995 research outputs found

    Solving the division of labour problem using stigmergy and evolved heterogeneity (abstract)

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    Evolving cooperative teams is a research area with applications in the fields of robotics and software agents. Progress on this problem could also help us to understand the evolution of cooperation in natural systems such as the social insects. The overarching question is how cooperative teams should be represented in order to promote efficient evolutionary search. More specifically, what should serve as our basic unit of selection— the individual or the team? —and how can the division-of-labour problem be solved? In order to answer these questions we have taken a benchmark problem from the genetic programming (GP) literature, the artificial ant problem, and extended it so that teams of ants must cooperate to complete the task. In this model, the ants are centrally placed in a bounded grid with each square containing food. The goal of the team is to harvest all the food in the environment in as few moves as possible. In the initial version of the problem, the members of the team are all clones, each having exactly the same GP controller program. Many solutions will have poor performance as the team members will all behave in the same way, and will therefore fail to cover the grid efficiently. To perform better, the ants must evolve to take advantage of stigmergic interactions to break the symmetry of the problem and clear the world of food efficiently. This division of labour through stigmergy is indeed what is seen to evolve during the simulations. A further extension is made by assigning each member of the team an identity tag, and adding the ability to execute different subtrees of the cloned controller based on this tag. When these operations are allowed, higher fitnesses are achieved than with the purely stigmergic situation above. During evolution, selection acts at the team level. We can therefore view the members of the team as being equivalent to cells in a multicellular organism. The identity branching operation is analogous to cell differentiation within this abstract organism. Using this scheme, the degree of differentiation is not specified a-priori and is controllable through evolution. This allows the full continuum from purely homogeneous teams to entirely heterogeneous teams to be expressed. There is also the potential to use this method as a way of measuring the degree to which a task demands heterogeneous solutions. The relative importance of stigmergy and innate heterogeneity in achieving the necessary division of labour were compared with a third experimental manipulation. The ability to influence each other stigmergically was removed by placing each ant in it’s own world and tallying the pieces of food consumed by the team as a whole. In this scenario, the most efficient way to tackle the problem is for the team to evolve complete heterogeneity. We conclude that the division-of-labour problem in the evolution of cooperative teams can be solved by both stigmergic communication and innate heterogeneity. Furthermore, the technique of allowing the level of heterogeneity of the team to be open to selection shows promise for future work

    Bifurcations of discrete breathers in a diatomic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain

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    Discrete breathers are time-periodic, spatially localized solutions of the equations of motion for a system of classical degrees of freedom interacting on a lattice. Such solutions are investigated for a diatomic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain, i. e., a chain of alternate heavy and light masses coupled by anharmonic forces. For hard interaction potentials, discrete breathers in this model are known to exist either as ``optic breathers'' with frequencies above the optic band, or as ``acoustic breathers'' with frequencies in the gap between the acoustic and the optic band. In this paper, bifurcations between different types of discrete breathers are found numerically, with the mass ratio m and the breather frequency omega as bifurcation parameters. We identify a period tripling bifurcation around optic breathers, which leads to new breather solutions with frequencies in the gap, and a second local bifurcation around acoustic breathers. These results provide new breather solutions of the FPU system which interpolate between the classical acoustic and optic modes. The two bifurcation lines originate from a particular ``corner'' in parameter space (omega,m). As parameters lie near this corner, we prove by means of a center manifold reduction that small amplitude solutions can be described by a four-dimensional reversible map. This allows us to derive formally a continuum limit differential equation which characterizes at leading order the numerically observed bifurcations.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study

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    Large composite structures manufactured out-of-autoclave require the assembly and bonding of multiple parts. A one-shot cure manufacturing method is demonstrated using powder epoxy. Lap shear plates were manufactured from powder epoxy and glass fiber-reinforced plastic with four different bonding cases were assessed: secondary bonding using standard adhesive film, secondary bonding using powder epoxy, co-curing, and co-curing plus a novel Z-pinning method. This work investigates the lap shear strength of the four cases in accordance with ISO 4587:2003. Damage mechanisms and fracture behavior were explored using digital image correlation (DIC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. VTFA400 adhesive had a load at break 24.8% lower than secondary bonding using powder epoxy. Co-curing increased the load at break by 7.8% compared to powder epoxy secondary bonding, with the co-cured and pinned joint resulting in a 45.4% increase. In the co-cured and co-cured plus pinned cases, DIC indicated premature failure due to resin spew. SEM indicated shear failure of resin areas and a large amount of fiber pullout in both these cases, with pinning delaying fracture phenomena resulting in increased lap joint strength. This highlights the potential of powder epoxy for the co-curing of large composite structures out-of-autoclave

    The laurentian record of neoproterozoic glaciation, tectonism, and eukaryotic evolution in Death Vally, California

