1,929 research outputs found

    Proyecto de ejecución para 14 viviendas, trasteros y sótano en calle Doña Sol de San Antón, Cartagena

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    El solar se encuentra situado en San Antón, tiene forma irregular con una superficie de 1321.00 m2, se encuentra delimitado por la calle Doña Sol en su fachada Norte, Travesía Mío Cid en su fachada Este, la Calle Tres en su fachada Oeste y resto de la manzana a la que pertenece en su fachada Sur. La información necesaria para la redacción del proyecto (geometría, dimensiones, superficie del solar de su propiedad e información urbanística), ha sido aportada por el promotor para ser incorporada a la presente memoria.Escuela de Arquitectura e Ingeniería de EdificaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Análisis y diseño estructural de viviendas sismo resistentes, construidas con caña guadúa, sustentado en la NEC- SE- guadúa y la NRS-10 título G

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    Las estructuras construidas con caña guadúa o madera, forman parte de sistemas constructivos estigmatizados como viviendas para sectores de bajos recursos, debido a la construcción con escasos criterios de durabilidad, mantenimiento y el uso inadecuado de las normas de construcción vigentes en nuestro país, dejando de lado sus características de flexibilidad y ligereza, las mismas que generan un efecto significativo y un comportamiento adecuado ante la presencia de un sismo. El Análisis y Diseño de viviendas construidas con caña guadúa, mediante la definición de metodologías de diseño descritas en la NEC- SE- GUADUA y en el REGLAMENTO COLOMBIANO DE CONSTRUCCIÓN SISMO RESISTENTE – TITULO G – ESTRUCTURAS DE MADERA Y ESTRUCTURAS DE GUADUA (NRS- 10), permite la evaluación de las características físico mecánicas de la caña guadúa para el análisis y diseño estructural de viviendas y sus conexiones, solicitadas a cargas sísmicas mediante el uso de AUTODESK ROBOT. Se muestran los criterios utilizados para el desarrollo del análisis experimental del material, mediante el uso de la MTE INEN 2, cuyos resultados son considerados como base fundamental para el diseño de una vivienda con caña guadúa, cuyo procedimiento en el programa ROBOT, se indica mediante capturas de pantalla. Finalmente, a través de la comparación de las normativas, se evalúan los resultados y la factibilidad del uso de la caña guadúa como material estructural

    The strength of the association between heterozygosity and probability of interannual local recruitment increases with environmental harshness in blue tits

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    The extent of inbreeding depression and the magnitude of heterozygosity–fitness correlations (HFC) have been suggested to depend on the environmental context in which they are assayed, but little evidence is available for wild populations. We combine extensive molecular and capture–mark–recapture data from a blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) population to (1) analyze the relationship between heterozygosity and probability of interannual adult local recruitment and (2) test whether environmental stress imposed by physiologically suboptimal temperatures and rainfall influence the magnitude of HFC. To address these questions, we used two different arrays of microsatellite markers: 14 loci classified as neutral and 12 loci classified as putatively functional. We found significant relationships between heterozygosity and probability of interannual local recruitment that were most likely explained by variation in genomewide heterozygosity. The strength of the association between heterozygosity and probability of interannual local recruitment was positively associated with annual accumulated precipitation. Annual mean heterozygosity increased over time, which may have resulted from an overall positive selection on heterozygosity over the course of the study period. Finally, neutral and putatively functional loci showed similar trends, but the former had stronger effect sizes and seemed to better reflect genomewide heterozygosity. Overall, our results show that HFC can be context dependent, emphasizing the need to consider the role of environmental heterogeneity as a key factor when exploring the consequences of individual genetic diversity on fitness in natural populations.Peer reviewe

    LSTM based voice conversion for laryngectomees

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    This paper describes a voice conversion system designed withthe aim of improving the intelligibility and pleasantness of oe-sophageal voices. Two different systems have been built, oneto transform the spectral magnitude and another one for thefundamental frequency, both based on DNNs. Ahocoder hasbeen used to extract the spectral information (mel cepstral co-efficients) and a specific pitch extractor has been developed tocalculate the fundamental frequency of the oesophageal voices.The cepstral coefficients are converted by means of an LSTMnetwork. The conversion of the intonation curve is implementedthrough two different LSTM networks, one dedicated to thevoiced unvoiced detection and another one for the predictionof F0 from the converted cepstral coefficients. The experi-ments described here involve conversion from one oesophagealspeaker to a specific healthy voice. The intelligibility of thesignals has been measured with a Kaldi based ASR system. Apreference test has been implemented to evaluate the subjectivepreference of the obtained converted voices comparing themwith the original oesophageal voice. The results show that spec-tral conversion improves ASR while restoring the intonation ispreferred by human listenersThis work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministryof Economy and Competitiveness with FEDER support (RE-STORE project, TEC2015-67163-C2-1-R), the Basque Govern-ment (BerbaOla project, KK-2018/00014) and from the Euro-pean Unions H2020 research and innovation programme un-der the Marie Curie European Training Network ENRICH(675324)

