212 research outputs found

    Analysis of the issues of the interest representation declaration system in the Law on Disclosure of Interest Representation of Latvia

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    The Bachelor thesis analyzes the Interest Representation Declaration System, which is the cornerstone of Latvia’s Law on Disclosure of Interest Representation. The Law is created to achieve transparency in the interest representation process and to ensure a mechanism where politicians declare any cases of interest representation that they have been part of. The research is built around the exploration of potential problems that the System might face, such as lack of penalties or the law being too general, thus too open for interpretation. There are conducted interviews with multiple experts from the relevant field to provide their insight into the effectiveness of the law and potential solutions to the challenges. The hypothesis of the thesis is that the current regulation will not be able to fully eradicate the problem of hidden lobbying, and the paper concludes by evaluation of the potential effectiveness and practical solutions to the possible issues

    Smart Pebble Design For Environmental Monitoring Applications

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    Sediment transport, due to primarily the action of water, wind and ice, is one of the most significant geomorphic processes responsible for shaping Earth’s surface. It involves entrainment of sediment grains in rivers and estuaries due to the violently fluctuating hydrodynamic forces near the bed. Here an instrumented particle, namely a “smart pebble , is developed to investigate the exact flow conditions under which individual grains may be entrained from the surface of a gravel bed. This could lead in developing a better understanding of the processes involved, while focusing on the response of the particle during a variety of flow entrainment events. The “smart pebble is a particle instrumented with MEMS sensors appropriate for capturing the hydrodynamic forces a coarse particle might experience during its entrainment from the river bed. A 3-axial gyroscope and accelerometer registers data to a memory card via a microcontroller, embedded in a 3D-printed waterproof hollow spherical particle. The instrumented board is appropriately fit and centred into the shell of the pebble, so as to achieve a nearly uniform distribution of the mass which could otherwise bias its motion. The “smart pebble is powered by an independent power to ensure autonomy and sufficiently long periods of operation appropriate for deployment in the field. Post-processing and analysis of the acquired data is currently performed offline, using scientific programming software. The performance of the instrumented particle is validated, conducting a series of calibration experiments under well-controlled laboratory conditions. Smart pebble allows for a wider range of environmental sensors (e.g. for environmental/pollutant monitoring) to be incorporated so as to extend the range of its application, enabling accurate environmental monitoring which is required to ensure infrastructure resilience and preservation of ecological health

    Verslo socialinės atsakomybės iniciatyvos įgyvendinimas taikant BIM: Lietuvos statybų sektoriaus situacijos analizė ir perspektyvos

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    The article analyzes the theoretical aspects of corporate social responsibility and BIM, examines the problems of the construction sector in implementing the principles of social responsibility. The corporate social responsibility assessment of the construction sector was carried out using the multi-criteria COPRAS method and the results were compared with the results of companies that are capable of developing digital construction project models. Summarizing the results of the research it can be argued that companies that use their digital technologies in practice also meet the basic principles of CSR, therefore, a model for linkage of corporate social responsibility and BIM has been developed and presented. Companies that use BIM technology in practice could and should incorporate the principles of social responsibility into their activities. Santrauka Straipsnyje analizuojami įmonių socialinės atsakomybės ir BIM teoriniai aspektai, išnagrinėta statybų sektoriaus problematika įgyvendinant socialinės atsakomybės principus. Atliktas statybų sektoriaus įmonių socialinės atsakomybės vertinimas, taikant daugiakriterį COPRAS metodą, o rezultatai buvo lyginami su įmonėmis, gebančiomis kurti skaitmeninės statybos projektų modelius. Apibendrinus tyrimo rezultatus, galima teigti, kad įmonės, naudojančios savo praktikoje skaitmenines technologijas, atitinka ir ĮSA pagrindinius principus, todėl parengtas ir pateiktas įmonių socialinės atsakomybės ir BIM ryšių modelis. Įmonės, naudojančios savo praktikoje BIM technologijas, galėtų ir turėtų savo veikloje diegti socialinės atsakomybės principus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: įmonių socialinė atsakomybė, statybų sektorius, BIM, statinio informacinis modeliavimas, COPRAS

    Assessment of Buildings Redevelopment Possibilities using MCDM and BIM Techniques

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    The paper deals with abandoned former industrial buildings problem and buildings’ redevelopment possibilities with emphasis on sustainable development. A complex decision-making model for redevelopment of abandoned buildings, combining Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques, is proposed. A case study of a former measurement equipment factory is presented. Ranking of possible redevelopment alternatives of the building using Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment method with grey attributes scores (WASPAS-G) is proposed and the most rational projects are selected. While BIM techniques supports an effective selection process and allows implementation of full lifetime management strategy of a project and then of a real object.12th international conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques” (MBMST 2016


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    The article analyzes the concept of corporate social responsibility, its assessment methods, indicators and guidelines on standards. This work also presents the analysis of Lithuanian construction sector, examines the largest companies in this area, their possibility to develop the corporate social responsibility initiative, as well as the main difficulties in implementing the principles of social responsibility. The results show that in Lithuanian construction sector the high– income companies and companies that compete in the market over 15 years do not fully use the possibility of the development of global corporate social responsibility initiative.The article analyzes the concept of corporate social responsibility, its assessment methods, indicators and guidelines on standards. This work also presents the analysis of Lithuanian construction sector, examines the largest companies in this area, their possibility to develop the corporate social responsibility initiative, as well as the main difficulties in implementing the principles of social responsibility. The results show that in Lithuanian construction sector the high– income companies and companies that compete in the market over 15 years do not fully use the possibility of the development of global corporate social responsibility initiative

    Analysis of problems, consequences and solutions for BIM application in reconstruction projects

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    The main aim of analysis presented in this paper is based on the complex evaluation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) application and decision support in reconstruction projects. The reconstruction projects face the high level uncertainty during implementation mostly due inappropriate information management, insufficient quality control and low competence of participants. The application of advanced Computer-Aided tools such as BIM uses both with advanced Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be the way to solve the problems of reconstruction projects. The fourteen reconstruction projects have been analysed and the list of thirteen main problems has been identi­fied. The pair wise judgment of problems has been made based on in the expert survey using the Analytic Hierarchy Pro­cess (AHP) method. The occurrence, influence to project and significance of the problems have been calculated and were prioritised according to the importance and consequences. After the complex analysis of problems, it is suggested to use combined list of solutions of the BIM tool application in reconstruction projects to support decision making process

    Cystic fibrosis–adapted Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing lasR mutants cause hyperinflammatory responses

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    Cystic fibrosis lung disease is characterized by chronic airway infections with the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa and severe neutrophilic pulmonary inflammation. P. aeruginosa undergoes extensive genetic adaptation to the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung environment, and adaptive mutations in the quorum sensing regulator gene lasR commonly arise. We sought to define how mutations in lasR alter host-pathogen relationships. We demonstrate that lasR mutants induce exaggerated host inflammatory responses in respiratory epithelial cells, with increased accumulation of proinflammatory cytokines and neutrophil recruitment due to the loss of bacterial protease–dependent cytokine degradation. In subacute pulmonary infections, lasR mutant–infected mice show greater neutrophilic inflammation and immunopathology compared with wild-type infections. Finally, we observed that CF patients infected with lasR mutants have increased plasma interleukin-8 (IL-8), a marker of inflammation. These findings suggest that bacterial adaptive changes may worsen pulmonary inflammation and directly contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of chronic lung disease in CF patients

    A Dominant-Negative Approach That Prevents Diphthamide Formation Confers Resistance to Pseudomonas Exotoxin A and Diphtheria Toxin

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    Diphtheria toxin (DT), Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exotoxin A (ETA) and cholix toxin from Vibrio cholerae share the same mechanism of toxicity; these enzymes ADP-rybosylate elongation factor-2 (EF-2) on a modified histidine residue called diphthamide, leading to a block in protein synthesis. Mutant Chinese hamster ovary cells that are defective in the formation of diphthamide have no distinct phenotype except their resistance to DT and ETA. These observations led us to predict that a strategy that prevents the formation of diphthamide to confer DT and ETA resistance is likely to be safe. It is well documented that Dph1 and Dph2 are involved in the first biochemical step of diphthamide formation and that these two proteins interact with each other. We hypothesized that we could block diphthamide formation with a dominant negative mutant of either Dph1 or Dph2. We report in this study the first cellular-targeted strategy that protects against DT and ETA toxicity. We have generated Dph2(C-), a dominant-negative mutant of Dph2, that could block very efficiently the formation of diphthamide. Cells expressing Dph2(C-) were 1000-fold more resistant to DT than parental cells, and a similar protection against Pseudomonas exotoxin A was also obtained. The targeting of a cellular component with this approach should have a reduced risk of generating resistance as it is commonly seen with antibiotic treatments

