12 research outputs found

    Du Tardiglaciaire Ă  l’HolocĂšne moyen dans le Velay oriental : la sĂ©quence sĂ©dimentaire de La Narce du BĂ©age en ArdĂšche (Massif Central, France)

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    International audienceThe renewed interest in the volcanic uplands of the Eastern Velay region (Massif Central, France) has led to the discovery of a new sedimentary sequence from the La Narce du BĂ©age peatland, in ArdĂšche. Several cores were carried out to produce a high resolution interdisciplinary study. This paper deals with the sedimentological data (lithology, organic matter content, grain size, magnetic susceptibility) obtained on core D (357 cm long), extracted near the outlet of the peatland. A set of ten AMS radiocarbon dates supports these results. This study is a first step in order to reconstruct the evolution of the local environmental changes since the Upper Pleniglacial / Late Glacial transition. The sedimentary record shows a gradual silting of a Late Glacial lake (starting after 18,000 yr. cal. BP) and a gradual increase of organic matter content after 14,600 yr. cal BP. The peat initiation took place during the Early Holocene, after 10,800 yr. cal. BP. The study highlights major Late Glacial and Early Holocene bioclimatic changes at local and regional scales. These changes are characterized by high variations of the accumulation rate of anorganic sediments (TANO): during the Oldest Dryas, after the BĂžlling/AllerĂžd transition and during the Younger Dryas. During the Preboreal and the Boreal, four main episodes of minerogenic accumulation are dated to (1) 11,200 - 10,800 cal. yr. BP, (2) 10,400 - 10,300 cal. yr. BP, (3) 9,900 - 9,150 cal. yr. BP and (4) 9,000 - 8,200 cal. yr. BP. The major TANO peak of the last episode (4), younger than 8,650 - 8,400 cal. yr. BP, could match with the 8,200 cal. yr BP climatic event. Since the mid-Holocene, at the end of the Early Atlantic period (i.e. during the Neolithic Period), a slower peat and sediment accumulation occurred. Therefore, only local changes in the environment are evidenced in connection with changes in the vegetation cover, eventually from climatic and/or anthropogenic origin. Finally, increasing anthropogenic pressure during the last centuries (xixth and xxth centuries) disrupted the sedimentation processes, therefore not allowing a clear understanding of environmental changes during the Late Holocene.L’intĂ©rĂȘt renouvelĂ© portĂ© aux hauts plateaux volcaniques du Velay oriental (Massif central, France) a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une nouvelle sĂ©quence sĂ©dimentaire issue de la tourbiĂšre de La Narce du BĂ©age, en ArdĂšche. Plusieurs carottages ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s afin de rĂ©aliser une Ă©tude pluridisciplinaire Ă  haute rĂ©solution. Cet article prĂ©sente les donnĂ©es sĂ©dimentologiques (lithologie, estimation du taux de matiĂšre organique, granulomĂ©trie, susceptibilitĂ© magnĂ©tique) obtenues sur la sĂ©quence D (357 cm de profondeur), extraite prĂšs de l’exutoire de la zone humide. Ces rĂ©sultats s’appuient sur une sĂ©rie de dix datations radiocarbone AMS. Cette Ă©tude constitue une premiĂšre Ă©tape du travail de reconstitution de l’évolution de l’environnement local depuis la charniĂšre PlĂ©niglaciaire supĂ©rieur / Tardiglaciaire. L’enregistrement sĂ©dimentaire montre un atterrissement progressif de l’étendue lacustre datant du Tardiglaciaire (aprĂšs 18 000 ans cal. BP) et l’augmentation graduelle de la teneur en matiĂšre organique dĂšs 14 700 ans cal. BP. Le dĂ©veloppement d’une tourbiĂšre a lieu au cours de l’HolocĂšne ancien, Ă  partir de 10 800 ans cal. BP. Les analyses mettent en Ă©vidence les changements bioclimatiques majeurs du Tardiglaciaire et de l’HolocĂšne ancien aux Ă©chelles locale et rĂ©gionale. Ces Ă©vĂšnements sont marquĂ©s par un rythme Ă©levĂ© du taux d’accumulation des sĂ©diments non-organiques (TANO) : au cours du Dryas ancien, Ă  partir de la transition BĂžlling/AllerĂžd et du Dryas rĂ©cent. Au cours du PrĂ©borĂ©al et du BorĂ©al, quatre principaux Ă©pisodes d’accumulation minĂ©rale sont situĂ©s entre (1) 11 200 - 10 800 ans cal. BP, (2) 10 400 - 10 300 ans cal. BP, (3) 9 900 - 9 150 ans cal. BP et (4) 9 000 - 8 200 ans cal. BP. Le pic majeur de TANO du dernier Ă©pisode (4), datĂ© postĂ©rieurement Ă  8 650 - 8 400 ans cal. BP, pourrait correspondre Ă  l’évĂšnement climatique de 8 200 ans cal. BP. A partir de l’HolocĂšne moyen, Ă  la fin de l’Atlantique ancien (au cours du NĂ©olithique), se produit un ralentissement de la turfigenĂšse et de l’accumulation des sĂ©diments. DĂšs lors, seules des Ă©volutions locales de l’environnement, en relation avec l’évolution du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal d’origine climatique et/ou anthropique, sont retranscrites. Enfin, les perturbations liĂ©es Ă  l’accroissement rĂ©cent de la pression anthropique sur la zone humide (xixe et xxe siĂšcles) ne permettent plus de saisir distinctement les changements environnementaux au cours de l’HolocĂšne rĂ©cent