    Plasmon-enhanced magneto-optical activity in ferromagnetic membranes

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    Experimental and theoretical evidence of plasmon-enhanced Kerr rotation in purely ferromagnetic membranes with sufficiently small dimensions to be out of extraordinary optical transmission conditions (45 nm pore diameter, 90nm lattice constant), is reported in this work. It is shown that the spectral location of the enhanced Kerr rotation region varies as the refractive index of the material inside the pore is modified. A similar behavior is obtained if the pore radius changes while keeping the pore concentration unchanged. Those are clear signatures indicating that localized surface plasmon resonances propagating along the pores govern the magneto-optical response of the membraneWe acknowledge Spanish MICINN (Grant Nos. MAT2008-06765-C02-01/NAN, CSD2008-00023, and MAT2007-65420-C02-01), CSIC (Grant No. PIF 200560F0121 BIOPTOMAG), CM(Grant No. S-0505/MAT/0194 NANOMAGNET), and European Commission (Grant No. NMP3-SL-2008-214107-Nanomagma) for financial support.Peer reviewe

    Metazoan evolution of glutamate receptors reveals unreported phylogenetic groups and divergent lineage-specific events

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    Glutamate receptors are divided in two unrelated families: ionotropic (iGluR), driving synaptic transmission, and metabotropic (mGluR), which modulate synaptic strength. The present classification of GluRs is based on vertebrate proteins and has remained unchanged for over two decades. Here we report an exhaustive phylogenetic study of GluRs in metazoans. Importantly, we demonstrate that GluRs have followed different evolutionary histories in separated animal lineages. Our analysis reveals that the present organization of iGluRs into six classes does not capture the full complexity of their evolution. Instead, we propose an organization into four subfamilies and ten classes, four of which have never been previously described. Furthermore, we report a sister class to mGluR classes I-III, class IV. We show that many unreported proteins are expressed in the nervous system, and that new Epsilon receptors form functional ligand-gated ion channels. We propose an updated classification of glutamate receptors that includes our findings

    Paradigmatic de novo GRIN1 variants recapitulate pathophysiological mechanisms underlying GRIN1-related disorder clinical spectrum

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    Background: GRIN-related disorders (GRD), the so-called grinpathies, is a group of rare encephalopathies caused by mutations affecting GRIN genes (mostly GRIN1, GRIN2A and GRIN2B genes), which encode for the GluN subunit of the N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) type ionotropic glutamate receptors. A growing number of functional studies indicate that GRIN-encoded GluN1 subunit disturbances can be dichotomically classified into gain- and loss-of-function, although intermediate complex scenarios are often present. Methods: In this study, we aimed to delineate the structural and functional alterations of GRIN1 disease-associated variants, and their correlations with clinical symptoms in a Spanish cohort of 15 paediatric encephalopathy patients harbouring these variants. Results: Patients harbouring GRIN1 disease-associated variants have been clinically deeplyphenotyped. Further, using computational and in vitro approaches, we identified different critical checkpoints affecting GluN1 biogenesis (protein stability, subunit assembly and surface trafficking) and/or NMDAR biophysical properties, and their association with GRD clinical symptoms. Conclusions: Our findings show a strong correlation between GRIN1 variants-associated structural and functional outcomes. This structural-functional stratification provides relevant insights of genotypephenotype association, contributing to future precision medicine of GRIN1-related encephalo

    Differential role of the RasGEFs Sos1 and Sos2 in mouse skin homeostasis and carcinogenesis