    Modification of the Campylobacter jejuni flagellin glycan by the product of the Cj1295 homopolymeric-tract-containing gene

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    The Campylobacter jejuni flagellin protein is O-glycosylated with structural analogues of the nine-carbon sugar pseudaminic acid. The most common modifications in the C. jejuni 81-176 strain are the 5,7-di-N-acetylated derivative (Pse5Ac7Ac) and an acetamidino-substituted version (Pse5Am7Ac). Other structures detected include O-acetylated and N-acetylglutamine-substituted derivatives (Pse5Am7Ac8OAc and Pse5Am7Ac8GlnNAc, respectively). Recently, a derivative of pseudaminic acid modified with a di-O-methylglyceroyl group was detected in C. jejuni NCTC 11168 strain. The gene products required for Pse5Ac7Ac biosynthesis have been characterized, but those genes involved in generating other structures have not. We have demonstrated that the mobility of the NCTC 11168 flagellin protein in SDS-PAGE gels can vary spontaneously and we investigated the role of single nucleotide repeats or homopolymeric- tractcontaining genes from the flagellin glycosylation locus in this process. One such gene, Cj1295, was shown to be responsible for structural changes in the flagellin glycoprot ein. Mass spectrometry demonstrated that the Cj1295 gene is required for glycosylation with the di-O-methylglyceroyl-modified version of pseudaminic acid. © 2010 SGM

    The principles of abstraction and causation within transfer of property in Latvia Civil law

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    Bakalaura darbs ir veltīts abstrakcijas un kauzalitātes principa saistībā ar īpašumtiesību nodošanu izpētei un analīzei Latvijas civiltiesībās, ņemot vērā pretrunu pastāvēšanu likuma tekstā un nekonsekventu likuma normu piemērošanu, kā arī šajā aspektā pievēršoties īpašuma prasības celšanas problemātikai. Šā darba mērķis ir pētīt un analizēt abstrakcijas un kauzalitātes principu īpašumtiesību nodošanā Latvijas civiltiesībās specifiku un problēmjautājumus. Mērķa īstenošanai autors izpēta šo principu attīstību cauri gadsimtiem, īpašumtiesību pārejas priekšnoteikumus un darījumus, kas ir pārejas pamatā, autors pievēršas ne tikai Latvijas normatīvajiem aktiem un doktrīnai, bet arī ārvalstu. Autors nonāk pie secinājuma par kauzalitātes principa pastāvēšanu īpašumtiesību nodošanā, no kā pastāv arī izņēmumi. Autors ierosina grozīt likumu, lai likuma normas padarītu skaidrākas un attiecībā uz īpašumtiesību nodošanu arī vienveidīgākas, tomēr, uzsverot atšķirību, kustamu un nekustamu lietu starpā. Atslēgvārdi: iusta causa, abstrakcijas princips, kauzalitātes princips, īpašumtiesību nodošana.This Bachelor’s thesis is devoted to the research and analysis of the principles of abstraction and causation related to the transfer of property in Latvian Civil Law considering existence of contradictions within the Law and inconsistent application of it and within this aspect focusing on the problem of the bringing of ownership action. The aim of this thesis is to research and analyse specifics and challenges of the principles of abstraction and causation within transfer of property in Latvian Civil Law. To implement the aim author researches the development of these principles through the centuries, property transfer preconditions and deals which are transfer underlying bases, the author focuses not only on Latvian legislative acts and doctrine, but also on foreign ones. The author concludes that there is the principle of causation within transfer of property with some exceptions. The author proposes to make some amendments in order to make the norms of the Law more clear and regarding transfer also more homogeneous, however, emphasizing difference among movable and immovable things. Keywords: iusta causa, the principle of abstraction, the principle of causation, the transfer of property