710 research outputs found
The distribution of mass components in simulated disc galaxies
Using 22 hydrodynamical simulated galaxies in a LCDM cosmological context we
recover not only the observed baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, but also the
observed "mass discrepancy--acceleration" relation, which reflects the
distribution of the main components of the galaxies throughout their disks.
This implies that the simulations, which span the range 52 < V <
222 km/s where V is the circular velocity at the flat part of the
rotation curve, and match galaxy scaling relations, are able to recover the
observed relations between the distributions of stars, gas and dark matter over
the radial range for which we have observational rotation curve data.
Furthermore, we explicitly match the observed baryonic to halo mass relation
for the first time with simulated galaxies. We discuss our results in the
context of the baryon cycle that is inherent in these simulations, and with
regards to the effect of baryonic processes on the distribution of dark matter.Comment: 8 pages, 7 pdf figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2015
October 0
A mass-dependent density profile for dark matter haloes including the influence of galaxy formation
We introduce a mass-dependent density profile to describe the distribution of dark matter within galaxies, which takes into account the stellar-to-halo mass dependence of the response of dark matter to baryonic processes. The study is based on the analysis of hydrodynamically simulated galaxies from dwarf to Milky Way mass, drawn from the Making Galaxies In a Cosmological Context project, which have been shown to match a wide range of disc scaling relationships. We find that the best-fitting parameters of a generic double power-law density profile vary in a systematic manner that depends on the stellar-to-halo mass ratio of each galaxy. Thus, the quantity M⋆/Mhalo constrains the inner (γ) and outer (β) slopes of dark matter density, and the sharpness of transition between the slopes (α), reducing the number of free parameters of the model to two. Due to the tight relation between stellar mass and halo mass, either of these quantities is sufficient to describe the dark matter halo profile including the effects of baryons. The concentration of the haloes in the hydrodynamical simulations is consistent with N-body expectations up to Milky Way-mass galaxies, at which mass the haloes become twice as concentrated as compared with pure dark matter runs. This mass-dependent density profile can be directly applied to rotation curve data of observed galaxies and to semi-analytic galaxy formation models as a significant improvement over the commonly used NFW profile
How supernova feedback turns dark matter cusps into cores
We propose and successfully test against new cosmological simulations a novel
analytical description of the physical processes associated with the origin of
cored dark matter density profiles. In the simulations, the potential in the
central kiloparsec changes on sub-dynamical timescales over the redshift
interval 4 > z > 2 as repeated, energetic feedback generates large underdense
bubbles of expanding gas from centrally-concentrated bursts of star formation.
The model demonstrates how fluctuations in the central potential irreversibly
transfer energy into collisionless particles, thus generating a dark matter
core. A supply of gas undergoing collapse and rapid expansion is therefore the
essential ingredient. The framework, based on a novel impulsive approximation,
breaks with the reliance on adiabatic approximations which are inappropriate in
the rapidly-changing limit. It shows that both outflows and galactic fountains
can give rise to cusp-flattening, even when only a few per cent of the baryons
form stars. Dwarf galaxies maintain their core to the present time. The model
suggests that constant density dark matter cores will be generated in systems
of a wide mass range if central starbursts or AGN phases are sufficiently
frequent and energetic.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRAS. No change in results. Expanded
discussion and more reference
The central slope of dark matter cores in dwarf galaxies: Simulations vs. THINGS
We make a direct comparison of the derived dark matter (DM) distributions
between hydrodynamical simulations of dwarf galaxies assuming a LCDM cosmology
and the observed dwarf galaxies sample from the THINGS survey in terms of (1)
the rotation curve shape and (2) the logarithmic inner density slope alpha of
mass density profiles. The simulations, which include the effect of baryonic
feedback processes, such as gas cooling, star formation, cosmic UV background
heating and most importantly physically motivated gas outflows driven by
supernovae (SNe), form bulgeless galaxies with DM cores. We show that the
stellar and baryonic mass is similar to that inferred from photometric and
kinematic methods for galaxies of similar circular velocity. Analyzing the
simulations in exactly the same way as the observational sample allows us to
address directly the so-called "cusp/core" problem in the LCDM model. We show
that the rotation curves of the simulated dwarf galaxies rise less steeply than
CDM rotation curves and are consistent with those of the THINGS dwarf galaxies.
