.Peer Reviewe

    Unbiased large spectroscopic surveys of galaxies selected by SPICA using dust bands

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    The mid-infrared (IR) range contains many spectral features associated with large molecules and dust grains such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and silicates. These are usually very strong compared to fine-structure gas lines, and thus valuable in studying the spectral properties of faint distant galaxies. In this paper, we evaluate the capability of low-resolution mid-IR spectroscopic surveys of galaxies that could be performed by SPICA. The surveys are designed to address the question how star formation and black hole accretion activities evolved over cosmic time through spectral diagnostics of the physical conditions of the interstellar/circumnuclear media in galaxies. On the basis of results obtained with Herschel far-IR photometric surveys of distant galaxies and Spitzer and AKARI near- to mid-IR spectroscopic observations of nearby galaxies, we estimate the numbers of the galaxies at redshift z > 0.5, which are expected to be detected in the PAH features or dust continuum by a wide (10 deg^2) or deep (1 deg^2) blind survey, both for a given observation time of 600 hours. As by-products of the wide blind survey, we also expect to detect debris disks, through the mid-IR excess above the photospheric emission of nearby main-sequence stars, and we estimate their number. We demonstrate that the SPICA mid-IR surveys will efficiently provide us with unprecedentedly large spectral samples, which can be studied further in the far-IR with SPICA.Comment: Paper accepted for publication on PASA on 18th October 2017, as part of the SPICA Special Issu

    The effect of combined inositol supplementation on maternal metabolic profile in pregnancies complicated by metabolic syndrome and obesity

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    Myoinositol and D-chiroinositol improve insulin resistance in women with obesity and gestational diabetes and in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome. We previously reported that offspring born to hypertensive dams lacking endothelial nitric oxide synthase and fed a high-fat diet develop metabolic-like syndrome phenotype

    Molecular Signatures of the Primitive Prostate Stem Cell Niche Reveal Novel Mesenchymal-Epithelial Signaling Pathways

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    Signals between stem cells and stroma are important in establishing the stem cell niche. However, very little is known about the regulation of any mammalian stem cell niche as pure isolates of stem cells and their adjacent mesenchyme are not readily available. The prostate offers a unique model to study signals between stem cells and their adjacent stroma as in the embryonic prostate stem cell niche, the urogenital sinus mesenchyme is easily separated from the epithelial stem cells. Here we investigate the distinctive molecular signals of these two stem cell compartments in a mammalian system.We isolated fetal murine urogenital sinus epithelium and urogenital sinus mesenchyme and determined their differentially expressed genes. To distinguish transcripts that are shared by other developing epithelial/mesenchymal compartments from those that pertain to the prostate stem cell niche, we also determined the global gene expression of epidermis and dermis of the same embryos. Our analysis indicates that several of the key transcriptional components that are predicted to be active in the embryonic prostate stem cell niche regulate processes such as self-renewal (e.g., E2f and Ap2), lipid metabolism (e.g., Srebp1) and cell migration (e.g., Areb6 and Rreb1). Several of the enriched promoter binding motifs are shared between the prostate epithelial/mesenchymal compartments and their epidermis/dermis counterparts, indicating their likely relevance in epithelial/mesenchymal signaling in primitive cellular compartments. Based on differential gene expression we also defined ligand-receptor interactions that may be part of the molecular interplay of the embryonic prostate stem cell niche.We provide a comprehensive description of the transcriptional program of the major regulators that are likely to control the cellular interactions in the embryonic prostatic stem cell niche, many of which may be common to mammalian niches in general. This study provides a comprehensive source for further studies of mesenchymal/epithelial interactions in the prostate stem cell niche. The elucidation of pathways in the normal primitive niche may provide greater insight into mechanisms subverted during abnormal proliferative and oncogenic processes. Understanding these events may result in the development of specific targeted therapies for prostatic diseases such as benign prostatic hypertrophy and carcinomas

    On the relationship of shock waves to flares and coronal mass ejections

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    Context: Metric type II bursts are the most direct diagnostic of shock waves in the solar corona. Aims: There are two main competing views about the origin of coronal shocks: that they originate in either blast waves ignited by the pressure pulse of a flare or piston-driven shocks due to coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We studied three well-observed type II bursts in an attempt to place tighter constraints on their origins. Methods: The type II bursts were observed by the ARTEMIS radio spectrograph and imaged by the Nan\c{c}ay Radioheliograph (NRH) at least at two frequencies. To take advantage of projection effects, we selected events that occurred away from disk center. Results: In all events, both flares and CMEs were observed. In the first event, the speed of the shock was about 4200 km/s, while the speed of the CME was about 850 km/s. This discrepancy ruled out the CME as the primary shock driver. The CME may have played a role in the ignition of another shock that occurred just after the high speed one. A CME driver was excluded from the second event as well because the CMEs that appeared in the coronagraph data were not synchronized with the type II burst. In the third event, the kinematics of the CME which was determined by combining EUV and white light data was broadly consistent with the kinematics of the type II burst, and, therefore, the shock was probably CME-driven. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates the diversity of conditions that may lead to the generation of coronal shocks.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures. "Astronomy and Astrophysics", in pres