    Changements environnementaux du Tardiglaciaire Ă  l’HolocĂšne moyen dans le Velay oriental : la sĂ©quence sĂ©dimentaire de la Narce du BĂ©age en ArdĂšche (Massif Central, France)

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    L’intĂ©rĂȘt renouvelĂ© portĂ© aux hauts plateaux volcaniques du Velay oriental (Massif Central, France) a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une nouvelle sĂ©quence sĂ©dimentaire issue de la tourbiĂšre de La Narce du BĂ©age, en ArdĂšche. Plusieurs carottages ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s afin de rĂ©aliser une Ă©tude pluridisciplinaire Ă  haute rĂ©solution. Cet article prĂ©sente les donnĂ©es sĂ©dimentologiques (lithologie, estimation du taux de matiĂšre organique, granulomĂ©trie, susceptibilitĂ© magnĂ©tique) obtenues sur la sĂ©quence D (357 cm de profondeur), extraite prĂšs de l’exutoire de la zone humide. Ces rĂ©sultats s’appuient sur une sĂ©rie de dix datations radiocarbone AMS. Cette Ă©tude constitue une premiĂšre Ă©tape du travail de reconstitution de l’évolution de l’environnement local depuis la charniĂšre PlĂ©niglaciaire supĂ©rieur / Tardiglaciaire.L’enregistrement sĂ©dimentaire montre un atterrissement progressif de l’étendue lacustre datant du Tardiglaciaire (aprĂšs 18 000 ans cal. BP) et l’augmentation graduelle de la teneur en matiĂšre organique dĂšs 14 700 ans cal. BP. Le dĂ©veloppement d’une tourbiĂšre a lieu au cours de l’HolocĂšne ancien, Ă  partir de 10 800 ans cal. BP. Les analyses permettent de mettre en Ă©vidence les changements bioclimatiques majeurs du Tardiglaciaire et de l’HolocĂšne ancien aux Ă©chelles locale et rĂ©gionale. Ces Ă©vĂšnements sont marquĂ©s par un rythme Ă©levĂ© du taux d’accumulation des sĂ©diments non-organiques (TANO) : au cours du Dryas ancien, Ă  partir de la transition BĂžlling/AllerĂžd et du Dryas rĂ©cent. Au cours du PrĂ©borĂ©al et du BorĂ©al, quatre principaux Ă©pisodes d’accumulation minĂ©rale sont situĂ©s entre (1) 11 200 - 10 800 ans cal. BP, (2) 10 400 - 10 300 ans cal. BP, (3) 9 900 - 9 150 ans cal. BP et (4) 9 000 - 8 200 ans cal. BP. Le pic majeur de TANO du dernier Ă©pisode (4), datĂ© postĂ©rieurement Ă  8 650 - 8 400 ans cal. BP, pourrait correspondre Ă  l’évĂšnement climatique de 8 200 ans cal. BP. A partir de l’HolocĂšne moyen, Ă  la fin de l’Atlantique ancien (au cours du NĂ©olithique), se produit un ralentissement de la turfigenĂšse et de l’accumulation des sĂ©diments. DĂšs lors, seules des Ă©volutions locales de l’environnement, en relation avec l’évolution du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal d’origine climatique et/ou anthropique, sont retranscrites. Enfin, les perturbations liĂ©es Ă  l’accroissement rĂ©cent de la pression anthropique sur la zone humide (XIXe et XXe siĂšcles) ne permettent plus de saisir distinctement les changements palĂ©oenvironnementaux au cours de l’HolocĂšne rĂ©cent.The renewed interest in the volcanic uplands of the Eastern Velay region (Massif Central, France) has led to the discovery of a new sedimentary sequence from the La Narce du BĂ©age peatland, in ArdĂšche. Several cores were carried out to produce a high resolution interdisciplinary study. This paper deals with the sedimentological data (lithology, organic matter content, grain size, magnetic susceptibility) obtained on core D (357 cm long), extracted near the outlet of the peatland. A set of ten AMS radiocarbon dates supports these results. This study is a first step in order to reconstruct the evolution of the local environmental changes since the Upper Pleniglacial / Late Glacial transition.The sedimentary record shows a gradual silting of a Late Glacial lake (starting after 18,000 yr. cal. BP) and a gradual increase of organic matter content after 14,600 yr. cal BP. The peat initiation took place during the Early Holocene, after 10,800 yr. cal. BP. The study highlights major Late Glacial and Early Holocene bioclimatic changes at local and regional scales. These changes are characterized by high variations of the accumulation rate of anorganic sediments (TANO): during the Oldest Dryas, after the BĂžlling/AllerĂžd transition and during the Younger Dryas. During the Preboreal and the Boreal, four main episodes of minerogenic accumulation are dated to (1) 11,200 - 10,800 cal. yr. BP, (2) 10,400 - 10,300 cal. yr. BP, (3) 9,900 - 9,150 cal. yr. BP and (4) 9,000 - 8,200 cal. yr. BP. The major TANO peak of the last episode (4), younger than 8,650 - 8,400 cal. yr. BP, could match with the 8,200 cal. yr BP climatic event. Since the mid-Holocene, at the end of the Early Atlantic period (i.e. during the Neolithic Period), a slower peat and sediment accumulation occurred. Therefore, only local changes in the environment are evidenced in connection with changes in the vegetation cover, eventually from climatic and/or anthropogenic origin. Finally, increasing anthropogenic pressure during the last centuries (XIXth and XXth centuries) disrupted the sedimentation processes, therefore not allowing a clear understanding of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Late Holocene

    Palaeoenvironments and Geoarchaeology of the BĂ©age Volcanic Plateau, in Eastern Velay (Haute-ArdĂšche, Massif Central, France): co-evolution between human societies and environments during the last 7 millenia.

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    International audienceIn the Eastern Massif Central, new research programs are dealing with the landscape evolution since the Late Glacial and during the Holocene (AGES and WRACC projects). In this context, a reconstruction of climatically and anthropogenically driven palaeoenvironments is in progress for the last 7,000 years. This palaeoenvironmental study of peatlands and archaeological remains focuses on an area still poorly documented: the Mezenc massif and the ArdĂšche mountain range, and particularly on the BĂ©age volcanic plateau (Eastern Velay, Massif Central).The plant macrofossil analyses of a 5.5 meters long core, from the La Narce peatland on the BĂ©age plateau (1,235 meters a.s.l.), revealed an excellent preservation of organic matter so to allow high-resolution reconstruction of environmental change. The La Narce peatland is located in a little catchment area (0.13 squared kilometres), at the interface between basaltic lava flows and the Velay granitic substratum. The sedimentary sequence is composed by a succession of sandy lacustrine clays (from basal levels to 4.4 m), organic lacustrine deposits such as gyttja (from 4.4 to 2.5 m) and peat (from 2.5 m to the current surface). Two radiocarbon dates (14C) indicate a deposition of sediments since the end of the Late Glacial period. Plant macrofossil remains, small charcoal particles (<2 mm), magnetic susceptibility peaks and archaeological remains from the near surroundings (handmade granitic-tempered ware and shards of flint) suggest a first human impact during the Early Neolithic period, close to 4,900 cal. B.C. The outcome of this high resolution study will allow clarification and absolute dating of this early anthropogenic impact (and of later pastoral and agricultural activities), which in turn will be compared to the palaeoecological analyses of other regionally important sites (e.g. nearby Pialeloup raised bog) in order to complete our vision of environmental changes during prehistorical and historical times

    Interaction of Whitefly Effector G4 with Tomato Proteins Impacts Whitefly Performance

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    The phloem-feeding insect Bemisia tabaci is an important pest, responsible for the transmission of several crop-threatening virus species. While feeding, the insect secretes a cocktail of effectors to modulate plant defense responses. Here, we present a set of proteins identified in an artificial diet on which B. tabaci was salivating. We subsequently studied whether these candidate effectors can play a role in plant immune suppression. Effector G4 was the most robust suppressor of an induced- reactive oxygen species (ROS) response in Nicotiana benthamiana. In addition, G4 was able to suppress ROS production in Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) and Capsicum annuum (pepper). G4 localized predominantly in the endoplasmic reticulum in N. benthamiana leaves and colocalized with two identified target proteins in tomato: REF-like stress related protein 1 (RSP1) and meloidogyne-induced giant cell protein DB141 (MIPDB141). Silencing of MIPDB141 in tomato reduced whitefly fecundity up to 40%, demonstrating that the protein is involved in susceptibility to B. tabaci. Together, our data demonstrate that effector G4 impairs tomato immunity to whiteflies by interfering with ROS production and via an interaction with tomato susceptibility protein MIPDB141. [Graphic: see text] Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license

    Cartographier les ressources pour gérer les priorités

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    International audienceComment, depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies, la recherche scientifique contribue-t-elle au dĂ©veloppement des pays du Sud ? À travers plus de 100 succĂšs emblĂ©matiques de la recherche en partenariat, cet ouvrage nous plonge au coeur des grandes questions de dĂ©veloppement : oeuvrer pour des sociĂ©tĂ©s plus justes, lutter contre les maladies, faire face aux risques naturels, mettre en place une agriculture durable garantissant la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, prĂ©server la biodiversitĂ©, partager les savoirs... Il montre ainsi comment la recherche contribue Ă  l'amĂ©lioration des conditions de vie et Ă  la prĂ©servation de l'environnement dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement, en soulignant le rĂŽle de la science pour rĂ©pondre aux dĂ©fis du monde actuel et Ă  venir. ComposĂ© de textes courts, didactiques et richement illustrĂ©s, il s'adresse Ă  tous les publics

    Cartographier les ressources pour gérer les priorités

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    International audienceComment, depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies, la recherche scientifique contribue-t-elle au dĂ©veloppement des pays du Sud ? À travers plus de 100 succĂšs emblĂ©matiques de la recherche en partenariat, cet ouvrage nous plonge au coeur des grandes questions de dĂ©veloppement : oeuvrer pour des sociĂ©tĂ©s plus justes, lutter contre les maladies, faire face aux risques naturels, mettre en place une agriculture durable garantissant la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, prĂ©server la biodiversitĂ©, partager les savoirs... Il montre ainsi comment la recherche contribue Ă  l'amĂ©lioration des conditions de vie et Ă  la prĂ©servation de l'environnement dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement, en soulignant le rĂŽle de la science pour rĂ©pondre aux dĂ©fis du monde actuel et Ă  venir. ComposĂ© de textes courts, didactiques et richement illustrĂ©s, il s'adresse Ă  tous les publics