124 research outputs found

    The advantage of a toxicokinetic model of the honey bee colony in the context of the risk assessment of plant protection products

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    Within the current discussions about risk assessment of plant protection products regarding honey bees, one of the most important aspects is how to link pesticide exposure on field and landscape scale to potential effects within the colony. A dynamic toxicokinetic model may help to improve the evaluation of dose rates individuals are exposed to through various compartments of the colony, which may result from the application of plant protection products in the field. In addition, it may help to interpret the significance of ecotoxicological test results, especially from lower-tier studies, in the risk assessment and help to refine the exposure assessment and risk evaluation. Linking it to a realistic population model and a landscape-based foraging model would give an improved insight into the dynamics in a honey bee colony under exposure of plant protection productsKeywords: modelling, toxicokinetics, risk assessment, exposur

    A microservice architecture for predictive analytics in manufacturing

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    Abstract This paper discusses on the design, development and deployment of a flexible and modular platform supporting smart predictive maintenance operations, enabled by microservices architecture and virtualization technologies. Virtualization allows the platform to be deployed in a multi-tenant environment, while facilitating resource isolation and independency from specific technologies or services. Moreover, the proposed platform supports scalable data storage supporting an effective and efficient management of large volume of Industry 4.0 data. Methodologies of data-driven predictive maintenance are provided to the user as-a-service, facilitating offline training and online execution of pre-trained analytics models, while the connection of the raw data to contextual information support their understanding and interpretation, while guaranteeing interoperability across heterogeneous systems. A use case related to the predictive maintenance operations of a robotic manipulator is examined to demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed platform

    CD40/CD40 ligand interactions and TNFα treatment reduce activity of P105 promoter of the human papilloma virus-18 in vitro

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    Background: Cervical carcinoma cells including those infected with the oncogenic human papilloma virus (HPV) and several cervical carcinoma cell lines show a strong expression of the CD40 receptor, unlike benign cervical epithelial cells infected with HPV. The functional relevance of this up-regulated expression in the tumor is not fully understood. Nevertheless, it might offer a unique possibility to target those malignant cells due to the antiviral and antitumoral effects of the CD40/CD40 ligand (CD40L) interactions. Aim: In vitro assessment of the effect of CD40L on HPV 18-P105 promoter activity and the subsequent release of IL-6 by the promoter transfected HeLaCD₄₀ cells, which express CD40 constitutively. Material and Methods: Transfection of HeLaCD₄₀ cells was achieved by electroporation after optimizing the parameters by the pCMV-β-Gal vector and β-Gal stain. Transfected HeLaCD₄₀ cells were challenged with BHKCD40L and TNFα, in addition to BHKwt and medium alone as controls. HPV18P105 promoter activity was demonstrated by luciferase reporter gene assay while IL-6 was assessed by ELISA. Results: CD40/ CD40L interactions and TNFα treatment significantly reduced HPV18-P105 promoter activity (56.0 ± 10.2% and 64.1 ± 9.1% vs. control, respectively; p < 0.001). Likewise, IL-6, which is a sensitive cytokine of CD40 activation, was significantly increased in HeLaCD₄₀ cells in the same experiments (2.7 fold after stimulation with BHKCD₄₀L and 5.2 fold after stimulation with TNFα vs. control; p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusion: It is likely that the CD40/CD40L interactions and TNFα are effective against cervical carcinomas by repressing transcriptional activity of HPV promoter. This can result in new adjuvant treatments

    The genomic landscape of ANCA-associated vasculitis: Distinct transcriptional signatures, molecular endotypes and comparison with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    IntroductionAnti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides (AAVs) present with a complex phenotype and are associated with high mortality and multi-organ involvement. We sought to define the transcriptional landscape and molecular endotypes of AAVs and compare it to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).MethodsWe performed whole blood mRNA sequencing from 30 patients with AAV (granulomatosis with polyangiitis/GPA and microscopic polyangiitis/MPA) combined with functional enrichment and network analysis for aberrant pathways. Key genes and pathways were validated in an independent cohort of 18 AAV patients. Co-expression network and hierarchical clustering analysis, identified molecular endotypes. Multi-level transcriptional overlap analysis to SLE was based on our published data from 142 patients.ResultsWe report here that “Pan-vasculitis” signature contained 1,982 differentially expressed genes, enriched in leukocyte differentiation, cytokine signaling, type I and type II IFN signaling and aberrant B-T cell immunity. Active disease was characterized by signatures linked to cell cycle checkpoints and metabolism pathways, whereas ANCA-positive patients exhibited a humoral immunity transcriptional fingerprint. Differential expression analysis of GPA and MPA yielded an IFN-g pathway (in addition to a type I IFN) in the former and aberrant expression of genes related to autophagy and mRNA splicing in the latter. Unsupervised molecular taxonomy analysis revealed four endotypes with neutrophil degranulation, aberrant metabolism and B-cell responses as potential mechanistic drivers. Transcriptional perturbations and molecular heterogeneity were more pronounced in SLE. Molecular analysis and data-driven clustering of AAV uncovered distinct transcriptional pathways that could be exploited for targeted therapy.DiscussionWe conclude that transcriptomic analysis of AAV reveals distinct endotypes and molecular pathways that could be targeted for therapy. The AAV transcriptome is more homogenous and less fragmented compared to the SLE which may account for its superior rates of response to therapy

    Challenges of and Insights into Acid-Catalyzed Transformations of Sugars

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    The selective transformation of hexose and pentose sugars to intermediate platform chemicals, such as furans, is an essential step in the conversion of cellulosic and hemicellulosic biomass to biofuels and biochemicals. Yet, many challenges in achieving commercially viable processes remain. In this feature article, we outline challenges that need to be overcome to enable these transformations. Then, we present the newly introduced acid-catalyzed isomerization of aldose sugars to ketose sugars via a class of solid Lewis acid catalysts (e.g., Sn-Beta, Ti-Beta). We elucidate mechanistic insights arising from subnanometer cooperativity and solvent effects that can be controlled to tune reaction pathways and selectivity and draw parallels between heterogeneous and homogeneous Lewis acid catalysts. Subsequently, we discuss fructose dehydration to 5-hydroxyl-methylfurfural (HMF) via homogeneous and heterogeneous Brønsted acid-catalyzed chemistry. We show how fundamental insights arising from the combination of kinetics, spectroscopy, and multiscale simulations rationalize the improved yield of HMF in water–organic cosolvents. The stability of heterogeneous Lewis acid catalysts under low pH enables tandem Brønsted and Lewis acid-catalyzed reactions in a single pot that overcomes equilibrium limitations and gives a high HMF yield starting from sugar raw materials. Additionally, we provide an overview of multicomponent adsorption of biomass derivatives from solution in microporous materials and discuss how structure–property relations can lead to superior micro- and micromesoporous carbon adsorbents for reactive adsorption toward high HMF yield. Finally, we provide an outlook for the field

    What causes hidradenitis suppurativa ?—15 years after

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    The 14 authors of the first review article on hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) pathogenesis published 2008 in EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY cumulating from the 1st International Hidradenitis Suppurativa Research Symposium held March 30–April 2, 2006 in Dessau, Germany with 33 participants were prophetic when they wrote “Hopefully, this heralds a welcome new tradition: to get to the molecular heart of HS pathogenesis, which can only be achieved by a renaissance of solid basic HS research, as the key to developing more effective HS therapy.” (Kurzen et al. What causes hidradenitis suppurativa? Exp Dermatol 2008;17:455). Fifteen years later, th

    Symbiotic human-robot collaborative assembly

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