9 research outputs found

    Workaholism in Brazil: measurement and individual differences

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    The aim of this research is the measurement and assessment of individual differences of workaholism in Brazil, an important issue which affects the competitiveness of companies. The WART 15-PBV was applied to a sample of 153 managers from companies located in Brazil, 82 (53.6%) women and 71 (46.4%) men. Ages ranged from 20 to 69 years with an average value of 41 (SD=9.06). We analyzed, on one hand, the factor structure of the questionnaire, its internal consistency and convergent (with the Dutch Work Addiction Scale - DUWAS) and criterion validity (with General Health Questionnaire - GHQ). On the other hand, we analyzed individual gender differences on workaholism. WART15-PBV has good psychometric properties, and evidence for convergent and criterion validity. Females and males differed on Impaired Communication / self-Absorption dimension. This dimension has a direct effect only on men's health perception, while Compulsive tendencies dimension has a direct effect for both genders. The findings suggest the WART15-PBV is a valid measure of workaholism that would contribute to the workers' health and their professional and personal life, in order to encourage adequate conditions in the workplace taking into account workers' individual differences

    Fibroma ameloblástico : relato de caso

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    O Fibroma Ameloblástico é um tumor odontogênico misto tradicionalmente considerado como sendo formado pelos tecidos epitelial e conjuntivo, porém não produzindo estruturas dentais calcificadas. Embora algumas vezes tenha sido confundido com Ameloblastoma, atualmente suas diferenças histomorfológicas, faixa etária e comportamento clínico estão bem estabelecidas. É relatado o caso de um fibromaameloblástico comprometendo a hemi-mandíbula de uma paciente.A case of Ameloblastic Fibroma appearing in the posterior part of the mandible is presented. The histopathologic, roentgenologic and clinical aspects are discussed. The rapid growth and the size acqui red are emphasized. The treatment is conservative but the tumor needs close follow up for possible recurrence

    Cisto ósseo aneurismático : apresentação de um caso (+)

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    Os autores apresentam utrn caso clínico de cisto ósseo aneurismático, discutindo sua patogênese e aspectos clínicos e microscópicos.The authors present a clinical case of aneurysmathic bone cyst, discussing its pathogenesis and histologycal and clinicalaspects

    Fibrossarcoma : relato de caso

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    É apresentado o caso de um paciente de 13 anos de idade, com uma lesão exofítica localizada no tecido mucoso gengival por lingual do 44 e 45, que recebeu laudo histopatológico de fibromixoma e como tal foi operado. O exame histológico da peça cirúrgica revelou tratar-se de um fibrossarcoma, tumor maligno raro na cavidade oral.The case of a 13-year-old patient is presented, with an exophytic lesion located in the gingival mucosal tissue by lingual 44 and 45, who received a histopathological report of fibromyxoma and was operated as such. Histological examination of the surgical specimen revealed that it was a fibrosarcoma, a rare malignant tumor in the oral cavity

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Workaholism in Brazil: measurement and individual differences

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    The aim of this research is the measurement and assessment of individual differences of workaholism in Brazil, an important issue which affects the competitiveness of companies. The WART 15-PBV was applied to a sample of 153 managers from companies located in Brazil, 82 (53.6%) women and 71 (46.4%) men. Ages ranged from 20 to 69 years with an average value of 41 (SD=9.06). We analyzed, on one hand, the factor structure of the questionnaire, its internal consistency and convergent (with the Dutch Work Addiction Scale - DUWAS) and criterion validity (with General Health Questionnaire - GHQ). On the other hand, we analyzed individual gender differences on workaholism. WART15-PBV has good psychometric properties, and evidence for convergent and criterion validity. Females and males differed on Impaired Communication / self-Absorption dimension. This dimension has a direct effect only on men's health perception, while Compulsive tendencies dimension has a direct effect for both genders. The findings suggest the WART15-PBV is a valid measure of workaholism that would contribute to the workers' health and their professional and personal life, in order to encourage adequate conditions in the workplace taking into account workers' individual differences

    O muiraquitã da estearia da Boca do Rio, Santa Helena, Maranhão: estudo arqueológico, mineralógico e simbólico

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