346 research outputs found

    On embedding theorems for X\mathfrak{X}-subgroups

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    Let X\mathfrak{X} be a class of finite groups closed under subgroups, homomorphic images, and extensions. We study the question which goes back to the lectures of H. Wielandt in 1963-64: For a given X\mathfrak{X}-subgroup KK and maximal X\mathfrak{X}-subgroup HH, is it possible to see embeddability of KK in HH (up to conjugacy) by their projections onto the factors of a fixed subnormal series. On the one hand, we construct examples where KK has the same projections as some subgroup of HH but is not conjugate to any subgroup of HH. On the other hand, we prove that if KK normalizes the projections of a subgroup HH, then KK is conjugate to a subgroup of HH even in the more general case when HH is a submaximal X\mathfrak{X}-subgroup

    Providing energy decoupling of electric drive and electric grids for industrial electrical installations

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    Subjects of the research are industrial electric drives, witch maintain the operation of main actuating units of production machines and installations during the development of mineral resource deposits. The goal is to research the possibility to ensure the energy decoupling of industrial electric drives and electric grid by means of structural implementation of active rectifiers into frequency converters. The main purpose of energy decoupling is to eliminate the negative impact of low quality electric energy and changes in energy parameters on electric drive operation. In order to accomplish energy decoupling of electric drive with active rectifier, methods of mathematical and simulation modeling with mathematical application software package were used. The integrated simulation model with two electric drives, including active rectifier (energy decoupled electric drive) and diode rectifier (standard type electric drive), were created. Simulation model is provided with tools for oscillographic testing and analysis of the impact of power quality parameters on frequency converters and drive motors operation. The analysis of effectiveness of energy decoupling by means of active rectifier of frequency converter shows that drive motor completely retains the stability and controllability of rotation frequency and torque during the changes of power quality parameters in electric grid. The use of active rectifier allows to ensure the operation of electric drive in required mode in case of voltage decrease by 30 % with normative value of 5-10 %, i.e. energy decoupling provides high stability margin for voltage. Electric drive with active rectifier ensures energy decoupling in case of asymmetry of supply voltage. The control of mechanical variables of induction motor during offsets in amplitude and frequency in all phases of electric grid is ensured to be on required level

    Современные подходы к использованию глюкокортикоидных и цитотоксических препаратов при болезни Шегрена

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    Tsel' issledovaniya. Otsenit' effektivnost' dlitel'noy terapii bolezni Shegrena (BSh) malymi dozami glyukokortikoidnykh (GK) i alkiliruyushchikh tsitotoksicheskikh (ATs) preparatov Materialy i metody. V issledovanie vklyucheno 412 patsientov (406 zhenshchin i 6 muzhchin) s BSh, nablyudavshikhsya v Institute revmatologii v 1975 - 2007 gg. Mediana nablyudeniya - 9 (5-15) let. Sredniy vozrast bol'nykh na nachalo nablyudeniya - 44,8 goda. Mediana dlitel'nosti BSh do pervogo postupleniya - 9 let, mediana vozrasta debyuta BSh - 33 goda. Effektivnost' dlitel'noy terapii malymi dozami GKu 151 bol'nogo (mediana - 10 let), malymi dozami ATsu 147 bol'nykh (mediana - 5 let) otsenena v sravnenii s rezul'tatami lecheniya 94 bol'nykh, poluchavshikh tol'ko «oftal'mologicheskie» i «stomatologicheskie» metody terapii. Rezul'taty issledovaniya. Pokazano, chto terapiya malymi dozami GK i ATs polozhitel'no vliyala na nekotorye zhelezistye i vnezhelezistye proyavleniya zabolevaniya, odnako k snizheniyu veroyatnosti razvitiya limfoproliferativnykh zabolevaniy (r=0,036) i povysheniyu vyzhivaemosti bol'nykh s BSh privodila tol'ko terapiya ATs (r=0,037). Razrabotany i predstavleny metodiki lokal'nogo ispol'zovaniya GK pri tyazhelykh oftal'mologicheskikh i stomatologicheskikh proyavleniyakh BSh. U 150 bol'nykh s BSh s tyazhelymi sistemnymi proyavleniyami predstavleny pokazaniya i protivopokazaniya dlya provedeniya pul's-terapii (PT), kombinirovannoy PT, plazmafereza, krioafereza i dvoynoy fil'tratsii plazmy v sochetanii s kombinirovannoy PT. Pokazano, chto naznachenie malykh doz GK i PT u zhenshchin s BSh s sokhranennym menstrual'nym tsiklom privodit k bolee rannemu nastupleniyu menopauzy i sposobstvuet razvitiyu glyukokortikoidnogo i postmenopauzal'nogo osteoporoza v otdalennye sroki. Otseneny naibolee znachimye pobochnye proyavleniya terapii GK i ATs pri razlichnykh variantakh terapii BSh.Цель исследования. Оценить эффективность длительной терапии болезни Шегрена (БШ) малыми дозами глюкокортикоидных (ГК) и алкилирующих цитотоксических (АЦ) препаратов Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 412 пациентов (406 женщин и 6 мужчин) с БШ, наблюдавшихся в Институте ревматологии в 1975 - 2007 гг. Медиана наблюдения - 9 (5-15) лет. Средний возраст больных на начало наблюдения - 44,8 года. Медиана длительности БШ до первого поступления - 9 лет, медиана возраста дебюта БШ - 33 года. Эффективность длительной терапии малыми дозами ГКу 151 больного (медиана - 10 лет), малыми дозами АЦу 147 больных (медиана - 5 лет) оценена в сравнении с результатами лечения 94 больных, получавших только «офтальмологические» и «стоматологические» методы терапии. Результаты исследования. Показано, что терапия малыми дозами ГК и АЦ положительно влияла на некоторые железистые и внежелезистые проявления заболевания, однако к снижению вероятности развития лимфопролиферативных заболеваний (р=0,036) и повышению выживаемости больных с БШ приводила только терапия АЦ (р=0,037). Разработаны и представлены методики локального использования ГК при тяжелых офтальмологических и стоматологических проявлениях БШ. У 150 больных с БШ с тяжелыми системными проявлениями представлены показания и противопоказания для проведения пульс-терапии (ПТ), комбинированной ПТ, плазмафереза, криоафереза и двойной фильтрации плазмы в сочетании с комбинированной ПТ. Показано, что назначение малых доз ГК и ПТ у женщин с БШ с сохраненным менструальным циклом приводит к более раннему наступлению менопаузы и способствует развитию глюкокортикоидного и постменопаузального остеопороза в отдаленные сроки. Оценены наиболее значимые побочные проявления терапии ГК и АЦ при различных вариантах терапии БШ

