21 research outputs found

    Self-rated health in middle-aged and elderly Chinese : distribution, determinants and associations with cardio-metabolic risk factors

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    Background: Self-rated health (SRH) has been demonstrated to be an accurate reflection of a person's health and a valid predictor of incident mortality and chronic morbidity. We aimed to evaluate the distribution and factors associated with SRH and its association with biomarkers of cardio-metabolic diseases among middle-aged and elderly Chinese. Methods: Survey of 1,458 men and 1,831 women aged 50 to 70 years, conducted in one urban and two rural areas of Beijing and Shanghai in 2005. SRH status was measured and categorized as good (very good and good) vs. not good (fair, poor and very poor). Determinants of SRH and associations with biomarkers of cardio-metabolic diseases were evaluated using logistic regression. Results: Thirty two percent of participants reported good SRH. Males and rural residents tended to report good SRH. After adjusting for potential confounders, residence, physical activity, employment status, sleep quality and presence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression were the main determinants of SRH. Those free from cardiovascular disease (OR 3.68; 95%CI 2.39; 5.66), rural residents (OR 1.89; 95% CI 1.47; 2.43), non-depressed participants (OR 2.50; 95% CI 1.67; 3.73) and those with good sleep quality (OR 2.95; 95% CI 2.22; 3.91) had almost twice or over the chance of reporting good SRH compared to their counterparts. There were significant associations -and trend- between SRH and levels of inflammatory markers, insulin levels and insulin resistance. Conclusion: Only one third of middle-aged and elderly Chinese assessed their health status as good or very good. Although further longitudinal studies are required to confirm our findings, interventions targeting social inequalities, lifestyle patterns might not only contribute to prevent chronic morbidity but as well to improve populations' perceived health

    Matrix Rigidity Induces Osteolytic Gene Expression of Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells

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    Nearly 70% of breast cancer patients with advanced disease will develop bone metastases. Once established in bone, tumor cells produce factors that cause changes in normal bone remodeling, such as parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP). While enhanced expression of PTHrP is known to stimulate osteoclasts to resorb bone, the environmental factors driving tumor cells to express PTHrP in the early stages of development of metastatic bone disease are unknown. In this study, we have shown that tumor cells known to metastasize to bone respond to 2D substrates with rigidities comparable to that of the bone microenvironment by increasing expression and production of PTHrP. The cellular response is regulated by Rho-dependent actomyosin contractility mediated by TGF-ß signaling. Inhibition of Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) using both pharmacological and genetic approaches decreased PTHrP expression. Furthermore, cells expressing a dominant negative form of the TGF-ß receptor did not respond to substrate rigidity, and inhibition of ROCK decreased PTHrP expression induced by exogenous TGF-ß. These observations suggest a role for the differential rigidity of the mineralized bone microenvironment in early stages of tumor-induced osteolysis, which is especially important in metastatic cancer since many cancers (such as those of the breast and lung) preferentially metastasize to bone

    Interactions of emotion and anxiety on visual working memory performance

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    It is a widely observed finding that emotion and anxiety interact; highly stressed or anxious individuals show robust attentional biases towards external negative information. More generally, research has suggested that exposure to threatening stimuli, as well as the experience of acute stress, also may impair top-down attentional control and working memory. In the current study, we investigated how the influence of emotion and anxiety may interact to influence working memory performance. Participants were required to encode the orientation of four simple shapes, eight, or four shapes while filtering out four other irrelevant shapes from memory. Before memory displays, an irrelevant neutral or fearful face cue also was presented. Memory performance was found to interact with self-reported state anxiety and cue valence; on neutral cue trials, state anxiety was negatively correlated with performance. This effect was absent following a fear cue. In addition, filtering efficiency was negatively associated with state anxiety solely following a fear cue. Our findings suggest that state anxiety’s influence to visual working memory can be strongly modulated by external signals to threat. Most crucially, rather than anxious individuals having greater difficulty rejecting external threatening information, we observed that external threat may in its own right generally impair filtering efficiency in anxious individuals


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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on palvelutuotteen hinnoittelun kehittäminen. Tutkimuksen kohteena on Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky. Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky on Vaasassa toimiva tili- ja isännöintitoimisto, joka tarjoaa taloushallinto- ja isännöintipalveluita yrityksille. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittää Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky:n isännöitsijän palvelutuotteiden hinnoittelua. Hinnoittelumenetelmäksi valittiin toimintoperusteinen hinnoittelu, jonka lähtökohtana on selvittää asiakaskohtaisia välillisiä kustannuksia. Kysymys oli suorite-kohtaisten kustannusten laskemisesta, eli toimintoperusteisesta prosessilaskennasta. Toimintoperusteinen prosessilaskenta tukee hinnoittelun päätöstä. Toiminto-analyysin jälkeen selvitettiin resurssien kohdistumista yrityksen eri toiminnoille. Aluksi selvitettiin yrityksen kustannusajuri, jonka perusteella kustannukset on kohdistettu eri toiminnoille. Seuraavaksi selvitettiin toimintoajurin avulla toimintoihin liittyvät yksikkökustannukset. Tuotteiden hinnoittelussa myyntihinnan on tarkoituksena sisältää kaikkien kustannusten lisäksi voittotavoite. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuuden keskeisiä asioita ovat toimintoperusteisen kustannuslaskennan, sekä hinnoittelun perusteiden esittely. Niiden avulla voidaan perustella hinnoittelupäätöstä tukeva toimintolaskenta. Opinnäytetyössä esitellään lisäksi kustannusperusteista hinnoittelua sekä isännöintiä ja tilitoimistoa yleisesti. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kvalitatiivista eli laadullista tutkimusta. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuuteen käytettiin toimintolaskennan, taloushallinnon alan sekä hinnoittelun teoriaan liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Aineistonkeruussa havainnoitiin yrityksen tilinpäätöstä vuodelta 2016 ja yrityksen toimintaa liittyviä ohjelmia sekä tietokantoja. Lisäksi haastateltiin Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky:n omistajaa ja työntekijöitä.This research was designed to develop the used pricing method for the case firm Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky. The main area of this research focused on the main service products in property management. The case firm offers financial accounting and management services to house companies and other customer companies. Activity based costing was selected as the new pricing method in order to identify the customer-specific indirect costs. The aim of activity-based costing was to support pricing decisions for the case firm. In the implementation steps, activities must be identified first, and then the process continues with an activity analysis. Once the costs of activity and its drivers have been identified and its costs have been determined, then the costs of activity is allocated to the service product. In the allocation process, when the activity driver has been determined, the cost per unit can then be determined. Once the product cost per unit has been determined then the case firm considers the generated value of its service product, so the pricing of all the service product sales cover the fixed expenses with any remaining contribution margin providing profits. The theoretical study of this thesis introduced activity based costing and pricing to support activity based cost implementation and pricing decisions. In addition, it introduced cost based pricing and property management business and accounting firms in general. This research was implemented using the qualitative research method. The research material consists of related activity based costing, financial management, management accounting and pricing literature. The theoretical information was gathered from scientific research, academic books and some material was collect-ed from the Internet. The empirical data in this research was gathered by observing the case company’s financial statement from the year 2016 together with some business activities related programs and databases. In addition, was collected by interviewing the case company owner and the other employers of the company