96 research outputs found

    Wavelet transforms of meteorological parameters and gravity waves

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    The main purpose of this paper is to analyze some characteristics of gravity waves (GWs), and seasonal variations of atmospheric waves over Istanbul by using wavelet techniques. Daily radiosonda data of Istanbul in the troposphere and lower stratosphere (1000hPa-30hPa) between 1993 and 1997 have been considered. Wavelet analysis based on a computer simulation of data is generally close to the real data when Daubechies wavelet series are used. Daily, monthly, seasonal and annual variations of pressure heights, air temperature and deviations from mean values have been analyzed. Variations show the effects of gravity waves for different pressure levels in the troposphere. These waves lead to the meso-scale wave-form structures in spring, autumn and winter. As a result of this study, wavelet series and transforms for data construction, definition of some discontinuities and the local effects on the signal have been compared with the results of previous studies. The most similar structure between temperature, turbulence parameters and geo-potential height deviations has been defined at the 500-hPa pressure level

    Coal Consumption and Economic Growth in Turkey

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    This aim of this paper is to use asymmetric causality tests to examine the coal consumption and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) relationship in Turkey based on data from 1980 to 2006. To investigate this relationship, a multivariate system is employed by including fixed capital formation and labor force variables into the model. The empirical results obtained from asymmetric causality tests show no causality for coal consumption and GDP relationship in Turkey. The results indicate that coal consumption does not affect growth; hence, energy conservation policies may be pursued without adversely affecting growth in Turkey. Thus, neutrality hypothesis is confirmed for Turkey. This means that a decrease in coal consumption does not affect economic growth and vice versa. In this case, policymakers should explore the feasibility of either decreasing the coal consumption or increasing the efficiency of coal consumption. Keywords: Economic growth; coal consumption; asymmetric causality; Turkey JEL Classifications: O; Q4

    Efficacy of lodoxamide eye drops on tear fluid cytology of patients with vernal conjunctivitis.

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    A double-masked, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of lodoxamide tromethamine 0.1% eyedrops in preventing inflammatory cell accumulation in the tear fluid of patients with vernal conjunctivitis. A 1-week baseline period was followed by 4 weeks of treatment with either lodoxamide tromethamine 0.1% ophthalmic solution or placebo in 30 symptomatic subjects with vernal conjunctivitis. Cytological evaluation of tear fluid was performed before and after the treatment. In the lodoxamide-treated group, but not in the placebo-treated group, the number of neutrophils (P = 0.051) and eosinophils (P = 0.020) in the tears significantly decreased at the end of 4 weeks when compared with baseline (Wilcoxon-signed rank test). It was concluded that lodoxamide treatment was significantly more effective than the placebo in terms of reducing inflammatory cells in the tear fluid in vernal conjunctivitis. This objective inhibition of inflammatory cells may be associated with clinical relief.</p

    Recent trends and developments in pyrolysis-gas chromatography: review

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    Pyrolysis-gas chromatography (Py-GC) has become well established as a simple, quick and reliable analytical technique for a range of applications including the analysis of polymeric materials. Recent developments in Py-GC technology and instrumentation include laser pyrolysis and non-discriminating pyrolysis. Progress has also been made in the detection of low level polymer additives with the use of novel Py-GC devices. Furthermore, it has been predicted that future advances in separation technology such as the use of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography will further enhance the analytical scope of Py-GC

    Analysis of intestinal and nasopharyngeal microbiota of children with meningococcemia in pediatric intensive care unit: INMACS-PICU study

