57 research outputs found

    Modelado de los factores ambientales que determinan la distribución de especies sinantrópicas de physalis

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    Modelado de la distribución de especies sinantrópicas de Physalis. Lugares con distribución potencial y real de especies de Physalis (tomatillos)El modelado de la distribución de especies sinantrópicas (malezas) y los factores ambientales que determinan dicha distribución han sido poco estudiados. Physalis tiene 90 especies distribuidas en las Américas, y algunas especies en el Viejo Mundo. México alberga cerca de 70 especies y aproximadamente 35 son endémicas. La sección Angulatae incluye diez especies, todas sinantrópicas en mayor o menor grado. Las especies se concentran en la Sierra Madre Occidental, la Sierra Madre del Sur y en la Faja Volcánica Transmexicana. El objetivo de este trabajo fue modelar e identifi car las variables ambientales que determinan la distribución potencial de las diez especies de Physalis sección Angulatae. Se emplearon 524 registros revisados por especialistas en la taxonomía del grupo y 20 variables ambientales; de éstas 12 fueron climáticas, tres edáfi cas, dos de cobertura de la vegetación y tres de atributos topográfi cos. Los modelos se calcularon con el algoritmo Maxent. Los resultados del modelado mostraron que el hábitat más adecuado para la persistencia de ocho especies se defi nió por el índice normalizado diferencial de vegetación en los meses secos del año, la materia orgánica del suelo, la altitud y el aspecto, las cuales en conjunto explicaron entre el 73 y el 91 % de la variación en su distribución. Otros factores como la precipitación total anual y la isotermalidad determinaron la distribución de P. crassifolia y de P. glabra, respectivamente. El índice normalizado diferencial de la vegetación y las propiedades de los suelos, son predictores determinantes en la distribución potencial de las especies de la sección Angulatae. Palabras clave: máxima entropía, predictores ambientales, sección Angulatae, tomatillos. Abstract: The modeling of the distribution of synanthropic (weedy) species and the environmental factors that determine their distribution is not well studied. Physalis has 90 species distributed in the Americas, and several in the Old World. Mexico harbors about 70 species and approximately 35 are endemic. The section Angulatae includes 10 species, all synanthropic to some degree. The species tended to concentrate in the Sierra Madre Occidental, the Sierra Madre del Sur, and the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. The aim of this work was to model and identify the environmental variables that determine the potential distribution of the ten species of Physalis sect. Angulatae. A total of 524 records that had been verifi ed by the taxonomic experts of the group and 20 environmental variables were used; 12 were climatic, and the other eight were novel and of different types: three soil properties, two normalized differential vegetation indexes and three topographic attributes. The models were obtained with the Maxent algorithm. The results of the modelling showed that the most suitable habitat for the persistence of eight species was delimited by the normalized differential vegetation index during the dry months of the year, the soil organic matter, the elevation and the aspect, which together explained between the 73 and 91 % of the variation in its distribution. Other groups of factors like total precipitation and isthermality determined the distribution of P. crassifolia and P. glabra, respectively. We show that the novel environmental factors such as the normalized differential vegetation index and the soil properties were decisive predictors in the potential distribution of the species in the section Angulatae.Conacy

    Brain stem tumors in children less than 3 months: clinical and radiologic findings of a rare disease

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    Purpose Brain stem tumors in children < 3 months at diagnosis are extremely rare. Our aim is to study a retrospective cohort to improve the understanding of the disease course and guide patient management. Methods This is a multicenter retrospective analysis across the European Society for Pediatric Oncology SIOP-E HGG/DIPG Working Group linked centers, including patients with a brainstem tumor diagnosed between 2009 and 2020 and aged < 3 months at diagnosis. Clinical data were collected, and imaging characteristics were analyzed blindly and independently by two neuroradiologists. Results Five cases were identified. No patient received any therapy. The epicenter of two tumors was in the medulla oblongata alone and in the medulla oblongata and the pons in three. For patients with tumor in equal parts in the medulla oblongata and the pons (n = 3), the extension at diagnosis involved the spinal cord; for the two patients with the tumor epicenter in the medulla oblongata alone (n = 2), the extension at diagnosis included the pons (n = 2) and the spinal cord (n = 1). Biopsy was performed in one patient identifying a pilocytic astrocytoma. Two patients died. In one patient, autopsy revealed a high-grade glioma (case 3). Three survivors showed either spontaneous tumor regression (n = 2) or stable disease (n = 1). Survivors were followed up for 10, 7, and 0.6 years, respectively. One case had the typical imaging characteristics of a dorsal exophytic low-grade glioma. Conclusions No patient fulfilled the radiologic criteria defining a high-grade glioma. Central neuroradiological review and biopsy may provide useful information regarding the patient management

    ETMR-01. Brain stem tumors in children less than three months: clinical and radiologic findings of a rare disease [Abstract]

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    BACKGROUND Brainstem gliomas account for 10-20% of all central nervous system pediatric neoplasms. Brain stem tumors in children less than three months old at diagnosis are extremely rare. Our aim is to study a retrospective cohort to improve the understanding of the disease course and guide patient management. METHODS This is a multicenter retrospective analysis across the European Society for Pediatric Oncology SIOP-E HGG/DIPG Working Group linked centers and included patients with a brainstem tumor diagnosed between 2009 and 2020 and aged less than 3 months at diagnosis. Clinical data was collected, and imaging characteristics were analyzed blindly and independently by two experienced neuroradiologists. RESULTS Five cases (female; n=4) were identified of which no patient received any therapy. The epicenter of 2 tumors was in the medulla oblongata alone and in the medulla oblongata and the pons in 3 cases. For patients with tumor in equal parts in the medulla oblongata and the pons (n=3) the extension at diagnosis involved the spinal cord; for the 2 patients with the tumor epicenter in the medulla oblongata alone (n=2) the extension at diagnosis included the pons (n=2) and the spinal cord (n=1). Biopsy was performed in one patient identifying a pilocytic astrocytoma. Two patients died rapidly. In one patient autopsy revealed a high-grade glioma (case 3). Three survivors showed either spontaneous tumor regression (n=2) or stable disease (n=1). The surviving patients were followed-up for 10, 7, and 0.6 years, respectively. One case had the typical imaging characteristics of a dorsal exophytic low-grade glioma. CONCLUSIONS No patient fulfilled the radiologic criteria defining a high-grade glioma. Central neuroradiological review and biopsy (if feasible) may provide useful information with regards to the patient’s management

    Molecularly defined diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor (DLGNT) comprises two subgroups with distinct clinical and genetic features

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    Diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumors (DLGNT) represent rare CNS neoplasms which have been included in the 2016 update of the WHO classification. The wide spectrum of histopathological and radiological features can make this enigmatic tumor entity difficult to diagnose. In recent years, large-scale genomic and epigenomic analyses have afforded insight into key genetic alterations occurring in multiple types of brain tumors and provide unbiased, complementary tools to improve diagnostic accuracy. Through genome-wide DNA methylation screening of &gt; 25,000 tumors, we discovered a molecularly distinct class comprising 30 tumors, mostly diagnosed histologically as DLGNTs. Copy-number profiles derived from the methylation arrays revealed unifying characteristics, including loss of chromosomal arm 1p in all cases. Furthermore, this molecular DLGNT class can be subdivided into two subgroups [DLGNT methylation class (MC)-1 and DLGNT methylation class (MC)-2], with all DLGNT-MC-2 additionally displaying a gain of chromosomal arm 1q. Co-deletion of 1p/19q, commonly seen in IDH-mutant oligodendroglioma, was frequently observed in DLGNT, especially in DLGNT-MC-1 cases. Both subgroups also had recurrent genetic alterations leading to an aberrant MAPK/ERK pathway, with KIAA1549:BRAF fusion being the most frequent event. Other alterations included fusions of NTRK1/2/3 and TRIM33:RAF1, adding up to an MAPK/ERK pathway activation identified in 80% of cases. In the DLGNT-MC-1 group, age at diagnosis was significantly lower (median 5 vs 14 years, p &lt; 0.01) and clinical course less aggressive (5-year OS 100, vs 43% in DLGNT-MC-2). Our study proposes an additional molecular layer to the current histopathological classification of DLGNT, of particular use for cases without typical morphological or radiological characteristics, such as diffuse growth and radiologic leptomeningeal dissemination. Recurrent 1p deletion and MAPK/ERK pathway activation represent diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets, respectively—laying the foundation for future clinical trials with, e.g., MEK inhibitors that may improve the clinical outcome of patients with DLGNT

    Investigación en Matemáticas, Economía, Ciencias Sociales y Agronomía

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    Cada trabajo del libro incluye conclusiones para los interesados en las temáticas aludidas y en ellos nos enteramos de aspectos como los siguientes: - El mayor incremento del precio de los insumos como el maíz, sorgo y en menor medida desperdicio de pan, en relación con el menor crecimiento del precio del ganado en pie, dará como consecuencia un desabasto de carne bovina. - El agua es un recurso primordial en las zonas áridas y semiáridas de México, en tanto que su aporte limita la producción de la agricultura. En este estudio se observó que el precio real del agua es muy bajo en relación a otras zonas agrícolas del mundo. - Hoy en día en el país se consumen alrededor de 718 mil barriles diarios de gasolinas, un aproximado de 113.7 millones de litros, una cantidad tan grande que nuestro país se ve en la necesidad de importar cerca del 39 % de las gasolinas que consumimos. - Los jaliscienses radicados en Estados Unidos tienen una mayor capacidad de financiamiento del bienestar en la entidad, que el propio gobierno de ese estado. - México continuará basando sus finanzas públicas y su política de desarrollo económico en la extracción de combustibles fósiles (petróleo). Este modelo acelerará el deterioro y agotamiento de los recursos naturales. -La importancia de la agricultura orgánica radica en que retoma los tres ámbitos de la sustentabilidad; el ámbito ambiental, el económico y el social. - Es fundamental motivar la organización de los productores de haba para que ellos puedan captar una mayor proporción de los altos márgenes de precios que los consumidores están dispuestos a pagar. - Las condiciones del clima afectan a la producción agraria. Debido al fenómeno de cambio climático, es necesario contar con herramientas informáticas que proporcionen información climatológica para poder tomar medidas preventivas a favor de una mayor cantidad y calidad de producción. La herramienta de software permite la consulta del clima por localidades evitando la necesidad de contar con una estación meteorológica

    Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p&#8211;Pb collisions at

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    Underlying Event measurements in pp collisions at s=0.9 \sqrt {s} = 0.9 and 7 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC

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    The shrimp mitochondrial FoF1-ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1)

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    The whiteleg shrimp species Litopenaeus vannamei is exposed to cyclic changes of the dissolved oxygen concentration of seawater and must neutralize the adverse effects of hypoxia by using ATP as energy source. In crustaceans, the mitochondrial FOF1-ATP synthase is pivotal to the homeostasis of ATP and function prevalently as a FOF1-ATPase. Hitherto, it is unknown whether these marine invertebrates are equipped with molecules able to control the FOF1-ATPase inhibiting the ATP consumption. In this study, we report two variants of the mitochondrial FOF1-ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1 (IF1) ubiquitously expressed across tissues of the Litopenaeus vannamei transcriptome: the IF1_Lv1 and the IF1_Lv2. The IF1_Lv1, with a full-length sequence of 550 bp, encodes a 104 aa long protein and its mRNA amounts are significantly affected by hypoxia and re-oxygenation. The IF1_Lv2, with a sequence of 654 bp, encodes instead for a protein of 85 aa. Both proteins share a 69 % homology and contain a conserved minimal inhibitory sequence (IATP domain) along with a G-rich region on their N-terminus typical of the invertebrate. In light of this characterization IF1 is here discussed as an adaptive mechanism evolved by this marine species to inhibit the FOF1-ATPase activity and avoid ATP dissipation to thrive in spite of the changes in oxygen tension.Fil: Chimeo, Cindy. Centro de Investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo; MéxicoFil: Fernandez Gimenez, Analia Veronica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencia Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Campanella, Michelangelo. University of London; Reino Unido. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Mendez Romero, Ofelia. Centro de Investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo; MéxicoFil: Muhlia Almazan, Adriana. Centro de Investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo; Méxic

    Where Brain, Body and World Collide

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    The production cross section of electrons from semileptonic decays of beauty hadrons was measured at mid-rapidity (|y| &lt; 0.8) in the transverse momentum range 1 &lt; pt &lt; 8 Gev/c with the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC in pp collisions at a center of mass energy sqrt{s} = 7 TeV using an integrated luminosity of 2.2 nb^{-1}. Electrons from beauty hadron decays were selected based on the displacement of the decay vertex from the collision vertex. A perturbative QCD calculation agrees with the measurement within uncertainties. The data were extrapolated to the full phase space to determine the total cross section for the production of beauty quark-antiquark pairs