The mean value of the logarithmic inner density slopes alpha of the simulated
galaxies' dark matter density profiles is ~ -0.4 +- 0.1, which shows good
agreement with \alpha = -0.29 +- 0.07 of the THINGS dwarf galaxies. The effect
of non-circular motions is not significant enough to affect the results. This
confirms that the baryonic feedback processes included in the simulations are
efficiently able to make the initial cusps with \alpha ~ -1.0 to -1.5 predicted
by dark-matter-only simulations shallower, and induce DM halos with a central
mass distribution similar to that observed in nearby dwarf galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; Accepted for publication in AJ; minor
Interpreting the Evolution of the Size - Luminosity Relation for Disk Galaxies from Redshift 1 to the Present
A sample of very high resolution cosmological disk galaxy simulations is used
to investigate the evolution of galaxy disk sizes back to redshift 1 within the
Lambda CDM cosmology. Artificial images in the rest frame B band are generated,
allowing for a measurement of disk scale lengths using surface brightness
profiles as observations would, and avoiding any assumption that light must
follow mass as previous models have assumed. We demonstrate that these
simulated disks are an excellent match to the observed magnitude - size
relation for both local disks, and for disks at z=1 in the magnitude/mass range
of overlap. We disentangle the evolution seen in the population as a whole from
the evolution of individual disk galaxies. In agreement with observations, our
simulated disks undergo roughly 1.5 magnitudes/arcsec^2 of surface brightness
dimming since z=1. We find evidence that evolution in the magnitude - size
plane varies by mass, such that galaxies with M* > 10^9 M_sun undergo more
evolution in size than luminosity, while dwarf galaxies tend to evolve
potentially more in luminosity. The disks grow in such a way as to stay on
roughly the same stellar mass - size relation with time. Finally, due to an
evolving stellar mass - SFR relation, a galaxy at a given stellar mass (or
size) at z=1 will reside in a more massive halo and have a higher SFR, and thus
a higher luminosity, than a counterpart of the same stellar mass at z=0.Comment: Version resubmitted to ApJ, after referee's comment
The dependence of dark matter profiles on the stellar-to-halo mass ratio: a prediction for cusps versus cores
We use a suite of 31 simulated galaxies drawn from the MaGICC project to investigate the effects of baryonic feedback on the density profiles of dark matter haloes. The sample covers a wide mass range: 9.4×109 <Mhalo/M� <7.8×1011, hosting galaxies with stellarmasses in the range 5.0×105 <M∗/M� < 8.3×1010, i.e. from dwarf to L∗. The galaxies are simulated with blastwave supernova feedback and, for some of them, an additional source of energy from massive stars is included. Within this feedback scheme we vary several parameters, such as the initial mass function, the density threshold for star formation, and energy from supernovae and massive stars. The main result is a clear dependence of the inner slope of the dark matter density profile, α in ρ ∝ rα, on the stellar-to-halo mass ratio, M∗/Mhalo. This relation is independent of the particular choice of parameters within our stellar feedback scheme, allowing a prediction for cusp versus core formation. When M∗/Mhalo is low, �0.01 per cent, energy from stellar feedback is insufficient to significantly alter the inner dark matter density, and the galaxy retains a cuspy profile. At higher stellar-to-halo mass ratios, feedback drives the expansion of the dark matter and generates cored profiles. The flattest profiles form where M∗/Mhalo ∼ 0.5 per cent. Above this ratio, stars formed in the central regions deepen the gravitational potential enough to oppose the supernova-driven expansion process, resulting in cuspier profiles. Combining the dependence of α on M∗/Mhalo with the empirical abundance matching relation between M∗ and Mhalo provides a prediction for how α varies as a function of stellar mass. Further, using the Tully–Fisher relation allows a prediction for the dependence of the dark matter inner slope on the observed rotation velocity of galaxies. The most cored galaxies are expected to have Vrot ∼ 50 km s−1, with α decreasing for more massive disc galaxies: spirals with Vrot ∼ 150 km s−1 have central slopes α ≤−0.8, approaching again the Navarro–Frenk–White profile. This novel prediction for the dependence of α on disc galaxy mass can be tested using observational data sets and can be applied to theoretical modelling of mass profiles and populations of disc galaxies
Cuspy No More: How Outflows Affect the Central Dark Matter and Baryon Distribution in Lambda CDM Galaxies
We examine the evolution of the inner dark matter (DM) and baryonic density
profile of a new sample of simulated field galaxies using fully cosmological,
Lambda CDM, high resolution SPH + N-Body simulations. These simulations include
explicit H2 and metal cooling, star formation (SF) and supernovae (SNe) driven
gas outflows. Starting at high redshift, rapid, repeated gas outflows following
bursty SF transfer energy to the DM component and significantly flatten the
originally `cuspy' central DM mass profile of galaxies with present day stellar
masses in the 10^4.5 -- 10^9.8 Msolar range. At z=0, the central slope of the
DM density profile of our galaxies (measured between 0.3 and 0.7 kpc from their
centre) is well fitted by rhoDM propto r^alpha with alpha \simeq -0.5 + 0.35
log_10(Mstar/10^8Msolar) where Mstar is the stellar mass of the galaxy and 4 <
log_10 Mstar < 9.4. These values imply DM profiles flatter than those obtained
in DM--only simulations and in close agreement with those inferred in galaxies
from the THINGS and LITTLE THINGS survey. Only in very small halos, where by
z=0 star formation has converted less than ~ 0.03% of the original baryon
abundance into stars, outflows do not flatten the original cuspy DM profile out
to radii resolved by our simulations. The mass (DM and baryonic) measured
within the inner 500 pc of each simulated galaxy remains nearly constant over
four orders of magnitudes in stellar mass for Mstar 10^9 Msolar. This finding
is consistent with estimates for faint Local Group dwarfs and field galaxies.