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    Using Sos1 knockout (Sos1-KO), Sos2-KO, and Sos1/2 double-knockout (Sos1/2-DKO) mice, we assessed the functional role of Sos1 and Sos2 in skin homeostasis under physiological and/or pathological conditions. Sos1 depletion resulted in significant alterations of skin homeostasis, including reduced keratinocyte proliferation, altered hair follicle and blood vessel integrity in dermis, and reduced adipose tissue in hypodermis. These defects worsened significantly when both Sos1 and Sos2 were absent. Simultaneous Sos1/2 disruption led to severe impairment of the ability to repair skin wounds, as well as to almost complete ablation of the neutrophil-mediated inflammatory response in the injury site. Furthermore, Sos1 disruption delayed the onset of tumor initiation, decreased tumor growth, and prevented malignant progression of papillomas in a DMBA (7,12-dimethylbenz[α]anthracene)/TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate)-induced skin carcinogenesis model. Finally, Sos1 depletion in preexisting chemically induced papillomas resulted also in decreased tumor growth, probably linked to significantly reduced underlying keratinocyte proliferation. Our data unveil novel, distinctive mechanistic roles of Sos 1 and Sos2 in physiological control of skin homeostasis and wound repair, as well as in pathological development of chemically induced skin tumors. These observations underscore the essential role of Sos proteins in cellular proliferation and migration and support the consideration of these RasGEFs as potential biomarkers/therapy targets in Ras-driven epidermal tumors.This study was supported by grants FIS PI16/02137 from ISCIII (MINECO), SA043U16 (UIC 076) from JCyL, and AECC Spain (to E.S.); by MINECO grant SAF2015-66015-R; and by MSyC grants ISCIII-RETIC RD12/0036/0009, PIE 15/00076, and CB/16/00228 (to J.M.P.). This research was cofinanced by FEDER fund

    Development of skills and contents on wildlife within the Degree of Veterinary Medicine and Master's Degree of Animal Medicine, Healthcare and Improvement

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    El número y variedad de especies silvestres presentes en Andalucía hacen de esta Comunidad una de las regiones de mayor biodiversidad de Europa. Así mismo, los cambios en materia medioambiental producidos en la sociedad en las últimas décadas se han visto reflejados en una mayor integración y unificación de los distintos mecanismos de conservación y aprovechamiento de recursos naturales. Todo ello, implica una mayor demanda por parte de la sociedad de profesionales cualificados en materia de biología, gestión, sanidad y conservación de las especies silvestres. El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue proporcionar a los estudiantes de Grado en Veterinaria y Máster en Medicina, Sanidad y Mejora Animal de la Universidad de Córdoba (UCO; España), competencias, habilidades y destrezas necesarias para su desarrollo profesional en materia de biología, gestión, sanidad y conservación de las especies silvestres. Este estudio implicó la participación de un equipo multidisciplinar de profesores de diversas Áreas de conocimiento. En total, han participado 10 profesores y dos becarios de dos Departamentos y tres Áreas de conocimiento diferentes. Los resultados del estudio implicaron también el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías y material didáctico que se incorporó a la docencia teórico-práctica de cinco asignaturas del Grado en Veterinaria y del Máster Máster en Medicina, Sanidad y Mejora Animal. Un total de 105 alumnos matriculados en las asignaturas Enfermedades infecciosas en el Grado en Veterinaria y Enfermedades en animales silvestres y de zoológico en el Máster en Medicina, Sanidad y Mejora Animal de la UCO participaron en 28 salidas entre los meses de octubre de 2015 y junio de 2016. Las actividades realizadas permitieron a los estudiantes adquirir competencias básicas, transversales y específicas relacionadas con las principales funciones del veterinario que desarrolla su actividad profesional en el ámbito de la fauna silvestre y habilidades y destrezas relativas a la identifiación de especies silvestres, identificación de lesiones y técnicas de toma de muestras biológicas en estas especies. Además, los resultados de este estudio ha permitido elaborar material audiovisual y material biológico dirigidos a la asimilación de conceptos teóricos-prácticos de las diferentes asignaturas.The diversity of wildlife species present in Andalusia makes this community one of the most biodiverse within Europe. Furthermore, the environmental changes affecting the society over the last few decades show a greater integration and unification of conservation mechanisms and exploitation of natural resources. These factors implicate an higher demand of specialists in biology, management, healthcare and wildlife conservation. The main objective of this study was to provide undergraduates studying the Degree in Veterinary Medicine as well as postgraduates studying the Master's Degree in Animal Medicine, Health and Improvement at the University of Cordoba (Spain), the skills and abilities needed for their professional training, particularly across biology, management, health and wildlife conservation. This work involved the cooperation of a multidisciplinary team which included professors from different fields of knowledge. The present study was carried out by 10 professors and two PhD students from two departments and three fields of knowledge. New methodologies and teaching materials were developed and implemented as theoretical and practical teaching in at least four subjects of the Degree in Veterinary Medicine and another one in the Master's Degree in Animal Medicine, Healthcare and Improvement. A total of 105 students participated in 28 external fieldwork between October 2015 and June 2016. The activities enabled students to obtain basic, transversal and specif skills in the Degree in Veterinary Medicine related to the main functions of the wildlife vets, including species and diseases recognition and sampling methods in wildlife. Moreover, biological and audiovisual tools were developed in order to help the assimilation of theoretical-practical concepts of the differents subjets