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Pediatric Diagnostic Microbiology.Microbiota composition might play a role in the pathophysiology and course of sepsis, and understanding its dynamics is of clinical interest. Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is an important cause of community-acquired serious infection, and there is no information regarding microbiota composition in children with meningococcemia. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the intestinal and nasopharyngeal microbiota composition of children with IMD.[Materials and Methods]: In this prospective, multi-center study, 10 children with meningococcemia and 10 age-matched healthy controls were included. Nasopharyngeal and fecal samples were obtained at admission to the intensive care unit and on the tenth day of their hospital stay. The V3 and V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene were amplified following the 16S Metagenomic Sequencing Library Preparation.[Results]: Regarding the alpha diversity on the day of admission and on the tenth day at the PICU, the Shannon index was significantly lower in the IMD group compared to the control group (p = 0.002 at admission and p = 0.001, on the tenth day of PICU). A statistical difference in the stool samples was found between the IMD group at Day 0 vs. the controls in the results of the Bray–Curtis and Jaccard analyses (p = 0.005 and p = 0.001, respectively). There were differences in the intestinal microbiota composition between the children with IMD at admission and Day 10 and the healthy controls. Regarding the nasopharyngeal microbiota analysis, in the children with IMD at admission, at the genus level, Neisseria was significantly more abundant compared to the healthy children (p < 0.001). In the children with IMD at Day 10, genera Moraxella and Neisseria were decreased compared to the healthy children. In the children with IMD on Day 0, for paired samples, Moraxella, Neisseria, and Haemophilus were significantly more abundant compared to the children with IMD at Day 10. In the children with IMD at Day 10, the Moraxella and Neisseria genera were decreased, and 20 different genera were more abundant compared to Day 0.[Conclusions]: We first found alterations in the intestinal and nasopharyngeal microbiota composition in the children with IMD. The infection itself or the other care interventions also caused changes to the microbiota composition during the follow-up period. Understanding the interaction of microbiota with pathogens, e.g., N. meningitidis, could give us the opportunity to understand the disease’s dynamics.This study was supported by the Eskisehir Osmangazi University Scientific Research Grant (2018/11046).Peer reviewe

    Age- and region-specific hepatitis B prevalence in Turkey estimated using generalized linear mixed models: a systematic review

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    Toy M, Önder FO, Wörmann T, et al. Age- and region-specific hepatitis B prevalence in Turkey estimated using generalized linear mixed models: a systematic review. BMC infectious diseases. 2011;11(1): 337.BACKGROUND: To provide a clear picture of the current hepatitis B situation, the authors performed a systematic review to estimate the age- and region-specific prevalence of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in Turkey. METHODS: A total of 339 studies with original data on the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in Turkey and published between 1999 and 2009 were identified through a search of electronic databases, by reviewing citations, and by writing to authors. After a critical assessment, the authors included 129 studies, divided into categories: 'age-specific'; 'region-specific'; and 'specific population group'. To account for the differences among the studies, a generalized linear mixed model was used to estimate the overall prevalence across all age groups and regions. For specific population groups, the authors calculated the weighted mean prevalence. RESULTS: The estimated overall population prevalence was 4.57, 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.58, 5.76, and the estimated total number of CHB cases was about 3.3 million. The outcomes of the age-specific groups varied from 2.84, (95% CI: 2.60, 3.10) for the 0-14-year olds to 6.36 (95% CI: 5.83, 6.90) in the 25-34-year-old group. CONCLUSION: There are large age-group and regional differences in CHB prevalence in Turkey, where CHB remains a serious health problem

    Merjenje multimedijske izpostavljenosti uporabnikov na osnovi psihofizioloških meritev

