13 research outputs found
The Protist Ribosomal Reference database (PR2): a catalog of unicellular eukaryote Small Sub-Unit rRNA sequences with curated taxonomy
The interrogation of genetic markers in environmental meta-barcoding studies is currently seriously hindered by the lack of taxonomically curated reference data sets for the targeted genes. The Protist Ribosomal Reference database (PR2, http://ssu-rrna.org/) provides a unique access to eukaryotic small sub-unit (SSU) ribosomal RNA and DNA sequences, with curated taxonomy. The database mainly consists of nuclear-encoded protistan sequences. However, metazoans, land plants, macrosporic fungi and eukaryotic organelles (mitochondrion, plastid and others) are also included because they are useful for the analysis of high-troughput sequencing data sets. Introns and putative chimeric sequences have been also carefully checked. Taxonomic assignation of sequences consists of eight unique taxonomic fields. In total, 136 866 sequences are nuclear encoded, 45 708 (36 501 mitochondrial and 9657 chloroplastic) are from organelles, the remaining being putative chimeric sequences. The website allows the users to download sequences from the entire and partial databases (including representative sequences after clustering at a given level of similarity). Different web tools also allow searches by sequence similarity. The presence of both rRNA and rDNA sequences, taking into account introns (crucial for eukaryotic sequences), a normalized eight terms ranked-taxonomy and updates of new GenBank releases were made possible by a long-term collaboration between experts in taxonomy and computer scientist
The Protist Ribosomal Reference database (PR2): a catalog of unicellular eukaryote Small Sub-Unit rRNA sequences with curated taxonomy
International audienceThe interrogation of genetic markers in environmental meta-barcoding studies is currently seriously hindered by the lack of taxonomically curated reference data sets for the targeted genes. The Protist Ribosomal Reference database (PR2, http://ssu-rrna.org/) provides a unique access to eukaryotic small sub-unit (SSU) ribosomal RNA and DNA sequences, with curated taxonomy. The database mainly consists of nuclear-encoded protistan sequences. However, metazoans, land plants, macrosporic fungi and eukaryotic organelles (mitochondrion, plastid and others) are also included because they are useful for the analysis of high-troughput sequencing data sets. Introns and putative chimeric sequences have been also carefully checked. Taxonomic assignation of sequences consists of eight unique taxonomic fields. In total, 136 866 sequences are nuclear encoded, 45 708 (36 501 mitochondrial and 9657 chloroplastic) are from organelles, the remaining being putative chimeric sequences. The website allows the users to download sequences from the entire and partial databases (including representative sequences after clustering at a given level of similarity). Different web tools also allow searches by sequence similarity. The presence of both rRNA and rDNA sequences, taking into account introns (crucial for eukaryotic sequences), a normalized eight terms ranked-taxonomy and updates of new GenBank releases were made possible by a long-term collaboration between experts in taxonomy and computer scientists
Open science resources for the discovery and analysis of Tara Oceans data
Le " Tara Expéditions" organise des expéditions pour étudier et comprendre l'impact des changements climatiques sur nos océans.International audienceThe Tara Oceans expedition (2009–2013) sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans, collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses to metazoans, for later analysis using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. It surveyed 210 ecosystems in 20 biogeographic provinces, collecting over 35,000 samples of seawater and plankton. The interpretation of such an extensive collection of samples in their ecological context requires means to explore, assess and access raw and validated data sets. To address this challenge, the Tara Oceans Consortium offers open science resources, including the use of open access archives for nucleotides (ENA) and for environmental, biogeochemical, taxonomic and morphological data (PANGAEA), and the development of on line discovery tools and collaborative annotation tools for sequences and images. Here, we present an overview of Tara Oceans Data, and we provide detailed registries (data sets) of all campaigns (from port-to-port), stations and sampling events
Patterns of biodiversity on a global scale in marine planktonic dinoflagellates
Les dinoflagellés forment un groupe complexe de protistes avec une grande diversité de morphologies, physiologies, et cycles de vies qui leur confèrent une forte capacité d'adaptation à l'ensemble des milieux (marins et dulçaquicoles) et habitats (pélagiques et benthiques) aquatiques rendant difficile l¿étude de leur diversité et de leur écologie. L'objectif de cette thèse a été la recherche de patrons globaux de biodiversité et de structuration des communautés de dinoflagellés pélagiques marins à l'échelle planétaire. Un protocole d'échantillonnage morphogénétique, couvrant la totalité de leur spectre de taille et une partie importante de leurs variabilités spatio-temporelles, a été développé (Tara-Oceans). Divers outils d'acquisition automatique à haut débit des données ont été testés. La diversité, l'abondance relative et la distribution géographique des espèces du genre Neoceratium ont été évaluées en mer Méditerranée par FlowCAM. Une étude de la structuration de la biodiversité a été réalisée par metabarcoding de l¿ADNr 18S (fragment V9). La construction d'une base de séquences ADNr de référence (DinR2) a permis l¿assignation taxonomique des metabarcodes environnementaux. L¿approche par metabarcode révèle une diversité remarquable et insoupçonnée des pico-dinoflagellés (<5µm) et que, indépendamment de l'écosystème étudié et de la période d'échantillonnage, l¿abondance des différents ordres dépend essentiellement de la taille (pico-, nano-, micro-, et meso-plancton). La structuration des communautés de dinoflagellés de différentes fractions de tailles de la zone photique a été confrontée à certains facteurs environnementaux ouvrant des pistes de recherche prometteusesDinoflagellates form a complex group of protists with a variety of morphologies, physiologies, and life cycles that give them a strong adaptation to all aquatic environments (marine and freshwater) and habitats (pelagic and benthic) making difficult to study their diversity and ecology. The objective of this thesis was the search for global biodiversity patterns and community structure of marine pelagic dinoflagellates across the world?s oceans. A morphogenetic sampling protocol, covering the entire spectrum of their size and an important part of their spatio-temporal variability, was developed (Tara-Oceans). Various tools for an automatic acquisition broadband data were tested. Diversity, relative abundance and geographical distribution of the genus Neoceratium were evaluated by FlowCAM in Mediterranean Sea. A study of the structure of biodiversity was conducted by metabarcoding with 18S rDNA (V9 fragment). Building a base of rDNA reference sequences (DinR2) allowed the taxonomic assignment of environmental metabarcodes. The metabarcode approach reveals a remarkable and unexpected diversity of pico-dinoflagellates (<5?m) and, regardless of the studied ecosystem and the sampling period, that abundance of different levels mainly depends to the size fractions (pico-, nano-, micro- and meso- plankton). Structuring of dinoflagellates communities in different size fractions of the photic zone was facing to some environmental factors and opens promising avenues for researc
Patrons de biodiversité a` l'échelle globale chez les dinoflagellés planctoniques marins
Dinoflagellates form a complex group of protists with a variety of morphologies, physiologies, and life cycles that give them a strong adaptation to all aquatic environments (marine and freshwater) and habitats (pelagic and benthic) making difficult to study their diversity and ecology. The objective of this thesis was the search for global biodiversity patterns and community structure of marine pelagic dinoflagellates across the world?s oceans. A morphogenetic sampling protocol, covering the entire spectrum of their size and an important part of their spatio-temporal variability, was developed (Tara-Oceans). Various tools for an automatic acquisition broadband data were tested. Diversity, relative abundance and geographical distribution of the genus Neoceratium were evaluated by FlowCAM in Mediterranean Sea. A study of the structure of biodiversity was conducted by metabarcoding with 18S rDNA (V9 fragment). Building a base of rDNA reference sequences (DinR2) allowed the taxonomic assignment of environmental metabarcodes. The metabarcode approach reveals a remarkable and unexpected diversity of pico-dinoflagellates (<5?m) and, regardless of the studied ecosystem and the sampling period, that abundance of different levels mainly depends to the size fractions (pico-, nano-, micro- and meso- plankton). Structuring of dinoflagellates communities in different size fractions of the photic zone was facing to some environmental factors and opens promising avenues for researchLes dinoflagellés forment un groupe complexe de protistes avec une grande diversité de morphologies, physiologies, et cycles de vies qui leur confèrent une forte capacité d'adaptation à l'ensemble des milieux (marins et dulçaquicoles) et habitats (pélagiques et benthiques) aquatiques rendant difficile l¿étude de leur diversité et de leur écologie. L'objectif de cette thèse a été la recherche de patrons globaux de biodiversité et de structuration des communautés de dinoflagellés pélagiques marins à l'échelle planétaire. Un protocole d'échantillonnage morphogénétique, couvrant la totalité de leur spectre de taille et une partie importante de leurs variabilités spatio-temporelles, a été développé (Tara-Oceans). Divers outils d'acquisition automatique à haut débit des données ont été testés. La diversité, l'abondance relative et la distribution géographique des espèces du genre Neoceratium ont été évaluées en mer Méditerranée par FlowCAM. Une étude de la structuration de la biodiversité a été réalisée par metabarcoding de l¿ADNr 18S (fragment V9). La construction d'une base de séquences ADNr de référence (DinR2) a permis l¿assignation taxonomique des metabarcodes environnementaux. L¿approche par metabarcode révèle une diversité remarquable et insoupçonnée des pico-dinoflagellés (<5µm) et que, indépendamment de l'écosystème étudié et de la période d'échantillonnage, l¿abondance des différents ordres dépend essentiellement de la taille (pico-, nano-, micro-, et meso-plancton). La structuration des communautés de dinoflagellés de différentes fractions de tailles de la zone photique a été confrontée à certains facteurs environnementaux ouvrant des pistes de recherche prometteuse
Patrons de biodiversité a l'échelle globale chez les dinoflagellés planctoniques marins
Les dinoflagellés forment un groupe complexe de protistes avec une grande diversité de morphologies, physiologies, et cycles de vies qui leur confèrent une forte capacité d'adaptation à l'ensemble des milieux (marins et dulçaquicoles) et habitats (pélagiques et benthiques) aquatiques rendant difficile l¿étude de leur diversité et de leur écologie. L'objectif de cette thèse a été la recherche de patrons globaux de biodiversité et de structuration des communautés de dinoflagellés pélagiques marins à l'échelle planétaire. Un protocole d'échantillonnage morphogénétique, couvrant la totalité de leur spectre de taille et une partie importante de leurs variabilités spatio-temporelles, a été développé (Tara-Oceans). Divers outils d'acquisition automatique à haut débit des données ont été testés. La diversité, l'abondance relative et la distribution géographique des espèces du genre Neoceratium ont été évaluées en mer Méditerranée par FlowCAM. Une étude de la structuration de la biodiversité a été réalisée par metabarcoding de l¿ADNr 18S (fragment V9). La construction d'une base de séquences ADNr de référence (DinR2) a permis l¿assignation taxonomique des metabarcodes environnementaux. L¿approche par metabarcode révèle une diversité remarquable et insoupçonnée des pico-dinoflagellés (<5 m) et que, indépendamment de l'écosystème étudié et de la période d'échantillonnage, l¿abondance des différents ordres dépend essentiellement de la taille (pico-, nano-, micro-, et meso-plancton). La structuration des communautés de dinoflagellés de différentes fractions de tailles de la zone photique a été confrontée à certains facteurs environnementaux ouvrant des pistes de recherche prometteusesDinoflagellates form a complex group of protists with a variety of morphologies, physiologies, and life cycles that give them a strong adaptation to all aquatic environments (marine and freshwater) and habitats (pelagic and benthic) making difficult to study their diversity and ecology. The objective of this thesis was the search for global biodiversity patterns and community structure of marine pelagic dinoflagellates across the world?s oceans. A morphogenetic sampling protocol, covering the entire spectrum of their size and an important part of their spatio-temporal variability, was developed (Tara-Oceans). Various tools for an automatic acquisition broadband data were tested. Diversity, relative abundance and geographical distribution of the genus Neoceratium were evaluated by FlowCAM in Mediterranean Sea. A study of the structure of biodiversity was conducted by metabarcoding with 18S rDNA (V9 fragment). Building a base of rDNA reference sequences (DinR2) allowed the taxonomic assignment of environmental metabarcodes. The metabarcode approach reveals a remarkable and unexpected diversity of pico-dinoflagellates (<5?m) and, regardless of the studied ecosystem and the sampling period, that abundance of different levels mainly depends to the size fractions (pico-, nano-, micro- and meso- plankton). Structuring of dinoflagellates communities in different size fractions of the photic zone was facing to some environmental factors and opens promising avenues for researchPARIS-JUSSIEU-Bib.électronique (751059901) / SudocSudocFranceF
Open science resources for the discovery and analysis of Tara Oceans data
The Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans, collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses to metazoans, for later analysis using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. It surveyed 210 ecosystems in 20 biogeographic provinces, collecting over 35,000 samples of seawater and plankton. The interpretation of such an extensive collection of samples in their ecological context requires means to explore, assess and access raw and validated data sets. To address this challenge, the Tara Oceans Consortium offers open science resources, including the use of open access archives for nucleotides (ENA) and for environmental, biogeochemical, taxonomic and morphological data (PANGAEA), and the development of on line discovery tools and collaborative annotation tools for sequences and images. Here, we present an overview of Tara Oceans Data, and we provide detailed registries (data sets) of all campaigns (from port-to-port), stations and sampling events
Open science resources for the discovery and analysis of Tara Oceans data
The Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans, collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses to metazoans, for later analysis using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. It surveyed 210 ecosystems in 20 biogeographic provinces, collecting over 35,000 samples of seawater and plankton. The interpretation of such an extensive collection of samples in their ecological context requires means to explore, assess and access raw and validated data sets. To address this challenge, the Tara Oceans Consortium offers open science resources, including the use of open access archives for nucleotides (ENA) and for environmental, biogeochemical, taxonomic and morphological data (PANGAEA), and the development of on line discovery tools and collaborative annotation tools for sequences and images. Here, we present an overview of Tara Oceans Data, and we provide detailed registries (data sets) of all campaigns (from port-to-port), stations and sampling events.status: publishe
Plankton Planet: A frugal, cooperative measure of aquatic life at the planetary scale
International audienceIn every liter of seawater there are between 10 and 100 billion life forms, mostly invisible, called marine plankton or marine microbiome, which form the largest and most dynamic ecosystem on our planet, at the heart of global ecological and economic processes. While physical and chemical parameters of planktonic ecosystems are fairly well measured and modeled at the planetary scale, biological data are still scarce due to the extreme cost and relative inflexibility of the classical vessels and instruments used to explore marine biodiversity. Here we introduce ‘Plankton Planet’, an initiative whose goal is to engage the curiosity and creativity of researchers, makers, and mariners to ( i ) co-develop a new generation of cost-effective (frugal) universal scientific instrumentation to measure the genetic and morphological diversity of marine microbiomes in context, ( ii ) organize their systematic deployment through coastal or open ocean communities of sea-users/farers, to generate uniform plankton data across global and long-term spatio-temporal scales, and ( iii ) setup tools to flow the data without embargo into public and explorable databases. As proof-of-concept, we show how 20 crews of sailors were able to sample plankton biomass from the world surface ocean in a single year, generating the first seatizen-based, planetary dataset of marine plankton biodiversity based on DNA barcodes. The quality of this dataset is comparable to that generated by Tara Oceans and is not biased by the multiplication of samplers. The data unveil significant genetic novelty and can be used to explore the taxonomic and ecological diversity of plankton at both regional and global scales. This pilot project paves the way for construction of a miniaturized, modular, evolvable, affordable and open-source citizen field-platform that will allow systematic assessment of the eco/morpho/genetic variation of aquatic ecosystems and microbiomes across the dimensions of the Earth system
Plankton Planet : ‘seatizen’ oceanography to assess open ocean life at the planetary scale
Abstract In every liter of seawater there are between 10 and 100 billion life forms, mostly invisible, called plankton, which form the largest and most dynamic ecosystem on our planet, at the heart of global ecological and economic processes. While physical and chemical parameters of planktonic ecosystems are fairly well measured and modelled at the planetary scale, but biological data are still scarce due to the extreme cost and relative inflexibility of the classical vessels and instruments used to explore marine biodiversity. Here we introduce ‘ Plankton Planet ’, an initiative whose goal is to merge the creativity of researchers, makers, and mariners to ( i ) develop frugal scientific instrumentation and protocols to assess the genetic and morphological diversity of plankton life, and ( ii ) organize their systematic deployment through fleets of volunteer sailors, fishermen, or cargo-ships to generate comparable and open-access plankton data across global and long-term spatio-temporal scales. As proof-of-concept, we show how 20 crews of sailors (“planktonauts”) were abl to sample plankton biomass from the world surface ocean in a single year, generating the first citizen-based, planetary dataset of plankton biodiversity based on DNA barcodes. The quality of this dataset is comparable to that generated by Tara Oceans and is not biased by the multiplication of samplers. This dataset has unveiled significant genetic novelty and can be used to explore the taxonomic and ecological diversity of plankton at both regional and global scales. This pilot project paves the way for construction of a miniaturized, modular, evolvable, affordable and open-source citizen field-platform that will allow systematic assessment of the eco/morpho/genetic variation of aquatic ecosystems across the dimensions of the Earth system