    Solution combustion synthesis of α-Al2O3 using urea

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    The processes involved in the solution combustion synthesis of α-Al2O3 using urea as an organic fuel were investigated. The data describing the influence of the relative urea content on the characteristic features of the combustion process, the crystalline structure and the morphology of the aluminium oxide are presented herein. Our data demonstrate that the combustion of stable aluminium nitrate and urea complexes leads to the formation of α-alumina at temperatures of approximately 600-800 °C. Our results, obtained using differential thermal analysis and IR spectroscopy methods, reveal that the low-temperature formation of α-alumina is associated with the thermal decomposition of an α-AlO(OH) intermediate, which was crystallised in the crystal structure of the diaspore. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l

    Influence of helicity on scaling regimes in the extended Kraichnan model

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    We have investigated the advection of a passive scalar quantity by incompressible helical turbulent flow in the frame of extended Kraichnan model. Turbulent fluctuations of velocity field are assumed to have the Gaussian statistics with zero mean and defined noise with finite time-correlation. Actual calculations have been done up to two-loop approximation in the frame of field-theoretic renormalization group approach. It turned out that space parity violation (helicity) of turbulent environment does not affect anomalous scaling which is peculiar attribute of corresponding model without helicity. However, stability of asymptotic regimes, where anomalous scaling takes place, strongly depends on the amount of helicity. Moreover, helicity gives rise to the turbulent diffusivity, which has been calculated in one-loop approximation.Comment: 16 pages, talk given by M. Hnatich at "Renormalization Group 2005", Helsinki, Finland 30 August - 3 September 2005. To apear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Investigation of photoneutron reactions close to and above the neutron emission threshold in the rare earth region

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    We have investigated the photoneutron cross section of the isotopes 148,150^{148,150}Nd, 154^{154}Sm, and 154,160^{154,160}Gd close to the neutron emission threshold in photoactivation experiments at the Darmstadt superconducting electron linear accelerator S-DALINAC. Naturally composed targets were activated with a high-intensity bremsstrahlung beam at various energies and the reaction yields have been determined by measuring the activity of the produced radioactive isotopes with HPGe detectors. The results are compared to two different statistical model calculations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Strong damping of phononic heat current by magnetic excitations in SrCu_2(BO_3)_2

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    Measurements of the thermal conductivity as a function of temperature and magnetic field in the 2D dimer spin system SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 are presented. In zero magnetic field the thermal conductivity along and perpendicular to the magnetic planes shows a pronounced double-peak structure as a function of temperature. The low-temperature maximum is drastically suppressed with increasing magnetic field. Our quantitative analysis reveals that the heat current is due to phonons and that the double-peak structure arises from pronounced resonant scattering of phonons by magnetic excitations.Comment: a bit more than 4 pages, 2 figures included; minor changes to improve the clarity of the presentatio

    Description of the two neutrino double beta decay in deformed nuclei with projected spherical single particle states

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    Using an angular momentum projected single particle basis, a pnQRPA approach is used to study the 2νββ2\nu\beta\beta properties of ten isotopes, exhibiting various quadrupole deformations. The mother and daughter nuclei exhibit different quadrupole deformations. Since the projected basis enables a unified description of deformed and spherical nuclei, situations where the nuclei involved in the double beta decay process are both spherical, both deformed or one spherical and another deformed, can be treated through a sole formalism. Dependence of single β\beta^- and β+\beta^+ strength distribution on atomic mass number and nuclear deformation is analyzed. For the double beta decay process, the Gamow-Teller transition amplitudes and half lives are calculated. Results are compared with the experimental data as well as with the predictions of other theoretical approaches. The agreement between the present results and experimental data is fairly good.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figure

    Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays

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    The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47 microns to 243 microns. The efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per layer is approximately 5 ns