These results address one of the outstanding problems faced by the CDM model,
namely the strong discrepancy between the original predictions of cuspy DM
profiles and the shallower central DM distribution observed in galaxies.Comment: MNRAS in press. Accepted version, a few references added. 12 pages.
Animation at http://youtu.be/FbcgEovabDI?hd=
Cosmological Simulations with Self-Interacting Dark Matter I: Constant Density Cores and Substructure
We use cosmological simulations to study the effects of self-interacting dark
matter (SIDM) on the density profiles and substructure counts of dark matter
halos from the scales of spiral galaxies to galaxy clusters, focusing
explicitly on models with cross sections over dark matter particle mass
\sigma/m = 1 and 0.1 cm^2/g. Our simulations rely on a new SIDM N-body
algorithm that is derived self-consistently from the Boltzmann equation and
that reproduces analytic expectations in controlled numerical experiments. We
find that well-resolved SIDM halos have constant-density cores, with
significantly lower central densities than their CDM counterparts. In contrast,
the subhalo content of SIDM halos is only modestly reduced compared to CDM,
with the suppression greatest for large hosts and small halo-centric distances.
Moreover, the large-scale clustering and halo circular velocity functions in
SIDM are effectively identical to CDM, meaning that all of the large-scale
successes of CDM are equally well matched by SIDM. From our largest cross
section runs we are able to extract scaling relations for core sizes and
central densities over a range of halo sizes and find a strong correlation
between the core radius of an SIDM halo and the NFW scale radius of its CDM
counterpart. We construct a simple analytic model, based on CDM scaling
relations, that captures all aspects of the scaling relations for SIDM halos.
Our results show that halo core densities in \sigma/m = 1 cm^2/g models are too
low to match observations of galaxy clusters, low surface brightness spirals
(LSBs), and dwarf spheroidal galaxies. However, SIDM with \sigma/m ~ 0.1 cm^2/g
appears capable of reproducing reported core sizes and central densities of
dwarfs, LSBs, and galaxy clusters without the need for velocity dependence.
(abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, all figures include colors, submitted for
publication in MNRA
Understanding Dwarf Galaxies in order to Understand Dark Matter
Much progress has been made in recent years by the galaxy simulation
community in making realistic galaxies, mostly by more accurately capturing the
effects of baryons on the structural evolution of dark matter halos at high
resolutions. This progress has altered theoretical expectations for galaxy
evolution within a Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model, reconciling many earlier
discrepancies between theory and observations. Despite this reconciliation, CDM
may not be an accurate model for our Universe. Much more work must be done to
understand the predictions for galaxy formation within alternative dark matter
models.Comment: Refereed contribution to the Proceedings of the Simons Symposium on
Illuminating Dark Matter, to be published by Springe
Computational Modelling of Genome-Side Transcription Assembly Networks Using a Fluidics Analogy
Understanding how a myriad of transcription regulators work to modulate mRNA output at thousands of genes remains a fundamental challenge in molecular biology. Here we develop a computational tool to aid in assessing the plausibility of gene regulatory models derived from genome-wide expression profiling of cells mutant for transcription regulators. mRNA output is modelled as fluid flow in a pipe lattice, with assembly of the transcription machinery represented by the effect of valves. Transcriptional regulators are represented as external pressure heads that determine flow rate. Modelling mutations in regulatory proteins is achieved by adjusting valves' on/off settings. The topology of the lattice is designed by the experimentalist to resemble the expected interconnection between the modelled agents and their influence on mRNA expression. Users can compare multiple lattice configurations so as to find the one that minimizes the error with experimental data. This computational model provides a means to test the plausibility of transcription regulation models derived from large genomic data sets
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