3 research outputs found
Systemin-dependent salinity tolerance in tomato: evidence of specific convergence of abiotic and biotic stress responses
- Author
- Abe
- Alfano
- Anderson
- Bergey
- Bostok
- Boter
- Bressan
- Capiati
- Chen
- Cheong
- Cheong
- Claussen
- Constabel
- Corrado
- Dalton
- De La Noval
- Dombrowski
- Godoy
- Guerrier
- Hasegawa
- Hoagland
- Lanfermeijer
- Lee
- Li
- Li
- Livak
- Maggio
- Maggio
- Maggio
- Maggio
- Maggio
- McGurl
- Munns
- Narváez-Vásquez
- Orozco-Cardenas
- Pearce
- Pei
- Pokalsky
- Quarrie
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Salah
- Schroeder
- Tallman
- Verslues
- Wang
- Willekens
- Xiong
- Xu
- Zhu
- Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cell walls as a stage for intercellular communication regulating shoot meristem development
- Author
- Abrash
- Abrash
- Amano
- Bainbridge
- Barbosa
- Barkoulas
- Bartrina
- Bayer
- Benková
- Berger
- Besnard
- Bishopp
- Bleckmann
- Boisson-Dernier
- Boutté
- Bowman
- Brand
- Braybrook
- Bryan
- Bürkle
- Cedzich
- Chandler
- Chen
- Cheng
- Cheung
- Chickarmane
- Cleary
- Cleland
- Cleland
- Cock
- Davies
- De Rybel
- DeYoung
- DeYoung
- Efroni
- Engineer
- Fischer
- Fleming
- Fletcher
- Furutani
- Gajdošová
- Giulini
- Goh
- Gordon
- Green
- Greenboim-Wainberg
- Grones
- Guenot
- Guilfoyle
- Guo
- Hamant
- Hara
- Hara
- Hay
- Heisler
- Heisler
- Hirose
- Hohm
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hématy
- Höfte
- Jean
- Jönsson
- Kawamura
- Kieber
- Kierzkowski
- Kinoshita
- Ko
- Komori
- Kondo
- Kondo
- Kudo
- Kudoyarova
- Köllmer
- Laloue
- Lee
- Leibfried
- Li
- Luschnig
- Löbler
- Marhavý
- Matsubayashi
- Matsubayashi
- Matsubayashi
- Matsubayashi
- Mayer
- McQueen-Mason
- Miwa
- Motyka
- Murray
- Müller
- Nagawa
- Nakagawa
- Nakamura
- Nakayama
- Narváez-Vásquez
- Ogawa
- Ogawa-Ohnishi
- Ohki
- Ohyama
- Okada
- O’Connor
- Paredez
- Pearce
- Peaucelle
- Peaucelle
- Peaucelle
- Pien
- Qi
- Reinhardt
- Reinhardt
- Robert
- Sakakibara
- Salehin
- Sampathkumar
- Sassi
- Scarpella
- Schaller
- Schoof
- Schuetz
- Shani
- Shih
- Shinohara
- Shpak
- Sloan
- Smith
- Srivastava
- Steeves
- Stoma
- Su
- Sugano
- Sun
- Tamaki
- Thomas
- Torii
- Tsugeki
- Uchida
- Uchida
- Uchida
- Uyttewaal
- Vieten
- von Schwartzenberg
- Wang
- Werner
- Williamson
- Willige
- Wolf
- Wymer
- Xiao
- Xu
- Yanai
- Yang
- Yoshida
- Zhao
- Zhao
- Zhu
- Zourelidou
- Publication venue
- 'Frontiers Media SA'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Danger signals – damaged-self recognition across the tree of life
- Author
- Alan
- Albert
- Allam
- Amarante
- Anders
- Arimura
- Arnold
- Barrett
- Bartels
- Beneloujaephajri
- Benikhlef
- Bergey
- Binder
- Bricchi
- Campana
- Campos
- Chen
- Chen
- Chivasa
- Chivasa
- Choi
- Constabel
- Creelman
- Dangl
- Delaunois
- Demidchik
- Demidchik
- Dilantha-Fernando
- Doares
- Docherty
- Doke
- Dorokhov
- Duran-Flores
- Dwyer
- Elsner
- Engelberth
- Escamilla-Tilch
- Fromm
- Frost
- Gallo
- Gallucci
- Garg
- Gombault
- Goodrich-Tanrikulu
- Graham
- Green
- Grosser
- Hann
- Heil
- Heil
- Heil
- Heil
- Heil
- Heil
- Heil
- Hernández-Oñate
- Hirsiger
- Ibrahim
- Ivison
- Jones
- Kaczorowski
- Kang
- Kau
- Kawai
- Kawai
- Kawate
- Kim
- Kobayashi
- Komarova
- Korneef
- Kucenas
- Kyriakis
- Lamb
- Land
- Land
- Land
- Land
- Land
- Latz
- Lee
- Lee
- Lemaitre
- Leon
- León
- Li
- Liu
- Logemann
- Maffei
- Maffei
- Maffei
- Mattiacci
- Matzinger
- Matzinger
- McCarthy
- Metchnikoff
- Ming
- Mithöfer
- Mittler
- Moreno-Garcia
- Márquez
- Métraux
- Nachmani
- Narváez-Vásquez
- Nellimarla
- Norman
- Okamura
- Orozco-Cardenas
- Partida-Martinez
- Partida-Martinez
- Partida-Martinez
- Patel
- Pearce
- Peri
- Pieterse
- Pittman
- Poltorak
- Rajendran
- Ranf
- Riteau
- Rock
- Ross
- Rusmin
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Scala
- Schaefer
- Schaller
- Scheer
- Schultz
- Schulz
- Seigneuric
- Shah
- Shi
- Simmons
- Smékalová
- Sollinger
- Stankovic
- Stennis
- Suzuki
- Szczegielniak
- Takahashi
- Takeuchi
- Tamura
- Tanaka
- Tenhaken
- Thaler
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Tintor
- Ton
- Torres
- Trinchieri
- Tsai
- Tschopp
- Tsung
- Turlings
- Turnbaugh
- Wasternack
- Weissflog
- Wenceslau
- Wiesemeier
- Wilson
- Wood
- Wu
- Wu
- Wu
- Yamaguchi
- Yi
- Zeiser
- Zeringue
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhong
- Zipfel
- Publication venue
- 'Frontiers Media SA'
- Publication date
- Field of study