385 research outputs found

    Elevated CO<sub>2</sub> does not increase eucalypt forest productivity on a low-phosphorus soil

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    Rising atmospheric CO2 stimulates photosynthesis and productivity of forests, offsetting CO2 emissions. Elevated CO2 experiments in temperate planted forests yielded ~23% increases in productivity over the initial years. Whether similar CO2 stimulation occurs in mature evergreen broadleaved forests on low-phosphorus (P) soils is unknown, largely due to lack of experimental evidence. This knowledge gap creates major uncertainties in future climate projections as a large part of the tropics is P-limited. Here,we increased atmospheric CO2 concentration in a mature broadleaved evergreen eucalypt forest for three years, in the first large-scale experiment on a P-limited site. We show that tree growth and other aboveground productivity components did not significantly increase in response to elevated CO2 in three years, despite a sustained 19% increase in leaf photosynthesis. Moreover, tree growth in ambient CO2 was strongly P-limited and increased by ~35% with added phosphorus. The findings suggest that P availability may potentially constrain CO2-enhanced productivity in P-limited forests; hence, future atmospheric CO2 trajectories may be higher than predicted by some models. As a result, coupled climate-carbon models should incorporate both nitrogen and phosphorus limitations to vegetation productivity in estimating future carbon sinks

    Bio-energy retains its mitigation potential under elevated CO2

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    Background If biofuels are to be a viable substitute for fossil fuels, it is essential that they retain their potential to mitigate climate change under future atmospheric conditions. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration [CO2] stimulates plant biomass production; however, the beneficial effects of increased production may be offset by higher energy costs in crop management. Methodology/Main findings We maintained full size poplar short rotation coppice (SRC) systems under both current ambient and future elevated [CO2] (550 ppm) and estimated their net energy and greenhouse gas balance. We show that a poplar SRC system is energy efficient and produces more energy than required for coppice management. Even more, elevated [CO2] will increase the net energy production and greenhouse gas balance of a SRC system with 18%. Managing the trees in shorter rotation cycles (i.e. 2 year cycles instead of 3 year cycles) will further enhance the benefits from elevated [CO2] on both the net energy and greenhouse gas balance. Conclusions/significance Adapting coppice management to the future atmospheric [CO2] is necessary to fully benefit from the climate mitigation potential of bio-energy systems. Further, a future increase in potential biomass production due to elevated [CO2] outweighs the increased production costs resulting in a northward extension of the area where SRC is greenhouse gas neutral. Currently, the main part of the European terrestrial carbon sink is found in forest biomass and attributed to harvesting less than the annual growth in wood. Because SRC is intensively managed, with a higher turnover in wood production than conventional forest, northward expansion of SRC is likely to erode the European terrestrial carbon sink

    Underestimated role of legume roots for soil N fertility

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    Research ArticleNitrogen (N) is a major fertilizing element for plants. The distribution of N in legumes is influencing the efficiency of the next crop. Nitrogen storage in legumes is actually estimated by N fixation in shoots, whereas there is little knowledge on the contribution of roots and nodules to legume N and soil N. Here, we studied the contribution of roots and nodules of grain and pasture legumes to plant N and soil N in Mediterranean fields. Experiments were run under rainfed conditions for a 2-year period in three regions of Portugal. Entire plants including top plant and visible roots and nodules were sampled at the end of the growing seasons for grain legumes, sweet and yellow lupine, and over two harvests in case of pastures. N2 fixation was measured for grain legumes and pasture legumes using 15N tracing. Our results show that aboveground N concentration did not vary among legumes, but differed in the belowground tissues. Field studies show that 7–11%of total legume N was associated with roots and nodules. Data also show an allocation of 11– 14 kg N fixed t−1 belowground dry matter in indeterminate legumes, which represents half the amount of total aboveground plant. This finding demonstrates that investigation relying only on shoot Nunderestimates the role of legumes for soil N fertilityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Climate Change Alters Seedling Emergence and Establishment in an Old-Field Ecosystem

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    Background: Ecological succession drives large-scale changes in ecosystem composition over time, but the mechanisms whereby climatic change might alter succession remain unresolved. Here, we asked if the effects of atmospheric and climatic change would alter tree seedling emergence and establishment in an old-field ecosystem, recognizing that small shifts in rates of seedling emergence and establishment of different species may have long-term repercussions on the transition of fields to forests in the future. Methodology/Principal Findings: We introduced seeds from three early successional tree species into constructed old-field plant communities that had been subjected for 4 years to altered temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric CO 2 regimes in an experimental facility. Our experiment revealed that different combinations of atmospheric CO2 concentration, air temperature, and soil moisture altered seedling emergence and establishment. Treatments directly and indirectly affected soil moisture, which was the best predictor of seedling establishment, though treatment effects differed among species. Conclusions: The observed impacts, coupled with variations in the timing of seed arrival, are demonstrated as predictors o

    Terrestrial vegetation redistribution and carbon balance under climate change

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    BACKGROUND: Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) compute the terrestrial carbon balance as well as the transient spatial distribution of vegetation. We study two scenarios of moderate and strong climate change (2.9 K and 5.3 K temperature increase over present) to investigate the spatial redistribution of major vegetation types and their carbon balance in the year 2100. RESULTS: The world's land vegetation will be more deciduous than at present, and contain about 125 billion tons of additional carbon. While a recession of the boreal forest is simulated in some areas, along with a general expansion to the north, we do not observe a reported collapse of the central Amazonian rain forest. Rather, a decrease of biomass and a change of vegetation type occurs in its northeastern part. The ability of the terrestrial biosphere to sequester carbon from the atmosphere declines strongly in the second half of the 21(st )century. CONCLUSION: Climate change will cause widespread shifts in the distribution of major vegetation functional types on all continents by the year 2100

    Rhizome Severing Increases Root Lifespan of Leymus chinensis in a Typical Steppe of Inner Mongolia

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    Root lifespan is an important trait that determines plants' ability to acquire and conserve soil resources. There have been several studies investigating characteristics of root lifespan of both woody and herbaceous species. However, most of the studies have focused on non-clonal plants, and there have been little data on root lifespan for clonal plants that occur widely in temperate grasslands.We investigated the effects of rhizome severing on overall root lifespan of Leymus chinensis, a clonal, dominant grass species in the temperate steppe in northern China, in a 2-year field study using modified rhizotron technique. More specifically, we investigated the effects of rhizome severing on root lifespan of roots born in different seasons and distributed at different soil depths. Rhizome severing led to an increase in the overall root lifespan from 81 to 103 days. The increase in root lifespan exhibited spatial and temporal characteristics such that it increased lifespan for roots distributed in the top two soil layers and for roots born in summer and spring, but it had no effect on lifespan of roots in the deep soil layer and born in autumn. We also examined the effect of rhizome severing on carbohydrate and N contents in roots, and found that root carbohydrate and N contents were not affected by rhizome severing. Further, we found that root lifespan of Stipa krylovii and Artemisia frigida, two dominant, non-clonal species in the temperate steppe, was significantly longer (118 d) than that of L. chinensis (81 d), and this value became comparable to that of L. chinensis under rhizome severing (103 d).We found that root lifespan in dominant, clonal L. chinensis was shorter than for the dominant, non-clonal species of S. krylovii and A. frigida. There was a substantial increase in the root lifespan of L. chinensis in response to severing their rhizomes, and this increase in root lifespan exhibited temporal and spatial characteristics. These findings suggest that the presence of rhizomes is likely to account for the observed short lifespan of clonal plant species in the temperate steppe

    The response of Plantago major ssp pleiosperma to elevated CO2 is modulated by the formation of secondary shoots

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    The effect of elevated CO2 on the relative growth rate (RGR) of Plantago major ssp. pleiosperma was studied during the vegetative stage, in relation to plant development, by growing plants at 350 mu l l(-1) or at 700 mu l l(-1) CO2 in non-limiting nutrient solution with nitrate. To minimize interference by the accumulation of non-structural carbohydrates in the interpretation of results, RGR was expressed on a f. wt basis (RGR(FW)), as were all plant weight ratios. Stimulation of the RGR(FW) Of the whole plant by elevated CO2 was transient, and did not last longer than 8 d. At the same time a transient increase in root weight ratio (RWR) was observed. In order to investigate whether the transient effect of elevated CO2 on RGR(FW) was size-dependent, the data were plotted versus total f. wt (log(e) transformed). The transient period of stimulation of RGR(FW) and of RWR by elevated CO2 was still found, but in both CO2 treatments RGR(FW) decreased after a certain plant size had been reached. This size coincided with the stage at which secondary shoots started to develop, and was reached earlier in plants grown at elevated CO2. The RGR of these secondary shoots (RGR(see)) was Still increased when the period of whole plant stimulation of RGR(FW) had ended, indicating that the development of these new sinks took priority over a continuation of the stimulation of RWR. It is hypothesized that in this Plantago subspecies the response of the RGR(FW) of the whole plants to elevated CO2 is modulated by the formation of secondary shoots. Apparently, partitioning of the extra soluble carbohydrates at elevated CO2 to this tissue takes precedence over partitioning to the roots. resulting in a cessation of stimulation of plant RGR(FW) by elevated CO2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do Native Parasitic Plants Cause More Damage to Exotic Invasive Hosts Than Native Non-Invasive Hosts? An Implication for Biocontrol

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    Field studies have shown that native, parasitic plants grow vigorously on invasive plants and can cause more damage to invasive plants than native plants. However, no empirical test has been conducted and the mechanism is still unknown. We conducted a completely randomized greenhouse experiment using 3 congeneric pairs of exotic, invasive and native, non-invasive herbaceous plant species to quantify the damage caused by parasitic plants to hosts and its correlation with the hosts' growth rate and resource use efficiency. The biomass of the parasitic plants on exotic, invasive hosts was significantly higher than on congeneric native, non-invasive hosts. Parasites caused more damage to exotic, invasive hosts than to congeneric, native, non-invasive hosts. The damage caused by parasites to hosts was significantly positively correlated with the biomass of parasitic plants. The damage of parasites to hosts was significantly positively correlated with the relative growth rate and the resource use efficiency of its host plants. It may be the mechanism by which parasitic plants grow more vigorously on invasive hosts and cause more damage to exotic, invasive hosts than to native, non-invasive hosts. These results suggest a potential biological control effect of native, parasitic plants on invasive species by reducing the dominance of invasive species in the invaded community

    Enhanced woody biomass production in a mature temperate forest under elevated CO2

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    This is the final version. Available from Nature Research via the DOI in this record. Data availability: All data are publicly available without restriction at Dryad (https://datadryad.org/stash) at https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.z612jm6jw (ref. 54). Biological samples (leaf litter, tree cores) were collected at the BIFoR research site (52.801° N, 2.301° W) and are archived at the University of Birmingham.Code availability: Quantitative structure models and calculation of tree volume from TLS data (QSMs) used the open-source software optQSM (https://github.com/apburt/optqsm) and TreeQSM v.2.4.1 (https://github.com/InverseTampere/TreeQSM).Enhanced CO2 assimilation by forests as atmospheric CO2 concentration rises could slow the rate of CO2 increase if the assimilated carbon is allocated to long-lived biomass. Experiments in young tree plantations support a CO2 fertilization effect as atmospheric CO2 continues to increase. Uncertainty exists, however, as to whether older, more mature forests retain the capacity to respond to elevated CO2. Here, aided by tree-ring analysis and canopy laser scanning, we show that a 180-year-old Quercus robur L. woodland in central England increased the production of woody biomass when exposed to free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) for 7 years. Further, elevated CO2 increased exudation of carbon from fine roots into the soil with likely effects on nutrient cycles. The increase in tree growth and allocation to long-lived woody biomass demonstrated here substantiates the major role for mature temperate forests in climate change mitigation.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)UK Research and InnovationJABBS foundationUniversity of BirminghamJohn Horseman Trus