190 research outputs found

    Comunicación entre el personal sanitario y el paciente afásico

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    Comunicación oral presentada en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: la afasia es la pérdida de capacidad de expresión debida a una lesión temporal o crónica de los centros temporales. Se calcula que en España hay unos 300.000 casos. Las limitaciones varían dependiendo del área dañada, viéndose afectada su capacidad para hablar, leer, escribir o comprender. Objetivos: Conocer los principales errores que comete el personal sanitario al comunicarse con el paciente afásico. Mostrar alternativas de comunicación entre paciente y personal sanitario. Fomentar la comunicación interprofesional. Metodología: se realiza una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Dialnet, Lilacs, Medline y Cuiden Plus con las palabras “comunicación” “paciente” “afasia” para artículos a texto completo publicados en los últimos diez años. Resultados: la búsqueda ofreció resultados, que después proceso de selección se redujeron a cuatro artículos. Resultados: la bibliografía sobre la temática del estudio es escasa, la mayoría de los estudios se centran en el ámbito logopédico. Los profesionales que a diario se relacionan conel paciente afásico, carecen de formación en habilidades comunicativas, consecuencia de esro es que nos enfrentamos a una comunicación personal-paciente ineficaz reflejada en frustración en ambos. Se evidencia la necesidad de futuras líneas de investigación sobre este tema, con el fin, de mejorar la calidad de vida del enfermo afásico; así como fomentar el dialogo entre logopedas y el resto de profesionales sanitarios

    Phase Variation in HMW1A Controls a Phenotypic Switch in Haemophilus influenzae Associated with Pathoadaptation during Persistent Infection

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    Genetic variants arising from within-patient evolution shed light on bacterial adaptation during chronic infection. Contingency loci generate high levels of genetic variation in bacterial genomes, enabling adaptation to the stringent selective pressures exerted by the host. A significant gap in our understanding of phase-variable contingency loci is the extent of their contribution to natural infections. The human-adapted pathogen nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) causes persistent infections, which contribute to underlying disease progression. The phase-variable high-molecular-weight (HMW) adhesins located on the NTHi surface mediate adherence to respiratory epithelial cells and, depending on the allelic variant, can also confer high epithelial invasiveness or hyperinvasion. In this study, we characterize the dynamics of HMW-mediated hyperinvasion in living cells and identify a specific HMW binding domain shared by hyperinvasive NTHi isolates of distinct pathological origins. Moreover, we observed that HMW expression decreased over time by using a longitudinal set of persistent NTHi strains collected from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, resulting from increased numbers of simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) downstream of the functional P2hmw1A promoter, which is the one primarily driving HMW expression. Notably, the increased SSR numbers at the hmw1 promoter region also control a phenotypic switch toward lower bacterial intracellular invasion and higher biofilm formation, likely conferring adaptive advantages during chronic airway infection by NTHi. Overall, we reveal novel molecular mechanisms of NTHi pathoadaptation based on within-patient lifestyle switching controlled by phase variation. IMPORTANCE Human-adapted bacterial pathogens have evolved specific mechanisms to colonize their host niche. Phase variation is a contingency strategy to allow adaptation to changing conditions, as phase-variable bacterial loci rapidly and reversibly switch their expression. Several NTHi adhesins are phase variable. These adhesins are required for colonization but also immunogenic, in such a way that bacteria with lower adhesin levels are better equipped to survive an immune response, making their contribution to natural infections unclear. We show here that the major NTHi adhesin HMW1A displays allelic variation, which can drive a phase-variable epithelial hyperinvasion phenotype. Over time, hmw1A phase variation lowers adhesin expression, which controls an NTHi lifestyle switch from high epithelial invasiveness to lower invasion and higher biofilm formation. This reversible loss of function aligns with the previously stated notion that epithelial infection is essential for NTHi infection establishment, but once established, persistence favors gene inactivation, in this case facilitating biofilm growth