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    The aim of this research was to measure short-term multimedia ad exposure and its impact on the consumer behaviour of young adults (18-24). The current state of the art lacks in providing a reusable instrument in the context of advertis­ing. Additionally, when estimating ad exposure from psychophysiological sensor signals, they miss out on providing a weak ground truth and attempt to indi­rectly predict ad exposure from these signals. We aim to overcome the various shortcomings of traditional methods by providing an instrument for multime­dia ad exposure measurements and to use the proposed instrument as a weak ground truth, while partially estimating user exposure from the psychophysio­logical sensor signals. We also aim to evaluate the contribution of each sensor by the proportion of that sensor\u27s explained variance to the selected multimedia exposure aspect. We conducted an observational crowdsourcing study to develop a scale called the Multimedia Ad Exposure Scale (MMAES) - an instrument de­signed to measure the short-term effects of multimedia ad exposure in terms of engagement, psychological reactance, awareness and attitude, and purchase in­tention. The developed MMAES consists of four subscales with which each user is scored. It has good validity and reliability, and is internally consistent. We used MMAES in another observational study where users are measured with a set of psychophysiological sensors while watching the ads and answered scale questions after watching them. We found that 45 features of certain signals are significantly correlated with the scores of the MMAES subscales, after Bonferroni correction there are 16 such signal features significantly correlated. Basic modelling of the MMAES subscale scores from the sensor signals via ML classification algorithms can distinguish low- and high-scored users at a maximum of 65%. The signif­icance of this study is that it provides an instrument for measuring short-term advertising exposure. It also provides relevant sensors and signals to be used when estimating ad exposure from psychophysiological signals.Namen raziskave je bil izmeriti kratkoročno izpostavljenost multimedijskim ogla­som in njihov vpliv na potrošniško vedenje mladih odraslih (18-24). Glede na trenutno stanje raziskav, merilni instrument za merjenje kratkoročne multime­dijske izpostavljenosti ni obstajal in prva naloga je bila izdelava takega instru­menta skupaj s pripadajočim konstruktom. Posledično pri ocenjevanju izposta­vljenosti oglasom na podlagi signalov psihofizioloških senzorjev ni bil na voljo merilni instrument za ugotavljanje pravih vrednosti. Druga naloga te raziskave je bila ovrednotenje prispevka psihofizioloških signalov pri merjenje kratkoročne multimedijske izpostavljenosti. Tako merjenje multimedijske izpostavljenosti je manj invazivno in nadležno za uporabnika, s čimer rešujemo eno glavnih težav klasičnega merjenja izpostavljenosti. Izvedli smo opazovalno studijo na podlagi množicanja (angl. crowdsourcing), da bi razvili instrument in lestvico, imeno­vano lestvica izpostavljenosti multimedijskim oglasom (MMAES) - instrument, zasnovan za merjenje kratkoročnih ucinkov izpostavljenosti multimedijskim ogla­som v smislu angažiranosti, psihološke reakcije, zavedanja in odnosa ter namena nakupa. Razviti MMAES je sestavljen iz štirih podlestvic, s katerimi se točkuje vsak uporabnik. Ima dobro veljavnost in zanesljivost ter je dobro notranje skla­den. MMAES smo uporabili v drugi opazovalni študiji, kjer smo uporabnike med gledanjem oglasov merili z naborom psihofizioloških senzorjev in ti so po ogledu odgovarjali na vprašanja lestvice. Ugotovili smo, da je 45 lastnosti določenih si­gnalov značilno koreliranih z rezultati podlestvic MMAES. Osnovno modeliranje multimedijske izpostavljenosti na podlestvic MMAES iz senzorskih signalov prek razvrščevalnih algoritmov lahko razlikuje uporabnike z nizkimi in visokimi oce­nami do največ 65%, po Bonferrronijevem popravku pa 16. Pomen te študije je, da ponuja instrument za merjenje kratkoročne izpostavljenosti oglaševanju. Po­leg tega predlaga tudi ustrezne senzorje in signale, ki so uporabni pri ocenjevanju izpostavljenosti oglasom iz psihofizioloških signalov

    Transformation in primary school sciences education in the transition process from the empire to the republic: Science education in 1924 primary school curriculum

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    © 2020 Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayincilik Merkezi. All rights reserved.Education and training in the first year of the Republic had been kept as it was in the period of Empire with its former structure and content. The educational system and programs could be designed after the “Canon for the Unity of Education and Training” in 1924. The first curriculums of the primary and secondary schools have formed by modification on the latest programs of primary and secondary schools of the Ottoman Empire. The object of the research is to determine what kind of transformation has become on the “science education for primary schools” For this purpose, both the last curriculum program for “Mekatib-i İbtidaiyye” (The primary schools in Ottoman Empire)and the latest curriculum program for “İlk Mektepler” (Primary Schools in the Republic of Turkey) are examined by comparison. It is proved that “science education in primary education” had gone into a transformation after commenting on the findings obtained from the comparison of the programs and assessments in the publications on the history of education. The curriculum for “science education” in the first program which was approved by the Republic of Turkey is given by transliteration to the Latin alphabet The study has a feature that has important contribution for the future researches on “science education” in the Era of the Empire and The Era of the Republic with this aspect

    " Responding to student ideas " as an indicator of a teacher's mathematical knowledge in teaching

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    International audienceThis paper describes and analyses two 8 th grade mathematics instructions, delivered by two teachers on the slope and its algebraic representation. The focus of analysis is on teacher content knowledge which was analysed with Knowledge Quartet model (Rowland et al., 2005). The study examined whether teachers' responses to students' comments indicate the quality of teachers' content knowledge. Findings indicated that teacher' reaction to students' comments would significantly reflect teachers' depth and breadth of mathematics content knowledge

    The relationship among natural gas energy consumption, capital and economic growth: Bootstrap-corrected causality tests from G-7 countries

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    This paper examines the relationship between natural gas consumption, economic growth and capital by using G-7 countries data and a bootstrap-corrected causality test for the period 1970-2008. It was found eight significant Granger causality relationships. For Italy, the Granger causality is from natural gas consumption to growth and United Kingdom adverse. For pattern of France, Germany and United States there is two sided Granger causality between natural gas and growth. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved