124 research outputs found

    BODIPY derivatives: synthesis and evaluation of their optical properties

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    3-Difluoroborodipyrromethene, commonly known as BODIPY has been used in many innovative applications such as biological fluorescent labelling, electroluminescent devices, tunable laser dyes, components for solid state solar cells, photodynamic therapy and optical sensors (fluorimetric or colorimetric). The numerous desirable properties of BODIPY explain its growing success over recent years. It is endowed with chemical, structural and photochemical stability, both in solution and in solid state. Furthermore, it possesses a high coefficient of molar absorptivity, high quantum yield of fluorescence, negligible triplet formation and narrow band emission with high intensity peaks. Furthermore, its photophysical properties can be tuned/improved introducing groups at suitable positions in the BODIPY core. In continuation of the work developed in our research group, we report in this communication the synthesis, characterization and evaluation of the optical properties of BODIPY derivatives having in mind their potential application as novel chromofluorogenic sensors and/or fluorescent probes for the detection of molecules, cations and anions with biological and medicinal relevance.Thank are due to Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal) and FEDERCOMPETE for financial support through Centro de Química (UID/ QUI/0686/2016). The NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance III 400 is part of the National NMR Network and was purchased within the framework of the National Program for Scientific Re-equipment, contract REDE/1517/RMN/2005 with funds from POCI 2010 (FEDER) and FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nutritional Transition of Riverine People from Puruzinho Lake in the Amazon Region. A Qualitative Study

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    Scientific studies suggest that eating habits of traditional communities all over the world have been suffering changes as a result of gradual replacement of regional products with imported ones and also because of the increase of consumption of carbohydrates and trans fats. The nutritional state of populations, as riverine people in the Amazon region, has been widely affected by factors as changes in the eating and epidemiologic patterns. This study aims at the identification of the perception of dwellers of a riverine community the Brazilian Amazon region on their eating habits, their health and on the changes caused by development. This is a qualitative study, in which we used ethnographic semi structured interviews as a tool to collect data, conducted through a semi structured script, and applied to 16 dwellers/heads of families, in which 11 are men and 5 are women. The interviews were recorded in audio, full text transcribed and analyzed, and resulted in a descriptive system of categories and subcategories. As a result, we identified an increase of purchase capacity, greater participation in the market economy, lack of effective and continuous actions by the administrators of basic health services in the city. These joint factors contribute to the process of nutritional transition that is occurring in the community, as well as to the increase of health vulnerability of the dwellers

    Profile of depressive symptoms in women in the perinatal and outside the perinatal period: similar or not?

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    Purposes To analyze which Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and Postpartum Depression Screening Scores (PDSS) total and dimensional scores, as well as symptomatic answers proportions significantly differ between women in the perinatal period (pregnant/postpartum) without major depression, with major depression and women outside the perinatal period. Methods 572 pregnant women in the third trimester completed Beck Depression Inventory-II and Postpartum Depression Screening Scale and were assessed with the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies. 417 of these were also assessed (with the same instruments) at three months postpartum. Ninety non-pregnant women or that did not have a child in the last year (mean age=29.42±7.159 years) also filled in the questionnaires. Results Non-depressed pregnant women showed lower scores than depressed pregnant women and higher scores than women outside the perinatal period in the BDI-II total score and in its Somatic-Anxiety dimension. Non-depressed postpartum women showed significantly higher scores than women outside the perinatal period only at Sleep/Eating Disturbances. Compared to women outside the perinatal period, pregnant women without depression presented higher scores only in the somatic items. Women with vs. without depression in the postpartum period did not significantly differ and both presented higher scores than women outside the perinatal period in the proportions of loss of energy and sleep changes. Limitations Women outside the perinatal period were not diagnosed for the presence of a depressive disorder, but their BDI-II mean score was similar to the figures reported worldwide regarding women in childbearing age. Conclusion In the perinatal period, most particularly at pregnancy, women experience significant somatic changes even if not clinically depressed. Cognitive-affective symptoms are more useful when assessing the presence of perinatal depression

    Parvovirus and distemper virus outbreak in puppies bred in a military kennel: Surto de parvovirose e cinomose em cães filhotes criados em um canil militar

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    A parvovirose e a cinomose são enfermidades infecciosas virais comuns da espécie canina no Brasil, ambas resultando em alta taxa de mortalidade por conta de sua severidade e aparecimento abrupto. Cães de trabalho são utilizados por instituições militares no Brasil desde o início do século passado, ganhando importância nas últimas décadas principalmente pelo fato de nosso país sediar alguns dos eventos esportivos mais importantes do mundo. Neste contexto, os canis militares, normalmente com concentração significativa de animais, estão sujeitos à ocorrência destas enfermidades infectocontagiosas. O objetivo do presente estudo é relatar um surto ocorrido em uma unidade militar e discutir os fatores que levaram ao seu surgimento.  Para tanto, foram analisadas as informações obtidas nos prontuários dos animais e em relatos de médicos veterinários e auxiliares que participaram de todas as atividades no momento do surto. Inicialmente, quatro dos 34 filhotes presentes no canil apresentaram sinais de gastroenterite e receberam terapia de suporte de acordo com as alterações expressadas. Depois de dois dias e com a confirmação laboratorial do diagnóstico de parvovirose, os animais tiveram sua terapia alterada e foram isolados do restante do plantel. Neste momento, todos os filhotes restantes começaram a receber vacinação em esquema para plantéis em risco. Após sete dias do início do surto, outros 12 filhotes começaram a apresentar sintomas semelhantes, sendo também isolados e tratados. Destes animais, quatro vieram a óbito. Após 25 dias do início do surto, outros seis filhotes, mais jovens, começaram a apresentar sintomas gastroentéricos e neurológicos e foram posteriormente confirmados laboratorialmente como infectados pelos vírus da cinomose e parvovirose simultaneamente, sendo tratados para tais. Todos estes animais vieram a óbito. Ao final do surto, contabilizou-se 22 animais acometidos, sendo seis por cinomose e parvovirose concomitantes e 16 somente por parvovirose. Algumas hipóteses em relação à epidemiologia dos vírus no canil foram levantadas e várias medidas profiláticas foram tomadas a fim de se evitar novos surtos. A partir do ocorrido pode-se concluir que estas enfermidades tem grande potencial de prejuízo tanto para a saúde do plantel, quanto para recursos materiais e pessoais em canis militares. Este potencial sugere a necessidade de medidas profiláticas robustas e constantes para evitar/mitigar tais prejuízos

    Bacteriophage-receptor binding proteins for multiplex detection of Staphylococcus and Enterococcus in blood

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    Health care-associated infections (HCAIs) affect hundreds of millions of patients, representing a significant burden for public health. They are usually associated to multidrug resistant bacteria, which increases their incidence and severity. Bloodstream infections (BSIs) are among the most frequent and life-threatening HCAIs, with Enterococcus and Staphylococcus among the most common isolated pathogens. The correct and fast identification of the etiological agents is crucial for clinical decision-making, allowing to rapidly select the appropriate antimicrobial and to prevent from overuse and misuse of antibiotics and the consequent increase in antimicrobial resistance. Conventional culture methods are still the gold standard to identify these pathogens, however are time-consuming and may lead to erroneous diagnosis, which compromises an efficient treatment. (Bacterio)phage receptor binding proteins (RBPs) are the structures responsible for the high specificity conferred to phages against bacteria and thus are very attractive biorecognition elements with high potential for specific detection and identification of pathogens. Taking into account all these facts, we have designed and developed a new, fast, accurate, reliable and unskilled diagnostic method based on newly identified phage RBPs and spectrofluorometric techniques that allows the multiplex detection of Enterococcus and Staphylococcus in blood samples in less than 1.5 hours after an enrichment step.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the project “Phages‐on‐chip” PTDC/BTM‐SAL/32442/2017 (POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐032442) and the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 − Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Catarina Nogueira, Ana Brandão and Susana Costa were supported by the FCT grants PD/BD/143037/2018, SFRH/BD/133193/2017 and SFRH/BD/130098/2017, respectively. We would also like to acknowledge Professor Hermínia de Lencastre, Doctor Carina Almeida and Doctor Nuno Cerca for gently providing some of the strains used in this study. We acknowledge Professor Paulo Freitas for providing some of the infrastructures to perform the experiments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pathogen-Specific Epitopes as Epidemiological Tools for Defining the Magnitude of Mycobacterium leprae Transmission in Areas Endemic for Leprosy

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    During recent years, comparative genomic analysis has allowed the identification of Mycobacterium leprae-specific genes with potential application for the diagnosis of leprosy. In a previous study, 58 synthetic peptides derived from these sequences were tested for their ability to induce production of IFN-γ in PBMC from endemic controls (EC) with unknown exposure to M. leprae, household contacts of leprosy patients and patients, indicating the potential of these synthetic peptides for the diagnosis of sub- or preclinical forms of leprosy. In the present study, the patterns of IFN-γ release of the individuals exposed or non-exposed to M. leprae were compared using an Artificial Neural Network algorithm, and the most promising M. leprae peptides for the identification of exposed people were selected. This subset of M. leprae-specific peptides allowed the differentiation of groups of individuals from sites hyperendemic for leprosy versus those from areas with lower level detection rates. A progressive reduction in the IFN-γ levels in response to the peptides was seen when contacts of multibacillary (MB) patients were compared to other less exposed groups, suggesting a down modulation of IFN-γ production with an increase in bacillary load or exposure to M. leprae. The data generated indicate that an IFN-γ assay based on these peptides applied individually or as a pool can be used as a new tool for predicting the magnitude of M. leprae transmission in a given population