    Impact of outdoor air pollution on severity and mortality in COVID-19 pneumonia

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    The relationship between exposure to air pollution and the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia and other outcomes is poorly understood. Beyond age and comorbidity, risk factors for adverse outcomes including death have been poorly studied. The main objective of our study was to examine the relationship between exposure to outdoor air pollution and the risk of death in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia using individual-level data. The secondary objective was to investigate the impact of air pollutants on gas exchange and systemic inflammation in this disease. This cohort study included 1548 patients hospitalised for COVID-19 pneumonia between February and May 2020 in one of four hospitals. Local agencies supplied daily data on environmental air pollutants (PM10PM_{10}, PM2.5PM_{2.5}, O3O_3, NO2NO_2, NONO and NOXNO_X) and meteorological conditions (temperature and humidity) in the year before hospital admission (from January 2019 to December 2019). Daily exposure to pollution and meteorological conditions by individual postcode of residence was estimated using geospatial Bayesian generalised additive models. The influence of air pollution on pneumonia severity was studied using generalised additive models which included: age, sex, Charlson comorbidity index, hospital, average income, air temperature and humidity, and exposure to each pollutant. Additionally, generalised additive models were generated for exploring the effect of air pollution on C-reactive protein (CRP) level and SpO2O_2/FiO2O_2 at admission. According to our results, both risk of COVID-19 death and CRP level increased significantly with median exposure to PM10PM_{10}, NO2NO_2, NONO and NOXNO_X, while higher exposure to NO2NO_2, NONO and NOXNO_X was associated with lower SpO2O_2/FiO2O_2 ratios. In conclusion, after controlling for socioeconomic, demographic and health-related variables, we found evidence of a significant positive relationship between air pollution and mortality in patients hospitalised for COVID-19 pneumonia. Additionally, inflammation (CRP) and gas exchange (SpO2O_2/FiO2O_2) in these patients were significantly related to exposure to air pollution

    Unveiling the Atomic and Electronic Structure of Stacked-Cup Carbon Nanofibers

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    We report results of comprehensive experimental exploration (X-ray photoemission, Raman and optical spectroscopy) of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) in combination with first-principles modeling. Core-level spectra demonstrate prevalence of sp2 hybridization of carbon atoms in CNF with a trace amount of carbon–oxygen bonds. The density functional theory (DFT)-based calculations demonstrated no visible difference between mono- and bilayers because σ-orbitals are related to in-plane covalent bonds. The influence of the distortions on π-peak is found to be significant only for bilayers as a result of π–π interlayer bonds formation. These results are supported by both experimental Raman and XPS valence band spectra. The combination of optical measurements with a theoretical modeling indicates the formation of optically active graphene quantum dots (GQDs) in the CNF matrix, with a radiative relaxation of the excited π* state. The calculated electronic structure of these GQDs is in quantitative agreement with the measured optical transitions and provides an explanation of the absence of visible contribution from these GQDs to the measured valence bands spectra. © 2021, The Author(s).XPS measurements calculations are supported by Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation: Theme “Electron” № AAAA-A18-118020190098-5 and Project FEUZ-2020-0059. Optical measurements were additionally supported by RFBR project № 20-42-660012 and RSF project № 21-12-00392. DWB acknowledges the support from Jiangsu innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents Project

    Pleural cancer mortality in Spain: time-trends and updating of predictions up to 2020

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    Background A total of 2,514,346 metric tons (Mt) of asbestos were imported into Spain from 1906 until the ban on asbestos in 2002. Our objective was to study pleural cancer mortality trends as an indicator of mesothelioma mortality and update mortality predictions for the periods 2011–2015 and 2016–2020 in Spain.Methods Log-linear Poisson models were fitted to study the effect of age, period of death and birth cohort (APC) on mortality trends. Change points in cohort- and period-effect curvatures were assessed using segmented regression. Fractional power-link APC models were used to predict mortality until 2020. In addition, an alternative model based on national asbestos consumption figures was also used to perform long-term predictions.Results Pleural cancer deaths increased across the study period, rising from 491 in 1976–1980 to 1,249 in 2006–2010. Predictions for the five-year period 2016–2020 indicated a total of 1,319 pleural cancer deaths (264 deaths/year). Forecasts up to 2020 indicated that this increase would continue, though the age-adjusted rates showed a levelling-off in male mortality from 2001 to 2005, corresponding to the lower risk in post-1960 generations. Among women, rates were lower and the mortality trend was also different, indicating that occupational exposure was possibly the single factor having most influence on pleural cancer mortality.Conclusion The cancer mortality-related consequences of human exposure to asbestos are set to persist and remain in evidence until the last surviving members of the exposed cohorts have disappeared. It can thus be assumed that occupationally-related deaths due to pleural mesothelioma will continue to occur in Spain until at least 2040.The study was partially supported by a research grant from the Spanish Health Research Fund (FIS PI11/00871) and the HAR2009-07543 project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The Department of Labour of the Government of Catalonia provided the asbestos consumption data

    High intensity neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe

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    The EUROnu project has studied three possible options for future, high intensity neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe. The first is a Super Beam, in which the neutrinos come from the decay of pions created by bombarding targets with a 4 MW proton beam from the CERN High Power Superconducting Proton Linac. The far detector for this facility is the 500 kt MEMPHYS water Cherenkov, located in the Fréjus tunnel. The second facility is the Neutrino Factory, in which the neutrinos come from the decay of μ+ and μ− beams in a storage ring. The far detector in this case is a 100 kt magnetized iron neutrino detector at a baseline of 2000 km. The third option is a Beta Beam, in which the neutrinos come from the decay of beta emitting isotopes, in particular He6 and Ne18, also stored in a ring. The far detector is also the MEMPHYS detector in the Fréjus tunnel. EUROnu has undertaken conceptual designs of these facilities and studied the performance of the detectors. Based on this, it has determined the physics reach of each facility, in particular for the measurement of CP violation in the lepton sector, and estimated the cost of construction. These have demonstrated that the best facility to build is the Neutrino Factory. However, if a powerful proton driver is constructed for another purpose or if the MEMPHYS detector is built for astroparticle physics, the Super Beam also becomes very attractive

    Long-term adherence to IFN beta-1a treatment when using rebismart1device in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

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    The effectiveness of disease-modifying drugs in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is associated with adherence. RebiSmart® electronic device provides useful information about adherence to the treatment with subcutaneous (sc) interferon (IFN) ß-1a (Rebif®). The aim of the study was to determine long-term adherence to this treatment in patients with relapsing- remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). This retrospective multicentre observational study analysed 258 patients with RRMS who were receiving sc IFN ß-1a (Rebif®) treatment by using RebiSmart® until replacement (36 months maximum lifetime) or treatment discontinuation. Adherence was calculated with data (injection dosage, time, and date) automatically recorded by RebiSmart®. Patients in the study had a mean age of 41 years with a female proportion of 68%. Mean EDSS score at start of treatment was 1.8 (95% CI, 1.6-1.9). Overall adherence was 92.6%(95% CI, 90.6-94.5%). A total of 30.2% of patients achieved an adherence rate of 100%, 80.6% at least 90%, and only 13.2% of patients showed a suboptimal adherence (<80%). A total of 59.9% of subjects were relapse-free after treatment initiation. Among 106 subjects (41.1%) who experienced, on average, 1.4 relapses, the majority were mild (40.6%) or moderate (47.2%). Having experienced relapses from the beginning of the treatment was the only variable significantly related to achieving an adherence of at least 80% (OR = 3.06, 1.28-7.31). Results of this study indicate that sc IFN ß-1a administration facilitated by RebiSmart® could lead to high rates of adherence to a prescribed dose regimen over 36 months