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    Neoproterozoic strata in Death Valley, California contain eukaryotic microfossils and glacial deposits that have been used to assess the severity of putative Snowball Earth events and the biological response to extreme environmental change. These successions also contain evidence for syn-sedimentary faulting that has been related to the rifting of Rodinia, and in turn the tectonic context of the onset of Snowball Earth. These interpretations hinge on local geological relationships and both regional and global stratigraphic correlations. Here we present new geological mapping, measured stratigraphic sections, carbon and strontium isotope chemostratigraphy, and micropaleontology from the Neoproterozoic glacial deposits and bounding strata in Death Valley. These new data enable us to refine regional correlations both across Death Valley and throughout Laurentia, and construct a new age model for glaciogenic strata and microfossil assemblages. Particularly, our remapping of the Kingston Peak Formation in the Saddle Peak Hills and near the type locality shows for the first time that glacial deposits of both the Marinoan and Sturtian glaciations can be distinguished in southeastern Death Valley, and that beds containing vase-shaped microfossils are slump blocks derived from the underlying strata. These slump blocks are associated with multiple overlapping unconformities that developed during syn-sedimentary faulting, which is a common feature of Cyrogenian strata along the margin of Laurentia from California to Alaska. With these data, we conclude that all of the microfossils that have been described to date in Neoproterozoic strata of Death Valley predate the glaciations and do not bear on the severity, extent or duration of Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth events

    Thinking like a man? The cultures of science

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    Culture includes science and science includes culture, but conflicts between the two traditions persist, often seen as clashes between interpretation and knowledge. One way of highlighting this false polarity has been to explore the gendered symbolism of science. Feminism has contributed to science studies and the critical interrogation of knowledge, aware that practical knowledge and scientific understanding have never been synonymous. Persisting notions of an underlying unity to scientific endeavour have often impeded rather than fostered the useful application of knowledge. This has been particularly evident in the recent rise of molecular biology, with its delusory dream of the total conquest of disease. It is equally prominent in evolutionary psychology, with its renewed attempts to depict the fundamental basis of sex differences. Wars over science have continued to intensify over the last decade, even as our knowledge of the political, economic and ideological significance of science funding and research has become ever more apparent

    Designing photonic bandgap fibers for particle acceleration

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    Abstract Photonic bandgap (PBG) fibers with hollow cor

    ‘It Takes Two Hands to Clap’: How Gaddi Shepherds in the Indian Himalayas Negotiate Access to Grazing

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    This article examines the effects of state intervention on the workings of informal institutions that coordinate the communal use and management of natural resources. Specifically it focuses on the case of the nomadic Gaddi shepherds and official attempts to regulate their access to grazing pastures in the Indian Himalayas. It is often predicted that the increased presence of the modern state critically undermines locally appropriate and community-based resource management arrangements. Drawing on the work of Pauline Peters and Francis Cleaver, I identify key instances of socially embedded ‘common’ management institutions and explain the evolution of these arrangements through dynamic interactions between individuals, communities and the agents of the state. Through describing the ‘living space’ of Gaddi shepherds across the annual cycle of nomadic migration with their flocks I explore the ways in which they have been able to creatively reinterpret external interventions, and suggest how contemporary arrangements for accessing pasture at different moments of the annual cycle involve complex combinations of the formal and the informal, the ‘traditional’ and the ‘modern’

    The emerging structure of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: where does Evo-Devo fit in?

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    The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES) debate is gaining ground in contemporary evolutionary biology. In parallel, a number of philosophical standpoints have emerged in an attempt to clarify what exactly is represented by the EES. For Massimo Pigliucci, we are in the wake of the newest instantiation of a persisting Kuhnian paradigm; in contrast, Telmo Pievani has contended that the transition to an EES could be best represented as a progressive reformation of a prior Lakatosian scientific research program, with the extension of its Neo-Darwinian core and the addition of a brand-new protective belt of assumptions and auxiliary hypotheses. Here, we argue that those philosophical vantage points are not the only ways to interpret what current proposals to ‘extend’ the Modern Synthesis-derived ‘standard evolutionary theory’ (SET) entail in terms of theoretical change in evolutionary biology. We specifically propose the image of the emergent EES as a vast network of models and interweaved representations that, instantiated in diverse practices, are connected and related in multiple ways. Under that assumption, the EES could be articulated around a paraconsistent network of evolutionary theories (including some elements of the SET), as well as models, practices and representation systems of contemporary evolutionary biology, with edges and nodes that change their position and centrality as a consequence of the co-construction and stabilization of facts and historical discussions revolving around the epistemic goals of this area of the life sciences. We then critically examine the purported structure of the EES—published by Laland and collaborators in 2015—in light of our own network-based proposal. Finally, we consider which epistemic units of Evo-Devo are present or still missing from the EES, in preparation for further analyses of the topic of explanatory integration in this conceptual framework

    Hyperon weak radiative decays in chiral perturbation theory

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    We investigate the leading-order amplitudes for weak radiative decays of hyperons in chiral perturbation theory. We consistently include contributions from the next-to-leading order weak-interaction Lagrangian. It is shown that due to these terms Hara's theorem is violated. The data for the decays of charged hyperons can be easily accounted for. However, at this order in the chiral expansion, the four amplitudes for the decays of neutral hyperons satisfy relations which are in disagreement with the data. The asymmetry parameters for all the decays can not be accounted for without higher-order terms. We shortly comment on the effect of the 27-plet part of the weak interaction.Comment: 8 pages of REVTeX and using macro-package "feynman.tex" (available at http://xxx.lanl.gov/ftp/hep-ph/papers/macros) for the 2 figure