    Characterizing phytoplankton biomass seasonal cycles in two NE Atlantic coastal bays

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    The seasonal and interannual variability of chlorophyll a was studied between 2008 and 2016 in two coastal bays located in the northeastern limit of the Iberia/Canary upwelling ecosystem. The work aims (i) to understand if small latitudinal distances and/or coastline orientation can promote different chlorophyll a seasonal cycles; and (ii) to investigate if different meteorological and oceanographic variables can explain the differences observed on seasonal cycles. Results indicate three main biological seasons with different patterns in the two studied bays. A uni-modal pattern with a short early summer maximum and relatively low chlorophyll a concentration characterized the westernmost sector of the South coast, while a uni-modal pattern characterized by high biomass over a long period, slightly higher in spring than in summer, and high chlorophyll a concentration characterized the central West coast. Comparisons made between satellite estimates of chlorophyll a and in situ data in one of the bays revealed some important differences, namely the overestimation of concentrations and the anticipation of the beginning and end time of the productive period by satellite. Cross-correlation analyses were performed for phytoplankton biomass and different meteorological and oceanographic variables (SST, PAR, UI, MLD and precipitation) using different time lags to identify the drivers that promote the growth and the high levels of phytoplankton biomass. PAR contributed to the increase of phytoplankton biomass observed during winter/midspring, while upwelling and SST were the main explanatory drivers to the high Chl-a concentrations observed in late-spring/summer. Zonal transport was the variable that contributed most to the phytoplankton biomass during late-spring/summer in Lisbon Bay, while the meridional transport combined with SST was more important in Lagos Bay.FCT: SFRH/BD/52560/2014/ IPMA-BCC-2016-35/ UIDB/04292/2020/ UID/Multi/04326/2020/ UID/MAT/04561/2020 LISBOA-01-0145FEDER-031265 IPMA: MAR2020PO2M01-1490 Pinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An introduction to violence against women as a human rights and public health problem

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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar àqueles(as) que se iniciam no estudo da violência praticada contra as mulheres uma breve contextualização histórica do modo como, gradualmente, este se tornou um tema do campo dos Direitos Humanos e da Saúde Pública. Partimos da Declaração Universal dos Direitos dos Homens para, em seguida, discutirmos sua importância para o campo dos Direitos Humanos e analisarmos a polêmica entre direitos humanos versus direitos das mulheres. Posteriormente, apresentamos as diversas convenções e tratados internacionais de proteção dos direitos das mulheres e sua importância para a conscientização da Saúde Pública, com relação ao fenômeno da violência. Inicialmente abordada como "causas externas" de morbidade e mortalidade, devido à grande incidência e aos elevados prejuízos sociais, econômicos e de saúde (física e psicológica), atualmente a violência é reconhecida como um campo específico e urgente de intervenção sob a perspectiva da Saúde Pública. De modo particular, a violência praticada contra as mulheres é um problema de proporções mundiais, que atinge pessoas de todas as classes sociais, religiões e etnias. Afirmamos que, a partir da inclusão da violência contra as mulheres na arena dos direitos humanos e da Saúde Pública, começaram a ocorrer transformações mais efetivas nas políticas legais de muitos países, como a criação de programas de intervenção e outros suportes. Por fim, apresentamos a situação do Brasil com relação à igualdade de gênero.The aim of this paper is to show to those who are beginning to study the subject of violence against women a brief historical overview of the way it gradually became a theme of the fields of Human Rights and Public Health. We start with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to discuss its importance for the field of Human Rights and to analyze the polemic between human rights versus women's rights. After that, we present the international treaties and conventions that protect women's rights and their importance to raise the awareness of the Public Health field about violence. Initially seen as "external causes" of morbidity and mortality, because of its high incidence and several social, economic and health (physical and psychological) damages, nowadays violence is seen as a specific domain of the Public Health field that needs urgent intervention. In particular, violence against women is a global problem that reaches people of all social classes, religions and ethnic groups. We claim that, since the inclusion of violence against women in the fields of Human Rights and Public Health, more effective transformations in the legal policies of several countries have begun to occur, like the creation of interventional programs and other supports. At the end, we show Brazil's position about gender equality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio