164 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Skin-mounted Sensor for Head Impact Measurement

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    Background: The requirement to measure the number and severity of head impacts in sports has led to the development of wearable sensors. Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the reliability and accuracy of a wearable head impact sensor: xPatch, X2Biosystems Inc. Methods: The skin mounted sensor, xPatch, was fixed onto a Hybrid III headform, and dropped using an impact test rig. Four hundred impacts were performed, ranging from 20 to 200g linear acceleration, and impact velocities of 1.2m/s to 3.9m/s. During each impact, the peak linear acceleration, angular velocity and angular acceleration, were recorded and compared to reference calibrated data. Impacts were also recorded using a high-speed video camera. Results: The linear acceleration recorded by the xPatch during frontal and side impacts had errors of up to 24% when compared to the referenced data. The angular velocity and angular acceleration had substantially larger errors of up to 47.5% and 57% respectively. The location of the impact had a significant effect on the results: if the impact was to the side of the head, the device on that side may have an error of up to 71%, thus highlighting the importance of device location. All impacts were recorded using two separate xPatches and, in certain cases, the difference in angular velocity between the devices was 43%. Conclusion: The xPatch can be useful for identifying impacts and recording linear accelerations during front and side impacts, but the rotational velocity and acceleration data needs to be interpreted with caution

    Pre-Treatment With Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Protects Against Ischemic Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Stunning Without a Detected Difference in Myocardial Substrate Utilization

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    AbstractObjectivesThis study sought to determine whether pre-treatment with intravenous glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)(7-36) amide could alter myocardial glucose use and protect the heart against ischemic left ventricular (LV) dysfunction during percutaneous coronary intervention.BackgroundGLP-1 has been shown to have favorable cardioprotective effects, but its mechanisms of action remain unclear.MethodsTwenty patients with preserved LV function and single-vessel left anterior descending coronary artery disease undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention were studied. A conductance catheter was placed into the LV, and pressure-volume loops were recorded at baseline, during 1-min low-pressure balloon occlusion (BO), and at 30-min recovery. Patients were randomized to receive an infusion of either GLP-1(7-36) amide at 1.2 pmol/kg/min or saline immediately after baseline measurements. Simultaneous coronary artery and coronary sinus blood sampling was performed at baseline and after BO to assess transmyocardial glucose concentration gradients.ResultsBO caused both ischemic LV dysfunction and stunning in the control group but not in the GLP-1 group. Compared with control subjects, the GLP-1 group had a smaller reduction in LV performance during BO (delta dP/dTmax, –4.3 vs. –19.0%, p = 0.02; delta stroke volume, –7.8 vs. –26.4%, p = 0.05), and improved LV performance at 30-min recovery. There was no difference in transmyocardial glucose concentration gradients between the 2 groups.ConclusionsPre-treatment with GLP-1(7-36) amide protects the heart against ischemic LV dysfunction and improves the recovery of function during reperfusion. This occurs without a detected change in myocardial glucose extraction and may indicate a mechanism of action independent of an effect on cardiac substrate use. (Effect of Glucgon-Like-Peptide-1 [GLP-1] on Left Ventricular Function During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention [PCI]; ISRCTN77442023

    A multicriteria decision analysis comparing pharmacotherapy for chronic neuropathic pain, including cannabinoids and cannabis-based medical products

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    Background: Pharmacological management of chronic neuropathic pain (CNP) still represents a major clinical challenge. Collective harnessing of both the scientific evidence base and clinical experience (of clinicians and patients) can play a key role in informing treatment pathways and contribute to the debate on specific treatments (e.g., cannabinoids). A group of expert clinicians (pain specialists and psychiatrists), scientists, and patient representatives convened to assess the relative benefit–safety balance of 12 pharmacological treatments, including orally administered cannabinoids/cannabis-based medicinal products, for the treatment of CNP in adults. Methods: A decision conference provided the process of creating a multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) model, in which the group collectively scored the drugs on 17 effect criteria relevant to benefits and safety and then weighted the criteria for their clinical relevance. Findings: Cannabis-based medicinal products consisting of tetrahydrocannabinol/cannabidiol (THC/CBD), in a 1:1 ratio, achieved the highest overall score, 79 (out of 100), followed by CBD dominant at 75, then THC dominant at 72. Duloxetine and the gabapentinoids scored in the 60s, amitriptyline, tramadol, and ibuprofen in the 50s, methadone and oxycodone in the 40s, and morphine and fentanyl in the 30s. Sensitivity analyses showed that even if the pain reduction and quality-of-life scores for THC/CBD and THC are halved, their benefit–safety balances remain better than those of the noncannabinoid drugs. Interpretation: The benefit–safety profiles for cannabinoids were higher than for other commonly used medications for CNP largely because they contribute more to quality of life and have a more favorable side effect profile. The results also reflect the shortcomings of alternative pharmacological treatments with respect to safety and mitigation of neuropathic pain symptoms. Further high-quality clinical trials and systematic comprehensive capture of clinical experience with cannabinoids is warranted. These results demonstrate once again the complexity and multimodal mechanisms underlying the clinical experience and impact of chronic pain

    Residual OXPHOS is required to drive primary and metastatic lung tumours in an orthotopic breast cancer model

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    BackgroundFast adaptation of glycolytic and mitochondrial energy pathways to changes in the tumour microenvironment is a hallmark of cancer. Purely glycolytic ρ0 tumour cells do not form primary tumours unless they acquire healthy mitochondria from their micro-environment. Here we explored the effects of severely compromised respiration on the metastatic capability of 4T1 mouse breast cancer cells.Methods4T1 cell lines with different levels of respiratory capacity were generated; the Seahorse extracellular flux analyser was used to evaluate oxygen consumption rates, fluorescent confocal microscopy to assess the number of SYBR gold-stained mitochondrial DNA nucleoids, and the presence of the ATP5B protein in the cytoplasm and fluorescent in situ nuclear hybridization was used to establish ploidy. MinION nanopore RNA sequence analysis was used to compare mitochondrial DNA transcription between cell lines. Orthotopic injection was used to determine the ability of cells to metastasize to the lungs of female Balb/c mice.ResultsOXPHOS-deficient ATP5B-KO3.1 cells did not generate primary tumours. Severely OXPHOS compromised ρ0D5 cells generated both primary tumours and lung metastases. Cells generated from lung metastasis of both OXPHOS-competent and OXPHOS-compromised cells formed primary tumours but no metastases when re-injected into mice. OXPHOS-compromised cells significantly increased their mtDNA content, but this did not result in increased OXPHOS capacity, which was not due to decreased mtDNA transcription. Gene set enrichment analysis suggests that certain cells derived from lung metastases downregulate their epithelial-to-mesenchymal related pathways.ConclusionIn summary, OXPHOS is required for tumorigenesis in this orthotopic mouse breast cancer model but even very low levels of OXPHOS are sufficient to generate both primary tumours and lung metastases

    Single-cell analysis of senescent epithelia reveals targetable mechanisms promoting fibrosis

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    Progressive fibrosis and maladaptive organ repair result in significant morbidity and millions of premature deaths annually. Senescent cells accumulate with aging and after injury and are implicated in organ fibrosis, but the mechanisms by which senescence influences repair are poorly understood. Using 2 murine models of injury and repair, we show that obstructive injury generated senescent epithelia, which persisted after resolution of the original injury, promoted ongoing fibrosis, and impeded adaptive repair. Depletion of senescent cells with ABT-263 reduced fibrosis in reversed ureteric obstruction and after renal ischemia/reperfusion injury. We validated these findings in humans, showing that senescence and fibrosis persisted after relieved renal obstruction. We next characterized senescent epithelia in murine renal injury using single-cell RNA-Seq. We extended our classification to human kidney and liver disease and identified conserved profibrotic proteins, which we validated in vitro and in human disease. We demonstrated that increased levels of protein disulfide isomerase family A member 3 (PDIA3) augmented TGF-β–mediated fibroblast activation. Inhibition of PDIA3 in vivo significantly reduced kidney fibrosis during ongoing renal injury and as such represented a new potential therapeutic pathway. Analysis of the signaling pathways of senescent epithelia connected senescence to organ fibrosis, permitting rational design of antifibrotic therapies

    T cell metabolism drives immunity

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    Lymphocytes must adapt to a wide array of environmental stressors as part of their normal development, during which they undergo a dramatic metabolic remodeling process. Research in this area has yielded surprising findings on the roles of diverse metabolic pathways and metabolites, which have been found to regulate lymphocyte signaling and influence differentiation, function and fate. In this review, we integrate the latest findings in the field to provide an up-to-date resource on lymphocyte metabolism

    Analysis of memory B cell responses and isolation of novel monoclonal antibodies with neutralizing breadth from HIV-1-infected individuals

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    Background The isolation of human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that neutralize a broad spectrum of primary HIV-1 isolates and the characterization of the human neutralizing antibody B cell response to HIV-1 infection are important goals that are central to the design of an effective antibody-based vaccine. Methods and Findings We immortalized IgG+ memory B cells from individuals infected with diverse clades of HIV-1 and selected on the basis of plasma neutralization profiles that were cross-clade and relatively potent. Culture supernatants were screened using various recombinant forms of the envelope glycoproteins (Env) in multiple parallel assays. We isolated 58 mAbs that were mapped to different Env surfaces, most of which showed neutralizing activity. One mAb in particular (HJ16) specific for a novel epitope proximal to the CD4 binding site on gp120 selectively neutralized a multi-clade panel of Tier-2 HIV-1 pseudoviruses, and demonstrated reactivity that was comparable in breadth, but distinct in neutralization specificity, to that of the other CD4 binding site-specific neutralizing mAb b12. A second mAb (HGN194) bound a conserved epitope in the V3 crown and neutralized all Tier-1 and a proportion of Tier-2 pseudoviruses tested, irrespective of clade. A third mAb (HK20) with broad neutralizing activity, particularly as a Fab fragment, recognized a highly conserved epitope in the HR-1 region of gp41, but showed striking assay-dependent selectivity in its activity. Conclusions This study reveals that by using appropriate screening methods, a large proportion of memory B cells can be isolated that produce mAbs with HIV-1 neutralizing activity. Three of these mAbs show unusual breadth of neutralization and therefore add to the current panel of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies with potential for passive protection and template-based vaccine design

    PRIMO: an interactive homology modeling pipeline

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    The development of automated servers to predict the three-dimensional structure of proteins has seen much progress over the years. These servers make calculations simpler, but largely exclude users from the process. In this study, we present the PRotein Interactive MOdeling (PRIMO) pipeline for homology modeling of protein monomers. The pipeline eases the multi-step modeling process, and reduces the workload required by the user, while still allowing engagement from the user during every step. Default parameters are given for each step, which can either be modified or supplemented with additional external input. PRIMO has been designed for users of varying levels of experience with homology modeling. The pipeline incorporates a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to alter parameters used during modeling

    The Mid-infrared Instrument for JWST and Its In-flight Performance

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    The Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) extends the reach of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to 28.5 μm. It provides subarcsecond-resolution imaging, high sensitivity coronagraphy, and spectroscopy at resolutions of λ/Δλ ∼ 100-3500, with the high-resolution mode employing an integral field unit to provide spatial data cubes. The resulting broad suite of capabilities will enable huge advances in studies over this wavelength range. This overview describes the history of acquiring this capability for JWST. It discusses the basic attributes of the instrument optics, the detector arrays, and the cryocooler that keeps everything at approximately 7 K. It gives a short description of the data pipeline and of the instrument performance demonstrated during JWST commissioning. The bottom line is that the telescope and MIRI are both operating to the standards set by pre-launch predictions, and all of the MIRI capabilities are operating at, or even a bit better than, the level that had been expected. The paper is also designed to act as a roadmap to more detailed papers on different aspects of MIRI